Example #1
File: 38.py Project: higgsd/euler
# 932718654
import euler
N = 9
m = 0
for a in xrange(1, 10 ** (N/2)):
    n = 0
    s = ''
    while len(s) < N:
        n += 1
        s += str(a * n)
        if len(s) == N and euler.digit_usage(int(s)) == int('1' * 9 + '0', 2):
            if int(s) > m:
                m = int(s)
print m
Example #2
File: 33.py Project: higgsd/euler
# 100
import math
import euler
D = 2
N = 10 ** D
np = 1
dp = 1
for n in xrange(N/10, N):
    for d in xrange(n+1, N):
        nn = euler.digit_usage(n)
        dd = euler.digit_usage(d)
        c = nn & dd
        if c == 0 or c == 1 or math.log(c, 2) % 1.0 != 0 or \
                nn ^ c == 0 or dd ^ c == 0:
        n2 = math.log(nn ^ c, 2)
        d2 = math.log(dd ^ c, 2)
        if d2 != 0 and float(n) / d == n2 / d2:
            np *= n
            dp *= d
np, dp = euler.reduce_fraction(np, dp)
print dp
Example #3
File: 32.py Project: higgsd/euler
# 45228
import euler
p = {}
for a in xrange(1, 10000):
    for b in xrange(a+1, 10000 / a + 1):
        c = a * b
        aa = euler.digit_usage(a)
        bb = euler.digit_usage(b)
        cc = euler.digit_usage(c)
        if aa & bb & cc == 0 and aa | bb | cc == int('1111111110', 2):
            p[c] = True
print sum(p.keys())
Example #4
File: 52.py Project: higgsd/euler
# 142857
import euler

N = 6
d = 1
while True:
    for n in range(10 ** d, 2 * 10 ** d):
        found = True
        nn = euler.digit_usage(n)
        for i in range(2, N + 1):
            if nn != euler.digit_usage(n * i):
                found = False
        if found:
            print n
    if found:
    d += 1
Example #5
File: 49.py Project: higgsd/euler
# 296962999629
import euler
D = 4
N = 10 ** D
S = 3330
sieve = euler.prime_sieve(N)
for a in xrange(N/10+1, N, 2):
    b = a + S
    c = b + S
    if a != 1487 and sieve[a] and sieve[b] and sieve[c]:
        aa = euler.digit_usage(a)
        if aa == euler.digit_usage(b) and aa == euler.digit_usage(c):
            print '%d%d%d' % (a, b, c)
Example #6
File: 43.py Project: higgsd/euler
# 16695334890
import math
import euler

s = 0
for a in xrange(1, 999/17):
    aa = euler.digit_usage(a * 17, 3)
    for b in xrange(1, 999/13):
        if (a * 17) / 10 != (b * 13) % 100:
        for c in xrange(1, 999/11):
            if (b * 13) / 10 != (c * 11) % 100:
            for d in xrange(1, 999/7):
                if (c * 11) / 10 != (d * 7) % 100:
                dd = euler.digit_usage(d * 7, 3)
                if aa & dd != 0:
                for e in xrange(1, 999/5):
                    if (d * 7) / 10 != (e * 5) % 100:
                    for f in xrange(1, 999/3):
                        if (e * 5) / 10 != (f * 3) % 100:
                        for g in xrange(999/2):
                            if (f * 3) / 10 != (g * 2) % 100:
                            gg = euler.digit_usage(g * 2, 3)
                            if aa & gg != 0 or dd & gg != 0: