def test_change_password(self): """ Tests that the Clearinghouse password can be changed correctly. """ from django.contrib.auth.models import User wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.om_client.change_password, ["new_password"], {}, TIMEOUT) user = User.objects.get(username="******") self.assertTrue(user.check_password("new_password"))
def test_change_password(self): """ Tests that the Clearinghouse password can be changed correctly. """ from django.contrib.auth.models import User wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.om_client.change_password, ["new_password"], {}, TIMEOUT) user = User.objects.get(username="******") self.assertTrue(user.check_password("new_password"))
def test_ping(self): """ Communications are up. """ ret = wrap_xmlrpc_call(, ["PING"], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT) self.assertEqual(ret, "PONG: PING", "Ping returned %s." % ret)
def test_ListResources(self): """ Check the list of resources. """ # check the switches on the FV devices = self.fv_clients[0].api.listDevices() logger.debug("FV devices: %s" % devices) self.assertEqual(len(set(devices)), self.EXPECTED_NUM_SWITCHES) slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT) logger.debug(rspec) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # check the number of switches and links self.assertEqual(len(self.switches), self.EXPECTED_NUM_SWITCHES) self.assertEqual(len(self.links), self.EXPECTED_NUM_LINKS) return slice_urn, cred
def test_get_links(self): """ Tests that the links are retrieved correctly from the FV. """ from openflow.optin_manager.dummyfv.models import DummyFVLink links = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.om_client.get_links, [], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT) links = set([tuple(l[:-1]) for l in links]) # print "Received links:" # pprint(links) # TODO add checking for the link_infos (link attributes) expected = set([( link.src_dev.dpid, link.src_port, link.dst_dev.dpid, link.dst_port) for link in DummyFVLink.objects.all()]) # print "Expected links:" # pprint(expected) self.assertTrue( links.issubset(expected), "Received links have %s not in expected links" % ( links - expected, ) ) self.assertTrue( expected.issubset(links), "Expected links have %s not in received links" % ( expected - links, ) )
def test_ListResources(self, zipped=False): """ Check the list of resources. """ from openflow.dummyom.models import DummyOM slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=zipped, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) logger.debug("Got Advertisement RSpec: \n%s" % rspec) if zipped: import zlib, base64 rspec = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(rspec)) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # check the number of switches and links num_links = sum([len(d.get_switches()) for d in DummyOM.objects.all()]) self.assertEqual(len(self.switches), num_links) self.assertEqual(len(self.links), settings.NUM_LINKS_PER_AGG * settings.NUM_DUMMY_OMS)
def test_CreateDeleteSliver(self): """ Tests that we can create a sliver. """ from expedient.clearinghouse.slice.models import Slice from openflow.dummyom.models import DummyOMSlice # get the resources slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # create a random reservation resv_rspec, flowspaces = create_random_resv(20, self.switches) users = [{'key':''}] self.am_client.CreateSliver(slice_urn, cred, resv_rspec, users) # delete the sliver self.assertTrue(self.am_client.DeleteSliver(slice_urn, cred)) time.sleep(5) # Make sure it is gone from the CH and the OMs self.assertTrue(Slice.objects.all().count() == 0, "Slice not deleted in Expedient") self.assertTrue(DummyOMSlice.objects.all().count() == 0, "Slice not deleted in the OMs")
def test_GetVersion(self): """ Tests that get version returns 1. """ ret = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.am_client.GetVersion, [], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) self.assertEqual(ret['geni_api'], 1)
