Example #1
	def __setattr__(self, name, value):

		if '_ArgumentParser__arguments' in self.__dict__.keys():
			if "--"+name in self.__arguments.keys() and name in self.__dict__.keys():
					# verify value
					proto = self.__arguments[name]
					if isinstance(value, (list,tuple)):
						temp = value
						temp = [value,]
					for v in temp:
						assert isinstance(v, proto.dtype), f"<{name}> need {proto.dtype.__name__} type value but got: {value}."
						if proto.choices is not None:
							assert v in proto.choices, f"<{name}> should be one of {proto.choices} but got: {value}."
						if proto.minV is not None:
							declare.greater_equal(f"option value of {name}", v, "minimum expected value", proto.minV)
						if proto.maxV is not None:
							declare.less_equal(f"option value of {name}", v, "maximum expected value", proto.maxV)
					# modify the backup
					self.__arguments[name] = proto._replace(value=value)

		super().__setattr__(name, value)
Example #2
def train_ngrams_srilm(lexicons, order, text, outFile, config=None):
	Train N-Grams language model with SriLM tookit.
	If you don't specified the discount by the <config> option, We defaultly use "kndiscount".

		<lexicons>: an exkaldi LexiconBank object.
		<order>: the maximum order of N-Grams.
		<text>: a text corpus file or an exkaldi transcription object.
		<outFile>: output file name of arpa LM.
		<config>: extra configurations, a Python dict object.

	You can use .check_config("train_ngrams_srilm") function to get a reference of extra configurations.
	Also you can run shell command "ngram-count" to look their usage.
    declare.is_lexicon_bank("lexicons", lexicons)
    declare.is_positive_int("order", order)
    declare.is_potential_transcription("text", text)
    declare.is_valid_file_name("outFile", outFile)
    # verify the max order
    declare.less_equal("order", order, "max order", 9)
    # prepare srilm tool

    with FileHandleManager() as fhm:
        # check whether this is a reasonable text corpus that should be splited by space.
        if isinstance(text, str):
            cmd = f"shuf {text} -n 100"
            out, err, cod = run_shell_command(cmd,
            if (isinstance(cod, int) and cod != 0):
                raise ShellProcessError(
                    f"Failed to sample from text file:{text}.")
            elif out == b'':
                raise WrongDataFormat(f"Void text file:{text}.")
                out = out.decode().strip().split("\n")
                spaceCount = 0
                for line in out:
                    spaceCount += line.count(" ")
                if spaceCount < len(out) // 2:
                    raise WrongDataFormat(
                        "The text file doesn't seem to be separated by spaces or sentences are extremely short."

            sampleText = text.subset(nRandom=100)
            spaceCount = 0
            for key, value in sampleText.items():
                assert isinstance(
                    value, str
                ), f"Transcription must be string but got: {type_name(value)}."
                spaceCount += value.count(" ")
            if spaceCount < len(sampleText) // 2:
                raise WrongDataFormat(
                    "The text file doesn't seem to be separated by spaces or sentences are extremely short."
            textTemp = fhm.create("a+", suffix=".txt", encoding="utf-8")
            text.save(textTemp, discardUttID=True)
            text = textTemp.name

        unkSymbol = lexicons("oov")

        wordlistTemp = fhm.create("w+", encoding='utf-8', suffix=".txt")
        words = lexicons("words")
        words = "\n".join(words.keys())

        extraConfig = " "
        specifyDiscount = False
        if config is not None:
            if check_config(name='train_ngrams_srilm', config=config):
                for key, value in config.items():
                    if isinstance(value, bool):
                        if value is True:
                            extraConfig += f"{key} "
                        if key.endswith("discount"):
                            specifyDiscount = True
                        extraConfig += f" {key} {value}"

        cmd = f'ngram-count -text {text} -order {order} -limit-vocab -vocab {wordlistTemp.name} -unk -map-unk "{unkSymbol}" '
        if specifyDiscount is False:
            cmd += "-kndiscount "
        cmd += "-interpolate "

        if not outFile.rstrip().endswith(".arpa"):
            outFile += ".arpa"
        make_dependent_dirs(outFile, pathIsFile=True)
        cmd += f" -lm {outFile}"

        out, err, cod = run_shell_command(cmd, stderr="PIPE")

        if (isinstance(cod, int) and cod != 0) or (
                not os.path.isfile(outFile)) or os.path.getsize(outFile) == 0:
            if os.path.isfile(outFile):
            raise KaldiProcessError(
                f'Failed to generate N-Grams language model.')

        return outFile
Example #3
def train_ngrams_kenlm(lexicons, order, text, outFile, config=None):
	Train N-Grams language model with SriLM tookit.

