Example #1
def safe_join(base, *paths):
    Joins one or more path components to the base path component intelligently.
    Returns a normalized, absolute version of the final path.

    The final path must be located inside of the base path component (otherwise
    a ValueError is raised).
    base = force_text(base)
    paths = [force_text(p) for p in paths]
    final_path = abspathu(join(base, *paths))
    base_path = abspathu(base)
    # Ensure final_path starts with base_path (using normcase to ensure we
    # don't false-negative on case insensitive operating systems like Windows),
    # further, one of the following conditions must be true:
    #  a) The next character is the path separator (to prevent conditions like
    #     safe_join("/dir", "/../d"))
    #  b) The final path must be the same as the base path.
    #  c) The base path must be the most root path (meaning either "/" or "C:\\")
    if (not normcase(final_path).startswith(normcase(base_path + sep)) and
        normcase(final_path) != normcase(base_path) and
        dirname(normcase(base_path)) != normcase(base_path)):
        raise ValueError('The joined path (%s) is located outside of the base '
                         'path component (%s)' % (final_path, base_path))
    return final_path
Example #2
def safe_join(base, *paths):
    Joins one or more path components to the base path component intelligently.
    Returns a normalized, absolute version of the final path.

    The final path must be located inside of the base path component (otherwise
    a ValueError is raised).
    base = force_text(base)
    paths = [force_text(p) for p in paths]
    final_path = abspathu(join(base, *paths))
    base_path = abspathu(base)
    # Ensure final_path starts with base_path (using normcase to ensure we
    # don't false-negative on case insensitive operating systems like Windows),
    # further, one of the following conditions must be true:
    #  a) The next character is the path separator (to prevent conditions like
    #     safe_join("/dir", "/../d"))
    #  b) The final path must be the same as the base path.
    #  c) The base path must be the most root path (meaning either "/" or "C:\\")
    if (not normcase(final_path).startswith(normcase(base_path + sep))
            and normcase(final_path) != normcase(base_path)
            and dirname(normcase(base_path)) != normcase(base_path)):
        raise ValueError('The joined path (%s) is located outside of the base '
                         'path component (%s)' % (final_path, base_path))
    return final_path
Example #3
def pgettext(context, message):
    msg_with_ctxt = "%s%s%s" % (context, CONTEXT_SEPARATOR, message)
    result = ugettext(msg_with_ctxt)
    if CONTEXT_SEPARATOR in result:
        # Translation not found
        # force unicode, because lazy version expects unicode
        result = force_text(message)
    return result
Example #4
def ugettext(message):
    return force_text(gettext(message))
Example #5
def ungettext(singular, plural, number):
    return force_text(ngettext(singular, plural, number))
Example #6
def _string_concat(*strings):
    Lazy variant of string concatenation, needed for translations that are
    constructed from multiple parts.
    return ''.join([force_text(s) for s in strings])
Example #7
 def default(self, obj):
     if isinstance(obj, Promise):
         return force_text(obj)
     return super(LazyJSONEncoder, self).default(obj)
Example #8
def templatize(src, origin=None):
    Turns a Django template into something that is understood by xgettext. It
    does so by translating the Django translation tags into standard gettext
    function invocations.
    from eva.conf import settings
    from eva.template import (Lexer, TOKEN_TEXT, TOKEN_VAR, TOKEN_BLOCK,
    src = force_text(src, settings.FILE_CHARSET)
    out = StringIO()
    message_context = None
    intrans = False
    inplural = False
    singular = []
    plural = []
    incomment = False
    comment = []
    lineno_comment_map = {}
    comment_lineno_cache = None

    for t in Lexer(src, origin).tokenize():
        if incomment:
            if t.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK and t.contents == 'endcomment':
                content = ''.join(comment)
                translators_comment_start = None
                for lineno, line in enumerate(content.splitlines(True)):
                    if line.lstrip().startswith(TRANSLATOR_COMMENT_MARK):
                        translators_comment_start = lineno
                for lineno, line in enumerate(content.splitlines(True)):
                    if translators_comment_start is not None and lineno >= translators_comment_start:
                        out.write(' # %s' % line)
                        out.write(' #\n')
                incomment = False
                comment = []
        elif intrans:
            if t.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK:
                endbmatch = endblock_re.match(t.contents)
                pluralmatch = plural_re.match(t.contents)
                if endbmatch:
                    if inplural:
                        if message_context:
                            out.write(' npgettext(%r, %r, %r,count) ' % (message_context, ''.join(singular), ''.join(plural)))
                            out.write(' ngettext(%r, %r, count) ' % (''.join(singular), ''.join(plural)))
                        for part in singular:
                            out.write(blankout(part, 'S'))
                        for part in plural:
                            out.write(blankout(part, 'P'))
                        if message_context:
                            out.write(' pgettext(%r, %r) ' % (message_context, ''.join(singular)))
                            out.write(' gettext(%r) ' % ''.join(singular))
                        for part in singular:
                            out.write(blankout(part, 'S'))
                    message_context = None
                    intrans = False
                    inplural = False
                    singular = []
                    plural = []
                elif pluralmatch:
                    inplural = True
                    filemsg = ''
                    if origin:
                        filemsg = 'file %s, ' % origin
                    raise SyntaxError("Translation blocks must not include other block tags: %s (%sline %d)" % (t.contents, filemsg, t.lineno))
            elif t.token_type == TOKEN_VAR:
                if inplural:
                    plural.append('%%(%s)s' % t.contents)
                    singular.append('%%(%s)s' % t.contents)
            elif t.token_type == TOKEN_TEXT:
                contents = one_percent_re.sub('%%', t.contents)
                if inplural:

