Example #1
class TestEthernetClass(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown,
        # Setup the mock
        mock_interfaces.return_value = ["eth0", "eth1"]
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses

        self.name = "ethernet"
        self.bundle = Ethernet(connection=Mockup())

    def tearDown(self):
        self.bundle = None
            os.remove("%s/data/%s.json" % (dirpath, self.name))
        except OSError:

            os.remove("%s/data/%s.json.backup" % (dirpath, self.name))
        except OSError:

    def test__init__no_iface(self, mock_interfaces):
        init: no interface
        mock_interfaces.return_value = []

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test__init__no_conf(self, mock_interfaces):
        init: no configuration file
        mock_interfaces.return_value = ["eth0"]

        with self.assertRaises(IOError):
            with patch("ethernet.ModelInitiator") as mock_modelinit:
                mock_modelinit.side_effect = IOError

    def test__load__current_conf(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        load: current configuration file
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses

        ifaces = ["eth0", "eth1"]
        self.bundle.load(dirpath, ifaces)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.bundle.model.db))
        for iface in self.bundle.model.db:
            ifname = "eth%d" % (iface["id"] - 1)
            self.assertTrue(ifname in ifaces)

    def test__load__backup_conf(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        load: backup configuration file
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        os.remove("%s/data/%s.json" % (dirpath, self.name))

        ifaces = ["eth0", "eth1"]
        self.bundle.load(dirpath, ifaces)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.bundle.model.db))

    def test__load__no_conf(self):
        load: no configuration file
        # case: cannot load any configuration
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            self.bundle.load("%s/mock" % dirpath, [])

    def test__save(self):
        save: tested in init()
        # Already tested in init()

    def test__apply__iface_down(self, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        apply: set the interface to "down"
        # TODO: how to determine if setting success
        data = {"id": 1, "enable": False}

    def test__apply__iface_up_static(self, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        apply: set the interface to "up" with static IP
        # TODO: how to determine if setting success
        data = {
            "id": 1,
            "enable": True,
            "enableDhcp": False,
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "gateway": ""

    def test__apply__iface_up_dhcp(self, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        apply: set the interface to "up" with dhcp enabled
        # TODO: how to determine if setting success
        data = {"id": 1, "enable": True, "enableDhcp": True}

    def test__apply__iface_unknown(self, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        apply: set an unknown interface
        data = {"id": 0, "enable": True}
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            mock_ifupdown.side_effect = ValueError
            mock_ifconfig.side_effect = ValueError

    def test__read(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        read: read current status and mac
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses

        data = self.bundle.read(1)
        self.assertEqual(True, data["status"])
        self.assertEqual("78:ac:c0:c1:a8:fe", data["mac"])

    def test__read__unknown_iface(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        read: no such interface
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses

        data = self.bundle.read(3)
        self.assertEqual(None, data)
        data = self.bundle.read(0)
        self.assertEqual(None, data)

    def test__get__collection(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        get (/network/ethernets): collection
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: collection
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(2, len(data))

        self.bundle.get(message=message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__get__by_id(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        get (/network/ethernets?id=2)
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: by id
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(2, data[0]["id"])
            self.assertEqual(False, data[0]["status"])
            self.assertEqual("78:ac:c0:c1:a8:ff", data[0]["mac"])

        message.query["id"] = "2"
        self.bundle.get(message=message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__get_by_id(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        get_by_id (/network/ethernets/1)
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: get an interface successfully
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(1, data["id"])
            self.assertEqual(True, data["status"])
            self.assertEqual("78:ac:c0:c1:a8:fe", data["mac"])

        message.param["id"] = 1
        self.bundle.get_by_id(message=message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__get_by_id__unknown_iface(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        get_by_id (/network/ethernets/3): unknown interface
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: get an interface successfully
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(404, code)
            self.assertEqual(data, {"message": "No such device."})

        message.param["id"] = 3
        self.bundle.get_by_id(message=message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__put__no_data(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put (/network/ethernets): no data attribute
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        message = Message({"query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: no data attribute
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(400, code)

        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__put__invalid_json(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put (/network/ethernets): invalid json schema
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,

        # case: invalid json schema

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(400, code)

