Example #1
from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.rank
size = comm.size
# device='gpu'+str(rank)

from test_exchanger import init_device, clean_device

drv, ctx, arr, shared_x, shared_xx = init_device(device=device)

if rank == 0: print 'original array %s' % arr

# prepare copper exchanger

from exchanger_strategy import Exch_copper
exch = Exch_copper(comm, avg=False)

exch.prepare(ctx, drv, [shared_x])

if rank == 0: print 'copper summation: %s' % shared_x.get_value()

# prepare ar exchanger

from exchanger_strategy import Exch_allreduce
exch = Exch_allreduce(comm, avg=False)


Example #2
    def __init__(self, config, drv, ctx, model):

        self.drv = drv
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.comm = config['comm']

        self.size = config['size']

        self.exch_strategy = config['exch_strategy']

        self.train_mode = config['train_mode']
        # self.cuda_aware = config['cuda_aware']

        # TODO make sure exchanger class doesn't keep a self copy of model, only the reference to its param list
        self.param_list = model.params
        self.vels = model.vels
        self.vels2 = model.vels2

        self.avg_func_list = []

        if self.train_mode == 'cdd' and self.exch_strategy == 'ar':  #c

            from exchanger_strategy import Exch_allreduce
            self.exch = Exch_allreduce(self.comm, avg=False)
            self.exch.prepare(self.vels, self.vels2)

        elif self.train_mode == 'cdd' and self.exch_strategy == 'copper':  #c

            from exchanger_strategy import Exch_copper
            self.exch = Exch_copper(self.comm, avg=False)
            self.exch.prepare(self.ctx, self.drv, self.vels, self.vels2)

        elif self.train_mode == 'cdd' and self.exch_strategy == 'asa32':  #c

            from exchanger_strategy import Exch_asa32
            self.exch = Exch_asa32(self.comm, avg=False)
            self.exch.prepare(self.ctx, self.drv, self.vels, self.vels2)

        elif self.train_mode == 'cdd' and self.exch_strategy == 'asa16':  #c

            from exchanger_strategy import Exch_asa16
            self.exch = Exch_asa16(self.comm, avg=False)
            self.exch.prepare(self.ctx, self.drv, self.vels, self.vels2)

        #TODO adjust ctx, drv locations in all strategies

        elif self.train_mode == 'avg' and self.exch_strategy == 'ar':  #c

            from exchanger_strategy import Exch_allreduce
            self.exch = Exch_allreduce(self.comm)

        elif self.train_mode == 'avg' and self.exch_strategy == 'copper':  #c

            from exchanger_strategy import Exch_copper
            self.exch = Exch_copper(self.comm)
            self.exch.prepare(self.ctx, self.drv, self.param_list)

        elif self.train_mode == 'avg' and self.exch_strategy == 'asa32':  #c

            from exchanger_strategy import Exch_asa32
            self.exch = Exch_asa32(self.comm)
            self.exch.prepare(self.ctx, self.drv, self.param_list)

        elif self.train_mode == 'avg' and self.exch_strategy == 'asa16':  #c

            from exchanger_strategy import Exch_asa16
            self.exch = Exch_asa16(self.comm)
            self.exch.prepare(self.ctx, self.drv, self.param_list)