Example #1
def getVersion(pluginname): 
    returns the internal version of a tool (index in datatable)
    if the version is not indexed it will be created
    tool_name = pluginname.lower()
    p = getPluginInstance(pluginname)
    version = repr(p.__version__)
    (repos_tool, version_tool) = getPluginVersion(pluginname)
    (repos_api, version_api) = getPluginVersion('self')
    version_id = User().getUserDB().getVersionId(tool_name,
    if version_id is None:
        version_id = User().getUserDB().newVersion(tool_name,

    return version_id
Example #2
    def _run(self):
        # defaults
        batch_size = self.args.batch_size
        crawl_dir = self.args.crawl
        ingest_file = self.args.ingest
        abort_on_errors = self.DEBUG
        output = self.args.output
        solr_url = self.args.solr_url

        host = None
        port = None
        if self.args.solr_url is not None:
            import re
            mo = re.match('(?:https?://)?([^:/]{1,})(?::([0-9]{1,}))?(?:/.*|$)', solr_url)
            if not mo:
                raise Exception("Cannot understand the solr-url %s" % solr_url)
            host = mo.group(1)
            port = int(mo.group(2))
        if crawl_dir is None and ingest_file is None:
            raise CommandError('You must either crawl to generate a dump file or ingest it')
        # flush stderr in case we have something pending
        if host:
            core_files = SolrCore(core='files', host=host, port=port)
            core_latest = SolrCore(core='latest', host=host, port=port)

        if crawl_dir:
            if not output:
                raise Exception("You need to dump a file")
            SolrCore.dump_fs_to_file(crawl_dir, output, batch_size=batch_size, abort_on_errors=abort_on_errors)
            # create database entry
            user = User()
            db = user.getUserDB()
            UserCrawl.objects.create(status='crawling', path_to_crawl=crawl_dir, user_id=db.getUserId(user.getName()),
        elif ingest_file:
            self.ingest_file = ingest_file
            from evaluation_system.misc.utils import capture_stdout
            fn = ingest_file.split('/')[-1]
            with capture_stdout() as capture:
                # Ingest the files!
                if host:
                    SolrCore.load_fs_from_file(dump_file=ingest_file, batch_size=batch_size,
                                               abort_on_errors=abort_on_errors, core_all_files=core_files,
                    SolrCore.load_fs_from_file(dump_file=ingest_file, batch_size=batch_size,
            print capture.result
                crawl = UserCrawl.objects.get(tar_file=fn)
                crawl.ingest_msg = crawl.ingest_msg + '\n' + capture.result + '\n\nNow you can find your data using "solr_search"'
                crawl.status = 'success'
            except:  # pragma nocover
Example #3
def parseArguments(plugin_name, arguments, use_user_defaults=False, user=None, config_file=None, check_errors=True):
    """Manages the parsing of arguments which are passed as a list of strings. These are in turn
sent to an instance of the plugin, that will handle the parsing. This is why the user is required
to be known at this stage.
:type plugin_name: str
:param plugin_name: Name of the plugin to search for.
:type arguments: list of strings
:param arguments: it will be parsed by the plug-in (see :class:`evaluation_system.api.plugin.parseArguments`)
:type use_user_defaults: bool
:param use_user_defaults: If ``True`` and a user configuration is found, this will be used as a default for all non
set arguments. So the value will be determined according to the first found instance of: argument,
user default, tool default
:type user: :class:`evaluation_system.model.user.User`
:param user: The user for whom this arguments are parsed.
:type config_file: str
:param config_file: path to a file from where the setup will read a configuration. If None, the default
 user dependent one will be used. This will be completely skipped if ``use_user_defaults`` is ``False``.
:return: A dictionary with the parsed configuration."""
    plugin_name = plugin_name.lower()
    if user is None:
        user = User()
    p = getPluginInstance(plugin_name, user)
    complete_conf = p.__parameters__.parseArguments(arguments, use_defaults=True, check_errors=False)
    # if we are using user defaults then load them first
    if use_user_defaults:
        user_config_file = user.getUserToolConfig(plugin_name)
        if os.path.isfile(user_config_file):
            with open(user_config_file, 'r') as f:
    # now if we still have a config file update what the configuration with it
    if isinstance(config_file, basestring):
        if config_file == '-':
            # reading from stdin
        elif config_file is not None:
            with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
    elif config_file is not None:
        # if it's not a string and is something, we assume is something that can be read from

