Example #1
 def __init__(self, genesis, key, network, env, time_offset=5):
     # Create a chain object
     self.chain = Chain(genesis, env=env)
     # Use the validator's time as the chain's time
     self.chain.time = lambda: self.get_timestamp()
     # My private key
     self.key = key
     # My address
     self.address = privtoaddr(key)
     # My randao
     self.randao = RandaoManager(sha3(self.key))
     # Pointer to the test p2p network
     self.network = network
     # Record of objects already received and processed
     self.received_objects = {}
     # The minimum eligible timestamp given a particular number of skips
     self.next_skip_count = 0
     self.next_skip_timestamp = 0
     # This validator's indices in the state
     self.indices = None
     # Is this validator active?
     self.active = False
     # Code that verifies signatures from this validator
     self.validation_code = generate_validation_code(privtoaddr(key))
     # Parents that this validator has already built a block on
     self.used_parents = {}
     # This validator's clock offset (for testing purposes)
     self.time_offset = random.randrange(time_offset) - (time_offset // 2)
     # Determine the epoch length
     self.epoch_length = self.call_casper('getEpochLength')
     # Give this validator a unique ID
     self.id = len(ids)
     self.cached_head = self.chain.head_hash
Example #2
 def __init__(self, genesis, key, network, env, time_offset=5):
     # Create a chain object
     self.chain = Chain(genesis, env=env)
     # Use the validator's time as the chain's time
     self.chain.time = lambda: self.get_timestamp()
     # My private key
     self.key = key
     # My address
     self.address = privtoaddr(key)
     # My randao
     self.randao = RandaoManager(sha3(self.key))
     # Pointer to the test p2p network
     self.network = network
     # Record of objects already received and processed
     self.received_objects = {}
     # The minimum eligible timestamp given a particular number of skips
     self.next_skip_count = 0
     self.next_skip_timestamp = 0
     # This validator's indices in the state
     self.indices = None
     # Code that verifies signatures from this validator
     self.validation_code = generate_validation_code(privtoaddr(key))
     # Parents that this validator has already built a block on
     self.used_parents = {}
     # This validator's clock offset (for testing purposes)
     self.time_offset = random.randrange(time_offset) - (time_offset // 2)
     # Give this validator a unique ID
     self.id = len(ids)
     self.cached_head = self.chain.head_hash
Example #3
def generate_genesis(path=None, num_participants=1):
    privkeys = [
        utils.sha3(utils.to_string(i)) for i in range(num_participants)
    addrs = [utils.privtoaddr(k) for k in privkeys]
    deposit_sizes = [i * 500 + 500 for i in range(num_participants)]
    randaos = [RandaoManager(utils.sha3(k)) for k in privkeys]

    validators = [(generate_validation_code(a), ds * 10**18, r.get(9999), a)
                  for a, ds, r in zip(addrs, deposit_sizes, randaos)]
    s = make_casper_genesis(validators=validators,
                            alloc={a: {
                                'balance': 10**18
                                   for a in addrs},
    genesis_hash = apply_const_message(
    genesis_number = call_casper(s, 'getBlockNumber')
    print('genesis block hash: %s' % utils.encode_hex(genesis_hash))
    print('genesis block number: %d' % genesis_number)
    print('%d validators: %r' %
          (num_participants, [utils.encode_hex(a) for a in addrs]))

    snapshot = s.to_snapshot()
    header = s.prev_headers[0]
    genesis = {
        "nonce": "0x" + utils.encode_hex(header.nonce),
        "difficulty": utils.int_to_hex(header.difficulty),
        "mixhash": "0x" + utils.encode_hex(header.mixhash),
        "coinbase": "0x" + utils.encode_hex(header.coinbase),
        "timestamp": utils.int_to_hex(header.timestamp),
        "parentHash": "0x" + utils.encode_hex(header.prevhash),
        "extraData": "0x" + utils.encode_hex(header.extra_data),
        "gasLimit": utils.int_to_hex(header.gas_limit),
        "alloc": snapshot["alloc"]

    if path:
        with open(path, 'w') as f:
                      separators=(',', ': '))
        print('casper genesis generated')
        return genesis
Example #4
 def __init__(self, genesis, key, network, env, time_offset=5):
     # Create a chain object
     self.chain = Chain(genesis, env=env)
     # Create a transaction queue
     self.txqueue = TransactionQueue()
     # Use the validator's time as the chain's time
     self.chain.time = lambda: self.get_timestamp()
     # My private key
     self.key = key
     # My address
     self.address = privtoaddr(key)
     # My randao
     self.randao = RandaoManager(sha3(self.key))
     # Pointer to the test p2p network
     self.network = network
     # Record of objects already received and processed
     self.received_objects = {}
     # The minimum eligible timestamp given a particular number of skips
     self.next_skip_count = 0
     self.next_skip_timestamp = 0
     # Is this validator active?
     self.active = False
     # Code that verifies signatures from this validator
     self.validation_code = generate_validation_code(privtoaddr(key))
     # Validation code hash
     self.vchash = sha3(self.validation_code)
     # Parents that this validator has already built a block on
     self.used_parents = {}
     # This validator's clock offset (for testing purposes)
     self.time_offset = random.randrange(time_offset) - (time_offset // 2)
     # Determine the epoch length
     self.epoch_length = self.call_casper('getEpochLength')
     # My minimum gas price
     self.mingasprice = 20 * 10**9
     # Give this validator a unique ID
     self.id = len(ids)
     self.cached_head = self.chain.head_hash
Example #5
import time
import rlp

