class RawBlock(Block): """ RawBlock can render and process rawIdevices as XHTML GenericBlock will replace it..... one day """ def __init__(self, parent, idevice): Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice) self.contentElement = PlainTextAreaElement(idevice.content) self.contentElement.height = 250 def process(self, request): """ Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any apply to this block """ Block.process(self, request) content = self.contentElement.process(request) if content: self.idevice.content = content if 'emphasis' in request.args: self.idevice.emphasis = int(request.args['emphasis'][0]) def renderEdit(self, style): """ Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block """ html = u"<div>\n" html += self.contentElement.renderEdit() emphasisValues = [(_(u"No emphasis"), Idevice.NoEmphasis), (_(u"Some emphasis"), Idevice.SomeEmphasis)] html += common.formField('select', _('Emphasis'), 'emphasis',, '', # TODO: Instructions emphasisValues, self.idevice.emphasis) html += self.renderEditButtons() html += u"</div>\n" return html def renderPreview(self, style): """ Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block """ html = u"<div class=\"iDevice " html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\" " html += u"ondblclick=\"submitLink('edit',"", 0);\">\n" if self.idevice.emphasis != Idevice.NoEmphasis: if self.idevice.icon: html += u'<img alt="idevice icon" class="iDevice_icon" ' html += u" src=\"/style/"+style html += "/icon_"+self.idevice.icon+".gif\"/>\n" html += u"<span class=\"iDeviceTitle\">" html += self.idevice.title html += u"</span>\n" html += u"<div class=\"iDevice_inner\">\n" html += self.contentElement.renderView() html += self.renderViewButtons() if self.idevice.emphasis != Idevice.NoEmphasis: html += u"</div></div>\n" else: html += u"</div>\n" return html def renderView(self, style): """ Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block """ html = u"<div class=\"iDevice " html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\">\n" if self.idevice.emphasis != Idevice.NoEmphasis: if self.idevice.icon: html += u'<img alt="iDevice icon" class="iDevice_icon" ' html += u" src=\"icon_"+self.idevice.icon+".gif\"/>\n" html += u"<span class=\"iDeviceTitle\">" html += self.idevice.title html += u"</span>\n" html += u"<div class=\"iDevice_inner\">\n" html += self.contentElement.renderView() if self.idevice.emphasis != Idevice.NoEmphasis: html += u"</div></div>\n" else: html += u"</div>\n" return html
def __init__(self, parent, idevice): Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice) self.contentElement = PlainTextAreaElement(idevice.content) self.contentElement.height = 250