Example #1
 def setUp(self):
     adict = {col: [0] for col in BasisSet._columns}
     adict['frame'] = 0
     # Trivial basis set
     self.bs = BasisSet(adict)
     self.bs['alpha'] = self.bs['alpha'].astype(np.float64)
     self.bs['d'] = self.bs['d'].astype(np.float64)
     # Medium basis set
     self.mbs = BasisSet({
         'frame': 0,
         'alpha': [5., 1., 1.],
         'd': [1., 1., 1.],
         'shell': [0, 1, 0],
         'set': [0, 0, 1],
         'L': [0, 1, 0],
         'n': [1, 2, 1]
     # Large basis set
     self.lbs = BasisSet({
         'frame': 0,
         'alpha': [5., 3., 1., 3., 1., 1., 3., 1., 1.],
         'd': [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
         'shell': [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1],
         'set': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
         'L': [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1]
Example #2
 def parse_basis_set(self):
     # Basis flags
     _rebas02 = 'AO basis set in the form of general basis input'
     _rebas03 = ' (Standard|General) basis'
     _basrep = {'D 0': 'D0 ', 'F 0': 'F0 ',
                'G 0': 'G0 ', 'H 0': 'H0 ', 'I 0': 'I0 '}
     _rebaspat = re.compile('|'.join(_basrep.keys()))
     # Find the basis set
     found = self.regex(_rebas02, _rebas03, keys_only=True)
     if not found[_rebas02]: return
     start = stop = found[_rebas02][0] + 1
     while self[stop].strip(): stop += 1
     # Raw data
     df = self.pandas_dataframe(start, stop, 4)
     def _padx(srs): return [0] + srs.tolist() + [df.shape[0]]
     # Get some indices for appropriate columns
     setdx = _padx(df[0][df[0] == '****'].index)
     shldx = _padx(df[3][~np.isnan(df[3])].index)
     lindx = df[0][df[0].str.lower().isin(lorder + ['sp'])]
     # Populate the df
     df['L'] = lindx.str.lower().map(lmap)
     df['L'] = df['L'].fillna(method='ffill').fillna(
     df['center'] = np.concatenate([np.repeat(i, stop - start)
                    for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(setdx, setdx[1:]))])
     df['shell'] = np.concatenate([np.repeat(i-1, stop - start)
                   for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(shldx, shldx[1:]))])
     # Complicated way to get shells but it is flat
     maxshl = df.groupby('center').apply(lambda x: x.shell.max() + 1)
     maxshl.index += 1
     maxshl[0] = 0
     df['shell'] = df['shell'] - df['center'].map(maxshl)
     # Drop all the garbage
     todrop = setdx[:-1] + [i+1 for i in setdx[:-2]] + lindx.index.tolist()
     df.drop(todrop, inplace=True)
     # Keep cleaning
     if df[0].dtype == 'object':
         df[0] = df[0].str.replace('D', 'E').astype(np.float64)
     if df[1].dtype == 'object':
         df[1] = df[1].str.replace('D', 'E').astype(np.float64)
     try: sp = np.isnan(df[2]).sum() == df.shape[0]
     except TypeError:
         df[2] = df[2].str.replace('D', 'E').astype(np.float64)
         sp = True
     df.rename(columns={0: 'alpha', 1: 'd'}, inplace=True)
     # Deduplicate basis sets and expand 'SP' shells if present
     df, setmap = deduplicate_basis_sets(df, sp=sp)
     spherical = '5D' in self[found[_rebas03][0]]
     if df['L'].max() < 2:
         spherical = True
     self.basis_set = BasisSet(df)
     self.meta['spherical'] = spherical
     self.atom['set'] = self.atom['set'].map(setmap)
Example #3
 def parse_basis_set(self):
     # Find the basis set
     _re_bas_00 = '(Slater-type)  F U N C T I O N S'
     _re_bas_01 = 'Atom Type'
     start = self.find(_re_bas_00, keys_only=True)[-1] + 3
     starts = self.find(_re_bas_01, start=start, keys_only=True)
     lines = []
     for ext in starts:
         for i in range(4):
             lines.append(start + ext + i)
         stop = start + ext + 4
         while self[stop].strip():
             stop += 1
     df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO('\n'.join([self[i] for i in lines])),
                      widths=[4, 2, 12, 4],
                      names=['n', 'L', 'alpha', 'symbol'])
     # Where atom types change
     idxs = [0] + df['n'][df['n'] == '---'].index.tolist() + [df.shape[0]]
     sets, shells = [], []
     for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(idxs, idxs[1:])):
         sets.append(np.repeat(i - 1, stop - start))
         shells.append(np.arange(-1, stop - start - 1))
     df['set'] = np.concatenate(sets)
     df['shell'] = np.concatenate(shells)
     # Atom table basis set map
     basmap = df['symbol'].dropna()
     basmap = basmap[basmap.str.endswith(')')].str.strip(')')
     basmap = {
         val: df['set'][key] + 1
         for key, val in basmap.to_dict().items()
     # Discard the garbage
     drop = df['n'].str.strip().str.isnumeric().fillna(False)
     df.drop(drop[drop == False].index, inplace=True)
     df.drop('symbol', axis=1, inplace=True)
     # Clean up the series
     df['alpha'] = df['alpha'].astype(np.float64)
     df['n'] = df['n'].astype(np.int64)
     df['L'] = df['L'].str.lower().map(lmap)
     df['d'] = np.sqrt((2 * df['L'] + 1) / (4 * np.pi))
     df['r'] = df['n'] - (df['L'] + 1)
     df['frame'] = 0
     self.basis_set = BasisSet(df)
     self.meta['spherical'] = False
     self.atom['set'] = self.atom['symbol'].map(basmap)
Example #4
 def parse_basis_set(self):
     Parse the :class:`~exatomic.core.basis.BasisSet` dataframe.
     if not hasattr(self, "atom"):
     _rebas01 = ' Basis "'
     _rebas02 = ' Summary of "'
     _rebas03 = [
         ' s ', ' px ', ' py ', ' pz ', ' d ', ' f ', ' g ', ' h ', ' i ',
         ' j ', ' k ', ' l ', ' m ', ' p '
     found = self.find(_rebas01, _rebas02)
     spherical = True if "spherical" in found[_rebas01][0][1] else False
     start = found[_rebas01][0][0] + 2
     idx = 1 if len(found[_rebas02]) > 1 else -1
     stop = found[_rebas02][idx][0] - 1
     # Read in all of the extra lines that contain ---- and tag names
     df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO("\n".join(self[start:stop])),
                      widths=(4, 2, 16, 16),
                      names=("shell", "L", "alpha", "d"))
     df.loc[df['shell'] == "--", "shell"] = np.nan
     tags = df.loc[(df['shell'].str.isdigit() == False), "shell"]
     idxs = tags.index.tolist()
     df['set'] = ""
     for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
         df.loc[idxs[i]:idxs[i + 1], "set"] = tag
     df = df.dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
     mapper = {v: k for k, v in dict(enumerate(df['set'].unique())).items()}
     df['set'] = df['set'].map(mapper)
     df['L'] = df['L'].str.strip().str.lower().map(lmap)
     df['alpha'] = df['alpha'].astype(float)
     df['d'] = df['d'].astype(float)
     df['frame'] = 0
     self.basis_set = BasisSet(df)
     self.meta['spherical'] = spherical
     self.atom['set'] = self.atom['tag'].map(mapper)