Example #1
async def exception_middleware(request: web.Request, handler: Callable) -> web.Response:
    Обрабатывает исключения приложения
    :param request: объект запроса
    :param handler: обработчик
    :return: объект ответа
        response: web.Response = await handler(request)
        return response
    except MarshmallowValidationError as ex:
        exc = exceptions.ValidationError(debug=str(ex), message=exceptions.ValidationError.message)
    except exceptions.BaseAppException as ex:
        exc = ex
    except web_exceptions.HTTPBadRequest as ex:
        exc = exceptions.InputValidationError(debug=ex.text, message=exceptions.InputValidationError.message)
    except web_exceptions.HTTPUnprocessableEntity as ex:
        exc = exceptions.ValidationError(debug=ex.text, message=exceptions.ValidationError.message)
    except web_exceptions.HTTPForbidden as ex:
        exc = exceptions.Forbidden(debug=f'Goodbye Moonmen. {ex}', message=exceptions.Forbidden.message)
    except web_exceptions.HTTPNotFound as ex:
        exc = exceptions.NotFound(debug=ex.text, message=exceptions.NotFound.message)
    except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        exc = exceptions.ServerError(debug=str(ex), message=exceptions.ServerError.message)

    exc_data = exc.as_dict()
    exc_data['message'] = exc.message
    exc_data.pop('code', None)

    return web.json_response(exc.as_dict(), status=exc.status_code)
Example #2
    def is_valid_division(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if not tree.data == 'division':
            return False

        if not tree.children[0].data == 'number':
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Tree prefix incorrect: ' + str(tree.data) + ' given, number expected.')

        if not tree.children[1].data == 'number':
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Tree prefix incorrect: ' + str(tree.data) + ' given, number expected.')

        if not len(tree.children) == 2:
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('2 children expected, ' + len(tree.children[0].children) + ' given.')

        if not int(tree.children[0].children[0].value) > 0:
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('Positive/nonzero value needed for division numerator.')

        denom = int(tree.children[1].children[0].value)
        validDenoms = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
        if denom not in validDenoms:
            raise exceptions.DivisionError('Division denominator must be power of 2.')

        return True
Example #3
def validate_patterns_are_files(patterns, check_size=True):
    Check that a list of `patterns` are valid files.

        patterns (list): a list of patterns to be check.
        check_size (bool): check size is not zero for all files matched.

        bool: True if all patterns match existing files.
    for pattern in patterns:
        files = list(glob(pattern))

        if not files:
            msg = "{} pattern matched no files.".format(pattern)
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

        for i in files:
            if not os.path.isfile(i):
                msg = "{} is not a file.".format(i)
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

            if check_size and not os.path.getsize(i) > 0:
                msg = "{} is an empty file.".format(i)
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

    return True
Example #4
 def _validate_event_name(self, event):
     if event == '' and self.event == '':
         msg = "You must specify an event name to show sets for a tournament"
         raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)
     if event == '':
         event = self.event
     return event
Example #5
    def is_valid_identifier(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if not tree.data == 'id':
            return False

        theID = tree.children[0]
        length = len(theID)

        if length < 2:
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('At least 2 children expected, ' + len(tree.children[0].children) + ' given.')

        if theID[0] != '$':
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('Identifier must begin with \'$\'')

        if not theID[1].isalpha():
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('Identifier first non-$ must be alpha-non-numeric.')

        for i in range(2, length):
            idChar = theID[i]
            if not(idChar.isalnum() or idChar == '_' or idChar == '-'):
                raise exceptions.SemanticError('Identifier may only contain alphanumeric, _, and -.')

        return True
Example #6
def json_datetime_encoder(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
        return cst(obj)
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.time):
        return str(obj)
        raise exceptions.ValidationError('Invalid object type')
Example #7
def extract_colors_from_file(file, clusters=None):
    clusters = clusters or config.CLUSTERS

    if file.mimetype not in {'image/jpeg', 'image/png'}:
        raise exceptions.ValidationError('Invalid File Type')

    image = Image.open(file.stream)

