def test_classifier(): with open('embeddings.pkl', 'rb') as f: embeddings = pickle.load(f) scores = [] classifiers = ['knn', 'svm', 'mlp'] for classifier in classifiers: success, data = run_evaluation(embeddings, selected_feature_areas=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6], classifier=classifier) if not success: print(data) return _, averages = data score = 0 for model in ['across_areas', 'within_areas', 'individual_languages']: score += averages[model]['total']['score'] score /= 3 scores.append(score) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111), 4), scores) ax.set_xticks(range(1, 4)) ax.set_xticklabels(classifiers) ax.set_xlabel('Classifier') ax.set_ylabel('Score')
def test_mlp_graph(): with open('featurevectors.pkl', 'rb') as f: embeddings = pickle.load(f) scores = [[], [], []] for i in range(0, 3): for size in range(10, 101, 10): arg = [size for _ in range(i + 1)] print(arg) success, data = run_evaluation( embeddings, selected_feature_areas=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6], classifier_args=arg, classifier='mlp') if not success: print(data) return _, averages = data score = 0 for model in [ 'across_areas', 'within_areas', 'individual_languages' ]: score += averages[model]['total']['score'] score /= 3 scores[i].append(score) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(range(10, 101, 10), scores[0], label='1 layer') ax.plot(range(10, 101, 10), scores[1], label='2 layers') ax.plot(range(10, 101, 10), scores[2], label='3 layers') ax.set_xticklabels(range(10, 101, 10)) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('Size of layers') ax.set_ylabel('Score')
def run_tests(): with open('embeddings.pkl', 'rb') as f: embeddings = pickle.load(f) langs = list(embeddings.keys()) test_num = 1 while True: print('Test number {}'.format(test_num)) test_num += 1 r.shuffle(langs) number_of_langs = r.randrange(0, len(embeddings)) random_embeddings = {} for i, lang in enumerate(langs): random_embeddings[lang] = embeddings[lang] if i > number_of_langs: break feature_area_chance = r.random() feature_areas = [ val for val in range(0, 13) if r.random() > feature_area_chance ] classifier = ['knn', 'svm', 'mlp'][r.randrange(0, 3)] if classifier == 'knn': classifier_arg = [r.randrange(1, 50)] else: classifier_arg = [ r.randrange(1, 200) for _ in range(r.randrange(1, 10)) ] try: run_evaluation(random_embeddings, True, True, classifier_arg, classifier, feature_areas, None) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Embeddings:') print(random_embeddings) print('') print('Feature areas:') print(feature_areas) print('Classifier: {}'.format(classifier)) print('Classifier arg: {}'.format(classifier_arg)) return
def start_evaluation(args, session): try: data = run_evaluation(args['embeddings'], False, True, args['classifier_arg'], args['classifier'], args['feature_groups'], args['features'], 'temp/' + session + '/') with open('temp/' + session + '/data.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except Exception as e: with open('temp/' + session + '/data.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((False, e), f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def run_test(args): print("Starting evaluation with the following parameters:") args.toString() query_embs = embed.run_embedding(args, args.query_dataset) gallery_embs = embed.run_embedding(args, args.gallery_dataset) if args.image_to_track: [mAP, rank1] = evaluate_tracks.run_evaluation(args, query_embs, gallery_embs) else: [mAP, rank1] = evaluate.run_evaluation(args, query_embs, gallery_embs) return [mAP, rank1]
