class ReadingActivityIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    group = Idevice.CONTENT
    name = _("Reading Activity")
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    author = _("University of Auckland")
    purpose = _("""<p>The Reading Activity will primarily
be used to check a learner's comprehension of a given text. This can be done
by asking the learner to reflect on the reading and respond to questions about
the reading, or by having them complete some other possibly more physical task
based on the reading.</p>""")
    icon = "icon_reading.gif"
    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    to_read = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="",
                               help_text=_("""Enter the details of the reading
    including reference details. The
    referencing style used will depend on the preference of your faculty or
    activity = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="",
    _("""Describe the tasks related to the reading learners should undertake.
        This helps demonstrate relevance for learners."""))
    feedback = fields.FeedbackField(blank=True, default="",
    _("""Use feedback to provide a summary of the points covered in the reading,
or as a starting point for further analysis of the reading by posing a question
or providing a statement to begin a debate."""))

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
class GlossaryTerm(models.Model):
    title = fields.RichTextField(max_length=100, blank=True, default="",
                             help_text="Enter term you want to describe")
    definition = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="",
                                 help_text="Enter defintion of the term")
    idevice = models.ForeignKey("GlossaryIdevice", related_name="terms")
    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
class ProtectedFreeTextVersion(models.Model):
    idevice = models.ForeignKey("ProtectedFreeTextIdevice", related_name="versions")
    content = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="")
    date_created = models.DateTimeField(

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
class CaseActivity(models.Model):
    activity = fields.RichTextField(
        help_text=_("Describe the activity tasks relevant to the case story"
                    "provided. These could be in the form of questions or "
                    "instructions for activity which may lead the learner to "
                    "resolving a dilemma presented. "))
    feedback = fields.FeedbackField(
        help_text=_("Provide relevant feedback on the situation"))
    idevice = models.ForeignKey("CaseStudyIdevice", related_name="terms")

    def to_dict(self):
        d = self.__dict__
        d = {
            k: v
            for k, v in d.items()
            if k != 'idevice_id' and k != 'id' and not k.startswith('_')
        return d

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
class ReflectionIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    name = _("Reflection")
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    author = _("University of Auckland")
    purpose = _("""Reflection is a teaching method often used to
connect theory to practice. Reflection tasks often provide learners with an
opportunity to observe and reflect on their observations before presenting
these as a piece of academic work. Journals, diaries, profiles and portfolios
are useful tools for collecting observation data. Rubrics and guides can be
effective feedback tools.""")
    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    group = Idevice.TEST
    activity = fields.RichTextField(
        help_text=_("""Enter a question for learners to
                                        reflect upon."""))
    answer = fields.FeedbackField(
        help_text=_("""Describe how learners will assess how
they have done in the exercise. (Rubrics are useful devices for providing
reflective feedback.)"""))

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
Example #6
class RSSIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    name = _("RSS")
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    author = _("Auckland University of Technology")
    purpose = _("""The RSS iDevice is used
to provide new content to an individual users machine. Using this
iDevice you can provide links from a feed you select for learners to view.""")
    emphasis = Idevice.NOEMPHASIS
    group = Idevice.COMMUNICATION
    icon = "icon_inter.gif"
    rss_url = fields.URLField(max_length=200,
                              help_text=_("""Enter an RSS URL for the RSS
                              feed you
want to attach to your content. Feeds are often identified by a small graphic
 icon (often like this <img src="/static/images/feed-icon.png" />) or the
 text "RSS". Clicking on the
 icon or text label will display an RSS feed right in your browser. You can
 copy and paste the
URL into this field. Alternately, right clicking on the link or graphic will
open a menu box;
click on COPY LINK LOCATION or Copy Shortcut. Back in eXe open the RSS
bookmark iDevice and Paste the URL
into the RSS URL field and click the LOAD button. This will extract the
titles from your feed and
display them as links in your content. From here you can edit the bookmarks
and add
 instructions or additional learning information."""))
    content = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="")

    def load_rss(self, url):
        Load the rss
        self.rss_url = url
        content = ""
            rssDic = feedparser.parse(url)
            length = len(rssDic['entries'])
            if length > 0:
                for i in range(0, length):
                    content += '<p><A href="%s">%s</A></P>' % (
                        rssDic['entries'][i].link, rssDic['entries'][i].title)
        except IOError as error:
            content += _(
                "Unable to load RSS feed from %s <br/>Please check the "
                "spelling and connection and try again.") % url

        if content == "":
            content += _(
                "Unable to load RSS feed from %s <br/>Please check the "
                "spelling and connection and try again.") % url
        self.content = content

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
Example #7
class GlossaryTerm(models.Model):
    title = fields.RichTextField(
        help_text=_("Enter term you want to describe"))
    definition = fields.RichTextField(
        blank=True, default="", help_text=_("Enter definition of the term"))
    idevice = models.ForeignKey("GlossaryIdevice", related_name="terms")

    def to_dict(self):
        d = self.__dict__
        d = {
            k: v
            for k, v in d.items()
            if k != 'idevice_id' and k != 'id' and not k.startswith('_')
        return d

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
Example #8
class TOCIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    name = _("Table Of Content")
    title = name

    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    group = Idevice.CONTENT
    content = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="")
    author = _("Technical University Munich")
    icon = "icon_inter.gif"
    edit_message = _("The content of this iDevice is automatically generated"
                    "should not be edited directly.")

