def draw_transect(self,outpath,fname,radar=True): B = BirdsEye(self.W) m,x,y = B.basemap_setup() m.drawgreatcircle(self.lonA,self.latA,self.lonB,self.latB) # tv = 'Q_pert' tv = 'cref';lv=False # lv = 800 # clvs = N.arange(-0.005,0.0052,0.0002) # cmap='BrBG' S = Scales('cref',False) clvs = S.clvs cmap = m.contourf(x,y,self.W.get(tv,utc=self.tidx,level=lv)[0,0,:,:],levels=clvs,cmap=cmap),fname) plt.close(B.fig)
def get_scales(scales=None, vrbl=None, lvs=None): if scales: S = scales cmap = clvs = S.clvs else: if vrbl: S = Scales(vrbl) cmap = clvs = S.clvs else: cmap = None clvs = None if lvs is not None: clvs = lvs return cmap, clvs
def _get_plot_options1(self,vrbl=None,*args,**kwargs): """ Filter arguments and key-word arguments for plotting methods. Whatever is in dictionary will overwrite defaults in the plotting method. These may be * fhrs (forecast hour plotting times - or all) * ensmems (ensemble members, or all) """ # Get plotting levels if not already given # TODO: rewrite this using hasattr() or something. if vrbl: S = Scales(vrbl) if not 'levels' in kwargs: kwargs['levels'] = S.clvs if not 'cmap' in kwargs: kwargs['cmap'] = # Specific things for certain variables if vrbl in ('REFL_10CM',"REFL_comp"): pass # Save all figures to a subdirectory if 'subdir' in kwargs: utils.trycreate(subdir,is_folder=True) # What times are being plotted? # If all, return list of all times if 'utc' in kwargs: pass elif ('fchr' not in kwargs) or (kwargs['fchr'] == 'all'): kwargs['utc'] = E.list_of_times # Does this pick up on numpy arange? elif isinstance(kwargs['fchr'], (list,tuple)): kwargs['utc'] = [] for f in kwargs['fchr']: utc = self.inittime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600*f) kwargs['fchr'].append(utc) # Make domain smaller if requested # Save data before plotting clskwargs['save_data'] = kwargs.get('save_data',False) return clskwargs,plotkwargs,mplkwargs
dataroot = '/scratch/john.lawson/WRF/VSE_reso/20160331' initutc = datetime.datetime(2016,3,31,21,0,0) outdir = '/home/john.lawson/VSE_reso/pyoutput/attempt1' fhrs = [0.25,] + list(range(1,3)) plotlist = ['Verif',''] + list(range(1,11)) ### OPTIONS ### thumbnails = ['REFL_comp',] scores = ['CRPS',] ### INSTANCES etc ### E = Ensemble(dataroot,initutc,ctrl=False,loadobj=False,doms=2) ST4 = StageIV(st4dir) d01_limdict = E.get_limits(dom=1) d02_limdict = E.get_limits(dom=2) S = Scales('REFL_comp') ### FUNCTIONS ### def plot_thumbnails(plotutc,vrbl): """ Plot data, including verification if it exists. There are three plotting options. The d01 and d02 domains, as is, and a third interpolation to common (inner) domain. """ if vrbl == 'REFL_comp': R_large = Radar(plotutc,radardir) R_small = copy.copy(R_large) R_large.get_subdomain(**d01_limdict,overwrite=True) R_small.get_subdomain(**d02_limdict,overwrite=True) for nloop,dom in enumerate((1,1,2)):
axit = iter(axes.flatten()) for folder in sorted(FOLDERS): if "netcdf4" in folder: ncno = 4 elif "nco" in folder: ncno = " ncrcat" else: ncno = 3 for mem in sorted(MEMS): ax = next(axit) ss = folder.split('/')[-1] fname = 'wrfout_{}_2017-05-03_02:00:00'.format(dom) lvidx = 0 if vrbl == 'REFL_comp': S = Scales(vrbl=vrbl) cmap = lvs = S.clvs elif vrbl == 'WSPD10MAX': cmap = 'gist_earth_r' lvs = N.arange(2.5, 22.5, 2.5) elif vrbl == 'W': lvidx = 20 else: raise Exception fpath = os.path.join(folder, mem, fname) # ax.set_title("Dom {} for the {} run".format(dom,ss),fontsize=6) ax.set_title("{} for netCDF{}".format(mem, ncno)) if ("onedom" in ss) and (dom == 'd02'):
def plot( self, fpath, fmt='default', W=None, vrbl='REFL_comp', # Nlim=None,Elim=None,Slim=None,Wlim=None): ld=None, lats=None, lons=None, fig=None, ax=None): """ Plot basic quicklook images. Setting fmt to 'default' will plot raw data, plus objects identified. """ if ld is None: ld = dict() nobjs = len(self.objects) if fmt == 'default': # if fig is None: F = Figure(ncols=2, nrows=1, figsize=(8, 4), fpath=fpath) # F.W = W with F: ax =[0] # Plot raw array BE = BirdsEye(ax=ax, fig=F.fig) # Discrete colormap import matplotlib as M cmap_og ='tab20') # cmap_colors = [cmap_og(i) for i in range(cmap_og.N)] color_list = cmap_og(N.linspace(0, 1, nobjs)) # cmap = M.colors.ListedColormap(,N=len(self.objects)) cmap = M.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'discrete_objects', color_list, nobjs) # bounds = N.linspace(0,nobjs,nobjs+1) # norm = M.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds,cmap_og.N) masked_objs =, 1) BE.plot2D( plottype='pcolormesh', data=masked_objs, save=False, cb='horizontal', #clvs=N.arange(1,nobjs), W=W, cmap=cmap, mplkwargs={'vmin': 1}, **ld, lats=lats, lons=lons) ax =[1] S = Scales(vrbl) BE = BirdsEye(ax=ax, fig=F.fig) BE.plot2D(data=self.raw_data, save=False, W=W, cb='horizontal', lats=lats, lons=lons,, clvs=S.clvs, **ld) return
def plot_quicklook(self, outdir, what='all', fname=None, ecc=0.2): """ Plot quick images of objects identified. Args: what (str): the type of quickplot outdir (str): where to put the quickplot fname (str,optional): if None, automatically name. ecc (float): eccentricity of object, for discriminating (later) """ assert what in ("all", "qlcs", "ecc", "shapeindex", "ratio", "extent", "4-panel", "pca") def label_objs(bmap, ax, locs): for k, v in locs.items(): xpt, ypt = bmap(v[1], v[0]) # bbox_style = {'boxstyle':'square','fc':'white','alpha':0.5} # bmap.plot(xpt,ypt,'ko',)#markersize=3,zorder=100) # ax.text(xpt,ypt,k,ha='left',fontsize=15) ax.annotate(k, xy=(xpt, ypt), xycoords="data", zorder=1000, fontsize=7, fontweight='bold') # pdb.set_trace() return def do_label_array(bmap, ax): locs = dict() for o in self.objects.itertuples(): locs[str(int(o.label))] = (o.centroid_lat, o.centroid_lon) idxarray = < 1, self.idxarray) bmap.pcolormesh( data=idxarray, x=x, y=y, ) #vmin=1,vmax=self.idxarray.max()+1) # levels=N.arange(1,self.objects.shape[0])) label_objs(bmap, ax, locs) ax.set_title("Object labels") return def __do_label(bmap, ax): locs = dict() for o, okidx in zip(self.objects.itertuples(), self.OKidxs): #data = skimage.preprocessing.normalize( raw_data = self.object_props[okidx].intensity_image pdb.set_trace() data = N.linalg.norm(axis=(0, 1), x=raw_data) shidx = skimage.feature.shape_index(data) sistr = "{:0.3f}".format(shidx) locs[sistr] = (o.centroid_lat, o.centroid_lon) idxarray = < 1, self.idxarray) bmap.pcolormesh( data=idxarray, x=x, y=y, ) #vmin=1,vmax=self.idxarray.max()+1) # levels=N.arange(1,self.objects.shape[0])) label_objs(bmap, ax, locs) ax.set_title("Object shape index") return def do_label_ecc(bmap, ax): locs = dict() for o in self.objects.itertuples(): eccstr = "{:0.2f}".format(o.eccentricity) locs[eccstr] = (o.centroid_lat, o.centroid_lon) idxarray = < 1, self.OKidxarray) bmap.pcolormesh(data=idxarray, x=x, y=y, alpha=0.5) #vmin=1,vmax=self.idxarray.max()+1) # levels=N.arange(1,self.objects.shape[0])) label_objs(bmap, ax, locs) ax.set_title("Object eccentricity") return def do_label_extent(bmap, ax): locs = dict() for o in self.objects.itertuples(): lab = "{:1.2f}".format(o.extent) locs[lab] = (o.centroid_lat, o.centroid_lon) idxarray = < 1, self.OKidxarray) bmap.pcolormesh(data=idxarray, x=x, y=y, alpha=0.5) #vmin=1,vmax=self.idxarray.max()+1) # levels=N.arange(1,self.objects.shape[0])) label_objs(bmap, ax, locs) ax.set_title("Object extent (fill pc. of bbox)") return def do_label_longest(bmap, ax): locs = dict() for o in self.objects.itertuples(): lab = "{}".format(int(o.longaxis_km)) locs[lab] = (o.centroid_lat, o.centroid_lon) idxarray = < 1, self.OKidxarray) bmap.pcolormesh(data=idxarray, x=x, y=y, alpha=0.5) #vmin=1,vmax=self.idxarray.max()+1) # levels=N.arange(1,self.objects.shape[0])) label_objs(bmap, ax, locs) ax.set_title("Object longest-side length (km)") return def do_label_pca(bmap, ax, discrim_vals=(-0.2, 0.5)): locs = dict() obj_discrim = N.zeros_like(self.OKidxarray) for o in self.objects.itertuples(): lab = "{:0.2f}".format(o.qlcsness) locs[lab] = (o.centroid_lat, o.centroid_lon) id = int(o.label) if o.qlcsness < discrim_vals[0]: discrim = 1 elif o.qlcsness > discrim_vals[1]: discrim = 3 else: discrim = 2 obj_discrim = N.where(self.idxarray == id, discrim, obj_discrim) marr = < 1, obj_discrim) pcm = bmap.pcolormesh( data=marr, x=x, y=y, alpha=0.5, vmin=1, vmax=3,"magma", 3), ) #vmin=1,vmax=self.idxarray.max()+1) # levels=N.arange(1,self.objects.shape[0])) mode_names = ["", "Cellular", "Ambiguous", "Linear/Complex"] def format_func(x, y): return mode_names[x] # This function formatter will replace integers with target names formatter = plt.FuncFormatter(lambda val, loc: mode_names[val]) # We must be sure to specify the ticks matching our target names cax = fig.add_axes([0.75, 0.1, 0.2, 0.04]) #cax.set_xlim(0.5, 3.5) fig.colorbar(pcm, cax=cax, ticks=(1, 2, 3), format=formatter, orientation='horizontal') # Set the clim so that labels are centered on each block label_objs(bmap, ax, locs) #plt.colorbar(pcm,cax=cax) ax.set_title("Object PC1 (QLCS-ness)") return def do_label_ratio(bmap, ax): locs = dict() for o in self.objects.itertuples(): lab = "{:1.2f}".format(o.ratio) locs[lab] = (o.centroid_lat, o.centroid_lon) idxarray = < 1, self.OKidxarray) bmap.pcolormesh(data=idxarray, x=x, y=y, alpha=0.5) #vmin=1,vmax=self.idxarray.max()+1) # levels=N.arange(1,self.objects.shape[0])) label_objs(bmap, ax, locs) ax.set_title("Object side-ratio (short/long)") return def do_raw_array(bmap, ax): bmap.contourf(data=self.raw_data, x=x, y=y, levels=S.clvs, ax.set_title("Raw data") return def do_intensity_array(bmap, ax): locs = dict() for o in self.objects.itertuples(): locs[str(int(o.label))] = (o.weighted_centroid_lat, o.weighted_centroid_lon) bmap.contourf(data=self.object_field, x=x, y=y, levels=S.clvs, label_objs(bmap, ax, locs) ax.set_title("Intensity array") return def do_table(bmap, ax): cell_text = [] table = self.objects for row in range(len(table)): cell_text.append(table.iloc[row]) tab = plt.table(cellText=cell_text, colLabels=table.columns, loc='center') ax.add_table(tab) plt.axis('off') return def do_highlow_ecc(bmap, ax, ecc, overunder): assert overunder in ("over", "under") func = N.greater_equal if overunder == "over" else N.less locs = dict() qlcs_obj = [] obj_field = N.zeros_like(self.object_field) for o in self.objects.itertuples(): if func(o.eccentricity, ecc): locs[str(int(o.label))] = (o.centroid_lat, o.centroid_lon) qlcs_obj.append(o.label) for olab in qlcs_obj: obj_field = N.where(self.idxarray == olab, self.object_field, obj_field) bmap.contourf(data=obj_field, x=x, y=y, levels=S.clvs, label_objs(bmap, ax, locs) if overunder == "over": ax.set_title("QLCS objects (ecc > {:0.2f})".format(ecc)) else: ax.set_title("Cellular objects (ecc < {:0.2f})".format(ecc)) return # The above needs saving to pickle and loading/copying each time # a plot is made, if optimising. # 2x2: # ax1 is the raw field # ax2 is the labelled objects (ID) # ax3 is the object field, annotate row/col and lat/lon centroids # ax4 is the DataFrame? if what == "4-panel": fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(9, 7)) else: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 4)) if fname is None: fname = "quicklook.png" for n, ax in enumerate(axes.flat): # if n!=0: # continue print("Plotting subplot #", n + 1) bmap = self.create_bmap(ax=ax) x, y = bmap(self.lons, self.lats) S = Scales(vrbl='REFL_comp') if n == 0: do_raw_array(bmap, ax) elif n == 1: if what == "qlcs": do_highlow_ecc(bmap, ax, ecc, "over") elif what in ("ecc", "extent", "4-panel"): do_label_ecc(bmap, ax) else: do_intensity_array(bmap, ax) #elif what == "ecc": # do_intensity_array(bmap,ax) elif n == 2: if what == "qlcs": do_highlow_ecc(bmap, ax, ecc, "under") elif what == "all": do_label_array(bmap, ax) elif what == "ecc": #do_label_ecc(bmap,ax) do_label_ratio(bmap, ax) elif what == "shapeindex": do_label_shapeindex(bmap, ax) elif what == "ratio": do_label_ratio(bmap, ax) elif what in ("4-panel", "extent"): do_label_extent(bmap, ax) elif what == "pca": do_label_pca(bmap, ax) elif n == 3: if what == "4-panel": do_label_longest(bmap, ax) else: do_table(bmap, ax) fpath = os.path.join(outdir, fname) utils.trycreate(fpath) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(fpath) print("Saved figure to", fpath) plt.close(fig) # pdb.set_trace() return