Example #1
from evaluation.evaluator import Evaluator

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open('dataset/dev.json') as fileobj:
        articles = json.loads(fileobj.read())['data']

    predictions = {}
    num_same_counts = Counter()
    for article in articles:
        for paragraph in article['paragraphs']:
            for qa in paragraph['qas']:
                if len(qa['answers']) >= 3:
                    num_same_counts[3 - len(
                            for answer in qa['answers'][0:3]
                        ])) + 1] += 1

                if len(qa['answers']) > 1:
                    predictions[qa['id']] = qa['answers'].pop(1)['text']

    evaluator = Evaluator(articles=articles)
    print 'Exact match:', round(evaluator.ExactMatch(predictions), 1)
    print 'F1:', round(evaluator.F1(predictions), 1)
    total_num_same_count = sum(num_same_counts.values())
    for num_same, count in sorted(num_same_counts.items()):
        print num_same, 'same:', round(100.0 * count / total_num_same_count, 1)

    with open('dataset/dev-answertypetags.json') as fileobj:
        tags = json.loads(fileobj.read())
Example #2
def GetQAPathPairs(origData, candData, anchorFunc=None):
    # extract question path
    qSenDict = dict()
    ansSenDict = dict()
    for title in origData.keys():
        article = origData[title]
        for iPara, paragraph in enumerate(article.paragraphs):
            for qa in paragraph.qas:
                qSenDict[qa.id] = qa.question.sentence[0]
                ansSenDict[qa.id] = qa.answers[0].sentence[0]

    # extract answer path
    aSenDict = dict()
    aSpanDict = dict()
    for title in candData.keys():
        candidates = candData[title]
        candAnsList = candidates.candidateAnswers
        article = origData[title]
        for qa in candidates.questions:
            span = candAnsList[qa.correctAnswerIndex]
            paraId = span.paragraphIndex
            senId = span.sentenceIndex
            sentence = article.paragraphs[paraId].context.sentence[senId]
            aSenDict[qa.id] = sentence
            aSpanDict[qa.id] = span

    # eliminate answers that is not exact constituents
    nQaBeforeRm = len(qSenDict.keys())
    aSpanDictKey = set(aSpanDict.keys())
    aSenDictKey = set(aSenDict.keys())
    for qaId in ansSenDict.keys():
        if qaId not in aSpanDictKey \
            or qaId not in aSenDictKey:
            del qSenDict[qaId]
            del ansSenDict[qaId]
        exactAns = Evaluator.CleanAnswer(' '.join(
            [token.word.lower() for token in ansSenDict[qaId].token]))
        start = aSpanDict[qaId].spanBeginIndex
        end = start + aSpanDict[qaId].spanLength
        spanAns = Evaluator.CleanAnswer(' '.join(
            [token.word.lower() for token in aSenDict[qaId].token[start:end]]))
        if exactAns != spanAns:
            del qSenDict[qaId]
            del ansSenDict[qaId]
            del aSenDict[qaId]
            del aSpanDict[qaId]
    nQaAfterRm = len(qSenDict.keys())
    print "Got ", nQaAfterRm / float(nQaBeforeRm), " exactly covered pair!"

    # # DEBUG
    # fp = open("./output/dep_analysis/multi_comparison.txt", "w")

    aSenDictKeys = set(aSenDict.keys())
    cntOverlapping = 0
    qPathDict = dict()
    aPathDict = dict()
    for qaId in qSenDict.keys():
        if qaId not in aSenDictKeys:
        # assert qaId in aSenDictKeys
        qSen = qSenDict[qaId]
        aSen = aSenDict[qaId]
        coList = anchorFunc(qSen, aSen)
        anchorFound = False
        if len(coList) != 0:
            # get path in query
            qPathDict[qaId] = list()
            aPathDict[qaId] = list()
            for anchorQ, anchorA in coList:

                # # TODO recover to single version
                # for iWord in range(aSpanDict[qaId].spanLength):
                sentence = qSenDict[qaId]
                qNodePath, qDepPath = GetQPath(sentence, anchorQ)

                # get path in answer
                span = aSpanDict[qaId]

                # # TODO recover the single version
                # span.spanBeginIndex = span.spanBeginIndex + iWord
                # span.spanLength = 1

                sentence = aSenDict[qaId]
                aNodePath, aDepPath = GetAPath(span, sentence, anchorA)

                # if len(qDepPath) <= 4 and len(aDepPath) <= 4:
                if len(aNodePath) > 0:
                    qPathDict[qaId][-1]["depPath"] = qDepPath
                    qPathDict[qaId][-1]["nodePath"] = qNodePath
                    aPathDict[qaId][-1]["nodePath"] = aNodePath
                    aPathDict[qaId][-1]["depPath"] = aDepPath
                    anchorFound = True

                #     # TODO recover the single version
                #     qPathVisual, qSenFull = GetPathFullVisual(qSen.token, qDepPath, qNodePath)
                #     aPathVisual, aSenFull = GetPathFullVisual(aSen.token, aDepPath, aNodePath)
                #     # fp.write("q: " + qSenFull)
                #     # fp.write("q: " + qSenFull)
                #     fp.write("q: " + qPathVisual.encode("utf8") + "\n")
                #     fp.write("a: " + aSenFull.encode("utf8") + "\n")
                #     fp.write("a: " + aPathVisual.encode("utf8") + "\n")
                #     fp.write("\n")

                # fp.write("\n\n")

        if anchorFound:
            cntOverlapping += 1
        # else:
        #     print "Correspondence can not be found!"
    # print "overlap rate ", cntOverlapping / float(len(qSenDict.keys() ) )
    # ansSenDict contains the answer constituent span (may not be the exact correct answer)
    return qPathDict, aPathDict, qSenDict, aSenDict, ansSenDict