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
class CommentIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    name = "Remark"
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    author = "TU Munich"
    purpose = "Leave a commentary for others who work on this package."
    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    icon = "icon_summary.gif"
    group = Idevice.DIDACTICS
    content = fields.RichTextField(blank=True,
                                   help_text="""Use this field to leave a
comment for people who works on this package with you. 
This iDevice won't be exported""")

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
Example #10
class FreeTextIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    FreeTextIdevice: just has a block of text
    group = Idevice.CONTENT
    name = "Free Text"
    title = "Free Text"
    author = "University of Auckland"
    purpose = """The majority of a learning resource will be 
establishing context, delivering instructions and providing general information.
This provides the framework within which the learning activities are built and 
    emphasis = Idevice.NOEMPHASIS
    content = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="")
    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
Example #11
class ObjectivesIdevice(GenericIdevice):

    name = _("Objectives")
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    author = _("University of Auckland")
    purpose = _("""Objectives describe the expected outcomes of the learning "
    "and should define what the learners will be able to do when they have "
    "completed the learning tasks.""")
    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    content = fields.RichTextField(
        help_text=_("Type the learning objectives for this resource."))
    group = Idevice.DIDACTICS

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
Example #12
class ClozeIdevice(GenericIdevice):

    group = Idevice.TEST
    name = _("Cloze")
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    author = _("University of Auckland")
    purpose = _("""<p>Cloze exercises are texts or
                    sentences where students must fill in
                    missing words. They are often used for the
                    following purposes:</p>
                    <li>To check knowledge of core course
                    concepts (this could be a pre-check,
                    formative exercise, or summative check).</li>
                    <li>To check reading comprehension.</li>
                    <li>To check vocabulary knowledge.</li>
                    <li>To check word formation and/or grammatical
                    competence. </li></ol>""")
    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    icon = "icon_question.gif"
    description = fields.RichTextField(
        help_text=_("""Provide instruction on how the cloze activity should be
completed. Default text will be entered if there are no changes to this field.
    cloze_text = fields.ClozeTextField(
            """Enter the text for the cloze activity in to the cloze field
by either pasting text from another source or by typing text directly into the
field.To select words to hide, double click on the word to select it and
click on the underscore button in the toolbar."""))
    feedback = fields.FeedbackField(
        help_text=_("""Enter any feedback you wish to provide the learner
                with-in the feedback field. This field can be left blank."""))
    drag_n_drop = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
class ActivityIdevice(GenericIdevice):

    group = Idevice.CONTENT
    name = "Activity"
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    author = "University of Auckland"
    purpose = """An activity can be defined as a task or set of tasks a 
learner must complete. Provide a clear statement of the task and consider
any conditions that may help or hinder the learner in the performance of 
the task."""
    icon = "icon_activity.gif"
    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    content = fields.RichTextField(
        help_text="Describe the tasks the learners should complete.")

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
class PreknowledgeIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    name = "Preknowledge"
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    purpose = """Prerequisite knowledge refers to the knowledge learners should already
have in order to be able to effectively complete the learning. Examples of 
pre-nowledge can be: <ul>
<li>Learners must have level 4 English </li>
<li>Learners must be able to assemble standard power tools </li></ul>
    group = Idevice.DIDACTICS
    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    content = fields.RichTextField(
        help_text="""Describe the prerequisite knowledge learners 
should have to effectively complete this learning.""")
    icon = "icon_preknowledge.gif"

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
Example #15
class MultiChoiceOptionIdevice(models.Model):
    option = fields.MultiChoiceOptionField(
        blank=True, default="",
        help_text=_("An answer option for the multiple choice question. Check"
                    " the 'right answer' checkmark to mark the right option")
    feedback = fields.RichTextField("Feedback", "feedback", blank=True, null=True,
                                    help_text="Feedback text for the answer")
    right_answer = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    idevice = models.ForeignKey("MultiChoiceIdevice", related_name="options")

    def to_dict(self):
        d = self.__dict__
        d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != 'idevice_id'
                                    and k != 'id'
                                    and not k.startswith('_')
        return d