    # update with user defaults if desired
    complete_conf.update(p.__parameters__.parseArguments(arguments, check_errors=False))
    # we haven't check for errors because we might have a half implemented configuration
    # some required field might have already been setup (user/system defaults, files, etc)
    # but better if we check them
    if check_errors:
        p.__parameters__.validate_errors(complete_conf, raise_exception=True)
    return complete_conf
Example #4
def followHistoryTag(history_id, user_name, info=''):
    Adds the history tag follow 
    tagType = HistoryTag.tagType.follow
    rows = HistoryTag.objects.filter(history_id_id=history_id,
    if len(rows) == 0:
        user = User(user_name)    
        user.getUserDB().addHistoryTag(history_id, tagType, info, uid=user_name)
Example #5
def getHistory(plugin_name=None, limit=-1, since=None, until=None, entry_ids=None, user=None):
    """Returns the history from the given user.
This is just a wrapper for the defined db interface accessed via the user object.
See :class:`evaluation_system.model.db.UserDB.getHistory` for more information on this interface."""
    if plugin_name is not None:
        plugin_name = plugin_name.lower()
    if user is None:
        user = User()
    return user.getUserDB().getHistory(plugin_name, limit, since=since, until=until,
                                       entry_ids=entry_ids, uid = user.getName())
Example #6
def getCommandString(entry_id, user=None, command_name='freva', command_options='--plugin'):
    Return the parameter string of a history entry.
    :type entry_id: integer
    :param entry_id: the history id
    :type user: User
    :param user: A user to access the database
    if user is None:
        user = User()
    h = user.getUserDB().getHistory(entry_ids=int(entry_id))
    return getCommandStringFromRow(h[0], command_name, command_options)
Example #7
def unfollowHistoryTag(history_id, user_name):
    Update all follow history tags to unfollow for the specified
    history entry and user 
    tagType = HistoryTag.tagType.follow
    rows = HistoryTag.objects.filter(history_id_id=history_id,
                                     type = tagType,
                                     uid_id = user_name)
    user = User(user_name)
    for row in rows:
Example #8
 def _run(self):
     root_path = config.get('project_data')
     # Setup argument parser
     args = self.args
     crawl_dir = args.path
     t1 = time.time()        
     # For miklip we want to use a prefix
     # TODO: Get this directly from config?
     project = config.get('project_name')
     path_prefix = ''
     if project.lower() == 'miklip':
         path_prefix = 'user-'
     user_root_path = os.path.join(root_path, path_prefix+User().getName()) 
     if crawl_dir:
         if root_path not in crawl_dir:
             raise Exception('You are only allowed to crawl data in this root path %s' % root_path)
         crawl_dir = user_root_path
     path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     #script_path = path + '/../../../sbin/crawl_data'
     script_path = path + '/../../../sbin/solr_server path2ingest'
     print 'Please wait while the system is crawling your data'
     out = subprocess.Popen('/bin/bash '+script_path + ' ' + crawl_dir, shell=True)
     print out.wait()
     print 'Finished.\nCrawling took ' + str(time.time() - t1) + ' seconds'
Example #9
def getPluginDict(plugin_name, user_name=User().getName()):
    """Return the requested plug-in dictionary entry or raise an exception if not found.

    The class name implementing the plugin (and therefore inheriting from
    The class itself.
    A 3-value tuple representing the plug-in version (major, minor, build)
    A string providing a hort description about what the plugin does.

:type plugin_name: str
:param plugin_name: Name of the plug-in to search for.
:return: a dictionary with information on the plug-in 
    plugin_name = plugin_name.lower()
    if plugin_name not in getPlugins(user_name).keys():
        if plugin_name not in getPlugins(user_name).keys():
            mesg = "No plugin named: %s" % plugin_name
            similar_words = utils.find_similar_words(plugin_name, getPlugins(user_name))
            if similar_words:
                mesg = "%s\n Did you mean this?\n\t%s" % (mesg, '\n\t'.join(similar_words))
            mesg = '%s\n\nUse --list-tools to list all available plug-ins.' % mesg
            raise PluginManagerException(mesg + ' %s' % user_name)
    return getPlugins(user_name)[plugin_name]
Example #10
def dict2conf(toolname, conf_dict, user_name=User().getName()):
    :param conf_dict: dictionary with configuration to look up
    :type conf_dict: dict
    This routine returns a list of configuration model objects.
    A useful routine to get similar results. 

