Example #1
def show_saved_documents(request):
    context = RequestContext(request)

    # Timed out?
    if time_search_experiment_out(request):
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/treconomics/timeout/')

    ec = get_experiment_context(request)
    taskid = ec['taskid']
    condition = ec['condition']
    uname = ec['username']
    current_search = request.session['queryurl']

    user_judgement = -2
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdict = request.GET

        if 'judge' not in getdict and 'docid' not in getdict:
            # Log only if user is entering the page, not after clicking a relevant button
            print "LOG_VIEW_SAVED_DOCS"
            log_event(event="VIEW_SAVED_DOCS", request=request)

        if 'judge' in getdict:
            user_judgement = int(getdict['judge'])
        if 'docid' in getdict:
            docid = int(getdict['docid'])
        if (user_judgement > -2) and (docid > -1):
            #updates the judgement for this document
            doc_length = ixr.doc_field_length(docid, 'content')
            trecid = ixr.stored_fields(docid)['docid']

            user_judgement = mark_document(request=request,

    # Get documents that are for this task, and for this user
    u = User.objects.get(username=uname)
    docs = DocumentsExamined.objects.filter(user=u).filter(task=taskid)
    return render_to_response(
        'trecdo/saved_documents.html', {
            'participant': uname,
            'task': taskid,
            'condition': condition,
            'current_search': current_search,
            'docs': docs
        }, context)
Example #2
def show_saved_documents(request):
    context = RequestContext(request)

    # Timed out?
    if time_search_experiment_out(request):
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/treconomics/timeout/')

    ec = get_experiment_context(request)
    taskid = ec['taskid']
    condition = ec['condition']
    uname = ec['username']
    current_search = request.session['queryurl']

    user_judgement = -2
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdict = request.GET

        if 'judge' not in getdict and 'docid' not in getdict:
            # Log only if user is entering the page, not after clicking a relevant button
            print "LOG_VIEW_SAVED_DOCS"
            log_event(event="VIEW_SAVED_DOCS", request=request)

        if 'judge' in getdict:
            user_judgement = int(getdict['judge'])
        if 'docid' in getdict:
            docid = int(getdict['docid'])
        if (user_judgement > -2) and (docid > -1):
            #updates the judgement for this document
            doc_length = ixr.doc_field_length(docid, 'content')
            trecid = ixr.stored_fields(docid)['docid']

            user_judgement = mark_document(request=request, whooshid=docid, trecid=trecid, judgement=user_judgement, doc_length=doc_length)

    # Get documents that are for this task, and for this user
    u = User.objects.get(username=uname)
    docs = DocumentsExamined.objects.filter(user=u).filter(task=taskid)
    return render_to_response('trecdo/saved_documents.html', {'participant': uname, 'task': taskid, 'condition': condition, 'current_search': current_search, 'docs': docs}, context)
Example #3
def show_document(request, whoosh_docid):
    #check for timeout
    if time_search_experiment_out(request):
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/treconomics/timeout/')

    context = RequestContext(request)
    ec = get_experiment_context(request)
    uname = ec["username"]
    taskid = ec["taskid"]

    condition = ec["condition"]
    current_search = request.session['queryurl']

    # get document from index
    fields = ixr.stored_fields(int(whoosh_docid))
    title = fields["title"]
    content = fields["content"]
    docnum = fields["docid"]
    doc_date = fields["timedate"]
    doc_source = fields["source"]
    docid = whoosh_docid
    topicnum = ec["topicnum"]

    def get_document_rank():
        Returns the rank (integer) for the given document ID.
        -1 is returned if the document is not found in the session ranked list.
        the_docid = int(whoosh_docid)
        ranked_results = request.session.get('results_ranked', [])