def run_test(stored_args): filename = stored_args.filename stored_args.gallery_dataset = os.path.join( 'datasets', stored_args.dataset + '_gallery.txt') stored_args.query_dataset = os.path.join( 'datasets', stored_args.dataset + '_query.txt') if stored_args.dataset == 'vehicle': stored_args.excluder = 'diagonal' elif stored_args.dataset == 'cuhk03': stored_args.excluder = 'PVUD' else: stored_args.excluder = stored_args.dataset output_file = open( os.path.join(stored_args.experiment_root, stored_args.output_name + '.txt'), "a") query_embs = embed.run_embedding(stored_args, stored_args.query_dataset) stored_args.filename = filename gallery_embs = embed.run_embedding(stored_args, stored_args.gallery_dataset) [mAP, rank1] = evaluate.run_evaluation(stored_args, query_embs, gallery_embs) print("mAP: " + str(mAP) + "; rank-1: " + str(rank1)) output_file.write("checkpoint: " + "mAP: " + str("%0.2f" % (mAP * 100)) + "; rank-1: " + str("%0.2f" % (rank1 * 100)) + "\n") output_file.close() return [mAP, rank1]
def test_k_graph(): with open('featurevectors.pkl', 'rb') as f: embeddings = pickle.load(f) scores = [] for i in range(1, 51): print(i) success, data = run_evaluation(embeddings, selected_feature_areas=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6], classifier_args=[i]) if not success: print(data) return _, averages = data score = 0 for model in ['across_areas', 'within_areas', 'individual_languages']: score += averages[model]['total']['score'] score /= 3 scores.append(score) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(range(1, 51), scores) ax.set_xlabel('k') ax.set_ylabel('Score')
def run(): path_out = f'{ROOT_PATH}results/evaluation_collaborative.csv' run_evaluation(path_out, get_user_representation, get_comment_section_representation)
def run(): path_out = f'{ROOT_PATH}results/evaluation_random.csv' run_evaluation(path_out, None, None, random=True)
def train(sess, sv, model, char_embedding_model, train_batches, dev_batches, num_train_examples, num_dev_examples, train_batcher, labels_str_id_map, labels_id_str_map, train_op, frontend_saver, vocab_str_id_map): ''' this fuction actually runs the training loop for the desired number of epochs :param sess: :param sv: :param model: :param char_embedding_model: :param train_batches: :param dev_batches: :param num_train_examples: :param num_dev_examples: :param train_batcher: :param labels_str_id_map: :param labels_id_str_map: :param train_op: :param frontend_saver: :param vocab_str_id_map: :return: ''' # print out logging information after every fifth of the training set log_every = int(max(100, num_train_examples / 5)) # start the training loop print("Training on %d examples)" % (num_train_examples)) sys.stdout.flush() start_time = time.time() train_batcher._step = 1.0 converged = False # keep track of how many training examples we've seen examples = 0 log_every_running = log_every epoch_loss = 0.0 num_lower = 0 training_iteration = 0 speed_num = 0.0 speed_denom = 0.0 total_iterations = 0 max_lower = 6 min_iters = 20 best_score = 0 update_frontend = True # start training loop, run until max epochs is exceeded or until loss has "converged" while not sv.should_stop( ) and training_iteration < FLAGS.max_epochs and not ( FLAGS.until_convergence and converged): # if we've gone through the entire dataset, update the epoch count (epoch = iteration here) if examples >= num_train_examples: training_iteration += 1 print("iteration %d" % training_iteration) sys.stdout.flush() if FLAGS.train_eval: # print(len(train_batches)) # print(len(train_batches[0])) # (sess, model, char_embedding_model, eval_batches, extra_text="") evaluation.run_evaluation( sess, model, char_embedding_model, train_batches, labels_str_id_map, labels_id_str_map, "TRAIN (iteration %d)" % training_iteration) print() weighted_f1, accuracy, preds, labels = evaluation.run_evaluation( sess, model, char_embedding_model, dev_batches, labels_str_id_map, labels_id_str_map, "TEST (iteration %d)" % training_iteration) print() # f1_micro, precision = evaluation.run_evaluation(dev_batches, update_context, # "TEST (iteration %d)" % training_iteration) print("Avg training speed: %f examples/second" % (speed_num / speed_denom)) # keep track of best weighted F1 score on the dev set, save the model associated with it if weighted_f1 > best_score: best_score = weighted_f1 num_lower = 0 if FLAGS.model_dir != '': if update_frontend: save_path = sess, FLAGS.model_dir + "") print("Serialized model: %s" % save_path) else: num_lower += 1 # if we've done the minimum number of iterations, check to see if the best score has converged if num_lower > max_lower and training_iteration > min_iters: converged = True # update per-epoch variables log_every_running = log_every examples = 0 epoch_loss = 0.0 start_time = time.time() # print out logging information if examples > log_every_running: speed_denom += time.time() - start_time speed_num += examples evaluation.print_training_error(examples, start_time, epoch_loss, train_batcher._step) sys.stdout.flush() log_every_running += log_every # train iteration # if we're not through an epoch yet, do training as usual label_batch, token_batch, shape_batch, char_batch, seq_len_batch, tok_lengths_batch,\ widths_batch, heights_batch, wh_ratios_batch, x_coords_batch, y_coords_batch,\ page_ids_batch, line_ids_batch, zone_ids_batch, \ place_scores_batch, department_scores_batch, university_scores_batch, person_scores_batch= \ train_batcher.next_batch() if FLAGS.memmap_train else # apply word dropout # create word dropout mask word_probs = np.random.random(token_batch.shape) drop_indices = np.where((word_probs > FLAGS.word_dropout)) token_batch[drop_indices[0], drop_indices[1]] = vocab_str_id_map["<OOV>"] # check that shapes look correct # print("label_batch_shape: ", label_batch.shape) # print("token batch shape: ", token_batch.shape) # print("shape batch shape: ", shape_batch.shape) # print("char batch shape: ", char_batch.shape) # print("seq_len batch shape: ", seq_len_batch.shape) # print("tok_len batch shape: ", tok_lengths_batch.shape) # print("widths_batch shape: ", widths_batch.shape) # print("heights_batch shape: ", heights_batch.shape) # print("ratios_batch shape: ", wh_ratios_batch.shape) # print("x_coords shape: ", x_coords_batch.shape) # print("y_coords shape: ", y_coords_batch.shape) # print("pages shape: ", page_ids_batch.shape) # print("lines shape: ", line_ids_batch.shape) # print("zones shape: ", zone_ids_batch.shape) # # print("Max sequence length in batch: %d" % np.max(seq_len_batch)) # sys.stdout.flush() # reshape the features to be 3d tensors with 3rd dim = 1 (batch size) x (seq_len) x (1) # print("Reshaping features....") widths_batch = np.expand_dims(widths_batch, axis=2) heights_batch = np.expand_dims(heights_batch, axis=2) wh_ratios_batch = np.expand_dims(wh_ratios_batch, axis=2) x_coords_batch = np.expand_dims(x_coords_batch, axis=2) y_coords_batch = np.expand_dims(y_coords_batch, axis=2) page_ids_batch = np.expand_dims(page_ids_batch, axis=2) line_ids_batch = np.expand_dims(line_ids_batch, axis=2) zone_ids_batch = np.expand_dims(zone_ids_batch, axis=2) # make mask out of seq lens batch_size, batch_seq_len = token_batch.shape # print(batch_seq_len) # pad the character batch? char_lens = np.sum(tok_lengths_batch, axis=1) max_char_len = np.max(tok_lengths_batch) padded_char_batch = np.zeros( (batch_size, max_char_len * batch_seq_len)) for b in range(batch_size): char_indices = [ item for sublist in [ range(i * max_char_len, i * max_char_len + d) for i, d in enumerate(tok_lengths_batch[b]) ] for item in sublist ] padded_char_batch[b, char_indices] = char_batch[b][:char_lens[b]] # print(seq_len_batch) # print(num_sentences_batch) pad_width = 0 # create masks for each example based on sequence lengths mask_batch = np.zeros((batch_size, batch_seq_len)) for i, seq_lens in enumerate(seq_len_batch): start = pad_width for seq_len in seq_lens: mask_batch[i, start:start + seq_len] = 1 start += seq_len #+ (2 if FLAGS.start_end else 1) * pad_width examples += batch_size # MODEL FEEDS char_embedding_feeds = {} if FLAGS.char_dim == 0 else { char_embedding_model.input_chars: padded_char_batch, char_embedding_model.batch_size: batch_size, char_embedding_model.max_seq_len: batch_seq_len, char_embedding_model.token_lengths: tok_lengths_batch, char_embedding_model.max_tok_len: max_char_len, char_embedding_model.input_dropout_keep_prob: FLAGS.char_input_dropout } lstm_feed = { model.input_x1: token_batch, model.input_x2: shape_batch, model.input_y: label_batch, model.input_mask: mask_batch, model.sequence_lengths: seq_len_batch, model.max_seq_len: batch_seq_len, model.batch_size: batch_size, model.hidden_dropout_keep_prob: FLAGS.hidden_dropout, model.middle_dropout_keep_prob: FLAGS.middle_dropout, model.input_dropout_keep_prob: FLAGS.input_dropout, model.l2_penalty: FLAGS.l2, model.drop_penalty: FLAGS.regularize_drop_penalty } geometric_feats_feeds = { model.widths: widths_batch, model.heights: heights_batch, model.wh_ratios: wh_ratios_batch, model.x_coords: x_coords_batch, model.y_coords: y_coords_batch, model.pages: page_ids_batch, model.lines: line_ids_batch, model.zones: zone_ids_batch, } lexicon_feats_feeds = { model.place_scores: place_scores_batch, model.department_scores: department_scores_batch, model.university_scores: university_scores_batch, model.person_scores: person_scores_batch } lstm_feed.update(char_embedding_feeds) if FLAGS.use_geometric_feats: lstm_feed.update(geometric_feats_feeds) if FLAGS.use_lexicons: lstm_feed.update(lexicon_feats_feeds) # print("Running training op:") sys.stdout.flush() # tf.Print(model.flat_sequence_lengths, [model.flat_sequence_lengths]) _, loss =[train_op, model.loss], feed_dict=lstm_feed) epoch_loss += loss train_batcher._step += 1 return best_score, training_iteration, speed_num / speed_denom
def test(): embeddings = {} with open('embeddings-test.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(embeddings, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) run_evaluation(embeddings, True, True, 7, 'knn', [3])
losses_dict, checkpoint_fp=checkpoint_fp) experiments = [(load_casi, 'casi'), (load_mimic, 'mimic'), (load_columbia, 'columbia')] for loader, dataset in experiments: args.lm_type = 'bsg' args.lm_experiment = args.experiment args.ckpt = None args.device = device_str prev_epoch_ct = args.epochs args.epochs = 0 block_print() metrics = run_evaluation(args, BSGAcronymExpander, loader, restore_model, train_frac=0) enable_print() args.epochs = prev_epoch_ct metrics['dataset'] = dataset metrics['hours'] = duration_in_hours metrics['examples'] = full_example_ct metrics['epoch'] = epoch metrics['lm_recon'] = losses_dict['losses']['recon'] metrics['lm_kl'] = losses_dict['losses']['kl'] row = [metrics[col] for col in metric_cols] metrics_writer.writerow(row) print(metric_cols) print(row) metrics_file.flush()
def run(): path_out = ROOT_PATH + '/results/evaluation_data_titles.csv' run_evaluation(path_out, get_user_representation, get_comment_section_representation, rep_transform)
def run(): path_out = ROOT_PATH + '/results/evaluation_bow.csv' run_evaluation(path_out, get_author_tfidf_representation, get_comment_section_representation)
params = parse_args() eval_bool_dict = get_evaluated_booleans() print(params) # Vary the number of particles task = params.config[params.config.find('-') + 1:-5] assert task in ['tracking', 'localization', 'global', 'tworoom'] if task == 'tracking': iters['num_particles'] = [50, 100, 300] else: iters['num_particles'] = [100, 300, 600] iter_values = [] for v in iters.values(): iter_values.append(v) count = 0 for t in itertools.product(*iter_values): print(count, t) count += 1 params.model = t[2] params.num_particles = t[1] params.testfiles = t[0] # Read from result file to resume evaluation filename = result_file(params) comb = get_combinations(filename) comb_bools = eval_bool_dict.get(comb, np.arange(num_instances) * 0.) run_evaluation(params, comb_bools)
