Example #1
def init_db(self):
    '''initialize the database, with the default database path or custom of
       the format sqlite:////scif/data/expfactory.db


    # Database Setup, use default if uri not provided
    if self.database == 'sqlite':
        db_path = os.path.join(EXPFACTORY_DATA, '%s.db' % EXPFACTORY_SUBID)
        self.database = 'sqlite:///%s' % db_path

    bot.info("Database located at %s" % self.database)
    self.engine = create_engine(self.database, convert_unicode=True)
    self.session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False,
    Base.query = self.session.query_property()

    # import all modules here that might define models so that
    # they will be registered properly on the metadata.  Otherwise
    # you will have to import them first before calling init_db()
    import expfactory.database.models
    self.Base = Base
Example #2
def main():

    parser = get_parser()
    subparsers = get_subparsers(parser)

        args = parser.parse_args()

    # Does the use want to install?
    command = args.command

    # Options that shouldn't produce output
    if command in ['users']:
        os.environ['MESSAGELEVEL'] = "0"

    if args.database is not None:
        os.environ['EXPFACTORY_DATABASE'] = args.database

    from expfactory.logger import bot
    from expfactory.version import __version__
    bot.info("Expfactory Version: %s" % __version__)

    if command == "install":
        from .install import main

    elif command == "list":
        from .list import main

    elif command == "logs":
        from .logs import main

    elif command == "users":
        from .users import main

    elif command == "build":
        from .build import main

    # No argument supplied

        # A base exists for experiments
        base = os.environ.get('EXPFACTORY_BASE')
        if args.base is not None or base is not None:
            from .main import main
            command = "main"
            command = "list"
            from .list import main

    # Pass on to the correct parser
    if command is not None:

        # Main doesn't have a subparser
        subparser = None
        if command != "main":
            subparser = subparsers[command]

        main(args=args, parser=parser, subparser=subparser)
Example #3
def init_db(self):
    '''initialize the database, with the default database path or custom of
       the format sqlite:////scif/data/expfactory.db


    # Database Setup, use default if uri not provided
    if self.database == 'sqlite':
        db_path = os.path.join(EXPFACTORY_DATA, '%s.db' % EXPFACTORY_SUBID)
        self.database = 'sqlite:///%s' % db_path

    bot.info("Database located at %s" % self.database)
    self.engine = create_engine(self.database, convert_unicode=True)
    self.session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False,
    Base.query = self.session.query_property()

    # import all modules here that might define models so that
    # they will be registered properly on the metadata.  Otherwise
    # you will have to import them first before calling init_db()
    import expfactory.database.models
    self.Base = Base
Example #4
def main(args, parser, subparser):
    from expfactory.server import app
    header = 'DATABASE\tTOKEN' 

    # The user wants to list active subjects
    if args.list is True:
        users = app.list_users() # returns id\ttoken

    # The user wants to add new subjects
    number = args.new
    if number is not None:
        for i in range(number):
            user = app.generate_user()

    # The user wants to manage user token
    action = None
    if args.revoke is not None:
        subid = clean(args.revoke)
        func = app.revoke_token
        action = "Revoking"
    elif args.refresh is not None:
        subid = clean(args.refresh)
        func = app.refresh_token
        action = "Refreshing"
    elif args.restart is not None:
        subid = clean(args.restart)
        func = app.restart_user
        action = "Restarting"
    elif args.finish is not None:
        subid = clean(args.finish)
        action = "Finishing"
        func = app.finish_user

    # Perform the action
    if action is not None:
        bot.info('%s %s' %(action, subid))
        result = func(subid=subid)
        if result is not None:
            print("[%s] %s --> %s" %(action.lower(), 
            print("[%s] not successful. See logs for details." %(action.lower()))
            print("Commands may only possible for [active] status.")


