Example #1
def test_parse_subject():
  test = [('verb', 'eat'), ('noun', 'bear')]
  assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(test), ('noun', 'player'))
  test2 = [('noun', 'bear'), ('verb', 'eat')]
  assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(test2), ('noun', 'bear'))
  test3 = [('direction', 'up')]
  assert_raises(parser.ParseError, parser.parse_subject, test3)
Example #2
def test_parse_subject():
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject([('noun', 'butterfly')]),
                 ('noun', 'butterfly'))
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject([('verb', 'flutter')]),
                 ('noun', 'player'))
    assert_raises(parser.ParserError, parser.parse_subject,
                  [('direction', 'left')])
def test_parse_subject():
    scanner = lexicon.scan("the bear go")
    assert_equal(scanner, [('stop', 'the'), ('noun', 'bear'), ('verb', 'go')])
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(scanner), ('noun', 'bear'))
    assert_equal(scanner, [('verb', 'go')])

    scanner = lexicon.scan("the go bear")
    assert_equal(scanner, [('stop', 'the'), ('verb', 'go'), ('noun', 'bear')])
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(scanner), ('noun', 'player'))
    assert_equal(scanner, [('verb', 'go'), ('noun', 'bear')])
def test_parse_subject():
    # test that parse_subject returns ('noun', 'player') when there is no noun before finding a verb
    word_list = [('stop', 'at'), ('stop', 'the'), ('verb', 'run'), ('stop', 'is')]
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(word_list), ('noun', 'player'))
    # test that parse_subject returns the correct subject tuple if a noun is found before a verb
    word_list = [('stop', 'at'), ('stop', 'the'), ('noun', 'bear'), ('stop', 'is')]
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(word_list), ('noun', 'bear'))
    # test that parse_subject raises an error if word type other than a noun or a verb is found first
    word_list = [('stop', 'at'), ('stop', 'the'), ('number', 123456), ('stop', 'is')]
    assert_raises(parser.ParserError, parser.parse_subject, word_list)
def test_sentence():
    word_list = lexicon.scan("open the door")
    result1 = parser.parse_sentence(word_list)
    result2 = parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("open the door"), ("noun", "player"))
    assert_equal(result1.subject, result2.subject)
    assert_equal(result1.verb, result2.verb)
    assert_equal(result1.object, result2.object)

    word_list = lexicon.scan("now bear go east")
    result1 = parser.parse_sentence(word_list)
    result2 = parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("go east"), ("noun", "bear"))
    assert_equal(result1.subject, result2.subject)
    assert_equal(result1.verb, result2.verb)
    assert_equal(result1.object, result2.object)
def test_sentence():
    word_list = lexicon.scan("open the door")
    result1 = parser.parse_sentence(word_list)
    result2 = parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("open the door"),
                                   ('noun', 'player'))
    assert_equal(result1.subject, result2.subject)
    assert_equal(result1.verb, result2.verb)
    assert_equal(result1.object, result2.object)

    word_list = lexicon.scan("now bear go east")
    result1 = parser.parse_sentence(word_list)
    result2 = parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("go east"), ('noun', 'bear'))
    assert_equal(result1.subject, result2.subject)
    assert_equal(result1.verb, result2.verb)
    assert_equal(result1.object, result2.object)
Example #7
def test_parse_subject():
	# parse word lists with no verb after initial stops
	word_list = lexicon.scan("After from south")
	assert_raises(ParserError, parser.parse_subject, word_list, ("", ""))

	word_list = lexicon.scan("After from")
	assert_raises(ParserError, parser.parse_subject, word_list, ("", ""))

	word_list = lexicon.scan("bear After from")
	assert_raises(ParserError, parser.parse_subject, word_list, ("", ""))

	# parse word lists with no obj after: initial stops, verb and further stops 
	word_list = lexicon.scan("After at go")
	assert_raises(ParserError, parser.parse_subject, word_list, ("", ""))

	word_list = lexicon.scan("After at go at")
	assert_raises(ParserError, parser.parse_subject, word_list, ("", ""))

	word_list = lexicon.scan("After at go at 191919")
	assert_raises(ParserError, parser.parse_subject, word_list, ("", ""))

	# parse a correct word list and a subject
	word_list = lexicon.scan("at kill from bear")
	sentence = parser.parse_subject(word_list, ("noun", "Player"))
	assert_equal(sentence.subject, "Player")
	assert_equal(sentence.object, "bear")
	assert_equal(sentence.verb, "kill")
Example #8
def test_parse_subject():
	word_list = [('verb', 'kill'), ('direction', 'north')]
	subj = ('noun', 'princess')
	verb = ('verb', 'kill')
	obj = ('direction', 'north')
	obj_sent = Sentence(subj, verb, obj) #This is the first instance of Sentence()
	assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(word_list, subj), obj_sent)
Example #9
def test_subject():

    test_list = [('verb', 'eat'), ('stop', 'the'), ('noun', 'princess')]
    test_subj = ('noun', 'bear')
    result = parser.parse_subject(test_list, test_subj)
    assert_equal(result.subject, 'bear')
    assert_equal(result.verb, 'eat')
    assert_equal(result.object, 'princess')
Example #10
def test_subject():

