def __init__(self, index, start, end, region_id, run_id, path, zt, max_velocity, framerate, result_dir=".", input_video="video.mp4", all_frames=True, annotate=False, informative=False): self._index = index # passed with the data in the .csv self._start = float(start) #s self._end = float(end) # s self._region_id = int(region_id) self._path = path self._result_dir = result_dir self._input_video = input_video self._max_velocity = max_velocity self.get_roi() self._framerate = framerate self._fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*self._CODEC) self._cam = None self._frame_count = 0 self.positions = [] self._last_positions = {} self._xyshape_pad = (0, 0) self._video_writer = None #self._max_movement = max_movement self._annotate = annotate self._informative = informative self._all_frames = all_frames self._zt = zt # TODO Use video generation functionality from the drawer classes!!! self.drawer = DefaultDrawer()
def test_stimulator(StimulatorClass, InterfaceClass, remove_db_file=True, *args, **kwargs): tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="_ethoscope_test.db")[1] print("Making a tmp db: " + tmp) cam = MovieVirtualCamera(VIDEO, drop_each=15) rb = SleepMonitorWithTargetROIBuilder() rois = cam.restart() connection = HardwareConnection(InterfaceClass) try: # stimulators = [MockSDStimulator(connection,min_inactive_time= 10) for _ in rois ] stimulators = [ StimulatorClass(connection, *args, **kwargs) for _ in rois ] mon = Monitor(cam, AdaptiveBGModel, rois, stimulators=stimulators) drawer = DefaultDrawer(draw_frames=DRAW_FRAMES) with SQLiteResultWriter(tmp, rois) as rw:, drawer=drawer) # cred = {"name": "ethoscope_db", # "user": "******", # "password": "******"} # with ResultWriter( cred , rois) as rw: #, drawer=drawer) finally: if remove_db_file: print("Removing temp db (" + tmp + ")") os.remove(tmp) else: print("db file lives in (" + tmp + ")") connection.stop()
def test_API(self): random.seed(1) cam = MovieVirtualCamera(VIDEO) rb = SleepMonitorWithTargetROIBuilder() rois = hc = HardwareConnection(MockInterface) stimulators = [MockStimulator(hc) for _ in rois] cam.restart() mon = Monitor(cam, AdaptiveBGModel, rois, stimulators) drawer = DefaultDrawer(draw_frames=DRAW_FRAMES) tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="_ethoscope_test.db")[1] try: print("Making a tmp db: " + tmp) with SQLiteResultWriter(tmp, rois) as rw:, drawer=drawer) except:"testAPI raised ExceptionType unexpectedly!") finally: hc.stop() cam._close() print("Removing temp db (" + tmp + ")") os.remove(tmp)
class MockSDInterface(MockLynxMotionInterface, SleepDepriverInterface): pass class MockSDStimulator(SleepDepStimulator): _HardwareInterfaceClass = MockSDInterface tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="_ethoscope_test.db")[1] print("Making a tmp db: " + tmp) cam = MovieVirtualCamera(VIDEO, drop_each=15) rb = SleepMonitorWithTargetROIBuilder() rois = cam.restart() connection = HardwareConnection(MockSDInterface) stimulators = [ MockSDStimulator(connection, min_inactive_time=10) for _ in rois ] mon = Monitor(cam, AdaptiveBGModel, rois, stimulators=stimulators) drawer = DefaultDrawer(draw_frames=DRAW_FRAMES) try: with SQLiteResultWriter(tmp, rois) as rw:, drawer=drawer) finally: print("Removing temp db (" + tmp + ")") os.remove(tmp) connection.stop()
#cam = MovieVirtualCamera(INPUT_VIDEO) #target_fps=20, target_resolution=(1280,960) cam = OurPiCameraAsync() # here, we generate ROIs automatically from the targets in the images roi_builder = SleepMonitorWithTargetROIBuilderJanelia() rois = # Build the stimulator hc = HardwareConnection(JaneliaAdaptiveSleepDepriverInterface) stimulators = [JaneliaAdaptiveSleepDepStimultor(hc) for _ in rois] # Then, we go back to the first frame of the video cam.restart() # we use a drawer to show inferred position for each animal, display frames and save them as a video drawer = DefaultDrawer(OUTPUT_VIDEO, draw_frames=False) # We build our monitor monitor = Monitor(cam, AdaptiveBGModel, rois, stimulators) try: # Now everything is ready, we run the monitor with a result writer and a drawer with SQLiteResultWriter(OUTPUT_DB, rois) as rw:, drawer) finally: hc.stop() cam._close() print('----Put the motor controller in low power mode----') devs = ModularClients() # Might automatically find device if one available if devs is not None:
