async def on_ready(): ewutils.logMsg('Logged in as {} ({}).'.format(, ewutils.logMsg("Loaded NLACakaNM world map. ({}x{})".format( ewmap.map_width, ewmap.map_height)) ewmap.map_draw() # Flatten role names to all lowercase, no spaces. for poi in ewcfg.poi_list: if poi.role != None: poi.role = ewutils.mapRoleName(poi.role) await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=("dev. by @krak " + ewcfg.version))) # Look for a Twitch client_id on disk. # FIXME debug - temporarily disable Twitch integration if False: twitch_client_id = ewutils.getTwitchClientId() # If no twitch client ID is available, twitch integration will be disabled. # FIXME debug - temporarily disable Twitch integration. if True: twich_client_id = None ewutils.logMsg('Twitch integration disabled.') elif twitch_client_id == None or len(twitch_client_id) == 0: ewutils.logMsg( 'No twitch_client_id file found. Twitch integration disabled.') else: ewutils.logMsg("Enabled Twitch integration.") # Channels in the connected discord servers to announce to. channels_announcement = [] # Channels in the connected discord servers to send stock market updates to. Map of server ID to channel. channels_stockmarket = {} for server in client.servers: # Update server data in the database ewserver.server_update(server=server) # store the list of channels in an ewutils field ewcfg.update_server_list(server=server) # Grep around for channels ewutils.logMsg("connected to server: {}".format( for channel in server.channels: if (channel.type == discord.ChannelType.text): if ( == ewcfg.channel_twitch_announcement): channels_announcement.append(channel) ewutils.logMsg( "• found channel for announcements: {}".format( elif ( == ewcfg.channel_stockexchange): channels_stockmarket[] = channel ewutils.logMsg( "• found channel for stock exchange: {}".format( # create all the districts in the database for poi in ewcfg.capturable_districts: # call the constructor to create an entry if it doesnt exist yet dist = EwDistrict(, district=poi) # change the ownership to the faction that's already in control to initialize topic names try: await dist.change_ownership(new_owner=dist.controlling_faction, actor="init", client=client) except: ewutils.logMsg( 'Could not change ownership for {} to "{}".'.format( poi, dist.controlling_faction)) asyncio.ensure_future( ewdistrict.capture_tick_loop( try: ewutils.logMsg('Creating message queue directory.') os.mkdir(ewcfg.dir_msgqueue) except FileExistsError: ewutils.logMsg('Message queue directory already exists.') ewutils.logMsg('Ready.') ewcfg.set_client(client) """ Set up for infinite loop to perform periodic tasks. """ time_now = int(time.time()) time_last_twitch = time_now time_twitch_downed = 0 # Every three hours we log a message saying the periodic task hook is still active. On startup, we want this to happen within about 60 seconds, and then on the normal 3 hour interval. time_last_logged = time_now - ewcfg.update_hookstillactive + 60 stream_live = None ewutils.logMsg('Beginning periodic hook loop.') while True: time_now = int(time.time()) # Periodic message to log that this stuff is still running. if (time_now - time_last_logged) >= ewcfg.update_hookstillactive: time_last_logged = time_now ewutils.logMsg("Periodic hook still active.") # Check to see if a stream is live via the Twitch API. # FIXME disabled if False: #if twitch_client_id != None and (time_now - time_last_twitch) >= ewcfg.update_twitch: time_last_twitch = time_now try: # Twitch API call to see if there are any active streams. json_string = "" p = subprocess.Popen( "curl -H 'Client-ID: {}' -X GET ' = rowdyfrickerscopkillers' 2>/dev/null" .format(twitch_client_id), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in p.stdout.readlines(): json_string += line.decode('utf-8') json_parsed = json.loads(json_string) # When a stream is up, data is an array of stream information objects. data = json_parsed.get('data') if data != None: data_count = len(data) stream_was_live = stream_live stream_live = True if data_count > 0 else False if stream_was_live == True and stream_live == False: time_twitch_downed = time_now if stream_was_live == False and stream_live == True and ( time_now - time_twitch_downed) > 600: ewutils.logMsg("The stream is now live.") # The stream has transitioned from offline to online. Make an announcement! for channel in channels_announcement: await client.send_message( channel, "ATTENTION CITIZENS. THE **ROWDY F****R** AND THE **COP KILLER** ARE **STREAMING**. BEWARE OF INCREASED KILLER AND ROWDY ACTIVITY.