    conf = []

    paramstring = []

    tool = getPluginInstance(toolname, user_name=user_name)

    for key, value in conf_dict.items():
        o = Parameter.objects.filter(tool=toolname, parameter_name=key).order_by('-id')

        if len(o) == 0:
            string = 'Parameter <%s> not found' % key
            raise ParameterNotFoundError(string)

            paramstring = ['%s=%s' % (key, str(value))]
            realvalue = tool.__parameters__.parseArguments(paramstring, check_errors=False)[key]
            conf_object = Configuration()
            conf_object.parameter_id_id = o[0].id
            conf_object.value = json.dumps(realvalue)

    return conf
Example #11
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Plugin main constructor. It is designed to catch all calls. It accepts a ``user``
argument containing an :class:`evaluation_system.model.user.User` representing the user for 
which this plug-in will be created. It is used here for setting up the user-defined configuration but 
the implementing plug-in will also have access to it. If no user is provided an object representing 
the current user, i.e. the user that started this program, is created.""" 
        if 'user' in kwargs:
            self._user = kwargs.pop('user')
            self._user = User()
        #this construct fixes some values but allow others to be computed on demand
        #it holds the special variables that are accessible to both users and developers
        #self._special_vars = SpecialVariables(self.__class__.__name__, self._user)
        from functools import partial
        from uuid import uuid4
        plugin_name, user = self.__class__.__name__, self._user
        self._special_variables = TemplateDict(
            USER_BASE_DIR      = user.getUserBaseDir,
            USER_CACHE_DIR     = partial(user.getUserCacheDir, tool=plugin_name, create=False),
            USER_PLOTS_DIR     = partial(user.getUserPlotsDir, tool=plugin_name, create=False),
            USER_OUTPUT_DIR    = partial(user.getUserOutputDir, tool=plugin_name, create=False),
            USER_UID           = user.getName,
            SYSTEM_DATE        = lambda: datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d'),
            SYSTEM_DATETIME    = lambda: datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'),
            SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP   = lambda: str(long(time() * 1000)),
            SYSTEM_RANDOM_UUID = lambda: str(uuid4()))
Example #12
def getPluginInstance(plugin_name, user=None, user_name=User().getName()):
    """Return an instance of the requested plug-in or raise an exception if not found.
At the current time we are just creating new instances, but this might change in the future, so it's
*not* guaranteed that the instances are *unique*, i.e. they might be re-used and/or shared.

:type plugin_name: str
:param plugin_name: Name of the plugin to search for.
:type user: :class:`evaluation_system.model.user.User`s_meta

:param user: User for which this plug-in instance is to be acquired. If not given the user running this program
will be used.
:return: an instance of the plug-in. Might not be unique."""
    # in case we want to cache the creation of the plugin classes.
    if user is None:
        user = User()
    plugin_dict = getPluginDict(plugin_name, user_name)
    plugin_module = imp.load_source('%s' % plugin_dict['plugin_class'], plugin_dict['plugin_module']+'.py')
    return getattr(plugin_module, plugin_dict['plugin_class'])(user=user)
Example #13
def getPlugins(user_name=User().getName()):
    """Return a dictionary of plug-ins holding the plug-in classes and meta-data about them.
It's a dictionary with the ``plugin_name`` in lower case of what :class:`getPluginDict` returns.

The dictionary is therefore defined as::

    {plugin_name.lower() : dict(name = plugin_name,
                                plugin_class = plugin_class,

This can be used if the plug-in name is unknown."""
    return __plugins_meta_user[user_name]
Example #14
def getConfigName(pluginname):
    Returns the name of a tool as written in the configuration file.
    This is especially useful when accessing the configuration.
    from inspect import getmodule
        plugin = getPluginInstance(pluginname.lower())
        modulename = getmodule(plugin)

        for name, module in __plugin_modules__[User().getName()].items():
            if modulename == getmodule(module):
                return name

    except Exception, e:
        log.debug('[getConfigName] ' + str(e))
Example #15
def writeSetup(plugin_name, config_dict=None, user=None, config_file=None):
    """Writes the plug-in setup to disk. This is the configuration for the plug-in itself and not that
of the tool (which is what normally the plug-in encapsulates). The plug-in is not required to write anything to 
disk when running the tool; it might instead configure it from the command line, environmental variables or 
any other method.

