Example #1
 def path_length(self, ids=None):
     calculates the path length (arc-length)
     :param ids: optional start and end index as tuple (start, end)
     :return: path length in meters
     if ids is not None:
         if len(ids) != 2 or not all(type(i) is int for i in ids):
             raise TrajectoryException("ids must be a tuple of positive integers")
         return float(geometry.arc_len(self.positions_xyz[ids[0]:ids[1]]))
         return float(geometry.arc_len(self.positions_xyz))
Example #2
 def path_length(self, ids=None):
     calculates the path length (arc-length)
     :param ids: optional start and end index as tuple (start, end)
     :return: path length in meters
     if ids is not None:
         if len(ids) != 2 or not all(type(i) is int for i in ids):
             raise TrajectoryException("ids must be a tuple of positive integers")
         return float(geometry.arc_len(self.positions_xyz[ids[0]:ids[1]]))
         return float(geometry.arc_len(self.positions_xyz))
Example #3
def filter_pairs_by_path(poses, delta, tol=0.0, all_pairs=False):
    filters pairs in a list of SE(3) poses by their path distance in meters
     - the accumulated, traveled path distance between the two pair points
       is considered
    :param poses: list of SE(3) poses
    :param delta: the path distance in meters used for filtering
    :param tol: absolute path tolerance to accept or reject pairs
                in all_pairs mode
    :param all_pairs: use all pairs instead of consecutive pairs
    :return: list of index tuples of the filtered pairs
    if all_pairs:
        upper_bound = delta + tol
        lower_bound = delta - tol
        id_pairs = []
        ids = range(len(poses))
        positions = np.array([pose[:3, 3] for pose in poses])
        res_avg = 0.0
        n_iter_avg = 0.0
        print_progress = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
        num_pairs = 0
        for i in ids:
            found, j, res, n = bounded_binary_search(
                lambda x: geometry.arc_len(positions[i:x + 1]), len(positions),
                delta, lower_bound, upper_bound)
            n_iter_avg += n
            if found:
                num_pairs += 1
                res_avg += res
                id_pairs.append((i, j))
            if print_progress:
                      "m path sub-sequences - found",
        if print_progress:
        if num_pairs != 0:
            logger.debug("avg. target residual: " +
                         "{0:.6f}".format(res_avg / num_pairs) + "m" +
                         " | avg. num. iterations: " +
                         "{0:.6f}".format(n_iter_avg / num_pairs))
            logger.debug("Found no pairs for delta '" + str(delta) + "m'.")
        ids = []
        previous_pose = poses[0]
        current_path = 0.0
        for i, current_pose in enumerate(poses):
            current_path += np.linalg.norm(current_pose[:3, 3] -
                                           previous_pose[:3, 3])
            previous_pose = current_pose
            if current_path >= delta:
                current_path = 0.0
        id_pairs = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(ids, ids[1:])]
    return id_pairs
Example #4
def filter_pairs_by_path(poses, delta, tol=0.0, all_pairs=False):
    filters pairs in a list of SE(3) poses by their path distance in meters
     - the accumulated, traveled path distance between the two pair points is considered
    :param poses: list of SE(3) poses
    :param delta: the path distance in meters used for filtering
    :param tol: absolute path tolerance to accept or reject pairs in all_pairs mode
    :param all_pairs: use all pairs instead of consecutive pairs
    :return: list of index tuples of the filtered pairs
    if all_pairs:
        upper_bound = delta + tol
        lower_bound = delta - tol
        id_pairs = []
        ids = range(len(poses))
        positions = np.array([pose[:3, 3] for pose in poses])
        res_avg = 0.0
        n_iter_avg = 0.0
        print_progress = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
        num_pairs = 0
        for i in ids:
            found, j, res, n = bounded_binary_search(lambda x: geometry.arc_len(positions[i:x+1]),
                                                     len(positions), delta, 
                                                     lower_bound, upper_bound)
            n_iter_avg += n
            if found:
                num_pairs += 1
                res_avg += res
                id_pairs.append((i, j))
            if print_progress:
                print("\rSearching", delta, "m path sub-sequences - found", num_pairs, end="\r")
        if print_progress:
        if num_pairs != 0:
            logger.debug("avg. target residual: " + "{0:.6f}".format(res_avg / num_pairs) + "m"
                        + " | avg. num. iterations: " + "{0:.6f}".format(n_iter_avg / num_pairs))
            logger.debug("Found no pairs for delta '" + str(delta) + "m'.")
        ids = []
        previous_pose = poses[0]
        current_path = 0.0
        for i, current_pose in enumerate(poses):
            current_path += np.linalg.norm(current_pose[:3, 3] - previous_pose[:3, 3])
            previous_pose = current_pose
            if current_path >= delta:
                current_path = 0.0
        id_pairs = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(ids, ids[1:])]
    return id_pairs
Example #5
 def path_length(self):
     calculates the path length (arc-length)
     :return: path length in meters
     return float(geometry.arc_len(self.positions_xyz))