Example #1
 def test1_Instance(self):
     """Instance checks including reachability and ephemeral storage"""
     for instance in self.reservation.instances:
         self.assertTrue( self.tester.wait_for_reservation(self.reservation) ,'Instance did not go to running')
         self.assertNotEqual( instance.public_dns_name, instance.private_ip_address, 'Public and private IP are the same')
         self.assertTrue( self.tester.ping(instance.public_dns_name), 'Could not ping instance')
         instance_ssh = Eucaops( hostname=instance.public_dns_name,  keypath= self.keypath)
         self.assertTrue( instance_ssh.found("ls -1 " + self.ephemeral,  self.ephemeral),  'Did not find ephemeral storage at ' + self.ephemeral)
         self.assertTrue( self.tester.terminate_instances(self.reservation), 'Failure when terminating instance')
#! ../share/python_lib/vic-dev/bin/python

from eucaops import Eucaops

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tester = Eucaops(config_file="../input/2b_tested.lst", password="******")
    if not tester.found(
        ". eucarc && "
        + tester.eucapath
        + "/usr/sbin/euca-modify-property -p bootstrap.webservices.use_instance_dns=false",
        tester.fail("Unable to reset use instance_dns")

    if not tester.found(
        ". eucarc && " + tester.eucapath + "/usr/sbin/euca-modify-property -r system.dns.dnsdomain", "was"
        tester.fail("Unable to reset dns subdomain")

Example #3
            for instance in reservation.instances:
                ## Update instance info
                if instance.state != "running":
                    tester.fail("Instance did not go to running state")
                    options.runs -= 1
                if instance.public_dns_name == instance.private_ip_address:
                    tester.fail("Did not get a private IP")
                    options.runs -= 1
                ### Ping the instance
                if local.found("ping " + instance.public_dns_name + " -c 1", "0 received") == True:
                    tester.fail("Instance was not pingable after going to running")
                    options.runs -= 1

                ###Create an ssh session to the instance using a eutester object
                instance_ssh = Eucaops( hostname=instance.public_dns_name,  keypath=keypath)
                ### Ensure we know what device are on the instance before the attachment of a volume
                before_attach = instance_ssh.sys("ls -1 /dev/ | grep " + options.device_prefix)
                ### Check that the ephemeral is available to the VM
                if options.device_prefix + "a2\n" in before_attach:
                    print "Found ephemeral device"