def update_config(cfg): try: config.smtp_host, config.smtp_port = parse_host_port( cfg.get('mailer', 'smtp'), default_port) except: config.smtp_host = 'localhost' config.smtp_port = default_port logging.debug('mailer.smtp = %s:%u' % (config.smtp_host, config.smtp_port)) try: config.sender = cfg.get('mailer', 'from') except: config.sender = 'eva@' + platform.node() logging.debug('mailer.from = %s' % config.sender) try: config.default_rcp = list( filter(None, [ x.strip() for x in cfg.get('mailer', 'default_rcp').split(',') ])) except: config.default_rcp = ['root'] logging.debug('mailer.default_rcp = %s' % ', '.join(config.default_rcp)) return True
def __init__(self, **kwargs): host, port = parse_host_port(self.phi_cfg.get('host'), 161) community = self.phi_cfg.get('community') if not community: community = 'public' if not host: self.log_error('Host not specified') self.ready = False return try: retries = int(self.phi_get('retries')) except: retries = 0 self.t_data = {} self.t_lock = threading.Lock() self.snmp_get = partial(snmp.get, host=host, port=port, community=community, retries=retries) = host self.port = port = community self.retries = retries
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.snmp_host, self.snmp_port = parse_host_port( self.phi_cfg.get('host'), 161) self.sensor_port = self.phi_cfg.get('sp') if self.sensor_port and not isinstance(self.sensor_port, list): self.sensor_port = [self.sensor_port] self.sensor_port = self.sensor_port.copy() try: for i in range(len(self.sensor_port)): self.sensor_port[i] = int(self.sensor_port[i]) - 1 if self.sensor_port[i] < 0: raise Exception('Sensor port can not be less than 1') self.sensor_port[i] = str(self.sensor_port[i]) except: self.sensor_port = None if not self.snmp_host: self.log_error('no host specified') self.ready = False if not self.sensor_port: self.log_error('no sensor port specified') self.ready = False else: if len(self.sensor_port) > 1: self.__lpi_default = 'sensor'
def create_notifier(self, params): n = self.get_notifier(params['i'], pass_errors=True) if n: self.print_err('notifier %s already exists' % params['i']) return self.local_func_result_failed notifier_id = params['i'] p = params['p'].split(':') space = params.get('s') timeout = params.get('t') if len(p) < 2: return self.local_func_result_failed if p[0] == 'json': u = (':'.join(p[1:])).split('/') if len(u) < 3: return self.local_func_result_failed if u[2].find('@') != -1: try: notify_key, u[2] = u[2].split('@') except: return self.local_func_result_failed else: notify_key = None uri = '/'.join(u) if uri.find('#') != -1: uri, method = uri.split('#', 1) else: method = None n = eva.notify.HTTP_JSONNotifier(notifier_id=notifier_id, uri=uri, method=method, notify_key=notify_key, space=space, timeout=timeout) elif p[0] == 'influxdb': u = (':'.join(p[1:])).split('/') if len(u) < 3: return self.local_func_result_failed uri = '/'.join(u) if uri.find('#') != -1: uri, db = uri.split('#', 1) else: self.print_err('database not specified') return self.local_func_result_failed n = eva.notify.InfluxDB_Notifier(notifier_id=notifier_id, uri=uri, db=db, space=space, timeout=timeout) elif p[0] == 'mqtt': _p = ':'.join(p[1:]) if _p.find('@') != -1: auth = _p.split('@')[0] host = _p.split('@')[1] username = auth.split(':')[0] try: password = auth.split(':')[1] except: password = None else: username = None password = None host = _p from import parse_host_port host, port = parse_host_port(host) n = eva.notify.MQTTNotifier(notifier_id=notifier_id, host=host, port=port, username=username, password=password, space=space, timeout=timeout) elif p[0] == 'db': db_uri = ':'.join(p[1:]) n = eva.notify.SQLANotifier(notifier_id=notifier_id, db_uri=db_uri, keep=None, space=space) elif p[0] == 'gcpiot': try: project, region, registry = ':'.join(p[1:]).split('/') except: return self.local_func_result_failed n = eva.notify.GCP_IoT(notifier_id=notifier_id, project=project, region=region, registry=registry, timeout=timeout) elif p[0] == 'prometheus': n = eva.notify.PrometheusNotifier(notifier_id=notifier_id) else: self.print_err('notifier type unknown %s' % p[0]) return self.local_func_result_failed n.enabled = True if params.get('y') else False eva.notify.append_notifier(n) eva.notify.save_notifier(notifier_id) return self.local_func_result_ok
def set(self, port=None, data=None, cfg=None, timeout=0): if cfg: host, snmp_port = parse_host_port(cfg.get('host'), 161) community = cfg.get('community') if not community: community = cfg.get('write_community') tries = cfg.get('retries') try: tries = int(tries) except: tries = None else: host = None community = None tries = None if not host: host = self.snmp_host snmp_port = self.snmp_port if not community: community = self.snmp_write_community if tries is None: tries = self.snmp_tries if not host or not community: return False _timeout = timeout / self.snmp_tries if isinstance(port, list) and netsnmp: try: sess = netsnmp.Session( Version=2, DestHost=host, RemotePort=snmp_port, Community=community, Timeout=int(_timeout * 1000000), Retries=self.snmp_tries - 1) vts = () for p, v in zip(port, data): try: port = int(p) val = int(v) if port < 1 or \ port > self.port_max or val < 0 or val > 1: raise Exception('port out of range') except Exception as e: self.log_error(e) log_traceback() return False vts += (netsnmp.Varbind( '%s.%u' % (self.oid_work, port + self.port_shift), '', str(v).encode(), 'INTEGER'),) return True if sess.set(netsnmp.VarList(*vts)) else False except: log_traceback() return False else: try: port = int(port) val = int(data) except: return False if port < 1 or port > self.port_max or val < 0 or val > 1: return False return snmp.set('%s.%u' % (self.oid_work, port + self.port_shift), rfc1902.Integer(val), host, snmp_port, community, _timeout, tries - 1)
def get(self, port=None, cfg=None, timeout=0): if cfg: host, snmp_port = parse_host_port(cfg.get('host'), 161) community = cfg.get('community') if not community: community = cfg.get('read_community') tries = cfg.get('retries') try: tries = int(tries) + 1 except: tries = None else: host = None community = None tries = None if not host: host = self.snmp_host snmp_port = self.snmp_port if not community: community = self.snmp_read_community if tries is None: tries = self.snmp_tries if not host or not community: return None _timeout = timeout / tries if not port and netsnmp: try: sess = netsnmp.Session( Version=2, DestHost=host, RemotePort=snmp_port, Community=community, Timeout=int(_timeout * 1000000), Retries=self.snmp_tries - 1) oid = netsnmp.VarList( '%s.%u' % (self.oid_work, self.port_shift + 1)) sess.getbulk(0, self.port_max, oid) result = {} for i, v in enumerate(oid): result[str(i + 1)] = v.val.decode() return result except Exception as e: self.log_error(e) log_traceback() return None else: try: port = int(port) except: return None if port < 1 or port > self.port_max: return None if netsnmp: try: sess = netsnmp.Session( Version=2, DestHost=host, RemotePort=snmp_port, Community=community, Timeout=int(_timeout * 1000000), Retries=self.snmp_tries - 1) oid = netsnmp.VarList( '%s.%u' % (self.oid_work, port + self.port_shift)) return sess.get(oid)[0].decode() except Exception as e: self.log_error(e) log_traceback() return None else: return snmp.get( '%s.%u' % (self.oid_work, port + self.port_shift), host, snmp_port, community, _timeout, tries - 1, rf=int)
def get(self, port=None, cfg=None, timeout=0): if cfg: host, snmp_port = parse_host_port(cfg.get('host'), 161) community = cfg.get('community') tries = cfg.get('retries') try: tries = int(tries) + 1 except: tries = None else: host = None community = None tries = None if not host: host = self.snmp_host snmp_port = self.snmp_port if not community: community = if tries is None: tries = self.snmp_tries if not host or not community: return None _timeout = timeout / tries port = str(port) if port.startswith('a'): oid = self.oid_ain port_max = 8 port = port[1:] ret = 1 elif port.startswith('t'): oid = self.oid_temp port_max = 8 port = port[1:] ret = 2 else: oid = self.oid_din port_max = 16 ret = 0 try: port = int(port) except: return None if port < 1 or port > port_max: return None if netsnmp: try: sess = netsnmp.Session(Version=2, DestHost=host, RemotePort=snmp_port, Community=community, Timeout=int(_timeout * 1000000), Retries=self.snmp_tries - 1) o = netsnmp.VarList('%s.%u' % (oid, port - 1)) result = sess.get(o)[0].decode() except Exception as e: self.log_error(e) log_traceback() return None else: result = snmp.get('%s.%u' % (oid, port - 1), host, snmp_port, community, _timeout, tries - 1, rf=int) if ret == 0: return result elif ret == 1: return int(result) / 100 elif ret == 2: return None if result == '---' else result
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.port_max = 8 self.relay_host, self.relay_port = parse_host_port( self.phi_cfg.get('host'), 6722)