\n\n@everyone\n{}" .format( "" )) except: ewutils.logMsg( 'Twitch handler hit an exception (continuing): {}'.format( json_string)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # Adjust the exchange rate of slime for the market. try: for server in client.servers: # Load market data from the database. market_data = EwMarket( if market_data.time_lasttick + ewcfg.update_market <= time_now: market_data.time_lasttick = time_now # Advance the time and potentially change weather. market_data.clock += 1 if market_data.clock >= 24 or market_data.clock < 0: market_data.clock = 0 += 1 if random.randrange(30) == 0: pattern_count = len(ewcfg.weather_list) if pattern_count > 1: weather_old = # Randomly select a new weather pattern. Try again if we get the same one we currently have. while == weather_old: pick = random.randrange(len( ewcfg.weather_list)) = ewcfg.weather_list[ pick].name # Log message for statistics tracking. ewutils.logMsg( "The weather changed. It's now {}.".format( # Persist new data. market_data.persist() # Decay slime totals ewutils.decaySlimes( # Increase hunger for all players below the max. ewutils.pushupServerHunger( # Decrease inebriation for all players above min (0). ewutils.pushdownServerInebriation( await ewdistrict.give_kingpins_slime_and_decay_capture_points( # Post leaderboards at 6am NLACakaNM time. if market_data.clock == 6: await ewleaderboard.post_leaderboards(client=client, server=server) except: ewutils.logMsg( 'An error occurred in the scheduled slime market update task:') traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # Parse files dumped into the msgqueue directory and send messages as needed. try: for msg_file in os.listdir(ewcfg.dir_msgqueue): fname = "{}/{}".format(ewcfg.dir_msgqueue, msg_file) msg = ewutils.readMessage(fname) os.remove(fname) msg_channel_names = [] msg_channel_names_reverb = [] if != None: msg_channel_names.append( if msg.poi != None: poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(msg.poi) if poi != None: if != None and len( > 0: msg_channel_names.append( if msg.reverb == True: pois_adjacent = ewmap.path_to(poi_start=msg.poi) for poi_adjacent in pois_adjacent: if != None and len( > 0: msg_channel_names_reverb.append( if len(msg_channel_names) == 0: ewutils.logMsg( 'in file {} message for channel {} (reverb {})\n{}'. format(msg_file,, msg.reverb, msg.message)) else: # Send messages to every connected server. for server in client.servers: for channel in server.channels: if in msg_channel_names: await client.send_message( channel, "**{}**".format(msg.message)) elif in msg_channel_names_reverb: await client.send_message( channel, "**Something is happening nearby...\n\n{}**" .format(msg.message)) except: ewutils.logMsg( 'An error occurred while trying to process the message queue:') traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # Wait a while before running periodic tasks. await asyncio.sleep(15)
async def on_ready(): ewutils.logMsg('Logged in as {} ({}).'.format(, ewutils.logMsg('Ready.') await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=("dev. by @krak " + ewcfg.version))) # Look for a Twitch client_id on disk. twitch_client_id = ewutils.getTwitchClientId() # If no twitch client ID is available, twitch integration will be disabled. if twitch_client_id == None or len(twitch_client_id) == 0: ewutils.logMsg( 'No twitch_client_id file found. Twitch integration disabled.') else: ewutils.logMsg("Enabled Twitch integration.") # Channels in the connected discord servers to announce to. channels_announcement = [] # Channels in the connected discord servers to send stock market updates to. Map of server ID to channel. channels_stockmarket = {} for server in client.servers: # Update server data in the database ewserver.server_update(server=server) # Grep around for channels ewutils.logMsg("connected to: {}".format( for channel in server.channels: if (channel.type == discord.ChannelType.text): if ( == ewcfg.channel_twitch_announcement): channels_announcement.append(channel) ewutils.logMsg("• found for announcements: {}".format( elif ( == ewcfg.channel_stockexchange): channels_stockmarket[] = channel ewutils.logMsg("• found for stock exchange: {}".format( time_now = int(time.time()) time_last_twitch = time_now time_twitch_downed = 0 time_last_pvp = time_now time_last_market = time_now # Every