class TimeWindow(TrackingUnit): _CODEC = "XVID" _extension = "avi" _required_metadata = [ "start", "end", "region_id", "run_id", "path", "zt", "max_velocity" ] def __init__(self, index, start, end, region_id, run_id, path, zt, max_velocity, framerate, result_dir=".", input_video="video.mp4", all_frames=True, annotate=False, informative=False): self._index = index # passed with the data in the .csv self._start = float(start) #s self._end = float(end) # s self._region_id = int(region_id) self._path = path self._result_dir = result_dir self._input_video = input_video self._max_velocity = max_velocity self.get_roi() self._framerate = framerate self._fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*self._CODEC) self._cam = None self._frame_count = 0 self.positions = [] self._last_positions = {} self._xyshape_pad = (0, 0) self._video_writer = None #self._max_movement = max_movement self._annotate = annotate self._informative = informative self._all_frames = all_frames self._zt = zt # TODO Use video generation functionality from the drawer classes!!! self.drawer = DefaultDrawer() @property def video_writer(self): return self._video_writer @property def _dbfile(self): dbfile = self._input_video.replace("videos", "results").replace( "whole_", "").split("__")[0] prog = re.compile(r"(/ETHOSCOPE_([\d_PV])*/)") match = re.findall(prog, dbfile) match = match[0][0] dbfile = dbfile.replace(match, "/FLYSLEEPLAB_CV1/") dbfile += ".db" return dbfile @property def video_path(self): """ Return a unique video name for each window given an input mp4 video and an iteration count """ template = os.path.join(self._result_dir, "%s__ROI%s@t%s.%s") prog = re.compile(r"@(\d*_)") experiment_id = self._input_video.replace( re.findall(prog, self._input_video)[0], str(self._framerate).zfill(2) + "_") experiment_id = os.path.basename(experiment_id.replace(".mp4", "")) if self._informative: prefix = str( self._max_velocity).zfill(10)[:10] + "_" + experiment_id else: prefix = experiment_id filename = template % (prefix, str( self._region_id).zfill(2), str(int( self.start * 1000)).zfill(9), self._extension) return filename @property def resolution(self): return (self.width, self.height) @property def width(self): if self.roi is None: return 1280 else: return self.roi.rectangle[2] @property def height(self): if self.roi is None: return 960 else: return self.roi.rectangle[3] @property def start(self): return self._start @property def end(self): return self._end @property def start_fragment(self): return self._start * 1000 @property def end_fragment(self): return self._end * 1000 def open(self, cam):"Moving video to %d ms", self.start_fragment) cam.capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, self.start_fragment) frame_index = cam.capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) pos_msec = cam.capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC)"Opening window starting in frame %d at %d ms", frame_index, pos_msec) self._cam = cam def get_roi(self): if self._region_id == 0: self._roi = None return with sqlite3.connect(self._dbfile, check_same_thread=False) as src: src_cur = src.cursor() command = "SELECT x, y, w, h from ROI_MAP WHERE roi_idx = %d" % self._region_id src_cur.execute(command) xpos, ypos, width, height = next(iter(src_cur)) polygon = [ [xpos, ypos], # tl [xpos + width, ypos], # tr [xpos + width, ypos + height], # br [xpos, ypos + height] # bl ] roi = ROI(polygon, self._region_id) self._roi = roi # self._resolution_pad = (self._roi._rectangle[2], self._roi._rectangle[3]) @property def _tracker(self): return self def apply(self, img): if self.roi is None: return img, None out, mask = self.roi.apply(img) return out, mask @property def camera_iterator(self): if self._cam.__class__.