def test_delete_slice(self): """ Tests that slices are deleted correctly from the OM to FV """ num_slices = random.randint(1, 5) for i in range(num_slices): self.test_create_slice(id=i) # delete some slices and make sure they are gone ids = range(1, num_slices) random.shuffle(ids) for i in ids: err = wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.om_client.delete_slice, [i], {}, TIMEOUT) self.assertEqual(err, "") num_slices -= 1 for fv in DummyFV.objects.all(): num_actual_slices = DummyFVSlice.objects.filter(fv=fv).count() self.assertTrue( num_actual_slices == num_slices, "Expected %s slices after delete but found %s" % (num_slices, num_actual_slices)) # Check internal OM database: count = Experiment.objects.all().count() self.assertEqual(count, num_slices, "There are more slices in OM than expected") count = Experiment.objects.filter(slice_id=i).count() self.assertEqual(count, 0, "Slice in OM has not deleted!") count = ExperimentFLowSpace.objects.filter(exp__slice_id=i).count() self.assertEqual( count, 0, "FlowSpace associated with experiment slice_id" +\ "=%d has not deleted completely" % i)
def test_CreateDeleteSliver(self): """ Tests that we can create a sliver. """ from expedient.clearinghouse.slice.models import Slice from openflow.dummyom.models import DummyOMSlice # get the resources slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # create a random reservation resv_rspec, flowspaces = create_random_resv(20, self.switches) users = [{'key': ''}] self.am_client.CreateSliver(slice_urn, cred, resv_rspec, users) # delete the sliver self.assertTrue(self.am_client.DeleteSliver(slice_urn, cred)) time.sleep(5) # Make sure it is gone from the CH and the OMs self.assertTrue(Slice.objects.all().count() == 0, "Slice not deleted in Expedient") self.assertTrue(DummyOMSlice.objects.all().count() == 0, "Slice not deleted in the OMs")
def test_ping(self): """ Communications are up. """ ret = wrap_xmlrpc_call(, ["PING"], {}, TIMEOUT) self.assertEqual(ret, "PONG: PING", "Ping returned %s." % ret)
def test_get_links(self): """ Tests that the links are retrieved correctly from the FV. """ from openflow.optin_manager.dummyfv.models import DummyFVLink links = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.om_client.get_links, [], {}, TIMEOUT) links = set([tuple(l[:-1]) for l in links]) # TODO add checking for the link_infos (link attributes) expected = set([( link.src_dev.dpid, link.src_port, link.dst_dev.dpid, link.dst_port) for link in DummyFVLink.objects.all()]) self.assertTrue( links.issubset(expected), "Received links have %s not in expected links" % ( links - expected, ) ) self.assertTrue( expected.issubset(links), "Expected links have %s not in received links" % ( expected - links, ) )
def test_GetVersion(self): """ Tests that get version returns 1. """ ret = wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.am_client.GetVersion, [], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) self.assertEqual(ret['geni_api'], 1)
def xmlrpc_wrap_delete_slice(username, password, url, slice_id): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.delete_slice,[slice_id],{},10) return returned_data except Exception,e: return str(e)
def xmlrpc_wrap_ping(username, password, url, ping_data): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(, [ping_data], {}, 10) return data except Exception, e: return str(e)
def xmlrpc_wrap_change_password(username, password, url,new_password): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.change_password,[new_password],{},10) return returned_data except Exception,e: return str(e)
def xmlrpc_wrap_ping(username,password,url,ping_data): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(,[ping_data],{},10) return data except Exception,e: return str(e)
def xmlrpc_wrap_register_topology_callback(username, password, om_url,url,cookie): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, om_url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.register_topology_callback,[url,cookie],{},10) return returned_data except Exception,e: return str(e)
def xmlrpc_wrap_get_links(username, password, url): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.get_links, [], {}, 10) return returned_data except Exception, e: return str(e)