def train(args): """ Test to make sure project transform correctly maps points """ N = args.n_frames model = RaftSLAM(args) model.cuda() model.train() if args.ckpt is not None: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.ckpt)) db = dataset_factory(args.datasets, n_frames=N, fmin=16.0, fmax=96.0) train_loader = DataLoader(db, batch_size=args.batch, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=1e-5) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(optimizer,, args.steps, pct_start=0.01, cycle_momentum=False) logger = Logger(, scheduler) should_keep_training = True total_steps = 0 while should_keep_training: for i_batch, item in enumerate(train_loader): optimizer.zero_grad() graph = OrderedDict() for i in range(N): graph[i] = [j for j in range(N) if i!=j and abs(i-j) <= 2] images, poses, depths, intrinsics = ['cuda') for x in item] # convert poses w2c -> c2w Ps = SE3(poses).inv() Gs = SE3.Identity(Ps.shape, device='cuda') images = normalize_images(images) Gs, residuals = model(Gs, images, depths, intrinsics, graph, num_steps=args.iters) geo_loss, geo_metrics = geodesic_loss(Ps, Gs, graph) res_loss, res_metrics = residual_loss(residuals) metrics = {} metrics.update(geo_metrics) metrics.update(res_metrics) loss = args.w1 * geo_loss + args.w2 * res_loss loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), args.clip) optimizer.step() scheduler.step() logger.push(metrics) total_steps += 1 if total_steps % 10000 == 0: PATH = 'checkpoints/%s_%06d.pth' % (, total_steps), PATH) run_evaluation(PATH) if total_steps >= args.steps: should_keep_training = False break return model
def run_train(): ''' This method creates the TensorFlow graph and session, running the training loop :return: ''' # load preprocessed token, label, shape, char maps labels_str_id_map, labels_id_str_map, vocab_str_id_map, vocab_id_str_map, \ shape_str_id_map, shape_id_str_map, char_str_id_map, char_id_str_map = load_intmaps(FLAGS.train_dir) # create intmaps for label types and bio (used later for evaluation, calculating F1 scores, etc.) # TODO right now these aren't used type_int_int_map, bilou_int_int_map, type_set, bilou_set = create_type_maps( labels_str_id_map) # load the embeddings embeddings = load_embeddings(vocab_str_id_map) labels_size = len(labels_str_id_map) char_domain_size = len(char_id_str_map) vocab_size = len(vocab_str_id_map) shape_domain_size = len(shape_id_str_map) # create TF graph with tf.Graph().as_default(): # create batchers train_batcher = Batcher( FLAGS.train_dir, FLAGS.batch_size) if FLAGS.memmap_train else SeqBatcher( FLAGS.train_dir, FLAGS.batch_size) dev_batcher = SeqBatcher(FLAGS.dev_dir, FLAGS.batch_size, num_buckets=0, num_epochs=1) train_eval_batcher = SeqBatcher(FLAGS.train_dir, FLAGS.batch_size, num_buckets=0, num_epochs=1) # create character embedding model if FLAGS.char_dim > 0 and FLAGS.char_model == "lstm": print("creating and training character embeddings") char_embedding_model = BiLSTMChar(char_domain_size, FLAGS.char_dim, int(FLAGS.char_tok_dim / 2)) # elif FLAGS.char_dim > 0 and FLAGS.char_model == "cnn": # char_embedding_model = CNNChar(char_domain_size, FLAGS.char_dim, FLAGS.char_tok_dim, layers_map[0][1]['width']) else: char_embedding_model = None char_embeddings = char_embedding_model.outputs if char_embedding_model is not None else None # create BiLSTM model if FLAGS.model == 'bilstm': model = BiLSTM( num_classes=labels_size, vocab_size=vocab_size, shape_domain_size=shape_domain_size, char_domain_size=char_domain_size, char_size=FLAGS.char_dim, embedding_size=FLAGS.embed_dim, shape_size=FLAGS.shape_dim, lex_size=FLAGS.lex_dim, nonlinearity=FLAGS.nonlinearity, viterbi=False, #viterbi=FLAGS.viterbi, hidden_dim=FLAGS.lstm_dim, char_embeddings=char_embeddings, embeddings=embeddings, use_geometric_feats=FLAGS.use_geometric_feats, use_lexicons=FLAGS.use_lexicons) # elif FLAGS.model == 'lstm': # model = LSTM( # num_classes=labels_size, # vocab_size=vocab_size, # shape_domain_size=shape_domain_size, # char_domain_size=char_domain_size, # char_size=FLAGS.char_dim, # embedding_size=FLAGS.embed_dim, # shape_size=FLAGS.shape_dim, # nonlinearity=FLAGS.nonlinearity, # viterbi=False, # viterbi=FLAGS.viterbi, # hidden_dim=FLAGS.lstm_dim, # char_embeddings=char_embeddings, # embeddings=embeddings, # use_geometric_feats=FLAGS.use_geometric_feats, # use_lexicons=FLAGS.use_lexicons) # Define Training procedure global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, beta1=FLAGS.beta1, beta2=FLAGS.beta2, epsilon=FLAGS.epsilon, name="optimizer") model_vars = [ v for v in tf.all_variables() if 'context_agg' not in ] train_op = optimizer.minimize(model.loss, global_step=global_step, var_list=model_vars) print("model vars: %d" % len(model_vars)) print(map(lambda v:, model_vars)) print() sys.stdout.flush() get_trainable_params() tf.initialize_all_variables() frontend_opt_vars = [ optimizer.get_slot(s, n) for n in optimizer.get_slot_names() for s in model_vars if optimizer.get_slot(s, n) is not None ] model_vars += frontend_opt_vars # load pretrained model if one is provided if FLAGS.load_dir: reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(FLAGS.load_dir + ".tf") saved_var_map = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map() intersect_vars = [ k for k in tf.all_variables() if':')[0] in saved_var_map and k.get_shape() == saved_var_map[':')[0]] ] leftovers = [ k for k in tf.all_variables() if':')[0] not in saved_var_map or k.get_shape() != saved_var_map[':')[0]] ] print("WARNING: Loading pretrained frontend, but not loading: ", map(lambda v:, leftovers)) frontend_loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=intersect_vars) else: frontend_loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=model_vars) frontend_saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=model_vars) # create a supervisor sv = tf.python.train.Supervisor( logdir=FLAGS.model_dir if FLAGS.model_dir != '' else None, global_step=global_step, saver=None, save_model_secs=0, save_summaries_secs=0) training_start_time = time.time() # create session with sv.managed_session( FLAGS.master, config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: print("session created") sys.stdout.flush() # start queue runner threads threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess) # load model if applicable if FLAGS.load_dir != '': print("Deserializing model: " + FLAGS.load_dir + ".tf") frontend_loader.restore(sess, FLAGS.load_dir + ".tf") # load batches print() dev_batches, train_batches, num_dev_examples, num_train_examples \ = load_batches(sess, train_batcher, train_eval_batcher, dev_batcher) # just run the evaluation if applicable if FLAGS.evaluate_only: if FLAGS.train_eval: w_f1, accuracy, preds, labels = evaluation.run_evaluation( sess, model, char_embedding_model, train_batches, labels_str_id_map, labels_id_str_map, "TRAIN") print() w_f1, accuracy, preds, labels = evaluation.run_evaluation( sess, model, char_embedding_model, dev_batches, labels_str_id_map, labels_id_str_map, "TEST", True, vocab_str_id_map, vocab_id_str_map) # write test set predictions to disk (for furthr analysis) print("writing predictions to disk:") # with open(FLAGS.model_dir + os.sep + 'test_preds.txt', 'w') as f: # for pred in preds: # f.write(pred + "\n") # with open(FLAGS.model_dir + os.sep + 'test_golds.txt', 'w') as f: # for label in labels: # f.write(label + "\n") + os.sep + "test_preds.npy", preds) + os.sep + "test_labels.npy", labels) # train a model else: best_score = 0 total_iterations = 0 # always train the front-end unless load dir was passed if FLAGS.load_dir == '' or (FLAGS.load_dir != '' and FLAGS.layers2 == ''): best_score, training_iteration, train_speed = train( sess, sv, model, char_embedding_model, train_batches, dev_batches, num_train_examples, num_dev_examples, train_batcher, labels_str_id_map, labels_id_str_map, train_op, frontend_saver, vocab_str_id_map) total_iterations += training_iteration if FLAGS.model_dir: print("Deserializing model: " + FLAGS.model_dir + "") frontend_saver.restore( sess, FLAGS.model_dir + "") sv.coord.request_stop() sv.coord.join(threads) sess.close() total_time = time.time() - training_start_time if FLAGS.evaluate_only: print("Testing time: %d seconds" % (total_time)) else: print( "Training time: %d minutes, %d iterations (%3.2f minutes/iteration)" % (total_time / 60, total_iterations, total_time / (60 * total_iterations))) print("Avg training speed: %f examples/second" % (train_speed)) print("Best dev F1: %2.2f" % (best_score * 100))