Example #1
    async def run(self, data: Module.ResultSet, *args, **kwargs):
        # Mark module's start
        ctx: Context = self.context
        log(self, ctx.timer, '- Start')

        # Access strings (results) from the previous modules
        src = [text.fn() for text in data.of(LambdaInterface)]

        # E.g. some IO operation (delay for example purposes)
        await asyncio.sleep(self.SLEEP_TIME)

        # Mark module's end
        log(self, ctx.timer, '- End')

        # Build output string and produce declared interface
        msg = '(' + ' + '.join(src) + (' = '
                                       if len(src) else '') + f'{self.name})'
        return LambdaInterface(lambda: msg)
Example #2
    async def run(self, data: Module.ResultSet, *args, **kwargs):
        # Mark module's start
        ctx: Context = self.context
        log(self, ctx.timer, '- Start')

        # Access strings (results) from the previous modules
        src = [t.data for t in data.of(StringInterface)]

        # Add delay for example purposes
        #   delay duration is taken from optional parameter `sleep`
        #   and is 2 seconds by default (if the parameter is not provided)
        sleep(self.parameters.get('sleep', 2))

        # Mark module's end
        log(self, ctx.timer, '- End')

        # Build output string and produce declared interface
        return StringInterface('(' + ' + '.join(src) +
                               (' = ' if len(src) else '') + f'{self.name})')
Example #3
    def run(self, data: Module.ResultSet, request: Request):
        # Access context
        ctx: Context = self.context

        # Mark module's start
        log(self, ctx.timer, '- Start')

        # Access results from the previous modules
        #   `src` is a list of strings
        text = [t.fn() for t in data.of(LambdaInterface)]
        src = [t.data for t in data.of(StringInterface)] + text

        # Some heavy computational operations for example

        # Mark module's end
        log(self, ctx.timer, '- End')

        # Produce declared interface
        return StringInterface(f'{ctx.prefix} (' + ' + '.join(src) +
                               (' = ' if len(src) else '') +
                               f'{self.name}) {request.value}')
Example #4
 def teardown(self):
     ctx: Context = self.context
     log(self, ctx.timer, '--- Teardown!')
Example #5
 def bootstrap(self):
     ctx: Context = self.context
     log(self, ctx.timer, '--- Created!')
     log(self, ctx.timer, f"- Threshold = {self.parameters['threshold']}")
Example #6
 async def teardown(self):
     ctx: Context = self.context
     log(self, ctx.timer, '--- Long...!')
     await asyncio.sleep(1)
     log(self, ctx.timer, '--- ...Teardown!')
Example #7
 def bootstrap(self):
     ctx: Context = self.context
     log(self, ctx.timer, '--- Created!')