    # Resize
    new_width, new_height = calculate_new_size(image)
    image = image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

    img_array = np.array(image)
    if img_array.shape[2] > 3:
        img_array = img_array[:, :, :3]
    img_vector = img_array.reshape(
        (img_array.shape[0] * img_array.shape[1], 3))

    # Create model
    model = KMeans(n_clusters=clusters)
    labels = model.fit_predict(img_vector)
    label_counts = Counter(labels)

    total_count = sum(label_counts.values())
    hex_colors = [rgb2hex(center) for center in model.cluster_centers_]

    return dict(zip(hex_colors, list(label_counts.values())))
Example #8
    def _validate(self, model = None):
        # calls the event handler for the validation process this
        # should setup the operations for a correct validation

        # starts the model reference with the current model in
        # case none is defined
        model = model or self.model

        # retrieves the class associated with the current instance
        # to be able to retrieve the correct validate methods
        cls = self.__class__

        # checks if the current model is new (create operation)
        # and sets the proper validation methods retrieval method
        is_new = self.is_new()
        if is_new: method = cls.validate_new
        else: method = cls.validate

        # runs the validation process on the various arguments
        # provided to the account and in case an error is returned
        # raises a validation error to the upper layers
        errors, object = validation.validate(
            object = model,
            build = False
        if errors: raise exceptions.ValidationError(errors, object)

        # calls the event handler for the validation process this
        # should finish the operations from a correct validation
Example #9
    def is_valid_rest(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if not tree.data == 'rest':
            return False

        return True
Example #10
    def is_valid_tree(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if tree.data != 'start':
            return False

        for i in range(len(tree.children[:-1])):
            if tree.children[i].data == 'id':
                if tree.children[i+1].data != 'rhs':
                    raise exceptions.ValidationError('Assignment right-hand side not found.')
            if tree.children[i].data == 'rhs':
                if tree.children[i-1].data != 'id':
                    raise exceptions.ValidationError('Assignment identifier not found.')
        if tree.children[-1].data != 'compose':
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('Compose statement not found.')
        return True
async def exception_middleware(
    # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
    request: web.Request,
    handler: Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[web.Response]],
) -> web.Response:
    # pylint: enable=bad-continuation
    Обрабатывает исключения приложения
    :param request: web.Request объект запроса
    :param handler: Coroutine[[web.Request], web.Response] обработчик
    :return: web.Response объект ответа
    exc: Optional[exceptions.ServerError] = None
        response: web.Response = await handler(request)
    except exceptions.ServerError as ex:
        exc = ex
    except MarshmallowValidationError as ex:
        exc = exceptions.ValidationError(
            debug=str(ex), message=exceptions.ValidationError.message)
    except web_exceptions.HTTPBadRequest as ex:
        exc = exceptions.InputValidationError(
            debug=ex.text, message=exceptions.InputValidationError.message)
    except web_exceptions.HTTPUnprocessableEntity as ex:
        exc = exceptions.ValidationError(
            debug=ex.text, message=exceptions.ValidationError.message)
    except web_exceptions.HTTPForbidden as ex:
        exc = exceptions.Forbidden(debug=f'Goodbye Moonmen. {ex}',
    except web_exceptions.HTTPNotFound as ex:
        exc = exceptions.NotFound(debug=ex.text,
    except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        exc = exceptions.ServerError(debug=str(ex),

    if not exc:
        return response

    exc_data = exc.as_dict()
    exc_data['message'] = exc.message
    exc_data.pop('code', None)

    return web.json_response(exc.as_dict(), status=exc.status_code)
Example #12
def _validate_query_params(params, valid_params, route_type):
    """Validates query params for Smash.gg requests"""
    for param in params:
        if param not in valid_params:
            error_msg = """
                '{0}' is not a valid query param for route of type: {1}.
                Valid types are [{2}].
             """.format(param, route_type, ', '.join(valid_params))
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(error_msg)
Example #13
    def validate_required():
        Validate if all required flags exist.

