Example #1
 def updateConfig(self, config, outqueue):
     self.config = config
     self.outputQueue = outqueue
     # TODO: Figure out if this maxQueueLength needs to even be set here.  I think this should exist on the output
     # process and the generator shouldn't have anything to do with this.
     self.outputPlugin = self.config.getPlugin('output.' + self._sample.outputMode, self._sample)
     if self._sample.maxQueueLength == 0:
         self._sample.maxQueueLength = self.outputPlugin.MAXQUEUELENGTH
     # Output = output process, not the plugin.  The plugin is loaded by the output process.
     self._out = Output(self._sample)
     if self.outputPlugin.useOutputQueue or self.config.useOutputQueue:
Example #2
 def __init__(self, sample):
     # Logger already setup by config, just get an instance
     logger = logging.getLogger('eventgen')
     from eventgenconfig import EventgenAdapter
     adapter = EventgenAdapter(logger, {'module': 'GeneratorPlugin', 'sample': sample.name})
     self.logger = adapter
     from eventgenconfig import Config
     globals()['c'] = Config()
     # # 2/10/14 CS Make a threadsafe copy of all of the samples for us to work on
     # with c.copyLock:
     #     # 10/9/15 CS Moving this to inside the lock, in theory, there should only be one thread
     #     # trying to start at once, going to try to ensure this is the case and hoping for no deadlocks
     #     while c.pluginsStarting.value() > 0:
     #         self.logger.debug("Waiting for exclusive lock to start for GeneratorPlugin '%s'" % sample.name)
     #         time.sleep(0.1)
     #     c.pluginsStarting.increment()
     self.logger.debug("GeneratorPlugin being initialized for sample '%s'" % sample.name)
     self._out = Output(sample)
     # # 9/6/15 Don't do any work until all the timers have started
     # while c.timersStarted.value() < len(c.sampleTimers):
     #     self.logger.debug("Not all timers started, sleeping for GeneratorPlugin '%s'" % sample.name)
     #     time.sleep(1.0)
     self._samples = { }
     for s in c.samples:
         news = copy.copy(s)
         news.tokens = [ copy.copy(t) for t in s.tokens ]
         for setting in c._jsonSettings:
             if setting in s.__dict__:
                 setattr(news, setting, getattr(s, setting))
         self._samples[news.name] = news
     # self._samples = dict((s.name, copy.deepcopy(s)) for s in c.samples)
     self._sample = sample