:type plugin_name: str
:param plugin_name: name of the referred plugin.
:type config_dict: dict or metadict 
:param config_dict: The configuration being stored. If is None, the default configuration will be stored, 
    this might be incomplete.
:type user: :class:`evaluation_system.model.user.User`
:param user: The user for whom this arguments are parsed.
:type config_file: str
:param config_file: path to a file  where the setup will be stored. If None, the default user dependent one will be
used. This will be completely skipped if ``use_user_defaults`` is ``False``.
:returns: The path to the configuration file that was written."""
    plugin_name = plugin_name.lower()
    if user is None:
        user = User()
    p = getPluginInstance(plugin_name, user, user.getName())
    complete_conf = p.setupConfiguration(config_dict=config_dict, check_cfg=False, substitute=False)
    if config_file is None:
        # make sure the required directory structure and data is in place
        config_file = user.getUserToolConfig(plugin_name, create=True)

    if config_file == '-':
        p.saveConfiguration(sys.stdout, config_dict=complete_conf)
        with open(config_file, 'w') as f:
            p.saveConfiguration(f, config_dict=complete_conf)
    return config_file
Example #16
def scheduleTool(plugin_name, slurmoutdir=None, config_dict=None, user=None,
                 caption=None, unique_output=True):
    """Schedules  a tool and stores this "run" in the :class:`evaluation_system.model.db.UserDB`.
:type plugin_name: str
:param plugin_name: name of the referred plugin.
:type slurmoutdir: string 
:param slurmoutdir: directory for the output
:type config_dict: dict or metadict 
:param config_dict: The configuration used for running the tool. If is None, the default configuration will be stored, 
    this might be incomplete.
:type user: :class:`evaluation_system.model.user.User`
:param user: The user starting the tool
:type scheduled_id: int
:param scheduled_id: if the process is already scheduled then put the row id here
:type caption: str
:param caption: the caption to set.
    plugin_name = plugin_name.lower()
    if user is None:
        user = User()
    p = getPluginInstance(plugin_name, user)
    complete_conf = None
    # check whether a scheduled id is given
    if config_dict is None:
        conf_file = user.getUserToolConfig(plugin_name)
        if os.path.isfile(conf_file):
            log.debug('Loading config file %s', conf_file)
            with open(conf_file, 'r') as f:
                complete_conf = p.readConfiguration(f)
            log.debug('No config file was found in %s', conf_file)
    if complete_conf is None:
        # at this stage we want to resolve or tokens and perform some kind of sanity check before going further
        complete_conf = p.setupConfiguration(config_dict=config_dict, recursion=True)

    log.debug('Schedule %s with %s', plugin_name, complete_conf)
    slurmindir = os.path.join(user.getUserSchedulerInputDir(), user.getName())
    if not os.path.exists(slurmindir):
        utils.supermakedirs(slurmindir, 0777)

    version_details = getVersion(plugin_name)
    rowid = user.getUserDB().storeHistory(p,
    # follow the notes
    followHistoryTag(rowid, user.getName(), 'Owner')

    # set the SLURM output directory
    if not slurmoutdir:
        slurmoutdir = user.getUserSchedulerOutputDir()
        slurmoutdir = os.path.join(slurmoutdir, plugin_name)

    if not os.path.exists(slurmoutdir):
        utils.supermakedirs(slurmoutdir, 0777)

    # write the SLURM file
    full_path = os.path.join(slurmindir, p.suggestSlurmFileName())
    with open(full_path, 'w') as fp:
    # create the batch command
    command = ['/bin/bash',
               '%s %s %s\n' % (config.get('scheduler_command'),  # SCHEDULER_COMMAND,