    print('See expfactory users --help for usage')
Example #5
def main(args, parser, subparser):

    response = requests.get(EXPFACTORY_LIBRARY)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        library = response.json()


        rows = []
        for experiment in library:
            rows.append([experiment["name"], experiment["github"]])

Example #6
def main(args,parser,subparser):

    response = requests.get(EXPFACTORY_LIBRARY)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        library = response.json()


        rows = []
        for experiment in library:
            rows.append([ experiment['name'],
                          experiment['github'] ])

Example #7
def get_experiments(base, load=False):
    """ get_experiments will return loaded json for all valid experiments from an experiment folder
    :param base: full path to the base folder with experiments inside
    :param load: if True, returns a list of loaded config.json objects. If False (default) returns the paths to the experiments
    experiments = find_directories(base)
    valid_experiments = [e for e in experiments if validate(e, cleanup=False)]
    bot.info("Found %s valid experiments" % (len(valid_experiments)))
    if load is True:
        valid_experiments = load_experiments(valid_experiments)

    # TODO at some point in this workflow we would want to grab instructions from help
    # and variables from labels, environment, etc.
    return valid_experiments
Example #8
def get_experiments(base, load=False):
    ''' get_experiments will return loaded json for all valid experiments from an experiment folder
    :param base: full path to the base folder with experiments inside
    :param load: if True, returns a list of loaded config.json objects. If False (default) returns the paths to the experiments
    experiments = find_directories(base)
    valid_experiments = [e for e in experiments if validate(e,cleanup=False)]
    bot.info("Found %s valid experiments" %(len(valid_experiments)))
    if load is True:
        valid_experiments = load_experiments(valid_experiments)

    #TODO at some point in this workflow we would want to grab instructions from help
    # and variables from labels, environment, etc.
    return valid_experiments
Example #9
def main():

    parser = get_parser()

        args = parser.parse_args()

    folder = args.folder
    if folder is None:
        folder = os.getcwd()
    folder = os.path.abspath(folder)

    survey = "%s/survey.tsv" % folder
    if not os.path.exists(survey):
        bot.error("Cannot find %s, required to generate survey." % survey)

    config = load_experiment(folder)
    html, validation = generate_survey(config=config,

    output = args.output
    if output is None:
        output = folder

    output_index = "%s/index.html" % folder

    if os.path.exists(output_index) and args.force is False:
        bot.error("%s already exists, use --force to overwrite." %

    bot.info("Writing output files to %s" % output_index)

    template = get_template('survey/index.html')
    template = sub_template(template, "{{html}}", html)
    template = sub_template(template, "{{exp_id}}", config['exp_id'])
    template = sub_template(template, "{{validation}}", validation)

    write_file(output_index, template)
Example #10
    def initdb(self):
        '''initdb will check for writability of the data folder, meaning
           that it is bound to the local machine. If the folder isn't bound,
           expfactory runs in demo mode (not saving data)

        self.database = EXPFACTORY_DATABASE
        bot.info("DATABASE: %s" %self.database)

        # Supported database options
        valid = ('sqlite', 'postgres', 'mysql', 'filesystem')
        if not self.database.startswith(valid):
            bot.warning('%s is not yet a supported type, saving to filesystem.' % self.database)
            self.database = 'filesystem'

        # Add functions specific to database type
        self.init_db() # uses url in self.database

        bot.log("Data base: %s" % self.database)
Example #11
    def initdb(self):
        '''initdb will check for writability of the data folder, meaning
           that it is bound to the local machine. If the folder isn't bound,
           expfactory runs in demo mode (not saving data)

        self.database = EXPFACTORY_DATABASE
        bot.info("DATABASE: %s" %self.database)

        # Supported database options
        valid = ('sqlite', 'postgres', 'mysql', 'filesystem')
        if not self.database.startswith(valid):
            bot.warning('%s is not yet a supported type, saving to filesystem.' % self.database)
            self.database = 'filesystem'