__name__ == "FSLVirtualCamera": cam_iterator = self._cam else: cam_iterator = enumerate(self._cam) return cam_iterator def run(self): if not self._annotate or self._region_id == 0: self._run(cursor=None) else: with sqlite3.connect(self._dbfile, check_same_thread=False) as con: cursor = con.cursor() self._run(cursor=cursor) def get_last_positions(self, absolute=False): """ The last position of the animal monitored by this `TrackingUnit` :param absolute: Whether the position should be relative to the top left corner of the raw frame (`true`), or to the top left of the used ROI (`false`). :return: A container with the last variable recorded for this roi. :rtype: :class:`~ethoscope.core.data_point.DataPoint` """ if len(self.positions) < 1: return [] last_positions = self.positions[-1] if not absolute: return last_positions out = [] last_pos = last_positions #for last_pos in last_positions: tmp_out = [] for i in list(last_pos.values()): if isinstance(i, BaseRelativeVariable): tmp_out.append(i.to_absolute(self.roi)) else: tmp_out.append(i) tmp_out = DataPoint(tmp_out) out.append(tmp_out) return out @property def xyshape(self): r""" Emulate numpy shape without the channels i.e. without the third dimension, just return number of rowsxnumber of columns. """ _, _, width, height = self._roi._rectangle return (height, width) @property def xyshape_pad(self): return self._xyshape_pad @xyshape_pad.setter def xyshape_pad(self, value): self._xyshape_pad = value self._video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter( # input .mp4 self.video_path, # codec configuration self._fourcc, # framerate of the output, given by user input self._framerate, # resolution of the output video, # should be the reverse of the padded shape # i.e. the shape is #rowsx#columns # and we need here #columnsx#rows self.xyshape_pad[::-1]) def adjust(self, image): r""" Fill the window with black pixels so all windows have xyshape_pad. xyshape_pad should be set after initialising all windows and screening their rois. """ bottom = max(self.xyshape_pad[0] - image.shape[0], 0) right = max(self.xyshape_pad[1] - image.shape[1], 0) border_type = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT value = 0 dst = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, 0, bottom, 0, right, border_type, None, value) try: assert dst.shape[:2] == self.xyshape_pad except AssertionError as error: logging.warning(dst.shape) logging.warning(self.xyshape_pad) logging.warning(bottom) logging.warning(right) raise error return dst def _run(self, cursor=None): try: for index, (t_ms, img) in self.camera_iterator: if t_ms > self.end_fragment: break if cursor: template = "SELECT x, y, w, h, phi, xy_dist_log10x1000 FROM ROI_%d WHERE t = %d" command = template % (self._region_id, t_ms) cursor.execute(command) try: X = next(iter(cursor)) except Exception: # an exception will happen when the t queried # is not available in the dbfile # even though it is in the video # this happens if the dbfile is generated # passing a drop-each argument != 1 # i.e. the dbfile is subsampled if self._all_frames: self.add(img) continue xpos, ypos, width, height, phi, xy_dist = X x_var = XPosVariable(xpos) y_var = YPosVariable(ypos) h_var = HeightVariable(height) w_var = WidthVariable(width) phi_var = PhiVariable(phi) distance = XYDistance(xy_dist) point = DataPoint( [x_var, y_var, w_var, h_var, phi_var, distance]) self.positions.append(point) abs_pos = self.get_last_positions(absolute=True) self._last_positions[self.roi.idx] = abs_pos out = self.drawer.draw(img, tracking_units=[self], positions=self._last_positions, roi=True) else: out = img self.add(out) except Exception as error: logging.error(traceback.print_exc()) raise error def add(self, img): self._frame_count += 1 logging.debug("Adding frame %d", self._frame_count) applied_img = self.apply(img)[0] adj_img = self.adjust(applied_img) self.video_writer.write(adj_img) def close(self): self.video_writer.release()"%d frames saved", self._frame_count)"Saving video to %s", self.video_path) def __repr__(self): template = "TimeWindow instance running %3.f-%3.f@region_id %d" return template % (self.start, self.end, self._region_id)
t0 = t except Exception as e: logging.error("Monitor closing with an exception: '%s'" % traceback.format_exc(e)) raise e finally: self._is_running = False"Monitor closing") cap = OurPiCameraAsync(target_fps=2) r = SleepMonitorWithTargetROIBuilder() tracker_cls = AdaptiveBGModel rois = _db_credentials = { "name": "ethoscope_db", "user": "******", "password": "******" } rw = ResultWriter(_db_credentials, rois, take_frame_shots=True) m = Monitor(cap, tracker_cls, rois) dr = DefaultDrawer(), drawer=dr)
