def load_wave(fname): tutor_wav = wav.wavfile(fname) aud_raw = np.array( #figure(4); #clf #plot(aud_raw[0:samples_per_bin]) #legend("Audio Input -- Audio Samples -- First Bin") # aud_raw -= aud_raw.mean(); # aud_raw /= aud_raw.std(); aud_sample = np.reshape(aud_raw, (-1, samples_per_bin)) # 100 samples go into 1 bin aud_dct = fftp.dct(aud_sample.real.astype(float), type=2, norm='ortho') #.T # matrix right way round? # Normalise: aud_dct -= aud_dct.mean() aud_dct /= aud_dct.std() #figure(5); #clf; #plot(aud_dct[0]) #legend("FFT of the first bin"); #figure(6); #clf; #plot(aud_dct[:,0]) #legend("Amplitude of first frequency of FFT across all bins"); return aud_dct.T
def save_wave(fname, song): output = fftp.idct(x=song.T, type=2, norm='ortho') #output = fftp.idct(x=song, type=2, norm='ortho'); output2 = (output).ravel() maximum = (abs(output2)).max() # output2 *= (30000) / maximum; # scale to about 80% of 16 bit range #figure(7) #clf #plot(output2[0:100]); #legend("Audio out -- first 100 sample points") out_wav = wav.wavfile(fname, mode="w", sampling_rate=rate, dtype=u'f', nchannels=1) out_wav.write(data=output2, scale=True) # do I need to reshape, or is the automatic flattening the right thing? #out_wav.write(data=output2); # do I need to reshape, or is the automatic flattening the right thing? out_wav.flush() return output2
def load_data(basename, filterer=None, pitchdir=None): """ Load data from wav and plg files. If filterer is not None, filters pitch trace. """ from ewave import wavfile from chirp.common import plg fp = wavfile(basename + ".wav") signal, Fs =, fp.sampling_rate if isinstance(pitchdir, basestring): plgfile = os.path.join(pitchdir, os.path.split(basename)[1] + '.plg') else: plgfile = basename + '.plg' if not os.path.exists(plgfile): return signal, Fs / 1000., None, None pitch = if filterer is not None: ind = postfilter.ind_endpoints(filterer(pitch)) if ind is None: return signal, Fs / 1000., None, None pitch = pitch[ind[0]:ind[1] + 1] t = pitch['time'] if '' in pitch.dtype.names: p = pitch[''] else: p = pitch['p.mmse'] return signal, Fs / 1000., t, p
def splitfile(self, wavfile, lblfile, cout=None): """ Split the signal in <wavfile> into the elements in <lblfile>. yields (extracted signal, sampling_rate) """ elems = if self.options['merge_elements']: if self.options['boxmask']: elems = [elems.range] else: raise NotImplementedError("merging polygons not implemented") with ewave.wavfile(wavfile, 'r') as fp: signal, Fs =, fp.sampling_rate / 1000. for i, elem in enumerate(elems): if geom.elementlist.element_type(elem) == 'interval': print >> cout, "** Element %d, interval bounds (%.2f, %.2f)" % (i, elem[0], elem[1]) fun = intervalsplit.split elif self.options['boxmask']: print >> cout, "** Element %d, polygon interval (%.2f, %.2f)" % (i, elem.bounds[0], elem.bounds[2]) fun = intervalsplit.split else: raise NotImplementedError("polygon extraction not implemented") yield i, fun(signal, elem, Fs, **self.options), Fs
def load_wave(fname): tutor_wav = wav.wavfile(fname); aud_raw = np.array(; #figure(4); #clf #plot(aud_raw[0:samples_per_bin]) #legend("Audio Input -- Audio Samples -- First Bin") # aud_raw -= aud_raw.mean(); # aud_raw /= aud_raw.std(); aud_sample = np.reshape(aud_raw, (-1, samples_per_bin)) # 100 samples go into 1 bin aud_dct = fftp.dct(aud_sample.real.astype(float), type=2, norm='ortho')#.T # matrix right way round? # Normalise: aud_dct -= aud_dct.mean(); aud_dct /= aud_dct.std(); #figure(5); #clf; #plot(aud_dct[0]) #legend("FFT of the first bin"); #figure(6); #clf; #plot(aud_dct[:,0]) #legend("Amplitude of first frequency of FFT across all bins"); return aud_dct.T; # we need matrix in format that we have the 100 frequency as rows.
