Example #1
 def eval(self, x, newlines=False, strip=True, **kwds):
     Send the code in the string s to the Kash interpreter and return
     the output as a string.
     -  ``s`` - string containing Kash code.
     -  ``newlines`` - bool (default: True); if False,
        remove all backslash-newlines inserted by the Kash output
     -  ``strip`` - ignored
     x = str(x)
     x = x.rstrip()
     if len(x) == 0 or x[len(x) - 1] != ';':
         x += ';'
     s = Expect.eval(self, x, **kwds)
     i = s.find('\r\n')
     if i != -1:
         s = s[i+2:]
     if newlines:
         return s
         return s.replace("\\\n","")
Example #2
 def help(self, s, pager=True):
     Print help on a given topic.
         sage: print gap.help('SymmetricGroup', pager=False)
         Basic Groups _____________________________________________ Group Libraries
     tmp_to_use = self._local_tmpfile()
     if self.is_remote():
         tmp_to_use = self._remote_tmpfile()
         tmp_to_use = self._local_tmpfile()
     self.eval('$SAGE.tempfile := "%s";'%tmp_to_use)
     line = Expect.eval(self, "? %s"%s)
     match = re.search("Page from (\d+)", line)
     if match == None:
         print line
         (sline,) = match.groups()
         if self.is_remote():
         F = open(self._local_tmpfile(),"r")
         if pager:
             page(F.read(), start = int(sline)-1)
             return F.read()
Example #3
File: mupad.py Project: bukzor/sage
    def eval(self, code, strip=True, **kwds):
            sage: mupad.eval('2+2')   # optional - mupad

        s = Expect.eval(self, code, **kwds)
        return AsciiArtString(s)
Example #4
 def eval(self, code, strip=True, **kwds):
         sage: lie.eval('2+2')  # optional - lie
     s = Expect.eval(self, code, strip=True, **kwds)
     # return s.strip()
     if len(s) > 0 and s.find("\n") != -1:
         return s
         return s.strip()
Example #5
    def eval(self, command, *args, **kwds):
        Evaluates commands.

            sage: scilab.eval("5")                      # optional - scilab
            'ans  =\n \n    5.'
            sage: scilab.eval("d=44")                   # optional - scilab
            'd  =\n \n    44.'
        s = Expect.eval(self, command, **kwds).replace("\x1b[?1l\x1b>","").strip()
        return s
Example #6
    def set(self, var, value):
        Set the variable var to the given value.

            sage: macaulay2.set("a", "2")  #optional
            sage: macaulay2.get("a")       #optional
        cmd = '%s=%s;'%(var,value)
        ans = Expect.eval(self, cmd)
        if ans.find("stdio:") != -1:
            raise RuntimeError("Error evaluating Macaulay2 code.\nIN:%s\nOUT:%s"%(cmd, ans))
Example #7
    def eval(self, x, newlines=False, strip=True, **kwds):
        Send the code in the string s to the GAP interpreter and return the
        output as a string.
        -  ``s`` - string containing GAP code.
        -  ``newlines`` - bool (default: True); if False,
           remove all backslash-newlines inserted by the GAP output
        -  ``strip`` - ignored
            sage: gap.eval('2+2')
            sage: gap.eval('Print(4); #test\n Print(6);')
            sage: gap.eval('Print("#"); Print(6);')
            sage: gap.eval('4; \n 6;')
        #We remove all of the comments:  On each line, we try
        #to find a pound sign.  If we find it, we check to see if
        #it is occuring in a string.  If it is not in a string, we
        #strip off the comment.
        input_line = ""
        for line in  str(x).rstrip().split('\n'):
            pound_position = line.rfind('#')
            if pound_position != -1 and not is_in_string(line, pound_position):
                line = line[:pound_position]

            input_line += line

        if not input_line.endswith(';'):
            input_line += ';'
        result = Expect.eval(self, input_line, **kwds)
        if not newlines:
            result = result.replace("\\\n","")

        return result.strip()
Example #8
    def eval(self, s, **kwds):
        Return mwrank's output for the given input.