		<lexicons>: an exkaldi LexiconBank object.
		<order>: the maximum order of N-Grams.
		<text>: a text corpus file or an exkaldi transcription object.
		<outFile>: output file name of arpa LM.
		<config>: extra configurations, a Python dict object.

	You can use .check_config("train_ngrams_kenlm") function to get a reference of extra configurations.
	Also you can run shell command "lmplz" to look their usage.
    declare.is_lexicon_bank("lexicons", lexicons)
    declare.is_positive_int("order", order)
    declare.is_potential_transcription("text", text)
    declare.is_valid_file_name("outFile", outFile)

    declare.less_equal("order", order, "max order", 9)

    with FileHandleManager() as fhm:
        # check whether this is a reasonable text corpus that should be splited by space.
        if isinstance(text, str):
            cmd = f"shuf {text} -n 100"
            out, err, cod = run_shell_command(cmd,
            if (isinstance(cod, int) and cod != 0):
                raise ShellProcessError(
                    f"Failed to sample from text file:{text}.")
            elif out == b'':
                raise WrongDataFormat(f"Void text file:{text}.")
                out = out.decode().strip().split("\n")
                spaceCount = 0
                for line in out:
                    spaceCount += line.count(" ")
                if spaceCount < len(out) // 2:
                    raise WrongDataFormat(
                        "The text file doesn't seem to be separated by spaces or sentences are extremely short."

            sampleText = text.subset(nRandom=100)
            spaceCount = 0
            for key, value in sampleText.items():
                assert isinstance(
                    value, str
                ), f"Transcription must be string but got: {type_name(value)}."
                spaceCount += value.count(" ")
            if spaceCount < len(sampleText) // 2:
                raise WrongDataFormat(
                    "The text file doesn't seem to be separated by spaces or sentences are extremely short."
            textTemp = fhm.create("a+", suffix=".txt", encoding="utf-8")
            text.save(textTemp, discardUttID=True)
            text = textTemp.name

        extraConfig = " "
        if config is not None:
            if check_config(name='train_ngrams_kenlm', config=config):
                if "--temp_prefix" in config.keys() and "-T" in config.keys():
                    raise WrongOperation(
                        f'"--temp_prefix" and "-T" is the same configuration so only one of them is expected.'
                if "--memory" in config.keys() and "-S" in config.keys():
                    raise WrongOperation(
                        f'"--memory" and "-S" is the same configuration so only one of them is expected.'
                for key, value in config.items():
                    if isinstance(value, bool):
                        if value is True:
                            extraConfig += f"{key} "
                        extraConfig += f"{key} {value} "

        if not outFile.rstrip().endswith(".arpa"):
            outFile += ".arpa"
        make_dependent_dirs(outFile, pathIsFile=True)

        wordlistTemp = fhm.create("w+", encoding='utf-8', suffix=".txt")
        words = lexicons("words")
        words_count = math.ceil(len(words) / 10) * 10
        words = "\n".join(words.keys())

        KenLMTool = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "exkaldisrc", "tools", "lmplz")

        cmd = f"{KenLMTool}{extraConfig}-o {order} --vocab_estimate {words_count} --text {text} --arpa {outFile} --limit_vocab_file {wordlistTemp.name}"
        out, err, cod = run_shell_command(cmd, stderr="PIPE")

        if (isinstance(cod, int) and cod != 0) or (
                not os.path.isfile(outFile)) or (os.path.getsize(outFile)
                                                 == 0):
            if os.path.isfile(outFile):
            raise KenlmProcessError("Failed to generate arpa file.")

        return outFile
Example #4
	def add(self,name,dtype,abbr=None,default=None,choices=None,minV=None,maxV=None,discription=None):
		Add a new option.

			_name_: a string which must have a format such as "--exkaldi" (but "--help" is inavaliable exceptionally.).  
			_dtype_: float, int, str or bool.  
			_abbr_: None or a abbreviation of name which must have a format such as "-e" (but "-h" is inavaliable exceptionally.).  
			_dtype_: the default value or a list/tuple of values.  
			_choices_: a list/tuple of values.  
			_minV_: set the minimum value if dtype is int or float. Enable when _choices_ is None.  
			_maxV_: set the maximum value if dtype is int or float. Enable when _choices_ is None.  
			_maxV_: a string to discribe this option.

