Example #1
def main():
    Entrypoint for this example application

    # Setup `pysc` to use BASIC auth, with a username, and password. Also sets the endpoint to use.
    setup_sensorcloud_basic(CONSTS['SC_USERNAME'], CONSTS['SC_PASSWORD'],
                            CONSTS['SC_ENDPOINT'], CONSTS['PYSC_DEBUG'])

    stream_id = CONSTS['STREAM_ID']
    # Ensure the stream exists on the SensorCloud endpoint.
        stream = pysc.models.Stream.single(stream_id)
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeWarning("""The stream named {:s} was not found.""".format(stream_id))
    # Ensure sanity, check we got the stream that we asked for.
    assert (stream.id == stream.id)
    generated_results = []
    obs = pysc.models.Observation(None, stream=stream)  # The None just means we are creating a new observation
    # The following block just generates a chunk of 100 hourly observation results
    starting_time = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=100)  # an arbitrary starting time
    for i in range(1, 100):
        generated_results.append({"t": datetime_to_iso(starting_time + timedelta(hours=i)),
                                  "v": {"v": random.random() * 10.0}})
    # add our list of results to the observation
    obs.results = generated_results
    obs.save()  # Save here actually uploads the observation results to the stream. We don't get anything back.
def main():
    Entrypoint for this example application

    # Setup `pysc` to use BASIC auth, with a username, and password. Also sets the endpoint to use.
    setup_sensorcloud_basic(CONSTS['SC_USERNAME'], CONSTS['SC_PASSWORD'],
                            CONSTS['SC_ENDPOINT'], CONSTS['PYSC_DEBUG'])

    org_id = CONSTS['ORG_ID']
    group_id = CONSTS['GROUP_ID']
    # Ensure the organisation exists on the SensorCloud endpoint.
        organisation = pysc.models.Organisation.single(org_id)
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeWarning(
            """The organisation named {:s} was not found.""".format(org_id))
    # Ensure sanity, check we got the organisation that we asked for.
    assert (org_id == organisation.id)

    # Ensure the group exists on the SensorCloud endpoint.
        group = pysc.models.Group.single(group_id)
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeWarning(
            """The group named {:s} was not found.""".format(group_id))
    # Ensure sanity, check we got the group that we asked for.
    assert (group_id == group.id)

    # NOTE! We cannot delete a group that is assigned to any users or groups or anything.
            group_id, False
        )  # the second argument is `cascade`, we don't want to do that here.
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The group {:s} was not found on the SensorCloud endpoint!".format(
    group = None
        group = pysc.models.Group.single(group_id)
    except KeyError:
        # We intend to hit this exception
        print("""The group named {:s} was deleted!.""".format(group_id))
    # Final sanity check, ensure we didn't get an object returned from the Group.single() call above.
    assert group is None
Example #3
def main():
    Entrypoint for this example application

    # Setup `pysc` to use BASIC auth, with a username, and password. Also sets the endpoint to use.
    setup_sensorcloud_basic(CONSTS['SC_USERNAME'], CONSTS['SC_PASSWORD'],
                            CONSTS['SC_ENDPOINT'], CONSTS['PYSC_DEBUG'])

    org_id = CONSTS['ORG_ID']

    # Ensure the organisation exists on the SensorCloud endpoint.
        organisation = pysc.models.Organisation.single(org_id)
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeWarning(
            """The organisation named {:s} was not found.\n"""
            """Although the `pysc` api has functionality to create an organisation, it cannot """
            """do so on the sensor-cloud.io instance on AWS.""".format(org_id))
    # Ensure sanity, check we got the organisation that we asked for.
    assert (org_id == organisation.id)

    # use the organisation_id param to filter streams based on id
    stream_index = pysc.models.Stream.index(params={'organisation_id': org_id})
    stream_count = 0
    while True:
        stream_links = stream_index.links(rel="streams")
        # using the `.links()` helper on the index, we get a list of HALLink objects, not stream objects.
        # we have to do `.follow()` on each one to turn it into a HAL object.
        # Note, even after we do .follow() on the link, it is still not a `pysc` Stream() object, but a raw HAL object.
        # See the get_groups.py example for an example of using `.resolve_all()` rather than `.index()`
        for s in stream_links:
            stream_count += 1
            stream = s.follow()
            stream_id = stream[
                'id']  # We have to use ['id'] because it is a raw HAL object, not a Stream() object.
            print("Found stream: {:s}".format(stream_id))
            next_index = stream_index.link(rel="next")
            stream_index = next_index.follow()
        except LinkNotFoundError:
        "Found a total of {:d} streams for {:s} on that SensorCloud endpoint.".
        format(stream_count, org_id))
Example #4
def main():
    Entrypoint for this example application