def main(argv=None, cout=None, cerr=None, **kwargs): import os import sys from chirp.version import version if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] if cout is None: cout = sys.stdout if cerr is None: cerr = sys.stderr import getopt from chirp.common.config import configoptions config = configoptions() opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hvc:') for o, a in opts: if o == '-h': print _scriptdoc return -1 elif o == '-v': print " %s version %s" % (_scriptname, version) return -1 elif o == '-c': if len(args) < 1: print _scriptdoc return -1 wavfile = args[0] basename = os.path.splitext(wavfile)[0] if len(args) > 1: maskfile = args[1] else: maskfile = basename + ".ebl" print >> cout, "* Program: %s" % _scriptname print >> cout, "** Version: %s" % version print >> cout, "* Sound file: %s" % wavfile print >> cout, "* Mask file: %s" % maskfile splt = splitter(config) print >> cout, splt.options_str() for i, signal, Fs in splt.splitfile(wavfile, maskfile, cout=cout): outfile = "%s_e%03d.wav" % (os.path.split(basename)[1], i) print "** Writing extracted signal to %s" % outfile fp = ewave.wavfile(outfile, 'w', sampling_rate=Fs * 1000) fp.write(signal)
def test(soundfile): from ewave import wavfile fp = wavfile(soundfile) signal, Fs =, fp.sampling_rate class SpecViewFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(SpecViewFrame, self).__init__(parent, title="TSViewer Test App", size=(1000, 300), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) self.figpanel = SpecViewer(self, -1) self.figpanel.plot_data(signal, Fs) app = wx.PySimpleApp() app.frame = SpecViewFrame() app.frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def load_signal(self, locator, dtype='d'): """ Loads the signal and computes the spectrogram. dtype: the data type to store the output in. Use single-precision floats if needed to reduce storage requirements. """ from ewave import wavfile from libtfr import fgrid, dynamic_range from chirp.common.signal import spectrogram from chirp.common.geom import elementlist, masker from numpy import linspace, log10 fp = wavfile(locator) signal = Fs = fp.sampling_rate speccr = spectrogram(**self.options) # adjust window size to get correct number of frequency bands df = 1. * (self.options['freq_range'][1] - self.options['freq_range'][0]) / self.options['nfreq'] nfft = int(Fs / df) spec, extent = speccr.linspect(signal, Fs / 1000, nfft=nfft) F, ind = fgrid(Fs, nfft, self.options['freq_range']) # in Hz spec = spec[ind, :] T = linspace(extent[0], extent[1], spec.shape[1]) # in ms # first convert the spectrogram to its final scale if self.options['powscale'].startswith('log'): # TODO calculate dynamic range of the signal for non 16 bit PCM? spec = log10(dynamic_range(spec, 96)) # recenter spectrogram if self.options['subtract_mean']: spec -= spec.mean() if self.options['mask'] != 'none': eblfile = os.path.splitext(locator)[0] + elementlist.default_extension if os.path.exists(eblfile): mask = spec = masker(boxmask=self.options['mask'] == 'box').cut(spec, mask, T, F / 1000.) return spec.astype(dtype)
def save_wave(fname, song): output = fftp.idct(x=song.T, type=2, norm='ortho'); #output = fftp.idct(x=song, type=2, norm='ortho'); output2 = (output).ravel(); maximum = (abs(output2)).max() # output2 *= (30000) / maximum; # scale to about 80% of 16 bit range #figure(7) #clf #plot(output2[0:100]); #legend("Audio out -- first 100 sample points") out_wav = wav.wavfile(fname, mode="w", sampling_rate = rate, dtype = u'f', nchannels = 1); out_wav.write(data=output2, scale=True); # do I need to reshape, or is the automatic flattening the right thing? #out_wav.write(data=output2); # do I need to reshape, or is the automatic flattening the right thing? out_wav.flush() return output2