    # run this 
    logging.debug("Command: " + str(command))
    p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
    (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()

    logging.debug("scheduler call output:\n" + str(stdout))
    logging.debug("scheduler call error:\n" + str(stderr))
    # get the very first line only
    out_first_line = stdout.split('\n')[0]
    # read the id from stdout
    if out_first_line.split(' ')[0] == 'Submitted':
        slurm_id = int(out_first_line.split(' ')[-1])
        slurm_id = 0
        raise Exception('Unexpected scheduler output:\n%s' % out_first_line)
    slurm_out = os.path.join(slurmoutdir,
                             'slurm-%i.out' % slurm_id)
    # create a standard slurm file to view with less
    with open(slurm_out, 'w') as the_file:
        the_file.write('Certainly, your job is pending with id %i.\n' % slurm_id)
        the_file.write('You can get further information using the command squeue.\n')
        the_file.write('\nThis file was automatically created by the evaluation system.\n')
        the_file.write('It will be overwritten by the output of %s.\n' % plugin_name)
    # set the slurm output file 
    user.getUserDB().scheduleEntry(rowid, user.getName(), slurm_out)

    return rowid, slurm_out
Example #17
def reloadPlugins(user_name=None):
    """Reload all plug-ins. Plug-ins are then loaded first from the :class:`PLUGIN_ENV` environmental
variable and then from the configuration file. This means that the environmental variable has precedence
and can therefore overwrite existing plug-ins (useful for debugging and testing)."""
    if not user_name:
        user_name = User().getName()
    # reset all current plugins
#     for item in __plugins_meta.keys():
#         __plugins_meta.pop(item)
#     for item in __plugin_modules__.keys():
#         __plugin_modules__.pop(item)
#     for item in __plugins__.keys():
#         __plugins__.pop(item)
    __plugin_modules__ = py27.OrderedDict()  # we use a ordered dict. This allows to override plugins
    __plugins__ = {}
    __plugins_meta = {}
    __plugin_modules_user__[user_name] = py27.OrderedDict()
    __plugins_user__[user_name] = py27.OrderedDict()
    __plugins_meta_user[user_name] = py27.OrderedDict()
    extra_plugins = list()
    if PLUGIN_ENV in os.environ:
        # now get all modules loaded from the environment
        for path, module_name in map(lambda item: tuple([e.strip() for e in item.split(',')]),
            # extend path to be exact by resolving all "user shortcuts" (e.g. '~' or '$HOME')
            path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path)))
            if os.path.isdir(path):
                # we have a plugin_imp with defined api
                # TODO this is not working like in the previous loop. Though we might just want to remove it,
                # as there seem to be no use for this info...
                __plugin_modules__[module_name] = os.path.join(path, module_name)
                log.warn("Cannot load %s, directory missing: %s", module_name, path)

    # the same for user specific env variable
    if user_name:
        if PLUGIN_ENV+'_'+user_name in os.environ:
            # now get all modules loaded from the environment
            for path, module_name in map(lambda item: tuple([e.strip() for e in item.split(',')]),
                # extend path to be exact by resolving all "user shortcuts" (e.g. '~' or '$HOME')
                path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path)))
                if os.path.isdir(path):
                    # we have a plugin_imp with defined api
                    # TODO this is not working like in the previous loop. Though we might just want to remove it,
                    # as there seem to be no use for this info...
                    __plugin_modules__[module_name] = os.path.join(path, module_name)
                    log.warn("Cannot load %s, directory missing: %s", module_name, path)

    # get the tools directory from the current one
    # get all modules from the tool directory
    plugins = list(config.get(config.PLUGINS))
    for plugin_name in plugins:
        py_dir = config.get_plugin(plugin_name, config.PLUGIN_PYTHON_PATH)
        py_mod = config.get_plugin(plugin_name, config.PLUGIN_MODULE)
        if os.path.isdir(py_dir):
            if py_mod in __plugin_modules__:
                file_path = __plugin_modules__[py_mod]+'.py'
                log.warn("Module '%s' is test being overwritten by: %s", py_mod, file_path)
                log.debug("Loading '%s'", plugin_name)
                __plugin_modules__[plugin_name] = os.path.join(py_dir, py_mod)
            log.warn("Cannot load '%s' directory missing: %s", plugin_name, py_dir)