        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

        message.data.append({"id": 0, "enable": True})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put__partial_success(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put (/network/ethernets): one interface is not exist
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        def mock_put(resource, data):

        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put
        self.bundle.publish.event.put = mock_put

        # case: one interface is not exist (bulk); exist one will be updated
        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # always true for response reply before apply the settings
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)

            "id": 1,
            "enable": True,
            "enableDhcp": False,
            "ip": u""
        message.data.append({"id": 3, "enable": True, "enableDhcp": False})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)
        data = self.bundle.read(1, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])

    def test__put__unknown_ifaces(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put (/network/ethernets): all interfaces are not exist
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(400, code)

        message.data.append({"id": 0, "enable": True})
        message.data.append({"id": 3, "enable": True})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        put (/network/ethernets)
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})

        def mock_put(resource, data):

        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(2, len(data))

            "id": 1,
            "enable": True,
            "enableDhcp": False,
            "ip": u""
            "id": 2,
            "enable": True,
            "enableDhcp": False,
            "ip": u""

        def mock_event_put(resource, data):

        self.bundle.publish.event.put = mock_event_put
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

        data = self.bundle.read(1, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])
        data = self.bundle.read(2, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put__by_id(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        put (/network/ethernets): by id
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})

        def mock_put(resource, data):

        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(True, data["enable"])
            self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])

        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})
        message.param["id"] = 1
        message.data["id"] = 1
        message.data["enable"] = True
        message.data["enableDhcp"] = False
        message.data["ip"] = u""

        def mock_event_put(resource, data):

        self.bundle.publish.event.put = mock_event_put
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put_by_id__invalid_json(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put_by_id (/network/ethernets/1): invalid json schema
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
        message = Message({"query": {}, "param": {"id": 1}})

        # no data attribute, other case already tested in "test_put()"
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(400, code)

        self.bundle.put_by_id(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put_by_id__unknown_iface(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put_by_id (/network/ethernets/3): unknown interface
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {"id": 3}})

        def mock_put(resource, data):

        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(404, code)

        message.data["id"] = 3
        message.data["enable"] = False
        message.data["enableDhcp"] = False
        message.data["ip"] = u""
        self.bundle.put_by_id(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put_by_id(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        put_by_id (/network/ethernets/1)
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {"id": 1}})

        def mock_put(resource, data):

        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(404, code)

        message.data["id"] = 1
        message.data["enable"] = False
        message.data["enableDhcp"] = False
        message.data["ip"] = u""
        self.bundle.put_by_id(message, response=resp, test=True)
        data = self.bundle.read(1, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])

    def test__event_dhcp_info__invalid_json(self):
        event_dhcp_info (/network/interfaces/:iface): invalid json schema
        "data": {
            "name": "",
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "subnet": "",
            "dns": [],
            "gateway": ""
        message = Message({"query": {}, "param": {"iface": "eth1"}})

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.bundle.event_dhcp_info(message, test=True)

    def test__event_dhcp_info__unknown_iface(self):
        event_dhcp_info (/network/interfaces/:iface): unknown interface
        "data": {
            "name": "",
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "subnet": "",
            "dns": [],
            "gateway": ""
        message = Message({
            "data": {},
            "query": {},
            "param": {
                "iface": "eth2"
        message.data["name"] = "eth2"
        message.data["type"] = "eth"
        message.data["ip"] = ""
        message.data["netmask"] = ""
        message.data["gateway"] = ""
        message.data["dns"] = [""]
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.bundle.event_dhcp_info(message, test=True)

    def test__event_dhcp_info(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        event_dhcp_info (/network/interfaces/:iface)
        "data": {
            "name": "",
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "subnet": "",
            "dns": [],
            "gateway": ""
        message = Message({
            "data": {},
            "query": {},
            "param": {
                "iface": "eth1"
        message.data["name"] = "eth1"
        message.data["type"] = "eth"
        message.data["ip"] = ""
        message.data["netmask"] = ""
        message.data["gateway"] = ""
        message.data["dns"] = [""]
        self.bundle.event_dhcp_info(message, test=True)

        data = self.bundle.read(2, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])
        self.assertEqual("", data["netmask"])
        self.assertEqual("", data["gateway"])
        self.assertEqual([""], data["dns"])
class TestEthernetClass(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown,
        # Setup the mock
        mock_interfaces.return_value = ["eth0", "eth1"]
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses

        self.name = "ethernet"
        self.bundle = Ethernet(connection=Mockup())

    def tearDown(self):
        self.bundle = None
            os.remove("%s/data/%s.json" % (dirpath, self.name))
        except OSError:

            os.remove("%s/data/%s.json.backup" % (dirpath, self.name))
        except OSError:

    def test__init__no_iface(self, mock_interfaces):
        init: no interface
        mock_interfaces.return_value = []