        for flag_name, flag in iteritems(Flags.required_flags):
            if flag.value() is None:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    'Required flag "%s" has not been set.' % flag_name)
Example #14
    def is_valid_inlinedynamic(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')
        if tree.data != 'inlinedynamic':
            return False

        d = tree.children[0].lower()
        if d not in self.valid_levels:
            raise exceptions.DynamicError('Incorrect inline dynamic.')

        return True
Example #15
    def to_python(self, value):
        if value is None:
            return value
        if isinstance(value, FlexiDate):
            return value

        value = smart_str(value)
        if len(value) == 0:
            return value

            parsed = parse_flex_date(value)
            if parsed is not None and len(parsed.isoformat()) > 0:
                return parsed
        except ValueError:
            msg = self.error_messages['invalid'] % value
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

        msg = self.error_messages['invalid_date'] % value
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)
Example #16
def sets_played_by_player(bracket_id, tag):
        tag = str(tag)
        tag = tag.lower()
        msg = "Given player tag is not and cannot be converted into a string"
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

    uri = BRACKET_URL + str(bracket_id)

    response = api.get(uri, VALID_BRACKET_PARAMS)
    return _filter_sets_given_player(response, tag)
    def verify(self, flag_values):
        """Verify that constraint is satisfied.

    flags library calls this method to verify Validator's constraint.
      flag_values: gflags.FlagValues, containing all flags
      Error: if constraint is not satisfied.
        param = self._get_input_to_checker_function(flag_values)
        if not self.checker(param):
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(self.message)
Example #18
    def is_valid_measure(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if not tree.data == 'measure':
            return False
        for subtree in tree.children:
            isInstr = self.is_valid_instrumentation(subtree)
            isId = self.is_valid_identifier(subtree)
            if (not isInstr) and (not isId):
                raise exceptions.MeasureError('Instrument or identifier required.')
        return True
Example #19
async def exception_middleware(
    request: web.Request,
    handler: Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[web.Response]],
) -> web.Response:
    sentry_event_id: Optional[str] = None

        response: web.Response = await handler(request)
        return response
    except MarshmallowValidationError as ex:
        exc: ServerError = exceptions.ValidationError(str(ex))
    except web_exceptions.HTTPBadRequest as ex:
        exc = exceptions.InputValidationError(ex.text or '')
    except web_exceptions.HTTPUnprocessableEntity as ex:
        exc = exceptions.ValidationError(ex.text or '')
    except web_exceptions.HTTPForbidden as ex:
        exc = exceptions.Forbidden(str(ex))
    except web_exceptions.HTTPNotFound as ex:
        exc = exceptions.NotFound(ex.text or '')
    except asyncio.CancelledError as ex:
        exc = exceptions.ServerError(str(ex))
    except exceptions.ServerError as ex:
        exc = ex
    except NotImplementedError:
        exc = exceptions.MethodNotImplemented()
    # nolint
    except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=W0703
        sentry_event_id = sentry_sdk.capture_exception(ex)

        exc = exceptions.ServerError(str(ex))

    if not sentry_event_id:
        sentry_event_id = sentry_sdk.capture_exception(exc)

    return web.json_response(data=exc.as_dict(),
                             headers={'X-Sentry-ID': sentry_event_id or ''})
Example #20
    def is_valid_note(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if tree.data != 'note':
            return False

        if len(tree.children[0].children) != 2:
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('2 children expected, ' + len(tree.children[0].children) + ' given.')

        if tree.children[0].data != 'division':
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Tree prefix incorrect: ' + str(tree.data) + ' given, division expected.')

        if not self.is_valid_division(tree.children[0]):
            raise exceptions.SemanticError("Invalid Division")

        if type(tree.children[1]) == self.tokentype and tree.children[1].type == 'REST':
            return True

        if not self.is_valid_notename(tree.children[1]) and not self.is_valid_chord(tree.children[1]) and not self.is_valid_tuple(tree.children[1]):
            raise exceptions.SemanticError("Invalid notename or chord")

        return True
Example #21
    def is_valid_instrumentation(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if tree.data != 'instrumentation':
            return False
        if len(tree.children) < 1:
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('At least 1 child expected, ' + len(tree.children[0].children) + ' given.')

        child = tree.children
        if type(child[0]) == self.treetype:
            if not self.is_valid_identifier(child[0]):
                return False
            child[0] = self.variables[child[0].children[0]]
        if type(child[0]) != self.tokentype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(child[0])) + ' is not ' + str(self.tokentype) + '.')
        if child[0].type != 'INSTRUMENT':
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + child[0].type + ' is not INSTRUMENT.')

        for x in child[1:]:
            if not self.is_valid_noteitem(x):
                raise exceptions.SemanticError('Invalid Noteitem.')
        return True
Example #22
def validate_patterns_are_dirs(patterns):
    Check that a list of `patterns` are valid dirs.

        patterns (list): a list of directory patterns.

        bool: True if all patterns match existing directories.
    for pattern in patterns:
        dirs = list(glob(pattern))

        if not dirs:
            msg = "{} pattern matched no dirs.".format(pattern)
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

        for i in dirs:
            if not os.path.isdir(i):
                msg = "{} is not a directory.".format(i)
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg)

    return True
Example #23
    def create(self, vals):
        DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
        from_dt = datetime.strptime(vals['date_from'], DATETIME_FORMAT)
        to_dt = datetime.strptime(vals['date_to'], DATETIME_FORMAT)
        timedelta = to_dt - from_dt
        diff_day = timedelta.days + float(timedelta.seconds) / 86400
        if (round(math.floor(diff_day)) + 1) == 1:
            for o in self.env['odoo_hr.weeklyholidays'].search([]):
                if calendar.day_name[from_dt.weekday()] == o.day_of_week:
                    raise exceptions.ValidationError("This day is weekend ")
            #for o in self.env['odoo_hr.odooholiday'].search([]):
            #     if calendar.day_name[from_dt.weekday()]== o.start_date:
            #       raise exceptions.ValidationError("This day is national holiday")

        return super(odoocheckholidays, self).create(vals)
Example #24
    def is_valid_dynamic(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')
        if tree.data != 'dynamic':
            return False

        item = tree.children[0].data
        if item == 'inlinedynamic':
            d = tree.children[0].children[0].lower()
            if d not in self.valid_levels:
                raise exceptions.DynamicError('Incorrect inline dynamic.')
        elif item == 'id':
            return Semantic.is_valid_identifier(self, tree)
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('Inline dynamic or identifier expected, not given.')

        return True
Example #25
    def is_valid_chord(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if not tree.data == 'chord':
            return False

            for child in tree.children:
                if not child.data == 'notename':
                    return False
                if not self.is_valid_notename(child):
                    raise SemanticError
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('Chords should only contain notes.')

        return True
Example #26
    def onchange_date_to(self, cr, uid, ids, date_to, date_from):
        Update the number_of_days.
        # date_to has to be greater than date_from
        if (date_from and date_to) and (date_from > date_to):
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                " The start date must be anterior to the end date. ")

        result = {'value': {}}

        # Compute and update the number of days
        if (date_to and date_from) and (date_from <= date_to):
            diff_day = self._get_number_of_days(date_from, date_to)
            result['value']['total_years_create'] = round(math.floor(diff_day))
            result['value']['total_years_create'] = 0
        return result
Example #27
    def is_valid_notename(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if not tree.data == 'notename':
            return False

        if not (len(tree.children) == 3 or len(tree.children) == 2):
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('2 or 3 children expected, ' + len(tree.children[0].children) + ' given.')