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
Example #16
class TOCIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    name = "Table Of Content"
    title = name

    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    group = Idevice.CONTENT
    content = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="")
    author = "TU Munich"
    icon = u"icon_inter.gif"

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.content = self.populate_toc()
        super(TOCIdevice, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    def populate_toc(self):
        package = self.parent_node.package
        toc_list = [self._generate_item(package.root)]
        if package.root.children.exists():
        return '<ul class="toc">%s</ul>' % unordered_list(toc_list)

    def _generate_toc_tree(self, node):
        list = []
        for child in node.children.all():
            if child.children.exists():

        return list

    def _generate_item(self, node):
        return '<a href="%s.html">%s</a>' %\
                    (node.unique_name(), node.title)

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
class CaseStudyIdevice(Idevice):
    name = _("Case Study")
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    author = _("Technical University Munich")
    purpose = _("""A case study is a device that provides learners
with a simulation that has an educational basis. It takes a situation,
generally based in reality, and asks learners to demonstrate or describe what
action they would take to complete a task or resolve a situation. The case
study allows learners apply their own knowledge and experience to completing
the tasks assigned. when designing a case study consider the following:<ul>
<li>    What educational points are conveyed in the story</li>
<li>    What preparation will the learners need to do prior to working on the
case study</li>
<li>    Where the case study fits into the rest of the course</li>
<li>    How the learners will interact with the materials and each other e.g.
if run in a classroom situation can teams be setup to work on different aspects
of the case and if so how are ideas feed back to the class</li></ul>""")
    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    group = Idevice.TEST
    icon = "icon_casestudy.gif"
    story = fields.RichTextField(
        help_text=_("""Create the case story. A good case is one
        that describes a controversy or sets the scene by describing
        the characters involved and the situation. It should also allow for
        some action to be taken in order to gain resolution of the

    objects = CaseStudyIdeviceManager()

    def add_child(self):

    def to_dict(self):
        d = self.__dict__
        d = {
            k: v
            for k, v in d.items() if k != 'id' and k != 'idevice_ptr_id'
            and k != 'parent_node_id' and not k.startswith('_')
        d['child_type'] = self.get_klass()
        d['terms'] = []
        for term in self.terms.all():
        return d

    def from_dict(self, dic):
        self.title = dic['title']
        self.edit = dic['edit']
        self.story = dic['story']
        #clear blank answer created by default for this question in the manager
        for term in dic['terms']:
        return self

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"
Example #18
class FreeTextIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    FreeTextIdevice: just has a block of text
    group = Idevice.CONTENT
    name = _("Free Text")
    title = _("Free Text")
    author = _("University of Auckland")
    purpose = _("""The majority of a learning resource will be
establishing context, delivering instructions and providing general information.
This provides the framework within which the learning activities are built and
    emphasis = Idevice.NOEMPHASIS
    content = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="")
    date_created = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, editable=False)

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"

    def to_dict(self):
        d = self.__dict__
        d = {
            k: v
            for k, v in d.items()
            if k != 'id' and k != 'idevice_ptr_id' and k != 'parent_node_id'
            and k != 'date_created' and not k.startswith('_')
        d['child_type'] = self.get_klass()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(d['content'])
        images = soup.findAll("img")
        for img in images:
            img['src'] = Path(img['src']).basename()
        d['content'] = soup.prettify()
        return d

    def from_dict(self, dic):
        self.edit = dic['edit']
        soup = BeautifulSoup(dic['content'])
        images = soup.findAll("img")
        for img in images:
            img['src'] = Path.joinpath(
                self.parent_node.package.user.profile.media_url, img['src'])
        self.content = soup.prettify()
        self.date_created =
        return self

    def has_previous_version(self, date=None):
        if date is None:
            date = self.date_created
            if date is None:
                return False
        if FreeTextVersion.objects.filter(,
            return True
            return False

    def has_later_version(self, date=None):
        if date is None:
            date = self.date_created
            if date is None:
                return False
        if FreeTextVersion.objects.filter(,
            return True
            return False

    def get_previous_version(self, date=None):
        if date is None:
            date = self.date_created
            if date is None:
                return None
        f1 = FreeTextVersion.objects.filter(
        if f1.count() > 0:
            return f1[0]
            return None

    def get_later_version(self, date=None):
        if date is None:
            date = self.date_created
            if date is None:
                return None
        f = FreeTextVersion.objects.filter(
  , date_created__gt=date).order_by('date_created')
        if f.count() > 0:
            return f[0]
            return None

    def get_current_version(self):
        f = FreeTextVersion.objects.filter(,
        if f.count() > 0:
            return f[0]
            return None

    def delete_unnecessary_version(self):
  , date_created__gt=self.date_created).delete()