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test__init__no_conf(self, mock_interfaces):
        init: no configuration file
        mock_interfaces.return_value = ["eth0"]

        with self.assertRaises(IOError):
            with patch("ethernet.ModelInitiator") as mock_modelinit:
                mock_modelinit.side_effect = IOError

    def test__load__current_conf(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        load: current configuration file
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses

        ifaces = ["eth0", "eth1"]
        self.bundle.load(dirpath, ifaces)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.bundle.model.db))
        for iface in self.bundle.model.db:
            ifname = "eth%d" % (iface["id"]-1)
            self.assertTrue(ifname in ifaces)

    def test__load__backup_conf(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        load: backup configuration file
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        os.remove("%s/data/%s.json" % (dirpath, self.name))

        ifaces = ["eth0", "eth1"]
        self.bundle.load(dirpath, ifaces)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.bundle.model.db))

    def test__load__no_conf(self):
        load: no configuration file
        # case: cannot load any configuration
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            self.bundle.load("%s/mock" % dirpath, [])

    def test__save(self):
        save: tested in init()
        # Already tested in init()

    def test__apply__iface_down(self, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        apply: set the interface to "down"
        # TODO: how to determine if setting success
        data = {
            "id": 1,
            "enable": 0

    def test__apply__iface_up_static(self, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        apply: set the interface to "up" with static IP
        # TODO: how to determine if setting success
        data = {
            "id": 1,
            "enable": 1,
            "enableDhcp": 0,
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "gateway": ""

    def test__apply__iface_up_dhcp(self, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        apply: set the interface to "up" with dhcp enabled
        # TODO: how to determine if setting success
        data = {
            "id": 1,
            "enable": 1,
            "enableDhcp": 1

    def test__apply__iface_unknown(self, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        apply: set an unknown interface
        data = {
            "id": 0,
            "enable": 1
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            mock_ifupdown.side_effect = ValueError
            mock_ifconfig.side_effect = ValueError

    def test__read(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        read: read current status and mac
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses

        data = self.bundle.read(1)
        self.assertEqual(1, data["currentStatus"])
        self.assertEqual("78:ac:c0:c1:a8:fe", data["mac"])

    def test__read__unknown_iface(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        read: no such interface
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses

        data = self.bundle.read(3)
        self.assertEqual(None, data)
        data = self.bundle.read(0)
        self.assertEqual(None, data)

    def test__get__collection(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        get (/network/ethernets): collection
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: collection
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(2, len(data))
        self.bundle.get(message=message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__get__by_id(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        get (/network/ethernets?id=2)
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: by id
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(2, data["id"])
            self.assertEqual(0, data["currentStatus"])
            self.assertEqual("78:ac:c0:c1:a8:ff", data["mac"])
        message.query["id"] = 2
        self.bundle.get(message=message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__get_by_id(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        get_by_id (/network/ethernets/1)
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: get an interface successfully
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(1, data["id"])
            self.assertEqual(1, data["currentStatus"])
            self.assertEqual("78:ac:c0:c1:a8:fe", data["mac"])
        message.param["id"] = 1
        self.bundle.get_by_id(message=message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__get_by_id__unknown_iface(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        get_by_id (/network/ethernets/3): unknown interface
        mock_ifaddresses.side_effect = mock_ip_ifaddresses
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: get an interface successfully
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(404, code)
            self.assertEqual(data, {"message": "No such device."})
        message.param["id"] = 3
        self.bundle.get_by_id(message=message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__put__no_data(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put (/network/ethernets): no data attribute
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        message = Message({"query": {}, "param": {}})

        # case: no data attribute
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(400, code)
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

    def test__put__invalid_json(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put (/network/ethernets): invalid json schema
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        # case: invalid json schema

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(400, code)
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

        message.data.append({"id": 0, "enable": 1})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put__partial_success(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put (/network/ethernets): one interface is not exist
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        def mock_put(resource, data):
        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put
        self.bundle.publish.event.put = mock_put

        # case: one interface is not exist (bulk); exist one will be updated
        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})

        # always true for response reply before apply the settings
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
        message.data.append({"id": 1, "enable": 1, "ip": u""})
        message.data.append({"id": 3, "enable": 1})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)
        data = self.bundle.read(1, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])

    def test__put__unknown_ifaces(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put (/network/ethernets): all interfaces are not exist
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(400, code)
        message.data.append({"id": 0, "enable": 1})
        message.data.append({"id": 3, "enable": 1})
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        put (/network/ethernets)
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})

        def mock_put(resource, data):
        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(2, len(data))
        message.data.append({"id": 1, "enable": 1, "ip": u""})
        message.data.append({"id": 2, "enable": 1, "ip": u""})

        def mock_event_put(resource, data):
        self.bundle.publish.event.put = mock_event_put
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

        data = self.bundle.read(1, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])
        data = self.bundle.read(2, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put__by_id(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        put (/network/ethernets): by id
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "id": 2,
        message = Message({"data": [], "query": {}, "param": {}})

        def mock_put(resource, data):
        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(200, code)
            self.assertEqual(1, data["enable"])
            self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})
        message.param["id"] = 1
        message.data["id"] = 1
        message.data["enable"] = 1
        message.data["ip"] = u""

        def mock_event_put(resource, data):
        self.bundle.publish.event.put = mock_event_put
        self.bundle.put(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put_by_id__invalid_json(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put_by_id (/network/ethernets/1): invalid json schema
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
        message = Message({"query": {}, "param": {}})

        # no data attribute, other case already tested in "test_put()"
        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(400, code)
        self.bundle.put_by_id(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put_by_id__unknown_iface(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig,
        put_by_id (/network/ethernets/3): unknown interface
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        def mock_put(resource, data):
        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(404, code)
        message.data["id"] = 3
        message.data["enable"] = 0
        message.data["ip"] = u""
        self.bundle.put_by_id(message, response=resp, test=True)

    # @patch("ethernet.time.sleep")
    def test__put_by_id(self, mock_ifaddresses, mock_ifconfig, mock_ifupdown):
        put_by_id (/network/ethernets/1)
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})

        def mock_put(resource, data):
        self.bundle.publish.put = mock_put

        def resp(code=200, data=None):
            self.assertEqual(404, code)
        message.data["id"] = 1
        message.data["enable"] = 0
        message.data["ip"] = u""
        self.bundle.put_by_id(message, response=resp, test=True)
        data = self.bundle.read(1, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])

    def test__put_dhcp_info__invalid_json(self):
        put_dhcp_info (/network/interface/dhcp): invalid json schema
        "data": {
            "name": "",
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "subnet": "",
            "dns": [],
            "gateway": ""
        message = Message({"query": {}, "param": {}})

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.bundle.put_dhcp_info(message, test=True)

    def test__put_dhcp_info__unknown_iface(self):
        put_dhcp_info (/network/interface/dhcp): unknown interface
        "data": {
            "name": "",
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "subnet": "",
            "dns": [],
            "gateway": ""
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})
        message.data["name"] = "eth2"
        message.data["ip"] = ""
        message.data["netmask"] = ""
        message.data["gateway"] = ""
        message.data["dns"] = [""]
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self.bundle.put_dhcp_info(message, test=True)

    def test__put_dhcp_info(self, mock_ifaddresses):
        put_dhcp_info (/network/interface/dhcp)
        "data": {
            "name": "",
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "subnet": "",
            "dns": [],
            "gateway": ""
        message = Message({"data": {}, "query": {}, "param": {}})
        message.data["name"] = "eth1"
        message.data["ip"] = ""
        message.data["netmask"] = ""
        message.data["gateway"] = ""
        message.data["dns"] = [""]
        self.bundle.put_dhcp_info(message, test=True)

        data = self.bundle.read(2, config=True)
        self.assertEqual("", data["ip"])
        self.assertEqual("", data["netmask"])
        self.assertEqual("", data["gateway"])
        self.assertEqual([""], data["dns"])