class GetRolePolicy(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = "Display a role's policy" ARGS = [ arg_role(help='role the poilcy is attached to (required)'), Arg('-p', '--policy-name', dest='PolicyName', metavar='POLICY', required=True, help='name of the policy to show (required)'), Arg('--pretty-print', action='store_true', route_to=None, help='reformat the policy for easier reading'), AS_ACCOUNT ] def print_result(self, result): policy_content = urllib.unquote(result['PolicyDocument']) if self.args['pretty_print']: try: policy_json = json.loads(policy_content) except ValueError: self.log.debug('JSON parse error', exc_info=True) raise ValueError( "policy '{0}' does not appear to be valid JSON".format( self.args['PolicyName'])) policy_content = json.dumps(policy_json, indent=4) print policy_content
class UpdateAssumeRolePolicy(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = ("Update a role's trust policy, the policy that allows " "entities to assume a role") ARGS = [arg_role(help='role to update (required)'), MutuallyExclusiveArgList( Arg('-f', dest='PolicyDocument', metavar='FILE', type=file_contents, help='file containing the policy for the new role'), Arg('-s', '--service', route_to=None, help='''service to allow access to the role (e.g.''')) .required(), Arg('-o', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help="also print the role's new policy"), AS_ACCOUNT] def preprocess(self): if self.args.get('service'): statement = {'Effect': 'Allow', 'Principal': {'Service': [self.args['service']]}, 'Action': ['sts:AssumeRole']} policy = {'Version': '2008-10-17', 'Statement': [statement]} self.params['PolicyDocument'] = json.dumps(policy) def print_result(self, _): if self.args.get('verbose'): print self.params['PolicyDocument']
class CreateRole(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = 'Create a new role' ARGS = [arg_role(help='name of the new role (required)'), Arg('-p', '--path', dest='Path', help='path for the new role (default: "/")'), MutuallyExclusiveArgList( Arg('-f', dest='AssumeRolePolicyDocument', metavar='FILE', type=file_contents, help='file containing the policy for the new role'), Arg('-s', '--service', dest='service_', metavar='SERVICE', route_to=None, help='''service to allow access to the role (e.g.'''), # For compatibility with a typo in < 3.2.1 Arg('--service_', route_to=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS)) .required(), Arg('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', route_to=None, help="print the new role's ARN, GUID, and policy"), AS_ACCOUNT] def preprocess(self): if self.args.get('service_'): statement = {'Effect': 'Allow', 'Principal': {'Service': [self.args['service_']]}, 'Action': ['sts:AssumeRole']} policy = {'Version': '2008-10-17', 'Statement': [statement]} self.params['AssumeRolePolicyDocument'] = json.dumps(policy) def print_result(self, result): if self.args.get('verbose'): print result.get('Role', {}).get('Arn') print result.get('Role', {}).get('RoleId') print urllib.unquote(result.get('Role', {}) .get('AssumeRolePolicyDocument'))
class ListInstanceProfilesForRole(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = 'List all instance profiles that use a role' ARGS = [ arg_role(help='role to list membership for (required)'), AS_ACCOUNT ] LIST_TAGS = ['InstanceProfiles'] def main(self): return PaginatedResponse(self, (None, ), ('InstanceProfiles', )) def prepare_for_page(self, page): # Pages are defined by markers self.params['Marker'] = page # pylint: disable=no-self-use def get_next_page(self, response): if response.get('IsTruncated') == 'true': return response['Marker'] # pylint: enable=no-self-use # pylint: disable=no-self-use def print_result(self, result): for profile in result.get('InstanceProfiles', []): print profile['Arn']
class GetRole(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = "Display a role's ARN, GUID, and trust policy" ARGS = [arg_role(help='name of the role to describe (required)'), AS_ACCOUNT] # pylint: disable=no-self-use def print_result(self, result): print result.get('Role', {}).get('Arn') print result.get('Role', {}).get('RoleId') print urllib.unquote(result.get('Role', {}) .get('AssumeRolePolicyDocument'))
class AddRolePolicy(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = ('Add a new policy to a role. To add more complex policies ' 'than this tool supports, see euare-roleuploadpolicy(1).') ARGS = [ arg_role(help='role to attach the policy to (required)'), Arg('-p', '--policy-name', metavar='POLICY', required=True, help='name of the new policy (required)'), Arg('-e', '--effect', choices=('Allow', 'Deny'), required=True, help='whether the new policy should Allow or Deny (required)'), Arg('-a', '--action', dest='actions', action='append', required=True, help='''action(s) the policy should apply to (at least one required)'''), Arg('-c', '--resource', dest='resources', action='append', required=True, help='''resource(s) the policy should apply to (at least one required)'''), Arg('-o', '--output', action='store_true', help='also display the newly-created policy'), AS_ACCOUNT ] def main(self): policy = build_iam_policy(self.args['effect'], self.args['resources'], self.args['actions']) policy_doc = json.dumps(policy) req = PutRolePolicy.from_other( self, RoleName=self.args['RoleName'], PolicyName=self.args['policy_name'], PolicyDocument=policy_doc, DelegateAccount=self.params['DelegateAccount']) response = req.main() response['PolicyDocument'] = policy_doc return response def print_result(self, result): if self.args['output']: print result['PolicyDocument']