def xmlrpc_wrap_get_links(username, password, url): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.get_links,[],{},10) return returned_data except Exception,e: return str(e)
def xmlrpc_wrap_delete_slice(username, password, url, slice_id): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.delete_slice, [slice_id], {}, 10) return returned_data except Exception, e: return str(e)
def xmlrpc_wrap_change_password(username, password, url, new_password): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.change_password, [new_password], {}, 10) return returned_data except Exception, e: return str(e)
def xmlrpc_wrap_register_topology_callback(username, password, om_url, url, cookie): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, om_url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call( xmlrpc_proxy.register_topology_callback, [url, cookie], {}, 10) return returned_data except Exception, e: return str(e)
def test_CreateDeleteSliver(self): """ Check that we can create then delete a sliver. """ slice_urn, cred = self.test_CreateSliver() self.assertTrue( wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.am_client.DeleteSliver, [slice_urn, cred], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT), "Failed to delete sliver.") self.assertEqual( len(self.fv_clients[0].api.listSlices()), 1, "Slice not deleted at FlowVisor", )
def create_ch_slice(self): """ Code mostly copied from GENI test harness from BBN. """ import as cred slice_cred_string = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.ch_client.CreateSlice, [], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT) slice_credential = cred.Credential(string=slice_cred_string) slice_gid = slice_credential.get_gid_object() slice_urn = slice_gid.get_urn() # Set up the array of credentials as just the slice credential credentials = [slice_cred_string] return (slice_urn, credentials)
def run_flowvisor(self, flowvisor): """ Run flowvisor. Delete all the rules and slices. """ if RUN_FV_SUBPROCESS: kill_old_procs(flowvisor["of_port"], flowvisor["xmlrpc_port"]) self.fv_procs.append( self.run_proc_cmd( "%s/scripts/ %s/%s 2>&1 | tee /tmp/flowvisor.out " % ( flowvisor["path"][0], flowvisor["path"][0], flowvisor["path"][1], ))) id_re = re.compile(r"id=\[(?P<id>\d+)\]") fv_url = "https://%s:%s@%s:%s" % ( flowvisor["username"], flowvisor["password"], flowvisor["host"], flowvisor["xmlrpc_port"], ) s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(fv_url) logger.debug("Waiting for flowvisor to be up.") ret = wrap_xmlrpc_call(, ["PONG"], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT) logger.debug("Ping returned: %s" % ret) logger.debug("Getting flowspace from flowvisor") flowspaces = s.api.listFlowSpace() ops = [] logger.debug("Deleting all flowspace") for fs in flowspaces: id ="id") ops.append(dict(operation="REMOVE", id=id)) if ops: s.api.changeFlowSpace(ops) slices = s.api.listSlices() [s.api.deleteSlice(slice) for slice in slices if slice != "root"] self.fv_clients.append(s)
def test_parse_slice(self): from openflow.plugin.gapi.rspec import parse_slice # get the resources slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) logger.debug("Got RSpec\n%s" % rspec) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # create a random reservation vals = dict( firstname="John", lastname="Doe", email="*****@*****.**", password="******", proj_name="Stanford Networking", proj_desc="Making the world better.", slice_name="Crazy Load Balancer", slice_desc="Does this and that...", ctrl_url="") resv_rspec, flowspaces = create_random_resv(2, self.switches, **vals) project_name, project_desc, slice_name, slice_desc,\ controller_url, email, password, iface_fs_map = parse_slice(resv_rspec) self.assertEqual(project_name, vals["proj_name"]) self.assertEqual(project_desc, vals["proj_desc"]) self.assertEqual(slice_name, vals["slice_name"]) self.assertEqual(slice_desc, vals["slice_desc"]) self.assertEqual(controller_url, vals["ctrl_url"]) self.assertEqual(email, vals["email"]) self.assertEqual(password, vals["password"]) dpid_fs_map = {} # map dpid to requested fs for fs in flowspaces: for sw in fs.switches: if sw.dpid not in dpid_fs_map: dpid_fs_map[sw.dpid] = [] dpid_fs_map[sw.dpid].append(fs) logger.debug(iface_fs_map)
