Example #1
    def getDatastreamDissemination(self, pid, dsID, asOfDateTime=None, stream=False,
                head=False, rqst_headers={}):
        """Get a single datastream on a Fedora object; optionally, get the version
        as of a particular date time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param dsID: datastream id
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
            so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        :param stream: return a streaming response (default: False); use
            is recommended for large datastreams
        :param head: return a HEAD request instead of GET (default: False)
        :param rqst_headers: request headers to be passed through to Fedora,
            such as http range requests

        :rtype: :class:`requests.models.Response`
        # /objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID}/content ? [asOfDateTime] [download]
        http_args = {}
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        url = 'objects/%(pid)s/datastreams/%(dsid)s/content' %  \
            {'pid': pid, 'dsid': dsID}
        if head:
            reqmethod = self.head
            reqmethod = self.get
        return reqmethod(url, params=http_args, stream=stream, headers=rqst_headers)
Example #2
    def getDatastream(self,
        """Get information about a single datastream on a Fedora object; optionally,
        get information for the version of the datastream as of a particular date time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param dsID: datastream id
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
        so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        # /objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID} ? [asOfDateTime] [format] [validateChecksum]
        http_args = {}
        if validateChecksum:
            # fedora only responds to lower-case validateChecksum option
            http_args['validateChecksum'] = str(validateChecksum).lower()
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        uri = 'objects/%s/datastreams/%s' % (pid, dsID)
        if http_args:
            uri += '?' + _safe_urlencode(http_args)
        return self.read(uri)
Example #3
    def getDatastreamDissemination(self,
        """Get a single datastream on a Fedora object; optionally, get the version
        as of a particular date time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param dsID: datastream id
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
            so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand

        :param return_http_response: optional parameter; if True, the
           actual :class:`httlib.HttpResponse` instance generated by
           the request will be returned, instead of just the contents
           (e.g., if you want to deal with large datastreams in
           chunks).  Defaults to False.
        # TODO: Note that this loads the entire datastream content into
        # memory as a Python string. This will suck for very large
        # datastreams. Eventually we need to either modify this function or
        # else add another to return self.open(), allowing users to stream
        # the result in a with block.

        # /objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID}/content ? [asOfDateTime] [download]
        http_args = {}
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        url = 'objects/%s/datastreams/%s/content?%s' % (
            pid, dsID, _safe_urlencode(http_args))
        return self.read(url, return_http_response=return_http_response)
Example #4
    def getDatastreamDissemination(self, pid, dsID, asOfDateTime=None, return_http_response=False):
        """Get a single datastream on a Fedora object; optionally, get the version
        as of a particular date time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param dsID: datastream id
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
            so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand

        :param return_http_response: optional parameter; if True, the
           actual :class:`httlib.HttpResponse` instance generated by
           the request will be returned, instead of just the contents
           (e.g., if you want to deal with large datastreams in
           chunks).  Defaults to False.
        # TODO: Note that this loads the entire datastream content into
        # memory as a Python string. This will suck for very large
        # datastreams. Eventually we need to either modify this function or
        # else add another to return self.open(), allowing users to stream
        # the result in a with block.

        # /objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID}/content ? [asOfDateTime] [download]
        http_args = {}
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        url = 'objects/%s/datastreams/%s/content?%s' % (pid, dsID, _safe_urlencode(http_args))
        return self.read(url, return_http_response=return_http_response)
Example #5
    def getDatastream(self,
        """Get information about a single datastream on a Fedora object; optionally,
        get information for the version of the datastream as of a particular date time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param dsID: datastream id
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
            so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        :param validateChecksum: boolean; if True, request Fedora to recalculate
            and verify the stored checksum against actual data
        :rtype: :class:`requests.models.Response`
        # /objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID} ? [asOfDateTime] [format] [validateChecksum]
        http_args = {}
        if validateChecksum:
            # fedora only responds to lower-case validateChecksum option
            http_args['validateChecksum'] = str(validateChecksum).lower()
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        uri = 'objects/%(pid)s/datastreams/%(dsid)s' % {
            'pid': pid,
            'dsid': dsID
        return self.get(uri, params=http_args)
Example #6
    def getDatastreamDissemination(self,
        """Get a single datastream on a Fedora object; optionally, get the version
        as of a particular date time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param dsID: datastream id
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
            so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        # TODO: Note that this loads the entire datastream content into
        # memory as a Python string. This will suck for very large
        # datastreams. Eventually we need to either modify this function or
        # else add another to return self.open(), allowing users to stream
        # the result in a with block.