three hours we log a message saying the periodic task hook is still active. On startup, we want this to happen within about 60 seconds, and then on the normal 3 hour interval. time_last_logged = time_now - ewcfg.update_hookstillactive + 60 stream_live = None while True: time_now = int(time.time()) # Periodic message to log that this stuff is still running. if (time_now - time_last_logged) >= ewcfg.update_hookstillactive: time_last_logged = time_now ewutils.logMsg("Periodic hook still active.") # Check to see if a stream is live via the Twitch API. if twitch_client_id != None and ( time_now - time_last_twitch) >= ewcfg.update_twitch: time_last_twitch = time_now try: # Twitch API call to see if there are any active streams. json_string = "" p = subprocess.Popen( "curl -H 'Client-ID: {}' -X GET '' 2>/dev/null" .format(twitch_client_id), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in p.stdout.readlines(): json_string += line.decode('utf-8') json_parsed = json.loads(json_string) # When a stream is up, data is an array of stream information objects. data = json_parsed.get('data') if data != None: data_count = len(data) stream_was_live = stream_live stream_live = True if data_count > 0 else False if stream_was_live == True and stream_live == False: time_twitch_downed = time_now if stream_was_live == False and stream_live == True and ( time_now - time_twitch_downed) > 600: ewutils.logMsg("The stream is now live.") # The stream has transitioned from offline to online. Make an announcement! for channel in channels_announcement: await client.send_message( channel, "ATTENTION CITIZENS. THE **ROWDY F****R** AND THE **COP KILLER** ARE **STREAMING**. BEWARE OF INCREASED KILLER AND ROWDY ACTIVITY.\n\n@everyone\n{}" .format( "" )) except: ewutils.logMsg('Twitch handler hit an exception (continuing):') traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # Clear PvP roles from players who are no longer flagged. if (time_now - time_last_pvp) >= ewcfg.update_pvp: time_last_pvp = time_now try: for server in client.servers: roles_map = ewutils.getRoleMap(server.roles) role_juvenile_pvp = roles_map[ewcfg.role_juvenile_pvp] role_rowdyfuckers_pvp = roles_map[ ewcfg.role_rowdyfuckers_pvp] role_copkillers_pvp = roles_map[ewcfg.role_copkillers_pvp] # Monitor all user roles and update if a user is no longer flagged for PvP. for member in server.members: pvp_role = None if role_juvenile_pvp in member.roles: pvp_role = role_juvenile_pvp elif role_copkillers_pvp in member.roles: pvp_role = role_copkillers_pvp elif role_rowdyfuckers_pvp in member.roles: pvp_role = role_rowdyfuckers_pvp if pvp_role != None: # Retrieve user data from the database. user_data = EwUser(member=member) # If the user's PvP expire time is historical, remove the PvP role. if user_data.time_expirpvp < int(time.time()): await client.remove_roles(member, pvp_role) except: ewutils.logMsg( 'An error occurred in the scheduled role update task:') traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # Adjust the exchange rate of slime for the market. try: for server in client.servers: # Load market data from the database. try: conn = ewutils.databaseConnect() cursor = conn.cursor() market_data = EwMarket(, conn=conn, cursor=cursor) credit_totals = ewutils.getRecentTotalSlimeCoins(, conn=conn, cursor=cursor) finally: cursor.close() conn.close() if market_data.time_lasttick + ewcfg.update_market < time_now: market_data.time_lasttick = time_now # Nudge the value back to stability. rate_market = market_data.rate_market if rate_market >= 1030: rate_market -= 10 elif rate_market <= 970: rate_market += 10 # Add participation bonus. active_bonus = 0 active_map = active_users_map.get( if active_map != None: active_bonus = len(active_map) if active_bonus > 20: active_bonus = 20 active_users_map[] = {} rate_market += (active_bonus / 4) # Invest/Withdraw effects credit_rate = 0 if credit_totals[0] != credit_totals[1]: # Positive if net investment, negative if net withdrawal. credit_change = (credit_totals[0] - credit_totals[1]) credit_rate = ((credit_change * 1.0) / credit_totals[1]) if credit_rate > 1.0: credit_rate = 1.0 elif credit_rate < -0.5: credit_rate = -0.5 credit_rate = int(( credit_rate * ewcfg.max_iw_swing) if credit_rate > 0 else ( credit_rate * 2 * ewcfg.max_iw_swing)) rate_market += credit_rate # Tick down the boombust cooldown. if market_data.boombust < 0: market_data.boombust += 1 elif market_data.boombust > 