    test_list = [('verb', 'eat'), ('stop', 'the'), ('noun', 'princess')]
    test_subj = ('noun', 'bear')
    result = parser.parse_subject(test_list, test_subj)
    assert_equal(result.subject, 'bear')
    assert_equal(result.verb, 'eat')
    assert_equal(result.object, 'princess')
def test_parse_sentence():
    word_list = [("noun", "bear"), ("stop", "the"), ("verb", "eat"),
                 ("noun", "honey")]
    subj = parser.parse_subject(word_list)
    verb = parser.parse_verb(word_list)
    obj = parser.parse_object(word_list)

    x = parser.Sentence(subj, verb, obj)
    y = parser.Sentence(("noun", "bear"), ("verb", "eat"), ("noun", "honey"))

    assert_equal(x.subject, y.subject)
    assert_equal(x.object, y.object)
    assert_equal(x.verb, y.verb)
Example #12
def test_parse_subject():
    word_list_1 = [('noun', 'dog'), ('verb', 'go'), ('direction', 'north'),
                   ('stop', 'with'), ('noun', 'bear')]
    result = parser.parse_subject(word_list_1)
    assert_equal(result, ('noun', 'dog'))  # Next word is a noun

    word_list_2 = [('stop', 'the'), ('noun', 'cows'), ('verb', 'go'),
                   ('direction', 'north'), ('stop', 'with'), ('noun', 'bears')]
    result = parser.parse_subject(word_list_2)
                 ('noun', 'cows'))  # Next word is a noun, skip the 'stop'

    word_list_3 = [('adverb', 'quickly'), ('verb', 'run'),
                   ('direction', 'north'), ('stop', 'with'), ('stop', 'the'),
                   ('noun', 'bears')]

    assert_raises(parser.ParserError, parser.parse_subject, word_list_3)

    word_list_4 = [('verb', 'run'), ('direction', 'north'), ('stop', 'with'),
                   ('stop', 'the'), ('noun', 'bear')]
    result = parser.parse_subject(word_list_4)
    assert_equal(result, ('noun', 'player'))
Example #13
def test_subj():
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("door in the forest")),
                 ('noun', 'door'))
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("Door in the forest")),
                 ('noun', 'Door'))
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("in the cabinet")),
                 ('noun', 'cabinet'))
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("in the kill cabinet")),
                 ('noun', 'player'))
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("kill the forest")),
                 ('noun', 'player'))
        parser.parse_subject(lexicon.scan("in the cabinet kill bear")),
        ('noun', 'cabinet'))
    assert_raises(Exception, parser.parse_subject,
                  lexicon.scan("From the north"))
Example #14
def test_parse_subject():
    word_list = lexicon.scan('eat door')
    subj = ('noun', 'bear')
    s = parser.parse_subject(word_list, subj)
Example #15
def test_parse_subject():
    word_list = lexicon.scan('the bear')
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(word_list), ('noun', 'bear'))
Example #16
def test_parse_subject():
    wordlist = [("verb", "kill"), ("noun", "princess")]
    subj = ("noun", "player")
    result = parser.parse_subject(wordlist, subj)
    assert_equal((result.subject, result.verb, result.object),
                 ("player", "kill", "princess"))
def TestParseSubject():
    inputsent = lexicon.scan("eat bear castle")
    sentence = parser.Sentence(inputsent[0], inputsent[1], inputsent[2])
    resultsentence = parser.parse_subject(inputsent, inputsent[0])
    assert_equal(sentence.subject, resultsentence.subject)
Example #18
def test_parse_subject():
    word_list = lexicon.scan("eat door")
    subj = ("noun", "bear")
    s = parser.parse_subject(word_list, subj)
    assert_equal(s.to_tuple(), ("bear", "eat", 1, "door"))
Example #19
def test_parse_subject():
    assert_equal(parser.parse_subject(word_list), 'test')
Example #20
def test_parse_subject():
	sentence = parser.parse_subject([('verb', 'eat'), ('noun', 'princess')], ('noun', 'bear'))
	assert_equal(sentence.subject, 'bear')
	assert_equal(sentence.verb, 'eat')
	assert_equal(sentence.object, 'princess')
Example #21
def testing_parse_subject():
    '''testing the parse_subject function.'''
    word_list = lexicon.scan('kill princess')
    subj = ('noun', 'bear')
    foo = parser.parse_subject(word_list, subj)
    assert_equal(foo.assign_tuple(), ('bear', 'kill', 'princess'))
Example #22
def test_parse_subject():
    word_list = lexicon.scan('eat door')
    subj = ('noun', 'bear')
    s = parser.parse_subject(word_list, subj)
    assert_equal(s.to_tuple(), ('bear', 'eat', 1, 'door'))
def test_parse_subject():
    x = parser.parse_subject([("noun", "bear")])
    assert_equal(x, ("noun", "bear"))

    y = parser.parse_subject([("verb", "eat")])
    assert_equal(y, ("noun", "player"))