        # /objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID}/content ? [asOfDateTime] [download]
        http_args = {}
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        url = 'objects/%(pid)s/datastreams/%(dsid)s/content' %  \
            {'pid': pid, 'dsid': dsID}
        return self.get(url, params=http_args, stream=stream)
Example #7
    def test_purgeDatastream(self):
        # add a datastream that can be purged
        (added, dsprofile), ds = self._add_text_datastream()
        # grab datastream creation date from addDatastream result to test purge result
        dsprofile_node = etree.fromstring(dsprofile)
        created = dsprofile_node.xpath("string(m:dsCreateDate)", namespaces={"m": FEDORA_MANAGE_NS})

        # purgeDatastream gives us back the time in a different format:
        expect_created = created
        if expect_created.endswith("Z"):  # it does
            # strip of the Z and any final zeros
            expect_created = expect_created.rstrip("Z0")
            # strip the decimal if it got that far
            expect_created = expect_created.rstrip(".")
            # and put back the Z
            expect_created += "Z"

        r = self.rest_api.purgeDatastream(self.pid, ds["id"], logMessage="purging text datastream")
        purged = r.status_code == requests.codes.ok
        times = r.text
            expect_created in times,
            "datastream creation date should be returned in list of purged datastreams - expected %s, got %s"
            % (expect_created, times),
        # log message in audit trail
        r = self.rest_api.getObjectXML(self.pid)
        self.assert_("purging text datastream" in r.text)
        # datastream no longer listed
        r = self.rest_api.listDatastreams(self.pid)
        self.assert_('<datastream dsid="%s"' % ds["id"] not in r.text)

        # NOTE: Fedora bug - attempting to purge a non-existent datastream returns 204?
        # purged = self.rest_api.purgeDatastream(self.pid, "BOGUS",
        #     logMessage="test purging non-existent datastream")
        # self.assertFalse(purged)

            logMessage="test purging non-existent datastream from non-existent object",
        # also test purging specific versions of a datastream ?

        # attempt to purge a version that doesn't exist
        (added, dsprofile), ds = self._add_text_datastream()
        tomorrow = datetime.now(tzutc()) + timedelta(1)
        r = self.rest_api.purgeDatastream(
            self.pid, ds["id"], startDT=datetime_to_fedoratime(tomorrow), logMessage="purging text datastream"
        success = r.status_code == requests.codes.ok
        times = r.text
        # no errors, no versions purged
        self.assertEqual("[]", times)
Example #8
    def test_purgeDatastream(self):
        # add a datastream that can be purged
        (added, dsprofile), ds = self._add_text_datastream()
        # grab datastream creation date from addDatastream result to test purge result
        dsprofile_node = etree.fromstring(dsprofile)
        created = dsprofile_node.xpath('string(m:dsCreateDate)',
                                       namespaces={'m': FEDORA_MANAGE_NS})

        # purgeDatastream gives us back the time in a different format:
        expect_created = created
        if expect_created.endswith('Z'):  # it does
            # strip of the Z and any final zeros
            expect_created = expect_created.rstrip('Z0')
            # strip the decimal if it got that far
            expect_created = expect_created.rstrip('.')
            # and put back the Z
            expect_created += 'Z'

        purged, times = self.rest_api.purgeDatastream(
            self.pid, ds['id'], logMessage="purging text datastream")
        self.assert_(expect_created in times,
            'datastream creation date should be returned in list of purged datastreams - expected %s, got %s' % \
            (expect_created, times))
        # log message in audit trail
        xml, url = self.rest_api.getObjectXML(self.pid)
        self.assert_('purging text datastream' in xml)
        # datastream no longer listed
        dslist, url = self.rest_api.listDatastreams(self.pid)
        self.assert_('<datastream dsid="%s"' % ds['id'] not in dslist)

        # NOTE: Fedora bug - attempting to purge a non-existent datastream returns 204?
        # purged = self.rest_api.purgeDatastream(self.pid, "BOGUS",
        #     logMessage="test purging non-existent datastream")
        # self.assertFalse(purged)

            "test purging non-existent datastream from non-existent object")
        # also test purging specific versions of a datastream ?

