Example #1
    def primary(self) -> e.Expr:
        if self.match(TokenType.FALSE):
            return e.Literal(False)
        if self.match(TokenType.TRUE):
            return e.Literal(True)
        if self.match(TokenType.NIL):
            return e.Literal(None)
        if self.match(TokenType.NUMBER, TokenType.STRING):
            return e.Literal(self.previous().literal)

        if self.match(TokenType.SUPER):
            keyword: Token = self.previous()
            self.consume(TokenType.DOT, "Expect '.' after 'super'.")
            method: Token = self.consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER,
                                         "Expect superclass method name.")
            return e.Super(keyword, method)

        if self.match(TokenType.THIS):
            return e.This(self.previous())

        if self.match(TokenType.IDENTIFIER):
            return e.Variable(self.previous())

        if self.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN):
            expr: e.Expr = self.expression()
            self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after expression.")
            return e.Grouping(expr)

        raise self.error(self.peek(), "Expect expression.")
Example #2
 def _primary(self) -> ex.Expr:
     if self._match(TokenType.FALSE):
         return ex.Literal(False)
     if self._match(TokenType.TRUE):
         return ex.Literal(True)
     if self._match(TokenType.NIL):
         return ex.Literal(None)
     if self._match(TokenType.NUMBER, TokenType.STRING):
         return ex.Literal(self._previous.literal)
     if self._match(TokenType.SUPER):
         keyword = self._previous
         self._consume(TokenType.DOT, "Expect a '.' after 'super'.")
         method = self._consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER,
                                'Expect superclass method name.')
         return ex.Super(keyword, method)
     if self._match(TokenType.THIS):
         return ex.This(self._previous)
     if self._match(TokenType.IDENTIFIER):
         return ex.Variable(self._previous)
     if self._match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN):
         expr = self._expression()
                       "Expect ')' after expression.")
         return ex.Grouping(expr)
     raise self._error(self._peek(), 'Expect expression.')
Example #3
    def _for_statement(self) -> st.While:
        self._consume(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN, "Expect '(' after 'for'.")

        initializer = None
        if self._match(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
        elif self._match(TokenType.VAR):
            initializer = self._variable_declaration()
            initializer = self._expression_statement()

        condition = ex.Literal(True) if self._check(
            TokenType.SEMICOLON) else self._expression()
        self._consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Expect ';' after loop condition.")

        increment = None if self._check(
            TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN) else self._expression()
        self._consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after for clauses.")

        body = self._statement()
        if increment is not None:
            body = st.Block([body, st.Expression(increment)])
        body = st.While(condition, body)
        if initializer is not None:
            body = st.Block([initializer, body])

        return body
Example #4
    def for_statement(self):
        self.consume(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN, "Expect '(' after 'for'.")

        if self.match(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
            initializer = None
        elif self.match(TokenType.VAR):
            initializer = self.var_declaration()
            initializer = self.expression_statement()

        condition = None
        if not self.check(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
            condition = self.expression()
        self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Expect ';' after loop condition.")

        increment = None
        if not self.check(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN):
            increment = self.expression()
        self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after for clauses.")

        body = self.statement()
        if increment is not None:
            body = Stmt.Block(list(body), Stmt.Expression(increment))

        if condition is None:
            condition = Expr.Literal(True)
        body = Stmt.While(condition, body)

        if initializer is not None:
            body = Stmt.Block(list(initializer), body)

        return body
Example #5
    def primary(self):
        if self.match(TokenType.FALSE):
            return Expr.Literal(False)
        if self.match(TokenType.TRUE):
            return Expr.Literal(True)
        if self.match(TokenType.NIL):
            return Expr.Literal(None)
        if self.match(TokenType.NUMBER, TokenType.STRING):
            return Expr.Literal(self.peek(-1).literal)
        if self.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN):
            expr = self.expression()
            self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, "Missing ')' after expression")
            return Expr.Grouping(expr)
        if self.match(TokenType.IDENTIFIER):
            return Expr.Variable(self.peek(-1))

        raise self.error(self.peek(), "Requires an expression")
Example #6
    def breakStatement(self, type="break"):
        locTok = self.peek(-1)
            l = self.expression()
        except ParseError:
            l = Expr.Literal(1)

        if type == "continue":
            return Stmt.Continue(locTok, l)
        elif type == "break":
            return Stmt.Break(locTok, l)
Example #7
    def crement(self):
        isAdding = False
        if self.peek(-1).type == TokenType.PLUS_PLUS:
            isAdding = True

        identifier = self.peek(-2)

        if isAdding:
            tok = TokenType.PLUS
            tok = TokenType.MINUS
        val = 1

        return Expr.Assignment(
                        Token(tok, None, None, None), Expr.Literal(val)))
Example #8
    def forStatement(self) -> s.Stmt:
        self.consume(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN, "Expect '(' after 'for'.")

        if self.match(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
            initializer = None
        elif self.match(TokenType.VAR):
            initializer = self.varDeclaration()
            initializer = self.expressionStatement()

        condition = None
        if not self.check(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
            condition = self.expression()

        self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Expect ';' after loop condition.")

        increment = None
        if not self.check(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN):
            increment = self.expression()

        self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after for clauses.")

        body: s.Stmt = self.statement()

        # not null
        if increment:
            body = s.Block([body, s.Expression(increment)])

        # is null
        if condition is None:
            condition = e.Literal(True)
        body = s.While(condition, body)

        # not null
        if initializer:
            body = s.Block([initializer, body])

        return body
Example #9
    def forStatement(self):

        init = None
        cond = None
        incr = None

        if self.match(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE):  # infinite loop
            return Stmt.Block(
                [Stmt.For(init, cond, incr, self.blockStatement())])
        elif self.match(TokenType.COMMA):
            first = None
        elif self.match(TokenType.VAR, TokenType.CONST):
            first = self.varDeclaration(self.peek(-1))
            first = self.expressionStatement()

        if self.match(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE):  # while loop
            return Stmt.Block(
                [Stmt.For(None, first, None, self.blockStatement())])

        init = first
                     "requires comma between initilizer and condition")
        if not self.match(TokenType.COMMA):
            cond = self.expression()
            cond = Expr.Literal(True)

                     "requires comma between condition and increment")
        if not self.check(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE):
            incr = self.expression()

        self.consume(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE, "requires block after for loop")

        return Stmt.Block([Stmt.For(init, cond, incr, self.blockStatement())])
Example #10
 def visit_char(self, node, ch):
     c, _ = getchar(node.value[1:-1])
     c = gdb.Value(ord(c)).cast(gdb.lookup_type('char'))
     return expr.Literal(node.value, c)
Example #11
 def visit_string(self, node, ch):
     s, tail = '', node.value[1:-1]
     while tail:
         head, tail = getchar(tail)
         s += head
     return expr.Literal(node.value, gdb.Value(s))
Example #12
 def visit_hexadecimal(self, node, ch):
     return expr.Literal(node.value, gdb.Value(int(node.value, 16)))
Example #13
 def visit_octal(self, node, ch):
     return expr.Literal(node.value, gdb.Value(int(node.value, 8)))
Example #14
 def visit_real(self, node, ch):
     return expr.Literal(node.value, gdb.Value(float(node.value)))