Example #1
 def __init__(self, height, modulus, primitive_root, max_width=100):
     super(TallCastleSolver, self).__init__(modulus, primitive_root)
     self._height = height % modulus
     self._faulhaber = Faulhaber(max_width, modulus, primitive_root)
     self._height_parity = height % 2
     self._zero_poly = Polynomial([0], self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
     self._one_poly = Polynomial([1], self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
     self._tall_solutions = defaultdict(lambda: None)
     self._short_solutions = defaultdict(lambda: None)
     self._all_tall_solutions = defaultdict(lambda: None)
     self._all_short_solutions = defaultdict(lambda: None)
Example #2
    def test_mod_31(self):
        f = Faulhaber(20, 31, 3)
        expected_coef = [ 0, 16, 16 ]
        p = f.base_polynomial(1)
        self.assertEqual(p._coef, expected_coef)

        expected_coef = [ 0, f.div(1, 6), f.div(3, 6), f.div(2, 6) ]
        p = f.base_polynomial(2)
        self.assertEqual(p._coef, expected_coef)
Example #3
class TallCastleSolver(ModularSolver):

    def __init__(self, height, modulus, primitive_root, max_width=100):
        super(TallCastleSolver, self).__init__(modulus, primitive_root)
        self._height = height % modulus
        self._faulhaber = Faulhaber(max_width, modulus, primitive_root)
        self._height_parity = height % 2
        self._zero_poly = Polynomial([0], self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
        self._one_poly = Polynomial([1], self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
        self._tall_solutions = defaultdict(lambda: None)
        self._short_solutions = defaultdict(lambda: None)
        self._all_tall_solutions = defaultdict(lambda: None)
        self._all_short_solutions = defaultdict(lambda: None)

    def tall_solutions(self, width, parity, rh_parity):
        if not self._tall_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)]:
            self._tall_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)] = self.compute_tall_solutions(width, parity, rh_parity)
        return self._tall_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)]

    def compute_tall_solutions(self, width, parity, rh_parity):
        if width == 1:
            total = AlternatingPolynomial(self._zero_poly.copy(), self._zero_poly.copy(), self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
            return total
        elif width < 1:
            raise NotImplementedError
        # rh <= new row height
        new_row_taller = self.tall_solutions(width - 1, 0, (parity + rh_parity) % 2).copy()
        new_row_taller.add_ap(self.tall_solutions(width - 1, 1, (parity + rh_parity + 1) % 2))

        new_row_taller = self.sum_alternating_polynomial(new_row_taller)

        # rh > new row height
        new_row_shorter = self.tall_solutions(width - 1, parity, 0).copy()
        new_row_shorter.add_ap(self.tall_solutions(width - 1, parity, 1))

        new_row_shorter = self.sum_alternating_polynomial(new_row_shorter)

        total = new_row_taller

        valid_subsolutions_e = self.all_tall_solutions(width - 1, parity, 0)
        valid_subsolutions_o = self.all_tall_solutions(width - 1, parity, 1)

        total.add_constant(self.add(valid_subsolutions_e, valid_subsolutions_o))

        if rh_parity == 1:
            total._even_poly = self._zero_poly.copy()
            total._odd_poly = self._zero_poly.copy()

        return total

    def short_solutions(self, width, parity, rh_parity):
        if not self._short_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)]:
            self._short_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)] = self.compute_short_solutions(width, parity, rh_parity)
        return self._short_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)]

    def compute_short_solutions(self, width, parity, rh_parity):
        if width == 1:
            if parity == rh_parity:
                if parity == 0:
                    total = AlternatingPolynomial(self._one_poly.copy(), self._zero_poly.copy(), self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
                    total = AlternatingPolynomial(self._zero_poly.copy(), self._one_poly.copy(), self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
                return total
                total = AlternatingPolynomial(self._zero_poly.copy(), self._zero_poly.copy(), self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
                return total
        elif width < 1:
            raise NotImplementedError

        # rh <= new row height
        new_row_taller = self.short_solutions(width - 1, 0, (parity + rh_parity) % 2).copy()
        new_row_taller.add_ap(self.short_solutions(width - 1, 1, (parity + rh_parity + 1) % 2))

        new_row_taller = self.sum_alternating_polynomial(new_row_taller)