            # Handle comment tokens (`{# ... #}`) plus other constructs on
            # the same line:
            if comment_lineno_cache is not None:
                cur_lineno = t.lineno + t.contents.count('\n')
                if comment_lineno_cache == cur_lineno:
                    if t.token_type != TOKEN_COMMENT:
                        for c in lineno_comment_map[comment_lineno_cache]:
                            filemsg = ''
                            if origin:
                                filemsg = 'file %s, ' % origin
                            warn_msg = ("The translator-targeted comment '%s' "
                                "(%sline %d) was ignored, because it wasn't the last item "
                                "on the line.") % (c, filemsg, comment_lineno_cache)
                            warnings.warn(warn_msg, TranslatorCommentWarning)
                        lineno_comment_map[comment_lineno_cache] = []
                    out.write('# %s' % ' | '.join(lineno_comment_map[comment_lineno_cache]))
                comment_lineno_cache = None

            if t.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK:
                imatch = inline_re.match(t.contents)
                bmatch = block_re.match(t.contents)
                cmatches = constant_re.findall(t.contents)
                if imatch:
                    g = imatch.group(1)
                    if g[0] == '"':
                        g = g.strip('"')
                    elif g[0] == "'":
                        g = g.strip("'")
                    g = one_percent_re.sub('%%', g)
                    if imatch.group(2):
                        # A context is provided
                        context_match = context_re.match(imatch.group(2))
                        message_context = context_match.group(1)
                        if message_context[0] == '"':
                            message_context = message_context.strip('"')
                        elif message_context[0] == "'":
                            message_context = message_context.strip("'")
                        out.write(' pgettext(%r, %r) ' % (message_context, g))
                        message_context = None
                        out.write(' gettext(%r) ' % g)
                elif bmatch:
                    for fmatch in constant_re.findall(t.contents):
                        out.write(' _(%s) ' % fmatch)
                    if bmatch.group(1):
                        # A context is provided
                        context_match = context_re.match(bmatch.group(1))
                        message_context = context_match.group(1)
                        if message_context[0] == '"':
                            message_context = message_context.strip('"')
                        elif message_context[0] == "'":
                            message_context = message_context.strip("'")
                    intrans = True
                    inplural = False
                    singular = []
                    plural = []
                elif cmatches:
                    for cmatch in cmatches:
                        out.write(' _(%s) ' % cmatch)
                elif t.contents == 'comment':
                    incomment = True
                    out.write(blankout(t.contents, 'B'))
            elif t.token_type == TOKEN_VAR:
                parts = t.contents.split('|')
                cmatch = constant_re.match(parts[0])
                if cmatch:
                    out.write(' _(%s) ' % cmatch.group(1))
                for p in parts[1:]:
                    if p.find(':_(') >= 0:
                        out.write(' %s ' % p.split(':',1)[1])
                        out.write(blankout(p, 'F'))
            elif t.token_type == TOKEN_COMMENT:
                if t.contents.lstrip().startswith(TRANSLATOR_COMMENT_MARK):
                    comment_lineno_cache = t.lineno
                out.write(blankout(t.contents, 'X'))
    return force_str(out.getvalue())
Example #9
def _string_concat(*strings):
    Lazy variant of string concatenation, needed for translations that are
    constructed from multiple parts.
    return "".join([force_text(s) for s in strings])
Example #10
 def default(self, obj):
     if isinstance(obj, Promise):
         return force_text(obj)
     return super(LazyJSONEncoder, self).default(obj)
Example #11
def ugettext(message):
    return force_text(gettext(message))
Example #12
def ungettext(singular, plural, number):
    return force_text(ngettext(singular, plural, number))