0: market_data.boombust -= 1 # Adjust the market rate. fluctuation = 0 #(random.randrange(5) - 2) * 100 noise = (random.randrange(19) - 9) * 2 subnoise = (random.randrange(13) - 6) # Some extra excitement! if noise == 0 and subnoise == 0: boombust = (random.randrange(3) - 1) * 200 # If a boombust occurs shortly after a previous boombust, make sure it's the opposite effect. (Boom follows bust, bust follows boom.) if (market_data.boombust > 0 and boombust > 0) or (market_data.boombust < 0 and boombust < 0): boombust *= -1 if boombust != 0: market_data.boombust = ewcfg.cd_boombust if boombust < 0: market_data.boombust *= -1 else: boombust = 0 rate_market += fluctuation + noise + subnoise + boombust if rate_market < 300: rate_market = (300 + noise + subnoise) percentage = ((rate_market / 10) - 100) percentage_abs = percentage * -1 # If the value hits 0, we're stuck there forever. if market_data.rate_exchange <= 100: market_data.rate_exchange = 100 # Apply the market change to the casino balance and exchange rate. market_data.slimes_casino = int(market_data.slimes_casino * (rate_market / 1000.0)) market_data.rate_exchange = int(market_data.rate_exchange * (rate_market / 1000.0)) # Advance the time and potentially change weather. market_data.clock += 1 if market_data.clock >= 24 or market_data.clock < 0: market_data.clock = 0 weatherchange = random.randrange(30) if weatherchange >= 29: pattern_count = len(ewcfg.weather_list) if pattern_count > 1: weather_old = # Randomly select a new weather pattern. Try again if we get the same one we currently have. while == weather_old: pick = random.randrange(len( ewcfg.weather_list)) = ewcfg.weather_list[ pick].name # Log message for statistics tracking. ewutils.logMsg( "The weather changed. It's now {}.".format( try: conn = ewutils.databaseConnect() cursor = conn.cursor() # Persist new data. market_data.rate_market = rate_market market_data.persist(conn=conn, cursor=cursor) # Create a historical snapshot. ewutils.persistMarketHistory(market_data=market_data, conn=conn, cursor=cursor) # Increase stamina for all players below the max. ewutils.pushupServerStamina(, conn=conn, cursor=cursor) # Decrease inebriation for all players above min (0). ewutils.pushdownServerInebriation(, conn=conn, cursor=cursor) conn.commit() finally: cursor.close() conn.close() # Give some indication of how the market is doing to the users. response = "..." # Market is up ... if rate_market > 1200: response = 'The slimeconomy is skyrocketing!!! Slime stock is up {p:.3g}%!!!'.format( p=percentage) elif rate_market > 1100: response = 'The slimeconomy is booming! Slime stock is up {p:.3g}%!'.format( p=percentage) elif rate_market > 1000: response = 'The slimeconomy is doing well. Slime stock is up {p:.3g}%.'.format( p=percentage) # Market is down ... elif rate_market < 800: response = 'The slimeconomy is plummetting!!! Slime stock is down {p:.3g}%!!!'.format( p=percentage_abs) elif rate_market < 900: response = 'The slimeconomy is stagnating! Slime stock is down {p:.3g}%!'.format( p=percentage_abs) elif rate_market < 1000: response = 'The slimeconomy is a bit sluggish. Slime stock is down {p:.3g}%.'.format( p=percentage_abs) # Perfectly balanced else: response = 'The slimeconomy is holding steady. No change in slime stock value.' if market_data.clock == 6: response += ' The Slime Stock Exchange is now open for business.' elif market_data.clock == 18: response += ' The Slime Stock Exchange has closed for the night.' # Send the announcement. channel = channels_stockmarket.get( if channel != None: await client.send_message(channel, ('**' + response + '**')) else: ewutils.logMsg( 'No stock market channel for server {}'.format( except: ewutils.logMsg( 'An error occurred in the scheduled slime market update task:') traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # Wait a while before running periodic tasks. await asyncio.sleep(15)
async def on_ready(): global init_complete if init_complete: return init_complete = True ewcfg.set_client(client) ewutils.logMsg('Logged in as {} ({}).'.format(, ewutils.logMsg("Loaded NLACakaNM world map. ({}x{})".format(ewmap.map_width, ewmap.map_height)) ewmap.map_draw() # Flatten role names to all lowercase, no spaces. fake_observer = EwUser() fake_observer.life_state = ewcfg.life_state_observer for poi in ewcfg.poi_list: if poi.role != None: poi.role = ewutils.mapRoleName(poi.role) neighbors = [] neighbor_ids = [] if poi.coord != None: neighbors = ewmap.path_to(coord_start = poi.coord, user_data = fake_observer) #elif poi.id_poi == ewcfg.poi_id_thesewers: # neighbors = ewcfg.poi_list if neighbors != None: for neighbor in neighbors: neighbor_ids.append(neighbor.id_poi) ewcfg.poi_neighbors[poi.id_poi] = set(neighbor_ids) ewutils.logMsg("Found neighbors for poi {}: {}".format(poi.id_poi, ewcfg.poi_neighbors[poi.id_poi])) for id_poi in ewcfg.landmark_pois: ewutils.logMsg("beginning landmark precomputation for " + id_poi) poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(id_poi) ewmap.landmarks[id_poi] = ewmap.score_map_from( coord_start = poi.coord, user_data = fake_observer, landmark_mode = True ) ewutils.logMsg("finished landmark precomputation") try: await client.change_presence(game = discord.Game(name = "EW " + ewcfg.version)) except: ewutils.logMsg("Failed to change_presence!") # Look for a Twitch client_id on disk. # FIXME debug - temporarily disable Twitch integration if False: twitch_client_id = ewutils.getTwitchClientId() # If no twitch client ID is available, twitch integration will be disabled. # FIXME debug - temporarily disable Twitch integration. if True: twitch_client_id = None ewutils.logMsg('Twitch integration disabled.') elif twitch_client_id == None or len(twitch_client_id) == 0: ewutils.logMsg('No twitch_client_id file found. Twitch integration disabled.') else: ewutils.logMsg("Enabled Twitch integration.") # Channels in the connected discord servers to announce to. channels_announcement = [] # Channels in the connected discord servers to send stock market updates to. Map of server ID to channel. channels_stockmarket = {} for server in client.servers: # Update server data in the database ewserver.server_update(server = server) # store the list of channels in an ewutils field ewcfg.update_server_list(server = server) # find roles and add them to the database ewrolemgr.setupRoles(client = client, id_server = # hides the names of poi roles await ewrolemgr.hideRoleNames(client = client, id_server = # Grep around for channels ewutils.logMsg("connected to server: {}".format( for channel in server.channels: if(channel.type == discord.ChannelType.text): if( == ewcfg.channel_twitch_announcement): channels_announcement.append(channel) ewutils.logMsg("• found channel for announcements: {}".format( elif( == ewcfg.channel_stockexchange): channels_stockmarket[] = channel ewutils.logMsg("• found channel for stock exchange: {}".format( # create all the districts in the database for poi_object in ewcfg.poi_list: poi = poi_object.id_poi # call the constructor to create an entry if it doesnt exist yet dist = EwDistrict(id_server =, district = poi) # change the ownership to the faction that's already in control to initialize topic names try: # initialize gang bases if poi == ewcfg.poi_id_rowdyroughhouse: dist.controlling_faction = ewcfg.faction_rowdys elif poi == ewcfg.poi_id_copkilltown: dist.controlling_faction = ewcfg.faction_killers resp_cont = dist.change_ownership(new_owner = dist.controlling_faction, actor = "init", client = client) dist.persist() await except: ewutils.logMsg('Could not change ownership for {} to "{}".'.format(poi, dist.controlling_faction)) asyncio.ensure_future(ewdistrict.capture_tick_loop(id_server = asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.bleed_tick_loop(id_server = asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.enemy_action_tick_loop( asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.spawn_enemies_tick_loop(id_server = asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.burn_tick_loop(id_server = asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.remove_status_loop(id_server = asyncio.ensure_future(ewworldevent.event_tick_loop(id_server = asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.sap_tick_loop(id_server = if not debug: await ewtransport.init_transports(id_server = asyncio.ensure_future(ewweather.weather_tick_loop(id_server = asyncio.ensure_future(ewslimeoid.slimeoid_tick_loop(id_server = asyncio.ensure_future(ewfarm.farm_tick_loop(id_server = try: ewutils.logMsg('Creating message queue directory.') os.mkdir(ewcfg.dir_msgqueue) except FileExistsError: ewutils.logMsg('Message queue directory already exists.') ewutils.logMsg('Ready.') """ Set up for infinite loop to perform periodic tasks. """ time_now = int(time.time()) time_last_pvp = time_now time_last_twitch = time_now time_twitch_downed = 0 # Every three hours we log a message saying the periodic task hook is still active. On startup, we want this to happen within about 60 seconds, and then on the normal 3 hour interval. time_last_logged = time_now - ewcfg.update_hookstillactive + 60 stream_live = None ewutils.logMsg('Beginning periodic hook loop.') while not ewutils.TERMINATE: time_now = int(time.time()) # Periodic message to log that this stuff is still running. if (time_now - time_last_logged) >= ewcfg.update_hookstillactive: time_last_logged = time_now ewutils.logMsg("Periodic hook still active.") # Check to see if a stream is live via the Twitch API. # FIXME disabled if False: #if twitch_client_id != None and (time_now - time_last_twitch) >= ewcfg.update_twitch: time_last_twitch = time_now try: # Twitch API call to see if there are any active streams. json_string = "" p = subprocess.Popen( "curl -H 'Client-ID: {}' -X GET ' = rowdyfrickerscopkillers' 2>/dev/null".format(twitch_client_id), shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE ) for line in p.stdout.readlines(): json_string += line.decode('utf-8') json_parsed = json.loads(json_string) # When a stream is up, data is an array of stream information objects. data = json_parsed.get('data') if data != None: data_count = len(data) stream_was_live = stream_live stream_live = True if data_count > 0 else False if stream_was_live == True and stream_live == False: time_twitch_downed = time_now if stream_was_live == False and stream_live == True and (time_now - time_twitch_downed) > 600: ewutils.logMsg("The stream is now live.") # The stream has transitioned from offline to online. Make an announcement! for channel in channels_announcement: await ewutils.send_message( client, channel, "ATTENTION CITIZENS. THE **ROWDY F****R** AND THE **COP KILLER** ARE **STREAMING**. BEWARE OF INCREASED KILLER AND ROWDY ACTIVITY.\n\n@everyone\n{}".format( "" ) ) except: ewutils.logMsg('Twitch handler hit an exception (continuing): {}'.format(json_string)) traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout) # Clear PvP roles from players who are no longer flagged. if (time_now - time_last_pvp) >= ewcfg.update_pvp: time_last_pvp = time_now try: for server in client.servers: role_ids = [] for pvp_role in ewcfg.role_to_pvp_role.values(): role = ewrolemgr.EwRole(id_server =, name = pvp_role) role_ids.append(role.id_role) # Monitor all user roles and update if a user is no longer flagged for PvP. for member in server.members: for role in member.roles: if in role_ids: await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client = client, member = member) break except: ewutils.logMsg('An error occurred in the scheduled role update task:') traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # Adjust the exchange rate of slime for the market. try: for server in client.servers: # Load market data from the database. market_data = EwMarket(id_server = if market_data.time_lasttick + ewcfg.update_market <= time_now: market_response = "" for stock in ewcfg.stocks: s = EwStock(, stock) # we don't update stocks when they were just added if s.timestamp != 0: s.timestamp = time_now market_response = ewmarket.market_tick(s, await ewutils.send_message(client, channels_stockmarket.get(, market_response) market_data = EwMarket(id_server = market_data.time_lasttick = time_now # Advance the time and potentially change weather. market_data.clock += 1 if market_data.clock >= 24 or market_data.clock < 0: market_data.clock = 0 += 1 if market_data.clock == 6: # Update the list of available bazaar items by clearing the current list and adding the new items market_data.bazaar_wares.clear() bazaar_foods = [] bazaar_cosmetics = [] bazaar_general_items = [] bazaar_furniture = [] for item in ewcfg.vendor_inv.get(ewcfg.vendor_bazaar): if item in ewcfg.item_names: bazaar_general_items.append(item) elif item in ewcfg.food_names: bazaar_foods.append(item) elif item in ewcfg.cosmetic_names: bazaar_cosmetics.append(item) elif item in ewcfg.furniture_names: bazaar_furniture.append(item) market_data.bazaar_wares['slimecorp1'] = ewcfg.weapon_id_umbrella market_data.bazaar_wares['slimecorp2'] = ewcfg.cosmetic_id_raincoat market_data.bazaar_wares['generalitem'] = random.choice(bazaar_general_items) market_data.bazaar_wares['food1'] = random.choice(bazaar_foods) # Don't add repeated foods bw_food2 = None while bw_food2 is None or bw_food2 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values(): bw_food2 = random.choice(bazaar_foods) market_data.bazaar_wares['food2'] = bw_food2 market_data.bazaar_wares['cosmetic1'] = random.choice(bazaar_cosmetics) # Don't add repeated cosmetics bw_cosmetic2 = None while bw_cosmetic2 is None or bw_cosmetic2 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values(): bw_cosmetic2 = random.choice(bazaar_cosmetics) market_data.bazaar_wares['cosmetic2'] = bw_cosmetic2 bw_cosmetic3 = None while bw_cosmetic3 is None or bw_cosmetic3 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values(): bw_cosmetic3 = random.choice(bazaar_cosmetics) market_data.bazaar_wares['cosmetic3'] = bw_cosmetic3 bw_furniture2 = None while bw_furniture2 is None or bw_furniture2 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values(): bw_furniture2 = random.choice(bazaar_furniture) market_data.bazaar_wares['furniture2'] = bw_furniture2 bw_furniture3 = None while bw_furniture3 is None or bw_furniture3 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values(): bw_furniture3 = random.choice(bazaar_furniture) market_data.bazaar_wares['furniture3'] = bw_furniture3 if random.random() == 0.1: market_data.bazaar_wares['minigun'] = ewcfg.weapon_id_minigun market_data.persist() if not ewutils.check_fursuit_active(market_data.id_server): ewcosmeticitem.dedorn_all_costumes() if market_data.clock == 6 and % 8 == 0: await ewapt.rent_time( market_data = EwMarket( market_data.persist() if market_data.clock == 6: response = ' The SlimeCorp Stock Exchange is now open for business.' await ewutils.send_message(client, channels_stockmarket.get(, response) elif market_data.clock == 20: response = ' The SlimeCorp Stock Exchange has closed for the night.' await ewutils.send_message(client, channels_stockmarket.get(, response) market_data = EwMarket(id_server = if random.randrange(3) == 0: pattern_count = len(ewcfg.weather_list) if pattern_count > 1: weather_old = if random.random() < 0.4: = ewcfg.weather_bicarbonaterain # Randomly select a new weather pattern. Try again if we get the same one we currently have. while == weather_old: pick = random.randrange(len(ewcfg.weather_list)) = ewcfg.weather_list[pick].name # Log message for statistics tracking. ewutils.logMsg("The weather changed. It's now {}.".format( # Persist new data. market_data.persist() # Decay slime totals ewutils.decaySlimes(id_server = # Increase hunger for all players below the max. #ewutils.pushupServerHunger(id_server = # Decrease inebriation for all players above min (0). ewutils.pushdownServerInebriation(id_server = # Remove fish offers which have timed out ewfish.kill_dead_offers(id_server = # kill advertisements that have timed out ewads.delete_expired_ads(id_server = await ewdistrict.give_kingpins_slime_and_decay_capture_points(id_server = await ewmap.kick( # Post leaderboards at 6am NLACakaNM time. if market_data.clock == 6: await ewleaderboard.post_leaderboards(client = client, server = server) except: ewutils.logMsg('An error occurred in the scheduled slime market update task:') traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout) # Parse files dumped into the msgqueue directory and send messages as needed. try: for msg_file in os.listdir(ewcfg.dir_msgqueue): fname = "{}/{}".format(ewcfg.dir_msgqueue, msg_file) msg = ewutils.readMessage(fname) os.remove(fname) msg_channel_names = [] msg_channel_names_reverb = [] if != None: msg_channel_names.append( if msg.poi != None: poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(msg.poi) if poi != None: if != None and len( > 0: msg_channel_names.append( if msg.reverb == True: pois_adjacent = ewmap.path_to(poi_start = msg.poi) for poi_adjacent in pois_adjacent: if != None and len( > 0: msg_channel_names_reverb.append( if len(msg_channel_names) == 0: ewutils.logMsg('in file {} message for channel {} (reverb {})\n{}'.format(msg_file,, msg.reverb, msg.message)) else: # Send messages to every connected server. for server in client.servers: for channel in server.channels: if in msg_channel_names: await ewutils.send_message(client, channel, "**{}**".format(msg.message)) elif in msg_channel_names_reverb: await ewutils.send_message(client, channel, "**Something is happening nearby...\n\n{}**".format(msg.message)) except: ewutils.logMsg('An error occurred while trying to process the message queue:') traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout) # Wait a while before running periodic tasks. await asyncio.sleep(15)