    # Setup `pysc` to use BASIC auth, with a username, and password. Also sets the endpoint to use.
    setup_sensorcloud_basic(CONSTS['SC_USERNAME'], CONSTS['SC_PASSWORD'],
                            CONSTS['SC_ENDPOINT'], CONSTS['PYSC_DEBUG'])

    stream_id = CONSTS['STREAM_ID']
        stream = pysc.models.Stream.single(stream_id)
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeWarning(
            """The stream named {:s} was not found.\n""".format(stream_id))
    # Ensure sanity, check we got the stream that we asked for.
    assert (stream_id == stream.id)

    # get observations in chunks of 1000 results at a time
    chunk_size = 1000
    offset = datetime.min

    while True:
        obs = stream.filtered_observations(limit=chunk_size, start=offset)
        c = len(obs.results)
        if c < 1:
        results = obs.results
        last_time = offset
        for r in results:
            time = r['t']
            time = datetime_from_iso(time)
            if time > last_time:
                last_time = time
            val = r['v']
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                val = val['v']
            print("Found observation result: {:s}: {:f}".format(
                str(time), val))
        # add one second to the offset to avoid overlap with the final result in the last set
        offset = last_time + timedelta(seconds=1)
Example #5
def main():
    Entrypoint for this example application

    # Setup `pysc` to use BASIC auth, with a username, and password. Also sets the endpoint to use.
    setup_sensorcloud_basic(CONSTS['SC_USERNAME'], CONSTS['SC_PASSWORD'],
                            CONSTS['SC_ENDPOINT'], CONSTS['PYSC_DEBUG'])

    org_id = CONSTS['ORG_ID']
    new_group_id = CONSTS['NEW_GROUP']
    # Ensure the organisation exists on the SensorCloud endpoint.
        organisation = pysc.models.Organisation.single(org_id)
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeWarning(
            """The organisation named {:s} was not found.\n""".format(org_id))
    # Ensure sanity, check we got the organisation that we asked for.
    assert (org_id == organisation.id)

    new_group = pysc.models.Group(
    )  # This is the equiv of calling `models.Group(None, 'group_id', None)`
    # This creates a new group in memory on the client side, but it is not pushed to SensorCloud yet.
    new_group.name = "My New Group"  # Both the .name and .description properties of a Group are mandatory
    new_group.description = "Example of creating a new Group within my organisation in SensorCloud"
    new_group.organisation_id = org_id
    group = new_group.save(
    )  # This sends (saves) the new group to SensorCloud, and receives a Group object in return

    # Important!
    # If there was already a group with the same id on SensorCloud, the existing one will be overwritten!
    # But that is a good thing, because that is the only way you can change or update an existing model on SensorCloud.

    # and finally, sanity check that the group we got back has the same id as the group we sent.
    assert (new_group_id == group.id)
Example #6
def main():
    Entrypoint for this example application

    # Setup `pysc` to use BASIC auth, with a username, and password. Also sets the endpoint to use.
    setup_sensorcloud_basic(CONSTS['SC_USERNAME'], CONSTS['SC_PASSWORD'],
                            CONSTS['SC_ENDPOINT'], CONSTS['PYSC_DEBUG'])

    org_id = CONSTS['ORG_ID']

    # Ensure the organisation exists on the SensorCloud endpoint.
        organisation = pysc.models.Organisation.single(org_id)
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeWarning(
            """The organisation named {:s} was not found.\n"""
            """Although the `pysc` api has functionality to create an organisation, it cannot """
            """do so on the sensor-cloud.io instance on AWS.""".format(org_id))
    # Ensure sanity, check we got the organisation that we asked for.
    assert (org_id == organisation.id)