def run_flowvisor(self, flowvisor): """ Run flowvisor. Delete all the rules and slices. """ if RUN_FV_SUBPROCESS: kill_old_procs(flowvisor["of_port"], flowvisor["xmlrpc_port"]) self.fv_procs.append( self.run_proc_cmd( "%s/scripts/ %s/%s 2>&1 | tee /tmp/flowvisor.out " % ( flowvisor["path"][0], flowvisor["path"][0], flowvisor["path"][1], ) ) ) id_re = re.compile(r"id=\[(?P<id>\d+)\]") fv_url = "https://%s:%s@%s:%s" % ( flowvisor["username"], flowvisor["password"], flowvisor["host"], flowvisor["xmlrpc_port"], ) s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(fv_url) logger.debug("Waiting for flowvisor to be up.") ret = wrap_xmlrpc_call(, ["PONG"], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT) logger.debug("Ping returned: %s" % ret) logger.debug("Getting flowspace from flowvisor") flowspaces = s.api.listFlowSpace() ops = [] logger.debug("Deleting all flowspace") for fs in flowspaces: id ="id") ops.append(dict(operation="REMOVE", id=id)) if ops: s.api.changeFlowSpace(ops) slices = s.api.listSlices() [s.api.deleteSlice(slice) for slice in slices if slice != "root"] self.fv_clients.append(s)
def test_parse_slice(self): from openflow.plugin.gapi.rspec import parse_slice # get the resources slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) logger.debug("Got RSpec\n%s" % rspec) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # create a random reservation vals = dict(firstname="John", lastname="Doe", email="*****@*****.**", password="******", proj_name="Stanford Networking", proj_desc="Making the world better.", slice_name="Crazy Load Balancer", slice_desc="Does this and that...", ctrl_url="") resv_rspec, flowspaces = create_random_resv(2, self.switches, **vals) project_name, project_desc, slice_name, slice_desc,\ controller_url, email, password, iface_fs_map = parse_slice(resv_rspec) self.assertEqual(project_name, vals["proj_name"]) self.assertEqual(project_desc, vals["proj_desc"]) self.assertEqual(slice_name, vals["slice_name"]) self.assertEqual(slice_desc, vals["slice_desc"]) self.assertEqual(controller_url, vals["ctrl_url"]) self.assertEqual(email, vals["email"]) self.assertEqual(password, vals["password"]) dpid_fs_map = {} # map dpid to requested fs for fs in flowspaces: for sw in fs.switches: if sw.dpid not in dpid_fs_map: dpid_fs_map[sw.dpid] = [] dpid_fs_map[sw.dpid].append(fs) logger.debug(iface_fs_map)
def test_CreateDeleteSliver(self): """ Check that we can create then delete a sliver. """ slice_urn, cred = self.test_CreateSliver() self.assertTrue( wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.am_client.DeleteSliver, [slice_urn, cred], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT), "Failed to delete sliver.") self.assertEqual( len(self.fv_clients[0].api.listSlices()), 1, "Slice not deleted at FlowVisor", )
def test_CreateSliver(self): """ Tests that we can create a sliver. """ from openflow.plugin.models import OpenFlowSwitch from openflow.dummyom.models import DummyOMSlice from expedient.clearinghouse.slice.models import Slice # get the resources slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # create a random reservation resv_rspec, flowspaces = create_random_resv(20, self.switches) users = [{'key':''}] ret = self.am_client.CreateSliver(slice_urn, cred, resv_rspec, users) self.assertEqual(resv_rspec, ret) # check that all the switches are stored in the slice on the CH slice = Slice.objects.get(gapislice__slice_urn=slice_urn) switches = OpenFlowSwitch.objects.filter( openflowinterface__slice_set=slice).distinct() dpids = [] for fs in flowspaces: for switch in fs.switches: dpids.append(switch.dpid) dpids = set(dpids) # TODO: Do a better check self.assertEqual(len(dpids), len(switches)) # check that the create_slice call has reached the dummyoms correctly # TODO: Do a better check self.assertEqual(len(DummyOMSlice.objects.all()), settings.NUM_DUMMY_OMS)