        # attempt to purge a version that doesn't exist
        (added, dsprofile), ds = self._add_text_datastream()
        tomorrow = datetime.now(tzutc()) + timedelta(1)
        success, times = self.rest_api.purgeDatastream(
            logMessage="purging text datastream")
        # no errors, no versions purged
        self.assertEqual('[]', times)
Example #9
    def getObjectProfile(self, pid, asOfDateTime=None):
        """Get top-level information aboug a single Fedora object; optionally,
        retrieve information as of a particular date-time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
        so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        # /objects/{pid} ? [format] [asOfDateTime]
        http_args = {}
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        url = 'objects/%(pid)s' % {'pid': pid}
        return self.get(url, params=http_args)
Example #10
    def getObjectProfile(self, pid, asOfDateTime=None):
        """Get top-level information aboug a single Fedora object; optionally,
        retrieve information as of a particular date-time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
        so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        # /objects/{pid} ? [format] [asOfDateTime]
        http_args = {}
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        url = 'objects/%s?%s' % (pid, _safe_urlencode(http_args))
        return self.read(url)
Example #11
    def getObjectProfile(self, pid, asOfDateTime=None):
        """Get top-level information aboug a single Fedora object; optionally,
        retrieve information as of a particular date-time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
            so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        :rtype: :class:`requests.models.Response`
        # /objects/{pid} ? [format] [asOfDateTime]
        http_args = {}
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        url = 'objects/%(pid)s' % {'pid': pid}
        return self.get(url, params=http_args)
Example #12
    def getDatastream(self, pid, dsID, asOfDateTime=None, validateChecksum=False):
        """Get information about a single datastream on a Fedora object; optionally,
        get information for the version of the datastream as of a particular date time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param dsID: datastream id
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
        so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        # /objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID} ? [asOfDateTime] [format] [validateChecksum]
        http_args = {}
        if validateChecksum:
            # fedora only responds to lower-case validateChecksum option
            http_args['validateChecksum'] = str(validateChecksum).lower()
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        uri = 'objects/%(pid)s/datastreams/%(dsid)s' % {'pid': pid, 'dsid': dsID}
        return self.get(uri, params=http_args)
Example #13
    def getDatastreamDissemination(self, pid, dsID, asOfDateTime=None, stream=False):
        """Get a single datastream on a Fedora object; optionally, get the version
        as of a particular date time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param dsID: datastream id
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
            so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        # TODO: Note that this loads the entire datastream content into
        # memory as a Python string. This will suck for very large
        # datastreams. Eventually we need to either modify this function or
        # else add another to return self.open(), allowing users to stream
        # the result in a with block.

        # /objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID}/content ? [asOfDateTime] [download]
        http_args = {}
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        url = 'objects/%(pid)s/datastreams/%(dsid)s/content' %  \
            {'pid': pid, 'dsid': dsID}
        return self.get(url, params=http_args, stream=stream)
Example #14
    def getDatastreamDissemination(self,
        """Get a single datastream on a Fedora object; optionally, get the version
        as of a particular date time.

        :param pid: object pid
        :param dsID: datastream id
        :param asOfDateTime: optional datetime; ``must`` be a non-naive datetime
            so it can be converted to a date-time format Fedora can understand
        :param stream: return a streaming response (default: False); use
            is recommended for large datastreams
        :param head: return a HEAD request instead of GET (default: False)
        :param rqst_headers: request headers to be passed through to Fedora,
            such as http range requests

        :rtype: :class:`requests.models.Response`
        # /objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID}/content ? [asOfDateTime] [download]
        http_args = {}
        if rqst_headers is None:
            rqst_headers = {}
        if asOfDateTime:
            http_args['asOfDateTime'] = datetime_to_fedoratime(asOfDateTime)
        url = 'objects/%(pid)s/datastreams/%(dsid)s/content' %  \
            {'pid': pid, 'dsid': dsID}
        if head:
            reqmethod = self.head
            reqmethod = self.get
        return reqmethod(url,
Example #15
 def to_xml(self, dt):
     return datetime_to_fedoratime(dt)
Example #16
 def to_xml(self, dt):
     return datetime_to_fedoratime(dt)