def load_assoc_euroc_trajectories(ref_file, est_file, max_diff=0.01, offset_2=0.0, invert=False): """ parses ground truth trajectory from EuRoC MAV state estimate .csv and estimated TUM trajectory and returns the data with associated (matching) timestamps according to the time parameters :param ref_file: ground truth: <sequence>/mav0/state_groundtruth_estimate0/data.csv :param est_file: estimated TUM trajectory file :param max_diff: max. allowed absolute time difference for associating :param offset_2: optional time offset of second timestamp vector :param invert: set to True to match from longer list to short (default: short to longer list) :return: trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D objects traj_ref and traj_est """ traj_ref = read_euroc_csv_trajectory(ref_file) traj_est = read_tum_trajectory_file(est_file) return sync.associate_trajectories(traj_ref, traj_est, max_diff, offset_2, invert, ref_file, est_file)
def load_assoc_tum_trajectories(ref_file, est_file, max_diff=0.01, offset_2=0.0, invert=False): """ parses two trajectory files in TUM format (timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw) and returns the data with associated (matching) timestamps according to the time parameters :param ref_file: first trajectory file :param est_file: second trajectory file :param max_diff: max. allowed absolute time difference for associating :param offset_2: optional time offset of second timestamp vector :param invert: set to True to match from longer list to short (default: short to longer list) :return: trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D objects traj_ref and traj_est """ traj_ref = read_tum_trajectory_file(ref_file) traj_est = read_tum_trajectory_file(est_file) return sync.associate_trajectories(traj_ref, traj_est, max_diff, offset_2, invert, ref_file, est_file)
def load_assoc_bag_trajectories(bag_handle, ref_topic, est_topic, max_diff=0.01, offset_2=0.0, invert=False): """ reads trajectory data from a ROS bag file with two geometry_msgs/PoseStamped topics and returns the data with associated (matching) timestamps according to the time parameters :param bag_handle: opened bag handle, from rosbag.Bag(...) :param ref_topic: first geometry_msgs/PoseStamped topic :param est_topic: second geometry_msgs/PoseStamped topic :param max_diff: max. allowed absolute time difference for associating :param offset_2: optional time offset of second timestamp vector :param invert: set to True to match from longer list to short (default: short to longer list) :return: trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D objects traj_ref and traj_est """ traj_ref = read_bag_trajectory(bag_handle, ref_topic) traj_est = read_bag_trajectory(bag_handle, est_topic) return sync.associate_trajectories(traj_ref, traj_est, max_diff, offset_2, invert, ref_topic, est_topic)
def run(args): import os import sys import logging import evo.algorithms.lie_algebra as lie from evo.algorithms import trajectory from import file_interface, settings from import SETTINGS settings.configure_logging(verbose=True, silent=args.silent, debug=args.debug) if args.debug: import pprint logging.debug( "main_parser config:\n" + pprint.pformat({arg: getattr(args, arg) for arg in vars(args)}) + "\n") logging.debug(SEP) trajectories = [] ref_traj = None if args.subcommand == "tum": for traj_file in args.traj_files: if traj_file != args.ref: trajectories.append( (traj_file, file_interface.read_tum_trajectory_file(traj_file))) if args.ref: ref_traj = file_interface.read_tum_trajectory_file(args.ref) elif args.subcommand == "kitti": for pose_file in args.pose_files: if pose_file != args.ref: trajectories.append( (pose_file, file_interface.read_kitti_poses_file(pose_file))) if args.ref: ref_traj = file_interface.read_kitti_poses_file(args.ref) elif args.subcommand == "euroc": for csv_file in args.state_gt_csv: if csv_file != args.ref: trajectories.append( (csv_file, file_interface.read_euroc_csv_trajectory(csv_file))) if args.ref: ref_traj = file_interface.read_euroc_csv_trajectory(args.ref) elif args.subcommand == "bag": import rosbag bag = rosbag.Bag(args.bag) try: if args.all_topics: topic_info = bag.get_type_and_topic_info() topics = sorted([ t for t in topic_info[1].keys() if topic_info[1][t][0] == "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped" and t != args.ref ]) if len(topics) == 0: logging.error("no geometry_msgs/PoseStamped topics found!") sys.exit(1) else: topics = args.topics if not topics: logging.warning( "no topics used - specify topics or use the --all_topics flag" ) sys.exit(1) for topic in topics: trajectories.append( (topic, file_interface.read_bag_trajectory(bag, topic))) if args.ref: ref_traj = file_interface.read_bag_trajectory(bag, args.ref) finally: bag.close() else: raise RuntimeError("unsupported subcommand: " + args.subcommand) if args.transform_left or args.transform_right: tf_path = args.transform_left if args.transform_left else args.transform_right t, xyz, quat = file_interface.load_transform_json(tf_path) logging.debug(SEP) logging.debug("applying transformation to the trajectories:\n" + str(t)) if args.invert_transform: t = lie.se3_inverse(t) for name, traj in trajectories: traj.transform(t, right_mul=args.transform_right) if args.align or args.correct_scale: if args.ref: if args.subcommand == "kitti": traj_tmp, ref_traj_tmp = trajectories, [ ref_traj for n, t in trajectories ] else: traj_tmp, ref_traj_tmp = [], [] from evo.algorithms import sync for name, traj in trajectories: logging.debug(SEP) ref_assoc, traj_assoc = sync.associate_trajectories( ref_traj, traj, first_name="ref", snd_name=name) ref_traj_tmp.append(ref_assoc) traj_tmp.append((name, traj_assoc)) trajectories = traj_tmp correct_only_scale = args.correct_scale and not args.align trajectories_new = [] for nt, ref_assoc in zip(trajectories, ref_traj_tmp): logging.debug(SEP) logging.debug("aligning " + nt[0] + " to " + args.ref + "...") trajectories_new.append( (nt[0], trajectory.align_trajectory(nt[1], ref_assoc, args.correct_scale, correct_only_scale, args.n_to_align))) trajectories = trajectories_new for name, traj in trajectories: if args.t_offset and traj.timestamps.shape[0] != 0: logging.debug(SEP)"adding time offset to " + name + ": " + str(args.t_offset) + " (s)") traj.timestamps += args.t_offset print_traj_info(name, traj, args.full_check) if (args.align or args.correct_scale) and not args.ref: logging.debug(SEP) logging.warning("can't align without a reference! (--ref) *grunt*") if args.ref: print_traj_info(args.ref, ref_traj, args.full_check) if args.plot or args.save_plot or args.serialize_plot: from import PlotMode plot_mode = if not args.plot_mode else PlotMode[ args.plot_mode] import numpy as np from import plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm plot_collection = plot.PlotCollection("evo_traj - trajectory plot") fig_xyz, axarr_xyz = plt.subplots(3, sharex="col", figsize=tuple(SETTINGS.plot_figsize)) fig_traj = plt.figure(figsize=tuple(SETTINGS.plot_figsize)) if (args.align or args.correct_scale) and not args.ref: plt.xkcd(scale=2, randomness=4) fig_traj.suptitle("what if --ref?") fig_xyz.suptitle("what if --ref?") ax_traj = plot.prepare_axis(fig_traj, plot_mode) if args.ref: short_traj_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.ref))[0] if SETTINGS.plot_usetex: short_traj_name = short_traj_name.replace("_", "\\_") plot.traj(ax_traj, plot_mode, ref_traj, '--', 'grey', short_traj_name, alpha=0 if SETTINGS.plot_hideref else 1) plot.traj_xyz(axarr_xyz, ref_traj, '--', 'grey', short_traj_name, alpha=0 if SETTINGS.plot_hideref else 1) cmap_colors = None if SETTINGS.plot_multi_cmap.lower() != "none": cmap = getattr(cm, SETTINGS.plot_multi_cmap) cmap_colors = iter(cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(trajectories)))) for name, traj in trajectories: if cmap_colors is None: color = next(ax_traj._get_lines.prop_cycler)['color'] else: color = next(cmap_colors) short_traj_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] if SETTINGS.plot_usetex: short_traj_name = short_traj_name.replace("_", "\\_") plot.traj(ax_traj, plot_mode, traj, '-', color, short_traj_name) if args.ref and isinstance(ref_traj, trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D): start_time = ref_traj.timestamps[0] else: start_time = None plot.traj_xyz(axarr_xyz, traj, '-', color, short_traj_name, start_timestamp=start_time) plt.tight_layout() plot_collection.add_figure("trajectories", fig_traj) plot_collection.add_figure("xyz_view", fig_xyz) if args.plot: if args.save_plot: logging.debug(SEP) plot_collection.export(args.save_plot, confirm_overwrite=not args.no_warnings) if args.serialize_plot: logging.debug(SEP) plot_collection.serialize(args.serialize_plot, confirm_overwrite=not args.no_warnings) if args.save_as_tum: logging.debug(SEP) for name, traj in trajectories: dest = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] + ".tum" file_interface.write_tum_trajectory_file( dest, traj, confirm_overwrite=not args.no_warnings) if args.ref: dest = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.ref))[0] + ".tum" file_interface.write_tum_trajectory_file( dest, ref_traj, confirm_overwrite=not args.no_warnings) if args.save_as_kitti: logging.debug(SEP) for name, traj in trajectories: dest = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] + ".kitti" file_interface.write_kitti_poses_file( dest, traj, confirm_overwrite=not args.no_warnings) if args.ref: dest = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.ref))[0] + ".kitti" file_interface.write_kitti_poses_file( dest, ref_traj, confirm_overwrite=not args.no_warnings) if args.save_as_bag: logging.debug(SEP) import datetime import rosbag dest_bag_path = str('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.%f')) + ".bag" logging.debug("saving trajectories to " + dest_bag_path + "...") bag = rosbag.Bag(dest_bag_path, 'w') try: for name, traj in trajectories: dest_topic = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] file_interface.write_bag_trajectory(bag, traj, dest_topic) if args.ref: dest_topic = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.ref))[0] file_interface.write_bag_trajectory(bag, ref_traj, dest_topic) finally: bag.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function print("loading required evo modules") from evo.algorithms import trajectory, sync, metrics from import file_interface print("loading trajectories") traj_ref = file_interface.read_tum_trajectory_file("../test/data/fr2_desk_groundtruth.txt") traj_est = file_interface.read_tum_trajectory_file("../test/data/fr2_desk_ORB.txt") print("registering trajectories") traj_ref, traj_est = sync.associate_trajectories(traj_ref, traj_est) traj_est = trajectory.align_trajectory(traj_est, traj_ref, correct_scale=False) print("calculating APE") data = (traj_ref, traj_est) ape_metric = metrics.APE(metrics.PoseRelation.translation_part) ape_metric.process_data(data) ape_statistics = ape_metric.get_all_statistics() print("mean:", ape_statistics["mean"]) print("loading plot modules") from import plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print("plotting") plot_collection = plot.PlotCollection("Example") # metric values fig_1 = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))