		# check option name
		name = name.strip()
		assert name[0:2] == "--" and name[2:3] != "-", f"Option name must start with '--' but got: {name}."
		assert name != "--help", "Option name is inavaliable: --help."
		if name in self.__arguments.keys():
			raise WrongOperation(f"Option name has existed: {name}.")
		# check dtype
		declare.is_instances("option dtype", dtype, (float,int,bool,str))

		# check abbreviation
		if abbr is not None:
			abbr = abbr.strip()
			assert abbr[0:1] == "-" and abbr[1:2] != "-", f"Abbreviation must start with '-' but got: {abbr}."
			assert abbr != "-h", "Abbreviation is inavaliable: -h."
			if abbr in self.__abb2Name.keys():
				raise WrongOperation(f"Abbreviation has existed: {abbr}.")

		# check default value
		if default is not None:
			if isinstance(default,(list,tuple)):
				declare.members_are_classes(f"Default value of {name}", default, dtype)
				declare.is_classes(f"Default value of {name}", default, dtype)
			if dtype == str:

		# check choices
		if choices is not None:
			declare.is_classes(f"Choices of {name}", choices, (list,tuple))
			declare.members_are_classes(f"Choices of {name}", choices, dtype)
			if dtype == str:
			if default is not None:
				if isinstance(default,(list,tuple)):
					declare.members_are_instances(f"Default value of {name}", default, choices)
					declare.is_instances(f"Default value of {name}", default, choices)
		# check boundary values
		if minV is not None or maxV is not None:
			assert dtype in [float,int], f"Only float and int option can set the boundary but {name} is {dtype.__name__}."
			assert choices is None, f"Cannot set choices and boundary concurrently: {name}."
			if minV is not None:
				declare.is_classes(f"Minimum value of {name}", minV, dtype)
				if default is not None:
					if isinstance(default, (list,tuple)):
						for v in default:
							declare.greater_equal(f"Default value of {name}", v, "minimum expected value", minV)
						declare.greater_equal(f"Default of {name}", default, "minimum expected value", minV)
			if maxV is not None:
				declare.is_classes(f"Maximum value of {name}", maxV, dtype)
				if default is not None:
					if isinstance(default,(list,tuple)):
						for v in default:					
							declare.less_equal(f"Default value of {name}", v, "maximum expected value", maxV)
						declare.less_equal(f"Default value of {name}", default, "maximum expected value", maxV)
			if minV is not None and maxV is not None:
				declare.less_equal(f"Minimum value of {name}", minV, f"maximum value", maxV)

		# check discription
		if discription is not None:
			declare.is_valid_string(f"Discription of {name}", discription)

		self.__arguments[name] = self.spec(dtype,default,choices,minV,maxV,discription)
		self.__name2Abb[name] = abbr
		if abbr is not None:
			self.__abb2Name[abbr] = name
Example #5
	def load(self, filePath):
		Load auguments from file.

			_filePath_: args file path.
		declare.is_file("filePath", filePath)

		with open(filePath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fr:
			lines = fr.read()
		lines = lines.strip()
		if len(lines) == 0:
			raise WrongOperation(f"This is a void file: {filePath}.")
		blocks = lines.split("\n\n")
		def __parse(name, value, dtype):
			if dtype in [float,int]:
					value = dtype(value)
				except ValueError:
					raise WrongOperation(f"Option <{name}> need a {dtype.__name__} value but choices got: {value}.")
			elif dtype == bool:
				if value.lower() == "true":
					value = True
				elif c.lower() == "false":
					value = False
					raise WrongOperation(f"Option <{name}> need a bool value but choices got: {value}.")

			return value  

		self.__discription = blocks[0].strip()
		for blockNo, block in enumerate(blocks[1:], start=1):
			block = block.strip()
			if len(block) == 0:
			block = block.split("\n")
			# 1. match options
			values = {"name":None,"abbr":None,"dtype":None,"default":None,"choices":None,"minV":None,"maxV":None,"discription":None,"value":None}
			for m in block:
				m = m.strip()
				assert "=" in m, f"Augument should has format: key = value, but got: {m}."
				assert len(m.split("=")) == 2, f"Augument should has format: key = value, but got: {m}."
				m = m.split("=")
				name = m[0].strip()
				value = m[1].strip()
				declare.is_instances("Option key", name, list(values.keys()))
				values[name] = value

