Example #1
# Copyright (C) 2013  Patrick Totzke <*****@*****.**>
# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.

from example1 import construct_example_tree, palette  # example data
from decoration import ArrowTree  # for Decoration
from widgets import TreeBox
import urwid

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # get example tree
    stree = construct_example_tree()
    # Here, we add some decoration by wrapping the tree using ArrowTree.
    atree = ArrowTree(stree,
                      # customize at will..
                      # arrow_hbar_char=u'\u2550',
                      # arrow_vbar_char=u'\u2551',
                      # arrow_tip_char=u'\u25B7',
                      # arrow_connector_tchar=u'\u2560',
                      # arrow_connector_lchar=u'\u255A',

    # put the into a treebox
    treebox = TreeBox(atree)

    rootwidget = urwid.AttrMap(treebox, 'body')
    urwid.MainLoop(rootwidget, palette).run()  # go
Example #2
# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.

from example1 import construct_example_tree, palette  # example data
from decoration import CollapsibleIndentedTree  # for Decoration
from widgets import TreeBox
import urwid

def unhandled_input(k):
    #exit on q
    if k in ['q', 'Q']: raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # get some SimpleTree
    stree = construct_example_tree()

    # Use (subclasses of) the wrapper decoration.CollapsibleTree to construct a
    # tree where collapsible subtrees. Apart from the original tree, these take
    # a callable `is_collapsed` that defines initial collapsed-status if a
    # given position.

    # We want all grandchildren collapsed initially
    if_grandchild = lambda pos: stree.depth(pos) > 1

    # We use CollapsibleIndentedTree around the original example tree.
    # This uses Indentation to indicate the tree structure and squeezes in
    # text-icons to indicate the collapsed status.
    # Also try CollapsibleTree or CollapsibleArrowTree..
    tree = CollapsibleIndentedTree(
Example #3
# Copyright (C) 2013  Patrick Totzke <*****@*****.**>
# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.

from example1 import palette, construct_example_tree  # example data
from example1 import FocusableText, unhandled_input  # Selectable Text used for nodes
from urwidtrees.widgets import TreeBox
from urwidtrees.tree import SimpleTree
from urwidtrees.nested import NestedTree
from urwidtrees.decoration import ArrowTree, CollapsibleArrowTree  # decoration
import urwid
import logging

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Take some Arrow decorated Tree that we later stick inside another tree.
    innertree = ArrowTree(construct_example_tree())
    # Some collapsible, arrow decorated tree with extra indent
    anotherinnertree = CollapsibleArrowTree(construct_example_tree(),

    # A SimpleTree, that contains the two above
    middletree = SimpleTree(
            (FocusableText('Middle ROOT'),
                 (FocusableText('Mid Child One'), None),
                 (FocusableText('Mid Child Two'), None),
                 (innertree, None),
                 (FocusableText('Mid Child Three'),
                      (FocusableText('Mid Grandchild One'), None),
Example #4
from example1 import FocusableText  # Selectable Text used for nodes
from widgets import TreeBox
from tree import SimpleTree
from nested import NestedTree
from decoration import ArrowTree, CollapsibleArrowTree  # decoration
import urwid
import logging

def unhandled_input(k):
    #exit on q
    if k in ['q', 'Q']: raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Take some Arrow decorated Tree that we later stick inside another tree.
    innertree = ArrowTree(construct_example_tree())
    # Some collapsible, arrow decorated tree with extra indent
    anotherinnertree = CollapsibleArrowTree(construct_example_tree(),

    # A SimpleTree, that contains the two above
    middletree = SimpleTree(
            (FocusableText('Middle ROOT'),
                 (FocusableText('Mid Child One'), None),
                 (FocusableText('Mid Child Two'), None),
                 (innertree, None),
                 (FocusableText('Mid Child Three'),
                      (FocusableText('Mid Grandchild One'), None),