        # Add functions specific to database type
        self.init_db() # uses url in self.database

        bot.log("Data base: %s" % self.database)
Example #12
def save_data(self, session, exp_id, content):
    '''save data will obtain the current subid from the session, and save it
       depending on the database type.'''
    from expfactory.database.models import (Participant, Result)
    subid = session.get('subid')
    bot.info('Saving data for subid %s' % subid)

    # We only attempt save if there is a subject id, set at start
    if subid is not None:
        p = Participant.query.filter(
            Participant.id == subid).first()  # better query here

        # Preference is to save data under 'data', otherwise do all of it
        if "data" in content:
            content = content['data']

        if isinstance(content, dict):
            content = json.dumps(content)

        result = Result(data=content, exp_id=exp_id,
                        participant_id=p.id)  # check if changes from str/int

        bot.info("Participant: %s" % p)
        bot.info("Result: %s" % result)
Example #13
def save_data(self,session, exp_id, content):
    '''save data will obtain the current subid from the session, and save it
       depending on the database type.'''
    from expfactory.database.models import (
    subid = session.get('subid') 
    bot.info('Saving data for subid %s' % subid)    

    # We only attempt save if there is a subject id, set at start
    if subid is not None:
        p = Participant.query.filter(Participant.id == subid).first() # better query here

        # Preference is to save data under 'data', otherwise do all of it
        if "data" in content:
            content = content['data']

        if isinstance(content,dict):
            content = json.dumps(content)

        result = Result(data=content,
                        participant_id=p.id) # check if changes from str/int

        bot.info("Participant: %s" %p)
        bot.info("Result: %s" %result)
Example #14
def main(args, parser, subparser):

    template = "build/docker/Dockerfile.template"

    # Full path to template is required if provided via input
    if args.input is not None:
        template = args.input

    template = get_template(template)

    # For now, only one database provided
    database = args.database
    studyid = args.studyid
    experiments = args.experiments
    branch = "-b %s" % os.environ.get("EXPFACTORY_BRANCH", "master")

    headless = "false"
    if args.headless is True:
        headless = "true"

    template = sub_template(template, "{{studyid}}", studyid)
    template = sub_template(template, "{{database}}", database)
    template = sub_template(template, "{{headless}}", headless)
    template = sub_template(template, "{{branch}}", branch)

    if args.headless is True:
            "Headless build detected, you will need to generate tokens for application entry with expfactory users --new"

    library = get_library(key="name")

    apps = "\n"

    # Add local experiments to library, first preference
    local_installs = 0
    for experiment in experiments:
        if os.path.exists(experiment):

            bot.info("local experiment %s found, validating..." % experiment)

            # Is the experiment valid?
            cli = ExperimentValidator()
            valid = cli.validate(experiment, cleanup=False)

            if valid is True:
                local_installs += 1
                config = load_experiment(experiment)
                exp_id = config["exp_id"]

                # If we aren't building in the experiment directory, we need to copy there
                output_dir = "%s/%s" % (
                experiment_dir = os.path.abspath(experiment)
                if output_dir != experiment_dir:
                    copy_directory(experiment_dir, output_dir)

                config["local"] = os.path.abspath(experiment)
                library[exp_id] = config

    # Warn the user that local installs are not reproducible (from recipe)
    if local_installs > 0:
            "%s local installs detected: build is not reproducible without experiment folders"
            % local_installs

    # Build Image with Experiments
    for experiment in experiments:
        exp_id = os.path.basename(experiment)
        if exp_id in library:
            config = library[exp_id]

            app = "LABEL EXPERIMENT_%s /scif/apps/%s\n" % (exp_id, exp_id)

            # Here add custom build routine, should be list of lines
            if "install" in config:
                commands = "\n".join(["RUN %s " % s for x in config["install"]]).strip(
                app = "%s%s\n" % (app, commands)

            # The final installation step, either from Github (url) or local folder
            if "local" in config:
                app = "%sADD %s /scif/apps/%s\n" % (app, exp_id, exp_id)
                app = "%sWORKDIR /scif/apps\nRUN expfactory install %s\n" % (
                app = "%sWORKDIR /scif/apps\nRUN expfactory install %s\n" % (
            apps = "%s%s\n" % (apps, app)

            bot.warning("%s not in library, check spelling & punctuation." % exp_id)

    if apps == "\n":
        bot.error("No valid experiments found, cancelling recipe build.")

    template = sub_template(template, "{{experiments}}", apps)
    outfile = write_file(args.output, template)
    bot.log("Recipe written to %s" % outfile)
Example #15
def main(args, parser, subparser):

    # List of experiments is required
    template = get_template('build/docker/Dockerfile.template')

    # For now, only one database provided
    database = args.database
    studyid = args.studyid
    experiments = args.experiments

    template = sub_template(template, "{{studyid}}", studyid)
    template = sub_template(template, "{{database}}", database)

    library = get_library(key='name')

    apps = "\n"

    # Add local experiments to library, first preference
    local_installs = 0
    for experiment in experiments:
        if os.path.exists(experiment):

            bot.info('local experiment %s found, validating...' % experiment)

            # Is the experiment valid?
            cli = ExperimentValidator()
            valid = cli.validate(experiment, cleanup=False)

            if valid is True:
                local_installs += 1
                config = load_experiment(experiment)
                exp_id = config['exp_id']

                # If we aren't building in the experiment directory, we need to copy there
                output_dir = "%s/%s" % (os.path.abspath(
                    os.path.dirname(args.output)), exp_id)
                experiment_dir = os.path.abspath(experiment)
                if output_dir != experiment_dir:
                    copy_directory(experiment_dir, output_dir)

                config['local'] = os.path.abspath(experiment)
                library[exp_id] = config

    # Warn the user that local installs are not reproducible (from recipe)
    if local_installs > 0:
            "%s local installs detected: build is not reproducible without experiment folders"
            % local_installs)

    # Build Image with Experiments
    for experiment in experiments:
        exp_id = os.path.basename(experiment)
        if exp_id in library:
            config = library[exp_id]

            app = "LABEL EXPERIMENT_%s /scif/apps/%s\n" % (exp_id, exp_id)

            # Here add custom build routine, should be list of lines
            if "install" in config:
                commands = "\n".join(
                    ["RUN %s " % s for x in config['install']]).strip('\n')
                app = "%s%s\n" % (app, commands)

            # The final installation step, either from Github (url) or local folder
            if "local" in config:
                app = "%sADD %s /scif/apps/%s\n" % (app, exp_id, exp_id)
                app = "%sWORKDIR /scif/apps\nRUN expfactory install %s\n" % (
                    app, exp_id)
                app = "%sWORKDIR /scif/apps\nRUN expfactory install %s\n" % (
                    app, config['github'])
            apps = "%s%s\n" % (apps, app)

            bot.warning('%s not in library, check spelling & punctuation.' %

    if apps == "\n":
        bot.error('No valid experiments found, cancelling recipe build.')

    template = sub_template(template, "{{experiments}}", apps)
    outfile = write_file(args.output, template)
    bot.log("Recipe written to %s" % outfile)
Example #16
def main():

    parser = get_parser()
    subparsers = get_subparsers(parser)

        args = parser.parse_args()

    # Does the use want to install?
    command = args.command

    # Options that shouldn't produce output
    if command in ['users']:
        os.environ['MESSAGELEVEL'] = "0"

    if args.database is not None:
        os.environ['EXPFACTORY_DATABASE'] = args.database

    from expfactory.logger import bot
    from expfactory.version import __version__

    # The user may just want to parse the version
    if command == "version":

    bot.info("Expfactory Version: %s" % __version__)

    if command == "install":
        from .install import main

    elif command == "list":
        from .list import main

    elif command == "logs":
        from .logs import main

    elif command == "users":
        from .users import main

    elif command == "build":
        from .build import main

    # No argument supplied

        # A base exists for experiments
        base = os.environ.get('EXPFACTORY_BASE')
        if args.base is not None or base is not None:
            from .main import main
            command = "main"
            command = "list"
            from .list import main