def test_get_switches(self): """ Test that a slice can be created and the calls are routed to the FV correctly. """ # TODO: Fix to also check the returned info self.dpids_info = wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.om_client.get_switches, [], {}, TIMEOUT) dpids = set([d[0] for d in self.dpids_info]) # check that we expect all the dpids expected = set(DummyFVDevice.objects.values_list('dpid', flat=True), ) self.assertEqual( dpids, expected, "Received dpids (%s) not same as expected (%s)." % ( dpids, expected, ))
def test_CreateSliver(self): """ Tests that we can create a sliver. """ from openflow.plugin.models import OpenFlowSwitch from openflow.dummyom.models import DummyOMSlice from expedient.clearinghouse.slice.models import Slice # get the resources slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # create a random reservation resv_rspec, flowspaces = create_random_resv(20, self.switches) users = [{'key': ''}] ret = self.am_client.CreateSliver(slice_urn, cred, resv_rspec, users) self.assertEqual(resv_rspec, ret) # check that all the switches are stored in the slice on the CH slice = Slice.objects.get(gapislice__slice_urn=slice_urn) switches = OpenFlowSwitch.objects.filter( openflowinterface__slice_set=slice).distinct() dpids = [] for fs in flowspaces: for switch in fs.switches: dpids.append(switch.dpid) dpids = set(dpids) # TODO: Do a better check self.assertEqual(len(dpids), len(switches)) # check that the create_slice call has reached the dummyoms correctly # TODO: Do a better check self.assertEqual(len(DummyOMSlice.objects.all()), settings.NUM_DUMMY_OMS)
def test_topoChange_ListResources(self): """ Check the list of resources before and after a topology change """ from openflow.dummyom.models import DummyOM slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # check the number of switches and links num_links = sum([len(d.get_switches()) for d in DummyOM.objects.all()]) self.assertEqual(len(self.switches), num_links) self.assertEqual(len(self.links), settings.NUM_LINKS_PER_AGG*settings.NUM_DUMMY_OMS) killed_dpids = [] for om in DummyOM.objects.all(): killed_dpids.append(om.kill_dpid()) om.dummycallbackproxy.call_back() # Create switches and links options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = self.am_client.ListResources(cred, options) self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # check the number of switches num_links = sum([len(d.get_switches()) for d in DummyOM.objects.all()]) self.assertEqual(len(self.switches), num_links) # make sure all killed dpids are gone: None of the dpids still # here should have the dpid of a killed switch. for s in self.switches: for d in killed_dpids: self.assertNotEqual(str(s.dpid), str(d))
def test_get_switches(self): """ Test that a slice can be created and the calls are routed to the FV correctly. """ # TODO: Fix to also check the returned info self.dpids_info = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.om_client.get_switches, [], {}, TIMEOUT) dpids = set([d[0] for d in self.dpids_info]) # check that we expect all the dpids expected = set( DummyFVDevice.objects.values_list('dpid', flat=True), ) self.assertEqual( dpids, expected, "Received dpids (%s) not same as expected (%s)." % ( dpids, expected, ) )
def test_delete_slice(self): """ Tests that slices are deleted correctly from the OM to FV """ from openflow.optin_manager.dummyfv.models import DummyFV, DummyFVSlice from openflow.optin_manager.opts.models import Experiment, \ ExperimentFLowSpace num_slices = random.randint(1, 5) for i in range(num_slices): self.test_create_slice(id=i) # delete some slices and make sure they are gone ids = range(1, num_slices) random.shuffle(ids) for i in ids: err = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.om_client.delete_slice, [i], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT) self.assertEqual(err, "") num_slices -= 1 for fv in DummyFV.objects.all(): num_actual_slices = DummyFVSlice.objects.filter(fv=fv).count() self.assertTrue( num_actual_slices == num_slices, "Expected %s slices after delete but found %s" % ( num_slices, num_actual_slices)) # Check internal OM database: count = Experiment.objects.all().count() self.assertEqual( count,num_slices, "There are more slices in OM than expected") count = Experiment.objects.filter(slice_id=i).count() self.assertEqual(count, 0, "Slice in OM has not deleted!") count = ExperimentFLowSpace.objects.filter( exp__slice_id = i).count() self.assertEqual( count, 0, "FlowSpace associated with experiment slice_id" +\ "=%d has not deleted completely" % i)
