Example #1
 def dequeue(self):
     if self.isEmpty():
         raise Empty("Queue is empty.")
         x = self._data.pop(0)
         self._size -= 1
         return x
Example #2
 def add_position(self, e, position):
     if position == 1 or position == self.size:
         raise Empty("Please use other Operations for this task")
     elif position > self.size:
         raise Empty("Your list size: ", self.size)
         newest = self.Node(e, None)
         thead = self.Node(0, None)
         theadnext = self.Node(0, None)
         thead = self.head
         for i in range(position - 1):
             theadnext = thead.next
         newest.next = theadnext
         thead.next = None
         thead.next = newest
         self.size = self.size + 1
Example #3
 def pop(self):
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty("Stack is empty")
     value = self._head._element
     self._head = self._head._next
     self._size = self._size - 1
     return value
Example #4
 def last_out(self):
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty("Deque is Empty")
     value = self.data[self.size - 1]
     self.size = self.size - 1
     return value
Example #5
 def top(self):
     """Return (but do not remove) the element at the top of the stack.
     Raise Empty exception if the stack is empty.
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('Stack is empty')
     return self._head._element  # top of stack is at head of list
Example #6
  def remove_min(self):
    """Remove and return (k,v) tuple with minimum key.

    Raise Empty exception if empty.
    if self.is_empty():
      raise Empty('Priority queue is empty.')
Example #7
 def delete_start(self):
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('Linked list is empty')
         self._head = self._head._next
         self._head._prev = None
     self._size -= 1
 def top(self):
     """Return (but do not remove) the element at the top of the stack.
     Raise Empty exception if the stack is empty.
     if self.isEmpty():
         raise Empty('Stack is empty')
     return self.myStack[-1]
Example #9
 def first(self):
     """Return (but do not remove) the element at the front of the deque.
     Raise Empty exception if the deque is empty.
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty("Deque is empty")
     return self._header._next._element  # real item just after header
Example #10
    def last(self):
        """Return (but do not remove) the last element of deque D;

        Raise Empty exception if the deque is empty."""
        if self.is_empty():
            raise Empty('Deque is empty.')
        return self._data[self._end]
Example #11
 def delete_first(self):
     """Remove and return the element from the front of the deque.
     Raise Empty exception if the deque is empty.
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty("Deque is empty")
     return self._delete_node(self._header._next)  # use inherited method
Example #12
 def delete_last(self):
     """Remove and return the element from the back of the deque.
     Raise Empty exception if the deque is empty.
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty("Deque is empty")
     return self._delete_node(self._trailer._prev)  # use inherited method
Example #13
 def last(self):
     """Return (but do not remove) the element at the back of the deque.
     Raise Empty exception if the deque is empty.
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty("Deque is empty")
     return self._trailer._prev._element  # real item just before trailer
 def first(self):
     """Return (but do not remove) the element at the front of the queue.
     Raise Empty exception if the queue is empty.
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('Queue is empty')
     return self._head._element  # front aligned with head of list
 def pop(self):
     """Remove and return the element from the top of the stack (i.e., LIFO).
     Raise Empty exception if the stack is empty.
     if self.isEmpty():
         raise Empty('Stack is empty')
         return self.myStack.pop()
Example #16
    def pop(self):
        """Remove and return the element from the top of the stack (i.e., LIFO).

        Raise Empty exception if the stack is empty.
        if self.is_empty():
            raise Empty('Stack is empty')
        return self._data.pop()  # remove last item from list
Example #17
    def top(self):
        """Return (but do not remove) the element at the top of the stack.

        Raise Empty exception if the stack is empty.
        if self.is_empty():
            raise Empty('Stack is empty')
        return self._data[-1]  # the last item in the list
Example #18
 def delete_last(self):
     Remove and return the element from the back of the deque
     Raise Empty exception if the deque is empty
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('Deque is empty')
     return self._delete_node(self._trailer._prev)
Example #19
 def pop(self):
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty("The stack is empty")
         value = self.head
         self.head = self.head._next
     self.size -= 1
     return value._element
Example #20
 def remove_last(self):
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('DList is empty')
     del_element = self._tail._element
     self._tail = self._tail._prev
     self._tail._next = None
     self._size -= 1
     return del_element
Example #21
    def last(self):
        """Return (but do not remove) the last element of deque D;

        Raise Empty exception if the deque is empty."""
        if self.is_empty():
            raise Empty('Deque is empty.')
        back = (self._front + self._size - 1) % len(self._data)
        return self._data[back]
Example #22
    def first(self):
        """Return (but do not remove) the first element of deque.

        Raise Empty exception if the deque is empty
        if self.is_empty():
            raise Empty('Deque is empty')
        return self._data[self._front]
 def delete_start(self):
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('Linked list is empty')
         thead = self._head
         self._tail._next = thead._next
         self._head = thead._next
     self._size -= 1
 def min(self):
     """Return but do not remove (k,v) tuple with minimum key.
     Raise Empty exception if empty.
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('Priority queue is empty.')
     item = self._data[0]
     return (item._key, item._value)
Example #25
 def delete_first(self):
     Remove and return the element from the front of the deque
     Raise Empty exception if the deque is empty
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('Deque is empty')
     return self._delete_node(self._header._next)
Example #26
	def pop(self):
		if self.is_empty():
			raise Empty('Stack is empty')
			value = self._head._element
			self._head = self._head._next
			self._size -= 1
			return value
 def dequeue(self):
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('Queue is Empty')
     value = self._data[self._front]
     self._data[self._front] = None
     self._front = self._front + 1
     self._size = self._size - 1
     return value
Example #28
 def first_out(self):
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty("Deque is Empty")
     value = self.data[self.front]
     self.front = self.front + 1
     self.size = self.size - 1
     return value
Example #29
    def first(self):
        """Return (but do not remove) the element at the front of the queue 
        Raise Empty exception if the queue is empty """

        if self.is_empty():
            raise Empty("Queue is empty")
        return self._data[self.front]
 def remove_min(self):
     """Remove and return (k,v) tuple with minimum key.
     Raise Empty exception if empty.
     if self.is_empty():
         raise Empty('Priority queue is empty.')
     item = self._data.delete(self._data.first())
     return (item._key, item._value)