def output_alignment(self, aligner=None, aligner_params=None, paired_end=True, genome=None, num_threads=16, read_group_header=None): """ Runs the given aligner on the input bam file If aligner is None, just copies the bam file to the new directory and then sorts and indexes it. """ if aligner: if aligner == 'bwa': ref_fasta = aligner_params['ref_fasta'] algorithm = aligner_params['algorithm'] if paired_end: bwa_align_paired(ref_fasta, self.in_fastq_file_name, self.output_name, algorithm=algorithm, num_threads=num_threads, read_group_header=read_group_header) else: bwa_align_unpaired(ref_fasta, self.in_fastq_file_name, self.output_name, algorithm=algorithm, num_threads=num_threads, read_group_header=read_group_header) else: raise NotSupportedException( 'Alignment method not supported: ' + aligner) else: raise NotSupportedException('Must specify an aligner')
def _save_activation_layer(self, layer: Activation) -> Dict: layer_type = LayerType.get_for_activation_func_name(layer.activation) if layer_type is None: raise NotSupportedException( f'Activation function "{layer.activation}" is not supported.') return { 'name':, 'type': layer_type.value, }
def _save_activation_func(self, name: str, func: Callable) -> Dict: layer_type = LayerType.get_for_activation_func(func) if layer_type is None: raise NotSupportedException( f'Activation function "{func.__name__}" is not supported.') return { 'name': name, 'type': layer_type.value, }
def _processCommonErrors(self, error, url): """ Maps HTTPErrors that are common to all to exceptions. Only errors that are truly global, like 401 not authorized, should be handled here. Callers should handle the rest. """ if error['status'] == '401': raise PermissionDeniedException(error['status'], url) elif error['status'] == '400': raise InvalidArgumentException(error['status'], url) elif error['status'] == '404': raise ObjectNotFoundException(error['status'], url) elif error['status'] == '403': raise PermissionDeniedException(error['status'], url) elif error['status'] == '405': raise NotSupportedException(error['status'], url) elif error['status'] == '409': raise UpdateConflictException(error['status'], url) elif error['status'] == '500': raise RuntimeException(error['status'], url)
def bwa_align_unpaired(ref_fasta, read_fastq, out_name, algorithm='ALN', max_hits=None, read_group_header=None, num_threads=24): """ Runs bwa aligner on reads without using paired-information (using bam as input format). """ assert (type(read_fastq) != list) if read_group_header is None: read_group_header = tk_bam.make_rg_header() if algorithm == 'MEM': # Temp file names sam_name = out_name + '.sam' sam_out_file = open(sam_name, 'w') log_subprocess.check_call([ 'bwa', 'mem', '-t', str(num_threads), '-M', '-R', read_group_header, ref_fasta, read_fastq ], stdout=sam_out_file) sam_out_file.close() # Create final bam file from the sam file tk_bam.convert_to_bam(sam_name, out_name) # Remove temp files subprocess.check_call(['rm', sam_name]) elif algorithm == 'ALN': # Temp file names sam_name = out_name + '.sam' index_name = out_name + '.sai' sam_out_file = open(sam_name, 'w') index_file = open(index_name, 'w') log_subprocess.check_call( ['bwa', 'aln', '-t', str(num_threads), ref_fasta, read_fastq], stdout=index_file) index_file.close() if max_hits: log_subprocess.check_call([ 'bwa', 'samse', '-n', str(max_hits), ref_fasta, index_name, read_fastq ], stdout=sam_out_file) else: log_subprocess.check_call( ['bwa', 'samse', ref_fasta, index_name, read_fastq], stdout=sam_out_file) sam_out_file.close() # Create final bam file from the sam file tk_bam.convert_to_bam(sam_name, out_name) # Remove temp files subprocess.check_call(['rm', index_name]) subprocess.check_call(['rm', sam_name]) else: raise NotSupportedException('Unsupported bwa algorithm: ' + algorithm)