        # Some list comprehension - returns a list of one integer with the rank of a given document
        # if it exists in ranked_results; returns a blank list if the document is not present.
        at_rank = [item[1] for item in ranked_results if item[0] == the_docid]

        if len(at_rank) > 0:
            return at_rank[0]
            return -1

    # check if there are any get parameters.
    user_judgement = -2
    rank = 0
    if request.is_ajax():
        getdict = request.GET

        if 'judge' in getdict:
            user_judgement = int(getdict['judge'])
            rank = get_document_rank()

            #marks that the document has been marked rel or nonrel
            doc_length = ixr.doc_field_length(long(request.GET.get('docid', 0)), 'content')
            user_judgement = mark_document(request, docid, user_judgement, title, docnum, rank, doc_length)
            #mark_document handles logging of this event
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(user_judgement), mimetype='application/javascript')
        if time_search_experiment_out( request ):
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/treconomics/next/')
            #marks that the document has been viewed
            rank = get_document_rank()

            doc_length = ixr.doc_field_length(long(docid), 'content')
            user_judgement = mark_document(request, docid, user_judgement, title, docnum, rank, doc_length)

            context_dict = {'participant': uname,
                            'task': taskid,
                            'condition': condition,
                            'current_search': current_search,
                            'docid': docid,
                            'docnum': docnum,
                            'title': title,
                            'doc_date': doc_date,
                            'doc_source': doc_source,
                            'content': content,
                            'user_judgement': user_judgement,
                            'rank': rank}

            if request.GET.get('backtoassessment', False):
                context_dict['backtoassessment'] = True

            return render_to_response('trecdo/document.html', context_dict, context)
Example #4
def show_document(request, whoosh_docid):
    #check for timeout
    if time_search_experiment_out(request):
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/treconomics/timeout/')

    context = RequestContext(request)
    ec = get_experiment_context(request)
    uname = ec["username"]
    taskid = ec["taskid"]

    condition = ec["condition"]
    current_search = request.session['queryurl']

    # get document from index
    fields = ixr.stored_fields(int(whoosh_docid))
    title = fields["title"]
    content = fields["content"]
    docnum = fields["docid"]
    doc_date = fields["timedate"]
    doc_source = fields["source"]
    docid = whoosh_docid
    topicnum = ec["topicnum"]

    def get_document_rank():
        Returns the rank (integer) for the given document ID.
        -1 is returned if the document is not found in the session ranked list.
        the_docid = int(whoosh_docid)
        ranked_results = request.session.get('results_ranked', [])

        # Some list comprehension - returns a list of one integer with the rank of a given document
        # if it exists in ranked_results; returns a blank list if the document is not present.
        at_rank = [item[1] for item in ranked_results if item[0] == the_docid]

        if len(at_rank) > 0:
            return at_rank[0]
            return -1

    # check if there are any get parameters.
    user_judgement = -2
    rank = 0
    if request.is_ajax():
        getdict = request.GET

        if 'judge' in getdict:
            user_judgement = int(getdict['judge'])
            rank = get_document_rank()

            #marks that the document has been marked rel or nonrel
            doc_length = ixr.doc_field_length(
                long(request.GET.get('docid', 0)), 'content')
            user_judgement = mark_document(request, docid, user_judgement,
                                           title, docnum, rank, doc_length)
            #mark_document handles logging of this event
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(user_judgement),
        if time_search_experiment_out(request):
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/treconomics/next/')
            #marks that the document has been viewed
            rank = get_document_rank()

            doc_length = ixr.doc_field_length(long(docid), 'content')
            user_judgement = mark_document(request, docid, user_judgement,
                                           title, docnum, rank, doc_length)

            context_dict = {
                'participant': uname,
                'task': taskid,
                'condition': condition,
                'current_search': current_search,
                'docid': docid,
                'docnum': docnum,
                'title': title,
                'doc_date': doc_date,
                'doc_source': doc_source,
                'content': content,
                'user_judgement': user_judgement,
                'rank': rank

            if request.GET.get('backtoassessment', False):
                context_dict['backtoassessment'] = True

            return render_to_response('trecdo/document.html', context_dict,