def cpitch(argv=None, cout=None, cerr=None, **kwargs): """ The script front-end """ import sys from chirp.version import version if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] if cout is None: cout = sys.stdout if cerr is None: cerr = sys.stderr import getopt from chirp.common.config import configoptions config = configoptions() maskfile = None opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hvc:m:') for o, a in opts: if o == '-h': print _scriptdoc return -1 elif o == '-v': print "cpitch version %s" % version return -1 elif o == '-c': if not os.path.exists(a): print >> cout, "ERROR: config file %s doesn't exist" % a return -1 elif o == '-m': maskfile = a if len(args) < 1: print _scriptdoc return -1 print >> cout, "* Program: cpitch" print >> cout, "** Version: %s" % version print >> cout, "* Input: %s" % args[0] from ewave import wavfile try: fp = wavfile(args[0]) except IOError: print >> cerr, "No such file %s" % args[0] return -2 except: print >> cerr, "Input file %s must be in WAV format" % args[0] return -2 pcm = samplerate = fp.sampling_rate / 1000. print >> cout, "** Samples:", pcm.size print >> cout, "** Samplerate: %.2f (kHz)" % samplerate pt = tracker(configfile=config, samplerate=samplerate * 1000, **kwargs) print >> cout, pt.spectrogram_options_str() print >> cout, pt.template_options_str() print >> cout, "* DLFT spectrogram:" spec, tgrid, fgrid = pt.matched_spectrogram(pcm, samplerate) print >> cout, "** Dimensions:", spec.shape print >> cout, pt.particle_options_str() if maskfile is not None and os.path.exists(maskfile): from chirp.common.geom import elementlist, masker print >> cout, "* Mask file:", maskfile elems = mask = masker(configfile=config, **kwargs) for startcol, mspec, imask in mask.split(spec, elems, tgrid, fgrid, cout=cout): try: startframe, pitch_mmse, pitch_var, pitch_map, stats = pt.track(mspec, cout=cout, mask=imask) stats[''] = None if pitch_map is None else pitch_map * samplerate T = tgrid[startframe + startcol:startframe + startcol + pitch_mmse.shape[0]] # + tracker.options['winsize'] / (samplerate * 1000) ?? ptrace = pitchtrace(T, pitch_mmse * samplerate, pitch_var * samplerate * samplerate, **stats) print >> cout, "*** Pitch calculations:" ptrace.write(cout) except ValueError, e: print >> cout, "*** Pitch calculation error: %s" % e continue
def load_file(self, fname): file_type = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] if file_type == _el_ext: el = self.load_elements(fname) if el: self.status.SetStatusText("Loaded %d elements from %s" % (len(el), fname)) elif file_type == _pitch_ext: try: self.spec.plot_plg(fname) self.status.SetStatusText("Loaded pitch data from %s" % fname) except Exception, e: self.status.SetStatusText("Error reading pitch data from {}: {}".format(fname, e)) elif file_type == _config_ext: self.load_params(fname) else: fp = ewave.wavfile(fname) sig, Fs =, fp.sampling_rate / 1000 self.filename = fname self.SetTitle(fname) self.spec.clear() self.list.DeleteAllItems() self.spec.plot_data(sig, Fs) el = self.load_elements(fname) if self.configfile.getboolean('gui', 'auto_load_plg', True): pitchfile = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + _pitch_ext try: self.spec.plot_plg(pitchfile) except: pass if el: self.status.SetStatusText("Opened file %s; loaded %d elements" % (fname, len(el))) else: self.status.SetStatusText("Opened file %s" % fname)