Example #1
    def __repr__(self):
        message = 'have been called'

        if self._args or self._kwargs:
            message += ' with {}'.format(plain_enumerate(self._args, self._kwargs))

        if len(self._times_description) != 0:
            message += ' ' + self._times_description

        return message
Example #2
    def __repr__(self):
        message = 'have been called'

        if self._args or self._kwargs:
            message += ' with {}'.format(
                plain_enumerate(self._args, self._kwargs))

        if len(self._times_description) != 0:
            message += ' ' + self._times_description

        return message
Example #3
    def _description(self, subject):
        message = 'have been called'

        if self._args or self._kwargs:
            message += ' with {}'.format(plain_enumerate(self._args, self._kwargs))

        if len(self._times_description) != 0:
            message += ' ' + self._times_description

        message += ' but calls that actually ocurred were:\n{}'.format(subject.double._recorded.show(indent=10))

        return message
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from expects import *
from expects.texts import plain_enumerate

with describe('plain_enumerate'):
    with context('with one arg'):
        with it('returns repr of arg'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo',))


    with context('with two args'):
        with it('returns repr of args joined by "and"'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo', 'bar'))

            expect(result).to(equal("'foo' and 'bar'"))

    with context('with three args'):
        with it('returns repr of args joined by "," and "and"'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))

            expect(result).to(equal("'foo', 'bar' and 'baz'"))

    with context('with one arg and one kwarg'):
        with it('returns repr of arg and kwarg joined by "and"'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo',), {'a': 0})

            expect(result).to(equal("'foo' and 'a' equal 0"))
    with it('passes if called with keyword args matching matchers'):

            **{k: be_a(type(v)) for k,v in self.kwargs.items()}))

    with it('should fail if not called with positional arg'):

        with failure('to have been called with {!r}'.format(self.arg1)):

    with it('should fail if not called with keyword args'):

        with failure('been called with {}'.format(plain_enumerate((), self.kwargs))):

    with context('#negated'):
        with it('should pass if called with different positional arg'):

            expect(self.method).not_to(have_been_called_with(self.arg1, self.arg2))

        with it('should fail if called with args'):
            self.method(self.arg1, **self.kwargs)

            with failure('not to have been called with {}'.format(plain_enumerate((self.arg1,), self.kwargs))):
                expect(self.method).not_to(have_been_called_with(self.arg1, **self.kwargs))

    with describe('once'):
Example #6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from expects import *
from expects.texts import plain_enumerate

with describe('plain_enumerate'):
    with context('with one arg'):
        with it('returns repr of arg'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo', ))


    with context('with two args'):
        with it('returns repr of args joined by "and"'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo', 'bar'))

            expect(result).to(equal("'foo' and 'bar'"))

    with context('with three args'):
        with it('returns repr of args joined by "," and "and"'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))

            expect(result).to(equal("'foo', 'bar' and 'baz'"))

    with context('with one arg and one kwarg'):
        with it('returns repr of arg and kwarg joined by "and"'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo', ), {'a': 0})

            expect(result).to(equal("'foo' and 'a' equal 0"))

    with context('with three args and three kwargs'):
Example #7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from expects import *
from expects.texts import plain_enumerate

with describe('plain_enumerate'):
    with context('one arg'):
        with it('returns repr of arg'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo',))


    with context('two args'):
        with it('returns repr of args'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo', 'bar'))

            expect(result).to(equal("'foo' and 'bar'"))

    with context('three args'):
        with it('returns repr of args'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))

            expect(result).to(equal("'foo', 'bar' and 'baz'"))

    with context('one arg and one kwarg'):
        with it('returns repr of args and kwargs'):
            result = plain_enumerate(('foo',), {'a': 0})

            expect(result).to(equal("'foo' and 'a' equal 0"))