def test_topoChange_ListResources(self): """ Check the list of resources before and after a topology change """ from openflow.dummyom.models import DummyOM slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # check the number of switches and links num_links = sum([len(d.get_switches()) for d in DummyOM.objects.all()]) self.assertEqual(len(self.switches), num_links) self.assertEqual(len(self.links), settings.NUM_LINKS_PER_AGG * settings.NUM_DUMMY_OMS) killed_dpids = [] for om in DummyOM.objects.all(): killed_dpids.append(om.kill_dpid()) om.dummycallbackproxy.call_back() # Create switches and links options = dict(geni_compressed=False, geni_available=True) rspec = self.am_client.ListResources(cred, options) self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # check the number of switches num_links = sum([len(d.get_switches()) for d in DummyOM.objects.all()]) self.assertEqual(len(self.switches), num_links) # make sure all killed dpids are gone: None of the dpids still # here should have the dpid of a killed switch. for s in self.switches: for d in killed_dpids: self.assertNotEqual(str(s.dpid), str(d))
def test_ListResources(self, zipped=False): """ Check the list of resources. """ from openflow.dummyom.models import DummyOM slice_urn, cred = self.create_ch_slice() options = dict(geni_compressed=zipped, geni_available=True) rspec = wrap_xmlrpc_call(self.am_client.ListResources, [cred, options], {}, settings.TIMEOUT) logger.debug("Got Advertisement RSpec: \n%s" % rspec) if zipped: import zlib, base64 rspec = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(rspec)) # Create switches and links self.switches, self.links = parse_rspec(rspec) # check the number of switches and links num_links = sum([len(d.get_switches()) for d in DummyOM.objects.all()]) self.assertEqual(len(self.switches), num_links) self.assertEqual(len(self.links), settings.NUM_LINKS_PER_AGG * settings.NUM_DUMMY_OMS)
def test_GetVersion(self): ret = wrap_xmlrpc_call( self.am_client.GetVersion, [], {}, test_settings.TIMEOUT) self.assertEqual(ret['geni_api'], 1)
elif arg.startswith("owner_password="******"switch_slivers="): parts = arg.split('=') try: switch_slivers = ast.literal_eval(parts[1]) except Exception,e: return str(e) if not (slice_id and controller_url and owner_password and switch_slivers): return "Invalid syntax: %s"%help_msg("create_slice") xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.create_slice,[slice_id,project_name, project_description,slice_name, slice_description, controller_url, owner_email, owner_password,switch_slivers],{},10) return returned except Exception,e: return str(e) def xmlrpc_wrap_delete_slice(username, password, url, slice_id): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.delete_slice,[slice_id],{},10) return returned_data except Exception,e: return str(e) def xmlrpc_wrap_get_switches(username, password, url):
parts = arg.split('=') owner_password = parts[1] elif arg.startswith("switch_slivers="): parts = arg.split('=') try: switch_slivers = ast.literal_eval(parts[1]) except Exception, e: return str(e) if not (slice_id and controller_url and owner_password and switch_slivers): return "Invalid syntax: %s" % help_msg("create_slice") xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.create_slice, [ slice_id, project_name, project_description, slice_name, slice_description, controller_url, owner_email, owner_password, switch_slivers ], {}, 10) return returned except Exception, e: return str(e) def xmlrpc_wrap_delete_slice(username, password, url, slice_id): xmlrpc_proxy = PasswordXMLRPCServerProxy() xmlrpc_proxy.setup(username, password, url, False) try: returned_data = wrap_xmlrpc_call(xmlrpc_proxy.delete_slice, [slice_id], {}, 10) return returned_data except Exception, e: