Example #1
    def get_time_idx(self, utc):
        Get closest index to desired time

            utcs (list,tuple, int)    :    times
            tidx (int): closest index to desired time

        dn = utils.ensure_datenum(utc)
        dns = utils.get_sequence(dn)
        tidx = []
        for t in dns:
            tidx.append(utils.closest(N.array(self.utcs), t))
        return N.array(tidx)
Example #2
    def get(self,
        Get data.

        Will interpolate onto pressure, height coordinates if needed.
        Will smooth if needed.

        * indices: integer or N.ndarray of integers
        * pressure: string ending in 'hPa'
        * height: string ending in 'm' or 'km'
        * isentropic: string ending in 'K'

        * indices: integer or N.ndarray of integers
        * lats: float or N.ndarray of floats

        * indices: integer or N.ndarray of integers
        * lons: float or N.ndarray of floats

        vrbl    :        WRF or computed variable required
        utc     :        indices (<500): integer/N.ndarray of integers.
                            time tuple: 6-item tuple or list/tuple of these.
                            datenum: integer >500 or list of them.
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        # Time

        if utc is None:
            tidx = None
        elif isinstance(utc, int) and (utc < 500):
            # elif isinstance(utc,(int,N.int64)) and utc<500:
            if utc < 0:
                # Logic to allow negative indices
                tidx = self.t_dim + utc
                tidx = utc
        elif isinstance(
            (list, tuple, int, datetime.datetime)):  # and len(utc[0])==6:
            tidx = self.get_time_idx(utc)
        elif isinstance(utc, N.ndarray):  #and isinstance(utc[0],int):
            tidx = utc
            print("Invalid time selection.")
            raise Exception

        # Level
        # if not level:
        coords = utils.check_vertical_coordinate(level)
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if (level is None) or (coords is 'eta'):
            lvidx = None
        elif coords == 'index':
            lvidx = level
        elif isinstance(coords, str):
            if coords == 'surface':
                lvidx = 0
                lvidx = coords
            print("Invalid level selection.")
            raise Exception

        # Lat/lon
        if not type(lats) == type(lons):
            # What about case where all lats with one lon?
            raise Exception
        if lats is None:
            lonidx = None
            latidx = None
        elif isinstance(lons, (list, tuple, N.ndarray)):
            if isinstance(lons[0], int):
                lonidx = lons
                latidx = lats
            elif isinstance(lons[0], float):
                # Interpolate to lat/lon
                lonidx = None
                latidx = None
        elif isinstance(lons, (int, N.int64)):
            lonidx = lons
            latidx = lats
        elif isinstance(lons, float):
            # Interpolate to lat/lon
            lonidx = utils.closest(self.lons1D, lons)
            latidx = utils.closest(self.lats1D, lats)
            print("Invalid lat/lon selection.")
            raise Exception
        # Check if computing required
        # When data is loaded from nc, it is destaggered

        if debug_get:
            print(("Computing {0} for level {1} of index {2}".format(
                vrbl, level, lvidx)))

        if self.check_compute(vrbl):
            if debug_get:
                print(("Variable {0} exists in dataset.".format(vrbl)))
            if lvidx is 'isobaric':
                data = self.get_p(vrbl, tidx, level, lonidx, latidx)
            elif isinstance(lvidx, (tuple, list, N.ndarray, int, type(None))):
                data = self.load(vrbl, tidx, lvidx, lonidx, latidx)
                raise Exception
            if debug_get:
                print(("Variable {0} needs to be computed.".format(vrbl)))
            if lvidx is 'isobaric':
                data = self.compute(vrbl, tidx, level, lonidx, latidx, other)
                data = self.compute(vrbl, tidx, lvidx, lonidx, latidx, other)

        data_4d = self.make_4D(data, vrbl=vrbl)

        return data_4d
Example #3
def DE_z(nc0, nc1, t, energy, lower, upper):
    Computation for difference kinetic energy (DKE).
    Sums DKE over all levels between lower and upper,
    for each grid point, and returns a 2D array.

    Destaggering is not enabled as it introduces
    computational cost that is of miniscule value considering
    the magnitudes of output values.

    Method finds levels nearest lower/upper hPa and sums between
    them inclusively.


    nc0     :   netCDF file
    nc1     :   netCDF file
    t       :   times index to difference
    energy  :   kinetic or total
    lower   :   lowest level, hPa
    upper   :   highest level, hPa


    data    :   2D array.

    # Speed up script by only referencing data, not
    # loading it to a variable yet

    # WIND
    U0 = nc0.variables['U'][t, ...]
    U1 = nc1.variables['U'][t, ...]
    Ud = U0 - U1
    #del U0, U1

    V0 = nc0.variables['V'][t, ...]
    V1 = nc1.variables['V'][t, ...]
    Vd = V0 - V1
    #del V0, V1

    if lower or upper:
        P0 = nc0.variables['P'][t, ...]
        PB0 = nc0.variables['PB'][t, ...]
        Pr = P0 + PB0
        #del P0, PB1
        # Here we assume pressure columns are
        # roughly the same between the two...

    if energy == 'DTE':
        T0 = nc0.variables['T'][t, ...]
        T1 = nc1.variables['T'][t, ...]
        Td = T0 - T1
        #del T0, T1

        R = 287.0  # Universal gas constant (J / deg K * kg)
        Cp = 1004.0  # Specific heat of dry air at constant pressure (J / deg K * kg)
        kappa = R / Cp

    xlen = Ud.shape[1]  # 1 less than in V
    ylen = Vd.shape[2]  # 1 less than in U
    zlen = Ud.shape[0]  # identical in U & V

    # Generator for lat/lon points
    def latlon(nlats, nlons):
        for i in range(nlats):  # y-axis
            for j in range(nlons):  # x-axis
                yield i, j

    DKE = []
    DKE2D = N.zeros((xlen, ylen))
    print_time = ''.join((nc0.variables['Times'][t]))
    print(("Calculating 3D grid for time {0}...".format(print_time)))
    gridpts = latlon(xlen, ylen)
    for gridpt in gridpts:
        i, j = gridpt
        # Find closest level to 'lower', 'upper'
        if lower or upper:
            P_col = Pr[:, j, i]
        if lower:
            low_idx = utils.closest(P_col, lower * 100.0)
            low_idx = None
        if upper:
            upp_idx = utils.closest(P_col, upper * 100.0) + 1
            upp_idx = None

        zidx = slice(low_idx, upp_idx)

        if energy == 'DKE':
                  i] = N.sum(0.5 * ((Ud[zidx, j, i])**2 + (Vd[zidx, j, i])**2))
        elif energy == 'DTE':
            DKE2D[j, i] = N.sum(
                0.5 * ((Ud[zidx, j, i])**2 + (Vd[zidx, j, i])**2 + kappa *
                       (Td[zidx, j, i])**2))


    return DKE
Example #4
    def interpolate(self,data,lats=None,lons=None,grid=None,method=2,
        """ Interpolate data and lat/lon grid to current grid.

            User specifies grid or lat/lons.

            Nlim, Elim, Slim, Wlim: Cut down data to this bounding box to
                speed up intepolation.
        if lats is None:
            lats = grid.lats
            lons = grid.lons


        data = utils.enforce_2d(data)

        if Nlim or Elim or Wlim or Slim:
            # og_data = data
            # og_lats = lats
            # og_lons = lons
            assert Nlim and Elim and Slim and Wlim
            Nidx = utils.closest(lats[:,0],Nlim)
            Eidx = utils.closest(lons[0,:],Elim)
            Sidx = utils.closest(lats[:,0],Slim)
            Widx = utils.closest(lons[0,:],Wlim)

            data = data[Sidx:Nidx+1,Widx:Eidx+1]
            lats = lats[Sidx:Nidx+1,Widx:Eidx+1]
            lons = lons[Sidx:Nidx+1,Widx:Eidx+1]

        if method == 1:
            # First cut before interpolating
            # cut_data, cut_lats, cut_lons = self.cut(data=data,lats=lats,lons=lons)
            # xx,yy = self.convert_latlon_xy(cut_lats,cut_lons)
            xx,yy = self.convert_latlon_xy(lats,lons)
            # data_reproj = reproject_tools.reproject(data_orig=cut_data,xx_orig=xx,
            data_reproj = reproject_tools.reproject(data_orig=data,xx_orig=xx,
        elif method == 2:
            print("Geog limits done.")
            from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
            xog,yog,zog = self.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lons,lats) 
            xnew,ynew,znew = self.lon_lat_to_cartesian(self.lons,self.lats)
            print("lonlat converted to cartesian.")
            # xnew = self.xx
            # ynew = self.yy
            # znew = N.ones_like(xnew)
            # pdb.set_trace()

            # tree = cKDTree(zip(xog,yog,zog))
            # tree = cKDTree((xog,yog,zog))
            tree = cKDTree(N.c_[xog.ravel(),yog.ravel()])
            print("Tree created.")
            # d, inds = tree.query(zip(xnew,ynew,znew), k=10)
            # d, inds = tree.query((xnew,ynew,znew), k=10)
            d, inds = tree.query(list(zip(xnew,ynew)),k=10)
            print("Query done.")
            w = 1/(d**2)
            # Inverse Distance Weighting
            data_reproj = N.sum(w*data.flatten()[inds],axis=1)/N.sum(w,axis=1)
            data_reproj.shape = self.shape
            # pdb.set_trace()
            raise Exception
        return data_reproj