class PutRolePolicy(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = 'Attach a policy to a role' ARGS = [ arg_role(help='role to attach the policy to (required)'), Arg('-p', '--policy-name', dest='PolicyName', metavar='POLICY', required=True, help='name of the policy (required)'), MutuallyExclusiveArgList( Arg('-o', '--policy-content', dest='PolicyDocument', metavar='POLICY_CONTENT', help='the policy to attach'), Arg('-f', '--policy-document', dest='PolicyDocument', metavar='FILE', type=open, help='file containing the policy to attach')).required(), AS_ACCOUNT ]
class ListRolePolicies(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = 'List one or all policies attached to a role' ARGS = [ arg_role(help='role owning the policies to list (required)'), Arg('-p', '--policy-name', metavar='POLICY', route_to=None, help='display a specific policy'), Arg('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', route_to=None, help='''display the contents of the resulting policies (in addition to their names)'''), Arg('--pretty-print', action='store_true', route_to=None, help='''when printing the contents of policies, reformat them for easier reading'''), AS_ACCOUNT ] LIST_TAGS = ['PolicyNames'] def main(self): return PaginatedResponse(self, (None, ), ('PolicyNames', )) def prepare_for_page(self, page): # Pages are defined by markers self.params['Marker'] = page # pylint: disable=no-self-use def get_next_page(self, response): if response.get('IsTruncated') == 'true': return response['Marker'] # pylint: enable=no-self-use def print_result(self, result): if self.args.get('policy_name'): # Look for the specific policy the user asked for for policy_name in result.get('PolicyNames', []): if policy_name == self.args['policy_name']: if self.args['verbose']: self.print_policy(policy_name) else: print policy_name break else: for policy_name in result.get('PolicyNames', []): print policy_name if self.args['verbose']: self.print_policy(policy_name) # We already take care of pagination print 'IsTruncated: false' def print_policy(self, policy_name): req = GetRolePolicy.from_other( self, RoleName=self.args['RoleName'], PolicyName=policy_name, pretty_print=self.args['pretty_print'], DelegateAccount=self.params.get('DelegateAccount')) response = req.main() req.print_result(response)
class DeleteRole(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = 'Delete a role' ARGS = [arg_role(help='name of the role to delete (required)'), Arg('-c', '--recursive', action='store_true', route_to=None, help='''remove all IAM resources associated with the role first'''), Arg('-p', '--pretend', action='store_true', route_to=None, help='''list the resources that would be deleted instead of actually deleting them. Implies -c.'''), AS_ACCOUNT] def main(self): if self.args.get('recursive') or self.args.get('pretend'): # Figure out what we have to delete req = ListInstanceProfilesForRole.from_other( self, RoleName=self.args['RoleName'], DelegateAccount=self.args.get('DelegateAccount')) response = req.main() instance_profiles = [] for profile in response.get('InstanceProfiles') or []: instance_profiles.append( {'arn': profile.get('Arn'), 'name': profile.get('InstanceProfileName')}) req = ListRolePolicies.from_other( self, RoleName=self.args['RoleName'], DelegateAccount=self.args.get('DelegateAccount')) response = req.main() policies = [] for policy in response.get('PolicyNames') or []: policies.append(policy) else: # Just in case instance_profiles = [] policies = [] if self.args.get('pretend'): return {'instance_profiles': instance_profiles, 'policies': policies} else: if self.args.get('recursive'): for profile in instance_profiles: req = RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile.from_other( self, RoleName=self.args['RoleName'], InstanceProfileName=profile['name'], DelegateAccount=self.args.get('DelegateAccount')) req.main() for policy in policies: req = DeleteRolePolicy.from_other( self, RoleName=self.args['RoleName'], PolicyName=policy, DelegateAccount=self.args.get('DelegateAccount')) req.main() return self.send() def print_result(self, result): if self.args.get('pretend'): print 'instance profiles' for profile in result['instance_profiles']: print '\t' + profile['arn'] print 'policies' for policy in result['policies']: print '\t' + policy
class DeleteRolePolicy(IAMRequest): DESCRIPTION = 'Remove a policy from a role' ARGS = [arg_role(help='role the policy is attached to (required)'), Arg('-p', '--policy-name', dest='PolicyName', metavar='POLICY', required=True, help='name of the policy to delete (required)'), AS_ACCOUNT]