        - ``s`` (str) - a Sage object which when converted to a string
          gives valid input to ``mwrank``.  The conversion is done by
          :meth:`validate_mwrank_input`.  Possible formats are:

          - a string representing exactly five integers separated by
            whitespace, for example '1 2 3 4 5'

          - a string representing exactly five integers separated by
            commas, preceded by '[' and followed by ']' (with
            arbitrary whitespace), for example '[1 2 3 4 5]'

          - a list or tuple of exactly 5 integers.

        .. note::

           If a RuntimeError exception is raised, then the mwrank
           interface is restarted and the command is retried once.


            sage: mwrank.eval('12 3 4 5 6')
            'Curve [12,3,4,5,6] :...'
            sage: mwrank.eval('[12, 3, 4, 5, 6]')
            'Curve [12,3,4,5,6] :...'
            sage: mwrank.eval([12, 3, 4, 5, 6])
            'Curve [12,3,4,5,6] :...'
            sage: mwrank.eval((12, 3, 4, 5, 6))
            'Curve [12,3,4,5,6] :...'
        if self._expect is not None and not self._expect.isalive():
            # if mwrank is interrupted twice in rapid succession,
            # then it doesn't restart correctly, and we're left with:
            #   "RuntimeError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"
            # Doing _start again fixes that always. See trac #5157.
            ss = validate_mwrank_input(s)
            return Expect.eval(self, ss, **kwds)
        except ValueError as err:
            raise ValueError('Invalid input: %s' % err)
        except RuntimeError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid input (%s) to mwrank (singular curve)' % s)
Example #9
    def eval(self, code, strip=True, **kwds):
        Send the code x to the Macaulay2 interpreter and return the output
        as a string suitable for input back into Macaulay2, if possible.

            code -- str
            strip -- ignored

            sage: macaulay2.eval("2+2") #optional
        code = code.strip()
        # TODO: in some cases change toExternalString to toString??
        ans = Expect.eval(self, code, strip=strip, **kwds).strip('\n')
        if strip:
            ans = remove_output_labels(ans)
        return AsciiArtString(ans)
Example #10
    def eval(self, *args, **kwds):
        Send a line of input to mwrank, then when it finishes return
        everything that mwrank output.

        NOTE: If a RuntimeError exception is raised, then the mwrank
        interface is restarted and the command is retried once.

            sage: mwrank.eval('12 3 4 5 6')
            'Curve [12,3,4,5,6] :...'
        if self._expect is not None and not self._expect.isalive():
            # if mwrank is interrupted twice in rapid succession,
            # then it doesn't restart correctly, and we're left with:
            #   "RuntimeError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"
            # Doing _start again fixes that always. See trac #5157.
        return Expect.eval(self, *args, **kwds)
Example #11
    def eval(self, line, strip=True, **kwds):
        Send the code x to a second instance of the Sage interpreter and
        return the output as a string.

        This allows you to run two completely independent copies of Sage at
        the same time in a unified way.


        -  ``line`` - input line of code

        -  ``strip`` - ignored


            sage: sage0.eval('2+2')
        if self._preparse:
            line = self.preparse(line)
        return Expect.eval(self, line, **kwds).strip()
Example #12
    def eval(self, line, strip=True, **kwds):
        Send the code x to a second instance of the Sage interpreter and
        return the output as a string.

        This allows you to run two completely independent copies of Sage at
        the same time in a unified way.


        -  ``line`` - input line of code

        -  ``strip`` - ignored


            sage: sage0.eval('2+2')
        if self._preparse:
            line = self.preparse(line)
        return Expect.eval(self, line, **kwds).strip()
 def eval(self, code, strip=True, **kwds):
     s = Expect.eval(self, code, **kwds)
     if strip:
         return AsciiArtString(clean_output(s))
         return AsciiArtString(s)
Example #14
 def eval(self, code, strip=True, **kwds):
     code += ';\n'
     return Expect.eval(self, code, strip, **kwds)[1:]
Example #15
    def eval(self, x, newlines=False, strip=True, split_lines=True, **kwds):
        Send the code in the string s to the GAP interpreter and return the
        output as a string.