# config_string = ':info,eth.vm.log:trace,eth.vm.op:trace,eth.vm.stack:trace,eth.vm.exit:trace,eth.pb.msg:trace,eth.pb.tx:debug'
config_string = ':info,eth.vm.log:trace'


print('Initializing privkeys, addresses and randaos for validators')
privkeys = [utils.sha3(str(i)) for i in range(NUM_PARTICIPANTS)]
addrs = [utils.privtoaddr(k) for k in privkeys]
randaos = [RandaoManager(utils.sha3(str(i))) for i in range(NUM_PARTICIPANTS)]
deposit_sizes = [i * 500 + 500 for i in range(NUM_PARTICIPANTS)]
vcodes = [generate_validation_code(a) for a in addrs]
vchashes = [utils.sha3(c) for c in vcodes]
assert len(privkeys) == len(addrs) == len(randaos) == len(deposit_sizes) == len(vcodes) == len(vchashes) == NUM_PARTICIPANTS

# Creating casper contract translator
ct = get_casper_ct()
assert ct
print('Constructing genesis')
s = make_casper_genesis(validators=[(generate_validation_code(a), ds * 10**18, r.get(9999), a)
                                    for a, ds, r in zip(addrs, deposit_sizes, randaos)][:-1],
                        alloc={a: {'balance': 10**18} for a in addrs},
                        timestamp=int(time.time() - 99999),
print('Genesis constructed successfully')
chains = [Chain(s.to_snapshot(), env=s.env) for i in range(NUM_PARTICIPANTS)]
withdrawal_time_1 = call_casper(chains[0].state, 'getLockDuration', [vchashes[0]])
Example #6
s = mk_basic_state({}, None, env=Env(config=casper_config))
s.gas_limit = 10**9
s.prev_headers[0].timestamp = 2
s.timestamp = 2
s.prev_headers[0].difficulty = 1
s.block_difficulty = 1
s.set_code(casper_config['CASPER_ADDR'], get_casper_code())
s.set_code(casper_config['RLP_DECODER_ADDR'], get_rlp_decoder_code())
s.set_code(casper_config['HASH_WITHOUT_BLOOM_ADDR'], get_hash_without_ed_code())
ct = get_casper_ct()
# Add all validators
for k, r, ds in zip(keys, randaos, deposit_sizes):
    a = privtoaddr(k)
    # Leave 1 eth to pay txfees
    s.set_balance(a, (ds + 1) * 10**18)
    t = Transaction(0, 0, 10**8, casper_config['CASPER_ADDR'], ds * 10**18, ct.encode('deposit', [generate_validation_code(a), r.get(9999)])).sign(k)
    success, gas, logs = apply_transaction(s, t)
g = s.to_snapshot()
print 'Genesis state created'

validators = [Validator(g, k, n, Env(config=casper_config), time_offset=4) for k in keys]
n.agents = validators

for i in range(100000):
    # print 'ticking'
    if i % 100 == 0:
        print 'Validator heads:', [v.chain.head.header.number if v.chain.head else None for v in validators]
        print 'Total blocks created:', casper.global_block_counter
Example #7
File: test.py Project: yep/research
from ethereum.slogging import LogRecorder, configure_logging, set_level
# config_string = ':info,eth.vm.log:trace,eth.vm.op:trace,eth.vm.stack:trace,eth.vm.exit:trace,eth.pb.msg:trace,eth.pb.tx:debug'
config_string = ':info,eth.vm.log:trace'

n = networksim.NetworkSimulator(latency=150)
n.time = 2
print 'Generating keys'
keys = [sha3(str(i)) for i in range(20)]
print 'Initializing randaos'
randaos = [RandaoManager(sha3(k)) for k in keys]
deposit_sizes = [128] * 15 + [256] * 5

print 'Creating genesis state'
s = make_casper_genesis(
    validators=[(generate_validation_code(privtoaddr(k)), ds * 10**18,
                for k, ds, r in zip(keys, deposit_sizes, randaos)],
    alloc={privtoaddr(k): {
        'balance': 10**18
           for k in keys},
g = s.to_snapshot()
print 'Genesis state created'

validators = [
    Validator(g, k, n, Env(config=casper_config), time_offset=4) for k in keys
n.agents = validators
Example #8
from ethereum.slogging import LogRecorder, configure_logging, set_level
# config_string = ':info,eth.vm.log:trace,eth.vm.op:trace,eth.vm.stack:trace,eth.vm.exit:trace,eth.pb.msg:trace,eth.pb.tx:debug'
config_string = ':info,eth.vm.log:trace'

n = networksim.NetworkSimulator(latency=150)
n.time = 2
print 'Generating keys'
keys = [sha3(str(i)) for i in range(20)]
print 'Initializing randaos'
randaos = [RandaoManager(sha3(k)) for k in keys]
deposit_sizes = [128] * 15 + [256] * 5

print 'Creating genesis state'
s = make_casper_genesis(validators=[(generate_validation_code(privtoaddr(k)), ds * 10**18, r.get(9999))
                                    for k, ds, r in zip(keys, deposit_sizes, randaos)],
                        alloc={privtoaddr(k): {'balance': 10**18} for k in keys},
g = s.to_snapshot()
print 'Genesis state created'

validators = [Validator(g, k, n, Env(config=casper_config), time_offset=4) for k in keys]
n.agents = validators
lowest_shared_height = -1
made_101_check = 0

for i in range(100000):
    # print 'ticking'