Example #1
    def collectCore(self, vcfname, headerKey=None):
        Return a data frame with features collected from the given VCF

        If headerKey is provided, then use this header value to extract labels
        for the INFO EVSF feature tag
        feature_labels = ["CHROM", "POS", "REF", "ALT"]
        header_feature_labels = None

        records = []

        isHeader = True
        isHeaderKey = (headerKey is not None)

        for line in openMaybeGzip(vcfname):
            if isHeader:
                if line[0] == "#":
                    if isHeaderKey and line.startswith("##"):
                        word = line[2:].strip().split("=")
                        if word[0] == headerKey:
                            assert (header_feature_labels is None)
                            header_feature_labels = word[1].split(",")
                            #                            print header_feature_labels
                            assert (len(header_feature_labels) > 0)
                    if isHeaderKey:
                        assert (header_feature_labels is not None)
                    isHeader = False

            word = line.strip().split('\t')

            qrec = {
                "CHROM": word[VCFID.CHROM],
                "POS": int(word[VCFID.POS]),
                "REF": word[VCFID.REF],
                "ALT": word[VCFID.ALT]

            if isHeaderKey:
                for ikv in word[VCFID.INFO].split(';'):
                    iword = ikv.split("=", 1)
                    if iword[0] != "EVSF": continue
                    assert (len(iword) == 2)
                    if len(word[VCFID.ALT]) > 1: continue  # skip indels
                    features = [float(f) for f in iword[1].split(',')]
                    #                    print features
                    #                    assert(len(features) == len(header_feature_labels))
                    for i in range(len(features)):
                        qrec[header_feature_labels[i]] = features[i]


        cols = feature_labels
        if isHeaderKey:
            cols += header_feature_labels

        return pandas.DataFrame(records, columns=cols)
Example #2
    def collectCore(self, vcfname, headerKey = None):
        Return a data frame with features collected from the given VCF

        If headerKey is provided, then use this header value to extract labels
        for the INFO EVSF feature tag

        def isNucleotide(nucString):
            Return True if nucString is a single nucleotide, False otherwise.
            return (nucString in ["A", "C", "G", "T", "N"])

        def variantType(ref, alt):
            Return 'snv' if ref and all alt alleles are single nucleotides,
            otherwise return 'indel'
            if isNucleotide(ref) and all(isNucleotide(allele) for allele in alt.split(',')) :
                return "snv"
            return "indel"

        def processVariant(line, keyType, header_feature_labels):
            Return a record with collected features for this variant
            or None if the variant type does not match the key type.

            isHeaderKey = (header_feature_labels is not None)
            word = line.strip().split('\t')

            qrec = {
                "CHROM": word[VCFID.CHROM],
                "POS": int(word[VCFID.POS]),
                "REF": word[VCFID.REF],
                "ALT": word[VCFID.ALT],

            if isHeaderKey :
                if variantType(word[VCFID.REF], word[VCFID.ALT]) != keyType :
                    return None
                for ikv in word[VCFID.INFO].split(';') :
                    iword = ikv.split("=",1)
                    if iword[0] == "EVSF" :
                        assert(len(iword) == 2)
                        features = [float(f) for f in iword[1].split(',')]
                        for i in range(len(features)) :
                            qrec[header_feature_labels[i]] = features[i]
            return qrec

        feature_labels = ["CHROM", "POS", "REF", "ALT"]
        header_feature_labels = None

        records = []

        isHeader = True
        isHeaderKey = (headerKey is not None)
        if isHeaderKey :
            if headerKey == "snv_scoring_features" :
                keyType = "snv"
            elif headerKey == "indel_scoring_features" :
                keyType = "indel"
            else :
                raise Exception("Unknown header key: '%s'" % headerKey)
        else :
            keyType = None

        for line in openMaybeGzip(vcfname):
            if isHeader :
                if line[0] == "#" :
                    if isHeaderKey and line.startswith("##") :
                        word = line[2:].strip().split("=")
                        if word[0] == headerKey :
                            assert(header_feature_labels is None)
                            header_feature_labels = word[1].split(",")
                            assert(len(header_feature_labels) > 0)
                else :
                    if isHeaderKey :
                        assert(header_feature_labels is not None)
                    isHeader = False

            qrec = processVariant(line, keyType, header_feature_labels)
            if qrec is not None:

        cols = feature_labels
        if isHeaderKey :
            cols += header_feature_labels

        return pandas.DataFrame(records, columns=cols)