    def apply_changes(self, formdata, formsetdata=None):
        #check for first time. it is none at first
        if self.date_created:
        #check for same old version saving again. avoid duplication during creating versions
        v = self.get_current_version()
        if v is None:
            self.date_created =
        elif self.content != v.content:
            self.date_created =
        self.edit = False
Example #19
class MultiChoiceIdevice(Idevice):
    name = _("Multiple Choice")
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default=name)
    author = _("Technische Univesität München")
    purpose = _("""Create a multiple choice questionary to review the
    learned material""")
    emphasis = Idevice.SOMEEMPHASIS
    group = Idevice.TEST
    icon = "icon_question.gif"
    question = fields.RichTextField(
        help_text=_("""Create a multiple choice questionary to review the
    learned material. Click "Add option" to add more answer options""")

    objects = MultiChoiceIdeviceManager()

    def add_child(self):

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"

    def submit_answers(self, data):
        chosen_option = MultiChoiceOptionIdevice.objects.get(pk=data['option'])
        assert chosen_option.idevice == self
        return chosen_option.right_answer

    def is_multioptional(self):
        Returns true, if the question has more than one correct option
        return self.options.filter(right_answer=True).count() > 1

    def to_dict(self):
        d = self.__dict__
        d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != 'id'
                                    and k != 'idevice_ptr_id'
                                    and k != 'parent_node_id'
                                    and not k.startswith('_')
        d['child_type'] = self.get_klass()
        d['answers'] = []
        for answer in self.options.all():
        return d

    def from_dict(self, dic):
        self.question = dic['question']
        self.edit = dic['edit']
        #clear blank answer created by default for this question in the manager
        for answer in dic['answers']:
                                                    feedback=answer.get('feedback', None)
        return self
class ProtectedFreeTextIdevice(GenericIdevice):
    group = Idevice.CONTENT
    name = _("Protected Free Text")
    title = _("Protected Free Text")

    purpose = _("""The majority of a learning resource will be
establishing context, delivering instructions and providing general information.
This provides the framework within which the learning activities are built and
    emphasis = Idevice.NOEMPHASIS
    content = fields.RichTextField(blank=True, default="")
    password = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True, default="",
                        help_text=_("Input password to encrypt content"))
    date_created = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, editable=False)

    class Meta:
        app_label = "exeapp"

    def to_dict(self):
        d = self.__dict__
        d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != 'id'
                                    and k != 'idevice_ptr_id'
                                    and k != 'parent_node_id'
                                    and k != 'date_created'
                                    and not k.startswith('_')
        d['child_type'] = self.get_klass()
        return d

    def from_dict(self, dic):
        self.edit = dic['edit']
        self.content = dic['content']
        self.password = dic['password']
        self.date_created =
        ProtectedFreeTextVersion.objects.create(idevice=self, content=self.content, date_created=self.date_created)
        return self

    def has_previous_version(self, date=None):
        if date is None:
            date = self.date_created
            if date is None:
                return False
        if ProtectedFreeTextVersion.objects.filter(, date_created__lt=date).count():
            return True
            return False

    def has_later_version(self, date=None):
        if date is None:
            date = self.date_created
            if date is None:
                return False
        if ProtectedFreeTextVersion.objects.filter(, date_created__gt=date).count():
            return True
            return False

    def get_previous_version(self, date=None):
        if date is None:
            date = self.date_created
            if date is None:
                return None
        f1 = ProtectedFreeTextVersion.objects.filter(, date_created__lt=date).order_by('-date_created')
        if f1.count() > 0:
            return f1[0]
            return None

    def get_later_version(self, date=None):
        if date is None:
            date = self.date_created
            if date is None:
                return None
        f = ProtectedFreeTextVersion.objects.filter(, date_created__gt=date).order_by('date_created')
        if f.count() > 0:
            return f[0]
            return None

    def get_current_version(self):
        f = ProtectedFreeTextVersion.objects.filter(, date_created=self.date_created)
        if f.count() > 0:
            return f[0]
            return None

    def delete_unnecessary_version(self):
        ProtectedFreeTextVersion.objects.filter(, date_created__gt=self.date_created).delete()

    def apply_changes(self, formdata, formsetdata=None):
        #check for first time. it is none at first
        if self.date_created:
        #check for same old version saving again. avoid duplication during creating versions
        v = self.get_current_version()
        if v is None:
            self.date_created =
            ProtectedFreeTextVersion.objects.create(idevice=self, content=formdata['content'], date_created=self.date_created)
        elif self.content != v.content:
            self.date_created =
            ProtectedFreeTextVersion.objects.create(idevice=self, content=formdata['content'], date_created=self.date_created)
        self.edit = False