    # Here we use the Group.resolve_all helper with organisation_id param to filter groups based on id
    # The resolve_all command is similar to .index() however it also calls .follow() on found link automatically,
    # _and_ it converts the resulting HAL objects into real valid `pysc` Group() objects.
    org_groups = pysc.models.Group.resolve_all(
        params={'organisation_id': org_id})
    # We are not likely to have more than 1000 groups, so we don't need to do return doc pagination here.
    for g in org_groups:
        group_id = g.id
        print("Found group: {:s}".format(group_id))

        "Found a total of {:d} groups for {:s} on that SensorCloud endpoint.".
        format(len(org_groups), org_id))
def main():
    Entrypoint for this example application

    # Setup `pysc` to use BASIC auth, with a username, and password. Also sets the endpoint to use.
    setup_sensorcloud_basic(CONSTS['SC_USERNAME'], CONSTS['SC_PASSWORD'],
                            CONSTS['SC_ENDPOINT'], CONSTS['PYSC_DEBUG'])

    org_id = CONSTS['ORG_ID']
    location_id = CONSTS['LOCATION_ID']
    stream_id = CONSTS['NEW_STREAM_ID']
    # Ensure the organisation exists on the SensorCloud endpoint.
        organisation = pysc.models.Organisation.single(org_id)
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeWarning(
            """The organisation named {:s} was not found.\n""".format(org_id))
    # Ensure sanity, check we got the organisation that we asked for.
    assert (org_id == organisation.id)

    # First we must ensure we have our location in the SensorCloud. If not, we will create it.
        location = pysc.models.Location.single(location_id)
    except KeyError:
        # it doesn't exist, so we will create it. We know the details
        new_location = pysc.models.Location(location_id)
        new_location.organisation_id = org_id
        new_location.geo_json = pysc.models.Location.GeoJSON(lat=-27.494743,
        new_location.description = "ESP Site in Brisbane"
        location = new_location.save(
        )  # Upload it to SensorCloud, and then use it for our stream.

    new_stream = pysc.models.Stream(
    )  # The equiv of calling `models.Stream(None, 'stream_id', None)`
    # This creates a new stream in memory on the client side, but it is not pushed to SensorCloud yet.
    new_stream.name = "My New Stream"  # Both the .name and .description properties of a Stream are mandatory
    new_stream.description = "Example of creating a new Stream within my organisation in SensorCloud"
    new_stream.organisation_id = org_id
    new_stream.location_id = location.id
    new_stream.result_type = pysc.models.Stream.ResultTypes.scalar.value  # Usually scalar
    new_stream.reporting_period = "PT1H"  # Expected reporting_period period in ISO8601 duration format
    new_stream.sample_period = "PT1H"  # Expected sample period in ISO8601 duration format

    # The rest of the metadata on the stream is stored in Metadata object. Lets create one.
    metadata = pysc.models.Stream.Metadata()
    # cumulative will be True or False. It is usually false unless you know it *is* cumulative.
    metadata.cumulative = False
    # Interpolation type will usually be either continuous, or discontinuous, but there are lots of others.
    metadata.interpolation_type = pysc.models.Stream.Metadata.InterpolationTypes.discontinuous.value
    # A text-version of a timezone. This is required when cumulative is True, optional otherwise.
    metadata.timezone = "Australia/Brisbane"
    # Unit of Measure and Observed Property are always required.
    # These URIs must match the white-listed sources of the SensorCloud instance.
    # Check for their existence on the SensorCloud vocabulary first
    metadata.unit_of_measure = "http://registry.it.csiro.au/def/environment/unit/CubicMetresPerCubicMetre"
    metadata.observed_property = "http://data.sense-t.org.au/registry/def/sop/soil_moisture"

    new_stream.stream_metadata = metadata
    stream = new_stream.save(
    )  # This sends (saves) the new stream to SensorCloud, and receives a Stream object

    # Important!
    # If there was already a stream with the same id on SensorCloud, the existing one will be overwritten!
    # But that is a good thing, because that is the only way you can change or update an existing model on SensorCloud.

    # and finally, sanity check that the stream we got back has the same id as the stream we sent.
    assert (stream_id == stream.id)