    # new way of loading plugins
    import re
    reg = re.compile(r'__short_description__\s*=(.*)')
    r = re.compile(r'\'(.*)\'')
    r_2 = re.compile(r'\"(.*)\"')
    r_list = re.compile(r'\[(.*)\]')
    reg_class_name = re.compile(r'class\s*(.*)')
    # reg for categories
    cat_reg = re.compile(r'__category__\s*=(.*)')
    # reg for tags
    tag_reg = re.compile(r'__tags__\s*=(.*)')
    for plugin_name, plugin_mod in __plugin_modules__.iteritems():
        f = open(plugin_mod+'.py', 'r')
        description = None
        class_name = None
        category = None
        tags = None

        class_name_str = ''
        for line in f:
            description = re.search(reg, line)
            if description is not None:
                description_str = re.search(r, description.groups()[0])
                if description_str is None:
                    description_str = re.search(r_2, description.groups()[0])
                if description_str is not None:
                    description_str = description_str.groups()[0]
            # search for category
            category_search = re.search(cat_reg, line)
            if category_search:
                category = re.search(r, category_search.groups()[0])
                category = category.groups()[0]
            # search for tags
            tags_search = re.search(tag_reg, line)
            if tags_search:
                tags = re.search(r_list, tags_search.groups()[0])
                tags = list(eval(tags.groups()[0]))

            # search for classname
            class_name = re.search(reg_class_name, line)
            if class_name is not None:
                # TODO: Maybe this is not robust enough.
                # What if class inherits from other Base Class?
                if 'PluginAbstract' in class_name.groups()[0]:
                    class_name_str = re.sub(r'\(.*', '', class_name.groups()[0])
        if class_name_str != ''  and class_name_str.lower() not in __plugins_meta.keys():
            __plugins_meta[class_name_str.lower()] = dict(name=class_name_str,
                                                          user_exported=plugin_name in extra_plugins,
            __plugins__[class_name_str] = class_name_str
        elif class_name_str != '':
            log.warn("Default plugin %s is being overwritten by: %s",
                     class_name_str, __plugins_meta[class_name_str.lower()]['plugin_module']+'.py')
    sys.path = [p for p in munge(sys.path)]  
    __plugin_modules_user__[user_name] = __plugin_modules__
    __plugins_user__[user_name] = __plugins__
    __plugins_meta_user[user_name] = __plugins_meta
Example #18
def runTool(plugin_name, config_dict=None, user=None, scheduled_id=None,
            caption=None, unique_output=True):
    """Runs a tool and stores this "run" in the :class:`evaluation_system.model.db.UserDB`.
:type plugin_name: str
:param plugin_name: name of the referred plugin.
:type config_dict: dict or metadict 
:param config_dict: The configuration used for running the tool. If is None, the default configuration will be stored, 
    this might be incomplete.
:type user: :class:`evaluation_system.model.user.User`
:param user: The user starting the tool
:type scheduled_id: int
:param scheduled_id: if the process is already scheduled then put the row id here
:type caption: str
:param caption: the caption to set.
    plugin_name = plugin_name.lower()
    if user is None:
        user = User()
    p = getPluginInstance(plugin_name, user)
    complete_conf = None
    # check whether a scheduled id is given
    if scheduled_id:
        config_dict = loadScheduledConf(plugin_name, scheduled_id, user) 
    if config_dict is None:
        conf_file = user.getUserToolConfig(plugin_name)
        if os.path.isfile(conf_file):
            log.debug('Loading config file %s', conf_file)
            with open(conf_file, 'r') as f:
                complete_conf = p.readConfiguration(f)
            log.debug('No config file was found in %s', conf_file)
    if complete_conf is None:
        # at this stage we want to resolve or tokens and perform some kind of sanity check before going further
        complete_conf = p.setupConfiguration(config_dict=config_dict, recursion=True)

    log.debug('Running %s with %s', plugin_name, complete_conf)
    rowid = 0
    if scheduled_id:
        rowid = scheduled_id
    elif user:
        version_details = getVersion(plugin_name)
        rowid = user.getUserDB().storeHistory(p,

        # follow the notes
        followHistoryTag(rowid, user.getName(), 'Owner')

        # we want that the rowid is visible to the tool
        p.rowid = rowid
        # In any case we have now a complete setup in complete_conf
        result = p._runTool(config_dict=complete_conf,

        # save results when existing
        if result is None:
            # create the preview
            preview_path = config.get(config.PREVIEW_PATH, None)

            if preview_path:
                _preview_create(plugin_name, result)
            # write the created files to the database
            logging.debug('Storing results into data base....')
            user.getUserDB().storeResults(rowid, result)
            # temporary set all processes to finished

    return result