    # Pass on to the correct parser
    if command is not None:

        # Main doesn't have a subparser
        subparser = None
        if command != "main":
            subparser = subparsers[command]

Example #17
def start(port=5000, debug=False):
    bot.info("Nobody ever comes in... nobody ever comes out...")
    app.run(host="localhost", debug=debug, port=port)
Example #18
def main(args,parser,subparser):

    template = 'build/docker/Dockerfile.template'

    # Full path to template is required if provided via input
    if args.input is not None:
        template = args.input

    template = get_template(template)
    # For now, only one database provided
    database = args.database
    studyid = args.studyid
    experiments = args.experiments
    branch = "-b %s" %os.environ.get('EXPFACTORY_BRANCH','master')

    headless = "false"
    if args.headless is True:
        headless = "true"

    template = sub_template(template,"{{studyid}}",studyid)
    template = sub_template(template,"{{database}}",database)
    template = sub_template(template,"{{headless}}",headless)
    template = sub_template(template,"{{branch}}",branch)

    if args.headless is True:
        bot.info("Headless build detected, you will need to generate tokens for application entry with expfactory users --new")

    library = get_library(key='name')

    apps = "\n"

    # Add local experiments to library, first preference
    local_installs = 0
    for experiment in experiments:
        if os.path.exists(experiment):

            bot.info('local experiment %s found, validating...' %experiment)

            # Is the experiment valid?
            cli = ExperimentValidator()
            valid = cli.validate(experiment, cleanup=False)

            if valid is True:
                local_installs +=1
                config = load_experiment(experiment)
                exp_id = config['exp_id']

                # If we aren't building in the experiment directory, we need to copy there
                output_dir = "%s/%s" %(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(args.output)), exp_id)
                experiment_dir = os.path.abspath(experiment)
                if output_dir != experiment_dir:
                    copy_directory(experiment_dir, output_dir)

                config['local'] = os.path.abspath(experiment)
                library[exp_id] = config

    # Warn the user that local installs are not reproducible (from recipe)
    if local_installs > 0:
        bot.warning("%s local installs detected: build is not reproducible without experiment folders" %local_installs)

    # Build Image with Experiments
    for experiment in experiments:
        exp_id = os.path.basename(experiment)
        if exp_id in library:
            config = library[exp_id]

            app = "LABEL EXPERIMENT_%s /scif/apps/%s\n" %(exp_id, exp_id)

            # Here add custom build routine, should be list of lines
            if "install" in config:
                commands = "\n".join(["RUN %s "%s for x in config['install']]).strip('\n')
                app = "%s%s\n" %(app, commands)

            # The final installation step, either from Github (url) or local folder
            if "local" in config:
                app = "%sADD %s /scif/apps/%s\n" %(app, exp_id, exp_id)
                app = "%sWORKDIR /scif/apps\nRUN expfactory install %s\n" %(app, exp_id)
                app = "%sWORKDIR /scif/apps\nRUN expfactory install %s\n" %(app, config['github'])  
            apps = "%s%s\n" %(apps,app)

            bot.warning('%s not in library, check spelling & punctuation.' %exp_id)

    if apps == "\n":
        bot.error('No valid experiments found, cancelling recipe build.')

    template = sub_template(template,"{{experiments}}",apps)
    outfile = write_file(args.output,template)
    bot.log("Recipe written to %s" %outfile)
Example #19
def start(port=5000, debug=False):
    bot.info("Nobody ever comes in... nobody ever comes out...")
    app.run(host="localhost", debug=debug, port=port)