        -  ``s`` - string containing GAP code.

        -  ``newlines`` - bool (default: True); if False,
           remove all backslash-newlines inserted by the GAP output

        -  ``strip`` - ignored

        -  ``split_lines`` -- bool (default: True); if True then each
           line is evaluated separately.  If False, then the whole
           block of code is evaluated all at once.


            sage: gap.eval('2+2')
            sage: gap.eval('Print(4); #test\n Print(6);')
            sage: gap.eval('Print("#"); Print(6);')
            sage: gap.eval('4; \n 6;')
            sage: gap.eval('if 3>2 then\nPrint("hi");\nfi;')
            sage: gap.eval('## this is a test\nPrint("OK")')
            sage: gap.eval('Print("This is a test. Oh no, a #");# but this is a comment\nPrint("OK")')
            'This is a test. Oh no, a #OK'
            sage: gap.eval('if 4>3 then')
            sage: gap.eval('Print("Hi how are you?")')
            'Hi how are you?'
            sage: gap.eval('fi')
        # '"
        #We remove all of the comments:  On each line, we try
        #to find a pound sign.  If we find it, we check to see if
        #it is occurring in a string.  If it is not in a string, we
        #strip off the comment.
        if not split_lines:
            input_line = str(x)
            input_line = ""
            for line in str(x).rstrip().split('\n'):
                pound_position = line.find('#')
                while pound_position != -1:
                    if not is_in_string(line, pound_position):
                        line = line[:pound_position]
                    pound_position = line.find('#', pound_position + 1)
                input_line += " " + line
            if not input_line.endswith(';'):
                input_line += ';'
        result = Expect.eval(self, input_line, **kwds)
        if not newlines:
            result = result.replace("\\\n", "")
        return result.strip()
Example #16
    def eval(self, x, newlines=False, strip=True, split_lines=True, **kwds):
        Send the code in the string s to the GAP interpreter and return the
        output as a string.


        -  ``s`` - string containing GAP code.

        -  ``newlines`` - bool (default: True); if False,
           remove all backslash-newlines inserted by the GAP output

        -  ``strip`` - ignored

        -  ``split_lines`` -- bool (default: True); if True then each
           line is evaluated separately.  If False, then the whole
           block of code is evaluated all at once.


            sage: gap.eval('2+2')
            sage: gap.eval('Print(4); #test\n Print(6);')
            sage: gap.eval('Print("#"); Print(6);')
            sage: gap.eval('4; \n 6;')
            sage: gap.eval('if 3>2 then\nPrint("hi");\nfi;')
            sage: gap.eval('## this is a test\nPrint("OK")')
            sage: gap.eval('Print("This is a test. Oh no, a #");# but this is a comment\nPrint("OK")')
            'This is a test. Oh no, a #OK'
            sage: gap.eval('if 4>3 then')
            sage: gap.eval('Print("Hi how are you?")')
            'Hi how are you?'
            sage: gap.eval('fi')
        # '"
        #We remove all of the comments:  On each line, we try
        #to find a pound sign.  If we find it, we check to see if
        #it is occurring in a string.  If it is not in a string, we
        #strip off the comment.
        if not split_lines:
            input_line = ""
            for line in str(x).rstrip().split('\n'):
                pound_position = line.find('#')
                while pound_position != -1:
                    if not is_in_string(line, pound_position):
                        line = line[:pound_position]
                    pound_position = line.find('#',pound_position+1)
                input_line += " "+line
            if not input_line.endswith(';'):
                input_line += ';'
        result = Expect.eval(self, input_line, **kwds)
        if not newlines:
            result = result.replace("\\\n","")
        return result.strip()
Example #17
 def eval(self, code, strip=True, **kwds):
     s = Expect.eval(self, code, **kwds)
     if strip:
         return AsciiArtString(clean_output(s))
         return AsciiArtString(s)
Example #18
 def eval(self, code, strip=True, **kwds):
     code += ';\n'
     return Expect.eval(self, code, strip, **kwds)[1:]