        # rh > new row height
        new_row_shorter = self.short_solutions(width - 1, parity, 0).copy()
        new_row_shorter.add_ap(self.short_solutions(width - 1, parity, 1))

        new_row_shorter = self.sum_alternating_polynomial(new_row_shorter)


        total = new_row_taller

        short_subsolutions_e = self.all_short_solutions(width - 1, parity, 0)
        short_subsolutions_o = self.all_short_solutions(width - 1, parity, 1)

        total.add_constant(self.add(short_subsolutions_e, short_subsolutions_o))

        if rh_parity == 1:
            total._even_poly = self._zero_poly.copy()
            total._odd_poly = self._zero_poly.copy()

        return total

    def all_tall_solutions(self, width, parity, rh_parity):
        if self._all_tall_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)] is None:
            self._all_tall_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)] = self.compute_all_tall_solutions(width, parity, rh_parity)
        return self._all_tall_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)]

    def compute_all_tall_solutions(self, width, parity, rh_parity):
        # add short subsolutions
        short_subsolutions = 0
        if rh_parity == self._height_parity and width > 1:
            short_subsolutions = self.all_short_solutions(width - 1, 0, (parity + rh_parity) % 2)
            short_subsolutions = self.add(short_subsolutions, self.all_short_solutions(width - 1, 1, (parity + rh_parity + 1) % 2))
        if width == 1 and parity == rh_parity and parity == self._height_parity:
            short_subsolutions = self.add(short_subsolutions, 1)
        return self.add(self.sum_alternating_polynomial(self.tall_solutions(width, parity, rh_parity)).solve(self._height, parity=self._height_parity), short_subsolutions)

    def all_short_solutions(self, width, parity, rh_parity):
        if self._all_short_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)] is None:
            self._all_short_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)] = self.compute_all_short_solutions(width, parity, rh_parity)
        return self._all_short_solutions[(width, parity, rh_parity)]

    def compute_all_short_solutions(self, width, parity, rh_parity):
        return self.sum_alternating_polynomial(self.short_solutions(width, parity, rh_parity)).solve(self.subtract(self._height, 1), parity=(self._height_parity + 1) % 2)

    def sum_alternating_polynomial(self, ap):
        sum_even = self._faulhaber.general_polynomial(ap._even_poly)
        sum_odd = self._faulhaber.general_polynomial(ap._odd_poly)
        new_even = sum_even.copy()
        new_odd = new_even.copy()
        result = AlternatingPolynomial(new_even, new_odd, self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
        return result

    def sum_minus_one_ap(self, ap):
        sum_even = self._faulhaber.general_polynomial(ap._even_poly)
        sum_odd = self._faulhaber.general_polynomial(ap._odd_poly)
        new_even = sum_even.copy()
        new_odd = new_even.copy()
        result = AlternatingPolynomial(new_even, new_odd, self._modulus, self._primitive_root)
        return result

    def validate(self, width):
        all_castles = self.pow(self._height, width)
        even_tall = self.add(self.all_tall_solutions(width, 0, 0), self.all_tall_solutions(width, 0, 1))
        odd_tall = self.add(self.all_tall_solutions(width, 1, 0), self.all_tall_solutions(width, 1, 1))
        even_short = self.add(self.all_short_solutions(width, 0, 0), self.all_short_solutions(width, 0, 1))
        odd_short = self.add(self.all_short_solutions(width, 1, 0), self.all_short_solutions(width, 1, 1))
        print "{even_tall} + {odd_tall} + {even_short} + {odd_short} == {all_castles}".format(**locals())
        assert (even_tall + odd_tall + even_short + odd_short) % self._modulus == all_castles

    def F(self, width):
        total = 0
        for r in (0, 1):
            total = self.add(total, self.all_tall_solutions(width, 0, r))
        return total
Example #4
 def test_general(self):
     f = Faulhaber(20, 31, 3)
     # find p(n) = sum(i^2 + 3i for i in range(1, n + 1))
     expected_coef = [ 0, f.add(f.div(3, 2), f.div(1, 6)), f.add(f.div(3, 2), f.div(3, 6)), f.div(2, 6)]
     p = f.general_polynomial(Polynomial([0, 3, 1], 31, 3))
     self.assertEqual(p._coef, expected_coef)