			for key, value in values.items():
				assert value is not None, f"Missed {key} information in line: {lineNo}."
			# 2. parse
			name = values["name"]
			# parse the dtype firstly
			declare.is_instances("dtype", values["dtype"], ["float","int","bool","str"])
			values["dtype"] = eval(values["dtype"])
			dtype = values["dtype"]	
			# then parse the choices
			choices = values["choices"]
			if choices in ["none", "None"]:
				choices = None
				choices = choices.split("|")
				for i, c in enumerate(choices):
					choices[i] = __parse(name, c, dtype)
			values["choices"] = choices
			# then parse the boundary value
			boundary = {"minV":None, "maxV":None}
			for i in boundary.keys():
				V = values[i]
				if V not in ["none", "None"]:
					assert dtype in [float,int], f"Only float and int option can set the boundary but {name} is {dtype.__name__}:"
					assert choices is None, f"{name} cannot set choices and boundary concurrently."
					toIntFlag = True
					toFloatFlag = True
					except ValueError:
						toFloatFlag= False
					except ValueError:
						toIntFlag= False
					if toIntFlag is False and toFloatFlag is False:
						raise WrongDataFormat(f"Boundary values of {name} should be a int or float value but got: {V}.")
					elif toIntFlag is False and toFloatFlag is True: # minV is predicted be a float value
						if dtype != float:
							raise WrongDataFormat(f"{name}'s dtype is int but try to set boundary value with a float value: {V}.")
							V = float(V)
					elif toIntFlag is True and toFloatFlag is True: # minV is predicted be a float or an int value
						V = dtype(V)
						raise WrongDataFormat(f"Failed to set {name}'s boundary value: {V}.")
					boundary[i] = V
			values["minV"] = boundary["minV"]
			values["maxV"] = boundary["maxV"]
			# then parse the default and value
			if values["default"].lower() == "none":
				values["default"] = None
				default = values["default"].split("|")
				for i, v in enumerate(default):
					default[i] = __parse(name, v, dtype)
				values["default"] = default if len(default) > 1 else default[0]
			# the judgement of "default" will be done by .parse() function, so here we only verify "value"
			if values["value"].lower() == "none":
				values["value"] = None
				value = values["value"].split("|")
				for i, v in enumerate(value):
					v = __parse(name, v, dtype)
					if values["choices"] is not None:
						declare.is_instances("Option value", v, values["choices"])
						if values["minV"] is not None:
							declare.greater_equal("Option value", v, "minimum expected value", values["minV"])
						if values["maxV"] is not None:
							declare.less_equal("Option value", v, "maximum expected value", values["maxV"])
					value[i] = v
				if len(value) == 1:
					value = value[0]
				values["value"] = value
			# check abbreviation
			if values["abbr"] in ["none", "None"]:
				values["abbr"] = None

			# add this options
			# finally, modify the "value"
			self.__arguments[values["name"]] = self.__arguments[values["name"]]._replace(value=values["value"])
			if values["value"] is not None:
				self.__setattr__(values["name"], values["value"])
Example #6
	def parse(self):
		Start to parse arguments.
		# extract arguments
		temp = self.__argv.copy()
		newArgv = []
		for a in temp:
			if a.endswith(".py"):
			a = a.split("=")
			newArgv.extend( a )

		# match these arguments
		result = dict( (key, proto.default) for key, proto in self.__arguments.items() )
		for i, op in enumerate(newArgv):

			if op[0:1] == "-" and op[1:2] != "-":
				if op == "-h":
				if op not in self.__abb2Name.keys():
					raise WrongOperation(f"Option has not been defined: {op}.")
					op = self.__abb2Name[op]

			if op.startswith("--"):
				if op == "--help":
				if op not in self.__arguments.keys():
					raise WrongOperation(f"Option has not been defined: {op}.")
				if i%2 == 0:
					raise WrongOperation(f"Missed value for option: {op}.")

				# option value might has a format such as: 1|2
				vs = newArgv[i-1].split("|")
				proto = self.__arguments[op]

				if proto.dtype in [float,int]:
						for i,v in enumerate(vs):
							vs[i] = proto.dtype(v)
					except ValueError:
						raise WrongOperation(f"Option <{op}> need a {proto.dtype.__name__} value but got: {v}.")

				elif proto.dtype == bool:
					for i,v in enumerate(vs):
						if v.lower() == "true":
							v = True
						elif v.lower() == "false":
							v = False
							raise WrongOperation(f"Option <{op}> need a bool value but got: {v}.")
						vs[i] = v
				# vs become a list
				if proto.choices is not None:
					declare.members_are_instances(f"Option value of {op}", vs, proto.choices)
					if proto.minV is not None:
						for v in vs:
							declare.greater_equal(f"Option value of {op}", v, "minimum expected value", proto.minV)
					if proto.maxV is not None:
						for v in vs:
							declare.less_equal(f"Option value of {op}", v, "maximum expected value", proto.maxV)

				result[op] = vs if len(vs) > 1 else vs[0]

		# set attributes
		for name, value in result.items():
			if value is None:
				raise WrongOperation(f"Missed value for option: {name}.")
				self.__arguments[name] = self.__arguments[name]._replace(value=value)
				self.__setattr__(name[2:], value)