def fn(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: if os.path.exists("tmp"): for repository in [ for f in os.scandir("tmp") if f.is_dir() ]: shutil.copytree("tmp/" + repository, temp_dir + "/" + repository, symlinks=True) with cd(temp_dir): for step in task["steps"]: # Load necessary execution plugin plugin = importlib.import_module('execution.plugins.' + step["plugin"]) # Set runtime directory properly for the step to execute if "repository" in step and "path" in step: with cd(step["repository"] + "/" + step["path"]): result = execute_step(plugin.process, step, context) elif "repository" in step: with cd(step["repository"]): result = execute_step(plugin.process, step, context) else: result = execute_step(plugin.process, step, context) if (isinstance(result, bool) and result is False) or (isinstance(result, dict) and result["pass"] is False): print("Step has broken execution - halting task") break
def initialize(task): for step in task["steps"]: plugin = importlib.import_module('execution.plugins.' + step["plugin"]) if "params_from_context" in step and "params" not in step: step["params"] = {} if hasattr(plugin, "initialize") and callable(plugin.initialize): print(f"Initializing plugin {step['plugin']}") if "repository" in step and "path" in step and os.path.isdir(step["repository"] + "/" + step["path"]): with cd(step["repository"] + "/" + step["path"]): plugin.initialize(step["params"]) elif "repository" in step and os.path.isdir(step["repository"]): with cd(step["repository"]): plugin.initialize(step["params"]) else: plugin.initialize(step["params"])