        n = tree.children[0]
        validNoteLetters = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']
        if n not in validNoteLetters:
            raise exceptions.NoteError('Invalid note letter.')

        if len(tree.children) == 3:
            #Has accidental
            if tree.children[1].data != 'accidental':
                raise exceptions.NoteError('Accidental expected, not given.')
            if tree.children[2].data != 'number':
                raise exceptions.NoteError('Octave number expected, not given')

            acc = tree.children[1].children[0].value
            if acc != '#' and acc != 'b':
                raise exceptions.NoteError('Incorrect accidental symbol given, \'b\' or \'#\' expected.')
            octave = int(tree.children[2].children[0].value)
            if 9 > octave < 0:
                raise exceptions.NoteError('Invalid note octave.')

        elif len(tree.children) == 2:
            #No accidental or rest
            if tree.children[1].data != 'number':
                raise exceptions.NoteError('Octave number expected, not given')
            octave = int(tree.children[1].children[0].value)
            if 9 > octave < 0:
                raise exceptions.NoteError('Invalid note octave.')
            #Invalid length
            raise exceptions.NoteError('Invalid note syntax')
            return False

        return True
Example #28
    def onchange_date_from(self, cr, uid, ids, date_to, date_from):
        # date_to has to be greater than date_from
        if (date_from and date_to) and (date_from > date_to):
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                "The start date must be anterior to the end date. ")

        result = {'value': {}}

        # No date_to set so far: automatically compute one 8 hours later
        if date_from and not date_to:
            date_to_with_delta = datetime.strptime(str(date_from), "%Y-%m-%d")
            result['value']['date_to'] = str(date_to_with_delta)

        # Compute and update the number of days
        if (date_to and date_from) and (date_from <= date_to):
            diff_day = self._get_number_of_days(date_from, date_to)
            result['value']['total_years_create'] = round(math.floor(diff_day))
            result['value']['total_years_create'] = 0

        return result
Example #29
    def create(name, parser_type, description, default=None, required=False):
        Create a Flag with its configurations.
          name (str): The name of the flag. This must be unique.
          parser_type (flag_parsers.FlagType): The type of this flag
          description (str): The description of the flag.
          default: If not required, then it should have a default value.
          required (bool): Whether this flag is required or not.

          Flag: The object that contains flag value.

        if name in Flags.flag_registry:
            raise exceptions.DuplicateFlagError(
                'Duplicated flag names. Flag "%s" already exists.' % name)

        parser = flag_parsers.get_parser(parser_type)
        flag = Flag(name,
        if name in Flags.raw_flags:
            flag_str_value = Flags.raw_flags.get(name)
            if Flags.is_parsed and required:
                Flags.flag_registry[name] = flag
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    'Required flag "%s" has not been set.' % name)
            flag._value = default

        if required:
            Flags.required_flags[name] = flag
        Flags.flag_registry[name] = flag
        return flag
Example #30
    def is_valid_noteitem(self, tree):
        if not type(tree) is self.treetype:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError('Type mismatch: ' + str(type(tree)) + ' is not ' + str(self.treetype) + '.')

        if not tree.data == 'noteitem':
            return False

        if not len(tree.children) == 1:
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('1 child expected, ' + len(tree.children[0].children) + ' given.')

        item = tree.children[0].data
        if item == 'note':
            return Semantic.is_valid_note(self, tree.children[0])
        elif item  == 'id':
            return Semantic.is_valid_identifier(self, tree.children[0])
        elif item == 'inlinedynamic':
            d = tree.children[0].children[0].lower()
            if d not in self.valid_levels:
                raise exceptions.DynamicError('Incorrect inline dynamic.')
            raise exceptions.SemanticError('Note, inline dynamic, or identifier expected, not given.')

        return True