def bwa_align_paired(ref_fasta, read_fastq, out_name, algorithm='ALN', max_hits=None, read_group_header=None, num_threads=24): """Runs bwa paired-end aligner on reads using paired-end information Algorithm choices are currently MEM: Maximal Exact Matching (better for longer reads) ALN: Better for longer reads Haven't yet implemented BWA-SW Currently assumes the input read_fastq is in interleaved format, i.e. the reads of a pair are alternating. """ if read_group_header is None: read_group_header = tk_bam.make_rg_header() if algorithm == 'MEM': if type(read_fastq) == list: assert (len(read_fastq) == 2) ## This restricts to primary alignments only out_file = open(out_name, 'w') ps = log_subprocess.Popen([ 'bwa', 'mem', '-t', str(num_threads), '-M', '-R', read_group_header, ref_fasta, read_fastq[0], read_fastq[1] ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #log_subprocess.check_call(['samtools', 'view', '-bSh', '-'], stdin=ps.stdout, stdout=out_file) # restore once bug fixed errors_file = open(out_name + '_ERRORS', 'w') log_subprocess.check_call(['samtools', 'view', '-bSh', '-'], stdin=ps.stdout, stdout=out_file, stderr=errors_file) out_file.close() errors_file.close() else: ## This restricts to primary alignments only out_file = open(out_name, 'w') ps = log_subprocess.Popen([ 'bwa', 'mem', '-p', '-t', str(num_threads), '-M', '-R', read_group_header, ref_fasta, read_fastq ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #log_subprocess.check_call(['samtools', 'view', '-bSh', '-'], stdin=ps.stdout, stdout=out_file) # restore once bug fixed errors_file = open(out_name + '_ERRORS', 'w') log_subprocess.check_call(['samtools', 'view', '-bSh', '-'], stdin=ps.stdout, stdout=out_file, stderr=errors_file) out_file.close() errors_file.close() elif algorithm == 'ALN': # Temp file names temp_fastq_name1 = out_name + '1.fastq' temp_fastq_name2 = out_name + '2.fastq' index_name_1 = out_name + '1.sai' index_name_2 = out_name + '2.sai' sam_name = out_name + '.sam' # Create the temp non-interleaved files in_fastq = open(read_fastq, 'r') temp_fastq1 = open(temp_fastq_name1, 'w') temp_fastq2 = open(temp_fastq_name2, 'w') tk_fasta.uninterleave_fastq(in_fastq, temp_fastq1, temp_fastq2) temp_fastq1.close() temp_fastq2.close() # Create the bwa index files index_file_1 = open(index_name_1, 'w') index_file_2 = open(index_name_2, 'w') log_subprocess.check_call([ 'bwa', 'aln', '-t', str(num_threads), ref_fasta, temp_fastq_name1 ], stdout=index_file_1) log_subprocess.check_call([ 'bwa', 'aln', '-t', str(num_threads), ref_fasta, temp_fastq_name2 ], stdout=index_file_2) index_file_1.close() index_file_2.close() # Create the sorted SAM file sam_out_file = open(sam_name, 'w') if max_hits: log_subprocess.check_call([ 'bwa', 'sampe', '-n', str(max_hits), ref_fasta, index_name_1, index_name_2, temp_fastq_name1, temp_fastq_name2 ], stdout=sam_out_file) else: log_subprocess.check_call([ 'bwa', 'sampe', ref_fasta, index_name_1, index_name_2, temp_fastq_name1, temp_fastq_name2 ], stdout=sam_out_file) sam_out_file.close() # Create final bam file from the sam file tk_bam.convert_to_bam(sam_name, out_name) # Clean up temporary files subprocess.check_call(['rm', temp_fastq_name1]) subprocess.check_call(['rm', temp_fastq_name2]) subprocess.check_call(['rm', index_name_1]) subprocess.check_call(['rm', index_name_2]) subprocess.check_call(['rm', sam_name]) else: raise NotSupportedException('Unsupported bwa algorithm: ' + algorithm)
def WriteValue(self, value, options): print('Default WriteValue called, returning error') raise NotSupportedException()
def StopNotify(self): print('Default StopNotify called, returning error') raise NotSupportedException()
def ReadValue(self, options): print('Default ReadValue called, returning error') raise NotSupportedException()
def truncate(self, table): raise NotSupportedException( "truncate currently not supported for Files")
def delete(self, table, query_condition): raise NotSupportedException("delete currently not supported for Files")
def bulk_write(self, **kwargs): raise NotSupportedException( "bulk_write currently not supported for Files")
def get_target_column_list(self, table): raise NotSupportedException( "get_target_column_list currently not supported for Files")