parser.add_option("-p", "--prefix", dest="prefix", help="The prefix for result dir") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() option_dict = vars(options) INPUT = option_dict["input"] OUTPUT = os.path.splitext(INPUT)[0] + ".db" OUTPUT = option_dict["prefix"] + "/" + OUTPUT try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(OUTPUT)) except OSError: pass print INPUT + " ===> " + OUTPUT cam = MovieVirtualCamera(INPUT) rois = SleepMonitorWithTargetROIBuilder().build(cam) drawer = DefaultDrawer(draw_frames=True) mon = Monitor(cam, AdaptiveBGModel, rois) #fixme date = datetime.datetime.strptime("2016-05-03_08-25-02", "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") ts = int(calendar.timegm(date.timetuple())) #todo parse metadata from filename # metadata = {} with SQLiteResultWriter(OUTPUT, rois) as rw:, drawer)
class ABGMImageSaver(AdaptiveBGModel): fg_model = ObjectModelImageSaver() # change these three variables according to how you name your input/output files INPUT_VIDEO = "/home/quentin/comput/ethoscope-git/src/ethoscope/tests/integration_server_tests/test_video.mp4" OUTPUT_VIDEO = "/tmp/my_output.avi" OUTPUT_DB = "/tmp/results.db" # We use a video input file as if it was a "camera" cam = MovieVirtualCamera(INPUT_VIDEO) # here, we generate ROIs automatically from the targets in the images roi_builder = SleepMonitorWithTargetROIBuilder() rois = # Then, we go back to the first frame of the video cam.restart() # we use a drawer to show inferred position for each animal, display frames and save them as a video drawer = DefaultDrawer(OUTPUT_VIDEO, draw_frames=True) # We build our monitor monitor = Monitor(cam, ABGMImageSaver, rois) # Now everything ius ready, we run the monitor with a result writer and a drawer with SQLiteResultWriter(OUTPUT_DB, rois) as rw:, drawer)
def main(argv): parser = ArgumentParser( description='Runs an Ethoscope machinery on the given video file,' + ' which is meant to be a recording of single daphnia moving' + ' in a bunch of wells.' + ' The area of each well is determined by non-black regions' + ' in the supplied regions of interest (ROI) image file.' + ' Optionally an output video may be produced, documenting the ' + ' detection of animals.') parser.add_argument("-i", "--input-video", dest="inp_video_filename", required=True, help="The video file to be processed.", metavar='<input video filename>') parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-db", dest="db_filename", required=True, help="Create Sqlite DB file for storing results.", metavar='<output DB filename>') parser.add_argument( "-r", "--roi_image", dest="roi_filename", required=True, help="Create Sqlite DB file DB_FILENAME for storing results.", metavar='<roi image>') parser.add_argument("-a", "--output-video", dest="outp_video_filename", help="The annotated output video file.", metavar='<output video filename>') parser.add_argument( "-b", "--single-roi-video", dest="single_roi_video_filename", help= "For debugging purpose a video file of a single roi may be produced.", metavar='<single roi video filename>') parser.add_argument( "-n", "--single-roi-video-roi-nbr", dest="single_roi_video_roi_nbr", type=int, default=0, help="Select the number of the roi to produce a debugging video from." + " If not specified, roi 0 is the default.", metavar='<single roi video roi number>') args = parser.parse_args() # change these variables according to how you name your input/output files INPUT_DATA_DIR = "/home/lukas/tmp/AAA-Video/" OUTPUT_DATA_DIR = "/home/lukas/tmp/ethoscope/" #ROI_IMAGE = INPUT_DATA_DIR + "irbacklit_20200109_1525_4x4x6_squaremask_valued.png" ROI_IMAGE = INPUT_DATA_DIR + "4xWellplates4x6_registred_squaremask_tight.png" #INPUT_VIDEO = INPUT_DATA_DIR + "Basler_acA5472-17um__23065142__20200109_152536071.mp4" INPUT_VIDEO = INPUT_DATA_DIR + "Basler_acA5472-17um__23065142__20200205_172106124.mp4" logfile = OUTPUT_DATA_DIR + '20200205.log' OUTPUT_VIDEO = OUTPUT_DATA_DIR + "20200205.avi" OUTPUT_DB = OUTPUT_DATA_DIR + "results20200205.db" #logfile = OUTPUT_DATA_DIR + 'results.log' #OUTPUT_VIDEO = OUTPUT_DATA_DIR + "output.avi" #OUTPUT_DB = OUTPUT_DATA_DIR + "output.db" dbgImgWinSizeX = 2200 dbgImgWinSizeY = 1500 # setup logging logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=logging.INFO) #logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=logging.DEBUG) # define a Handler which writes INFO messages or higher to the sys.stderr console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # add the handler to the root logger logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) # Make the ethoscope packages accessible package_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]), '')"path of ethoscope package: %s" % package_path) sys.path.insert(0, package_path) import cv2 # import the bricks from ethoscope package # Use a mask image to define rois. Mask image must have black background, every non-black # region defines a roi. from ethoscope.roi_builders.img_roi_builder import ImgMaskROIBuilder from ethoscope.core.monitor import Monitor from ethoscope.trackers.adaptive_bg_tracker import AdaptiveBGModel from import SQLiteResultWriter from ethoscope.hardware.input.cameras import MovieVirtualCamera from ethoscope.drawers.drawers import DefaultDrawer # Generate ROIs from the mask image"reading roi mask") roi_builder = ImgMaskROIBuilder(args.roi_filename)"building rois from \"%s\"" % args.roi_filename) None) # use image already loaded by ImgMaskROIBuilder instance rois = roi_builder.gridSort(50, 50) #for r in rois: # print("Roi %d: value: %d, (%d,%d)" % (r.idx, r._value, r._rectangle[0], r._rectangle[1])) # We use a video input file as if it were a camera cam = MovieVirtualCamera(args.inp_video_filename)"Loading \"%s\"-encoded movie with %d FPS of duration %d s." % (cam.fourcc, cam.frames_per_sec, cam._total_n_frames / cam.frames_per_sec)) # we use a drawer to show inferred position for each animal, display frames and save them as a video do_draw_frames = False if args.outp_video_filename is not None: do_draw_frames = True drawer = DefaultDrawer(args.outp_video_filename, draw_frames=do_draw_frames, framesWinSizeX=dbgImgWinSizeX, framesWinSizeY=dbgImgWinSizeY) # We build our monitor #monitor = Monitor(cam, AdaptiveBGModel, rois) if args.single_roi_video_filename is not None: monitor = Monitor( cam, AdaptiveBGModel, rois, dbg_roi_value=args.single_roi_video_roi_nbr, dbg_roi_video_filename=args.single_roi_video_filename) else: monitor = Monitor(cam, AdaptiveBGModel, rois) # Now everything is ready, we run the monitor with a result writer and a drawer"run monitor with drawer") with SQLiteResultWriter(args.db_filename, rois) as rw:, drawer)
def find_target_coordinates(self, camera): "Checking targets in resulting video are visible and video is suitable for offline analysis" ) # to analyzs the same frames offline from ethoscope.hardware.input.cameras import MovieVirtualCamera from ethoscope.roi_builders.target_roi_builder import FSLSleepMonitorWithTargetROIBuilder from ethoscope.drawers.drawers import DefaultDrawer from ethoscope.core.tracking_unit import TrackingUnit from ethoscope.trackers.adaptive_bg_tracker import AdaptiveBGModel as tracker_class i = 0 try: # Log camera status and take shot target_detection_path = "/tmp/target_detection_{}.png" camera.framerate = 2 time.sleep(1) camera = configure_camera(camera, mode="target_detection") n = 0 roi_builder = FSLSleepMonitorWithTargetROIBuilder() drawer = DefaultDrawer() target_coord_file = self._video_prefix + "targets.pickle" rois_file = self._video_prefix + "rois.pickle" failure = True while failure and n < 5: try: camera = configure_camera(camera, mode="target_detection") report_camera(camera) camera.capture(target_detection_path.format(n)) time.sleep(1) img = cv2.imread(target_detection_path.format(n)) rois ="Annotating frame for human supervision") unit_trackers = [ TrackingUnit(tracker_class, r, None) for r in rois ] annotated = drawer.draw(img, tracking_units=unit_trackers, positions=None) tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(self._img_path) annotated_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "last_img_annotated.jpg")"Saving annotated frame to {annotated_path}") cv2.imwrite(annotated_path, annotated)"Saving pickle files") with open(target_coord_file, "wb") as fh: pickle.dump(roi_builder._sorted_src_pts, fh) with open(rois_file, "wb") as fh: pickle.dump(rois, fh) failure = False except Exception as e: failure = True # not needed, but for readability n += 1 if failure:"Failure") raise EthoscopeException( "I tried taking 5 shots and none is good! Check them at /tmp/target_detection_{i}.png" ) else:"Success") return True except Exception as e: logging.error("Error on starting video recording process:" + traceback.format_exc())