def run_simple(self, bias, gateLim, avg = 6.0, field = 0.0, runs = 1, cvResistor = 1.0, cvAmp = 1.0, gateAmp = 9.1788, measDelay = 0.1, gateDelay = 1.0, nplc = 1, nvmRange = 0.1): """ This runs the actual experiment. It can be called independently of the run() function. """ tools.write_log('fixBias_swpGate', locals(), self.filename+'.log') source = keithleypair.FixedBias("GPIB::22", timeout = 60.0) #keithley object daqGate = nidaqmx.AnalogOutputTask() #DAQ output object daqGate.create_voltage_channel('Dev1/ao0', min_val = -10.0, max_val = 10.0) gateBuffer = tools.get_buffer_size(gateLim[0], gateLim[1], gateLim[2]) gates = np.linspace(gateLim[0], gateLim[1], gateBuffer) #setup 6220/2182A source.general_setup() source.bias_setup(bias/cvResistor) source.voltmeter_channel_setup(nplc, nvmRange) source.single_point_setup(avg, measDelay) #check that everything is setup print "current source state: ", source.source_chk_op_evnt_reg() print "voltmeter state: ", source.voltmeter_chk_meas_evnt_reg() source.write(":outp 1") time.sleep(2.0) data = np.zeros(gateBuffer) for run in range(runs): end = False for i, gate in enumerate(gates): daqGate.write([gate/gateAmp]) time.sleep(gateDelay) data[i] = source.get_meas() data[i] = data[i]*cvAmp np.savetxt(self.file, [[gate, data[i], run+1]], fmt = '%+.6e', delimiter = '\t') self.file.flush(); os.fsync(self.file) if msvcrt.kbhit(): if ord(msvcrt.getch()) == 113: end = True print "Program ended by user.\n" break if end: break gates = gates.reshape(-1)[::-1] #sweep in the other direction data.fill(0.0) print 'Cleaning up...' source.write(":outp 0") #turn off current source source.close() daqGate.write([0.0]) #turn off gate del daqGate, source #delete DAQ object so it can be reused self.file.close()
def run( self, bias, points=100, gateDelay=0.75, cvResistor=10.0, cvAmp=-1e-7, gateAmp=1.0, nplc=1, nvmRange=1.0, filename="roomTemp_cntTest_{0:.0f}".format(time.time()), ): """ This runs the actual experiment. It can be called independently of the run() function. """ tools.write_log("gateTest_vBias_", locals(), filename + ".log.txt") file = open(filename + ".dat.txt", "a") self.end_run = False self.start_run = False source = keithleypair.FixedBias("GPIB::22", timeout=60.0) # keithley object = np.zeros((points, 4)) # setup 6220/2182A source.general_setup() source.bias_setup(bias / cvResistor, analogFilt=True) source.voltmeter_channel_setup(nplc, nvmRange, digital_filter=False) source.bus_trig_setup(points) # check that everything is setup print "current source state: ", source.source_chk_op_evnt_reg() print "voltmeter state: ", source.voltmeter_chk_meas_evnt_reg() # ramp up bias voltage if bias < 0: c = -1.0 else: c = 1.0 for i in range(-9, 0): outp = c * 2 * math.pow(10, i) if abs(outp) > abs(bias): source.write(":sour:curr {0:.15f}".format(bias / cvResistor)) time.sleep(1.0) break else: source.write(":sour:curr {0:.15f}".format(outp / cvResistor)) if i == -9: source.write("outp 1") time.sleep(1.0) print "wait for stable current..." time.sleep(5.0) # run experiment print "GO!" start_time = time.time() for i in range(points): time.sleep(gateDelay) source.write_serial("*TRG")[i, 0] = time.time() - start_time if (msvcrt.kbhit() and ord(msvcrt.getch()) == 113) or self.end_run: print "Program ended by user." break[:, 1] = source.read_2182A_buffer()[:, 2] =[:, 1] * cvAmp[:, 3] = bias /[:, 2] np.savetxt(file,, fmt="%+.6e", delimiter="\t") # ramp down bias voltage print "Turning off bias..." for i in range(0, 10): outp = c * 2 * math.pow(10, -i) if abs(outp) > abs(bias): continue else: source.write(":sour:curr {0:.15f}".format(outp / cvResistor)) time.sleep(1.0) source.write(":outp 0") # turn off current source source.close() # close gpib instrument del source # delete DAQ object so it can be reused file.close() print "Done." fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(True) title_text = plt.title("bias = {0:+.2e}V".format(bias)) line, = ax.plot([:, 0],[:, 2], "r-o") plt.xlabel("time (s)") plt.ylabel("current (A)") self.end_run = True
def run_simple( self, bias, avg=1.0, field=0.0, cvResistor=10.0, cvAmp=-1e-7, gateAmp=1.0, measDelay=0.1, gateDelay=0.75, nplc=1, nvmRange=1.0, filename="roomTemp_cntTest_{0:.0f}".format(time.time()), ): """ This runs the actual experiment. It can be called independently of the run() function. """ tools.write_log("gateTest_vBias_", locals(), filename + ".log.txt") file = open(filename + ".dat.txt", "a") self.end_run = False self.start_run = False source = keithleypair.FixedBias("GPIB::22", timeout=60.0) # keithley object daqGate = nidaqmx.AnalogOutputTask() # DAQ output object daqGate.create_voltage_channel("Dev1/ao1", min_val=-10.0, max_val=10.0) gat = np.arange(0, 10.25, 0.25) gates = np.append(gat, [gat[::-1], -gat, -gat[::-1]]) = np.zeros((len(gates), 3)) # setup 6220/2182A source.general_setup() source.bias_setup(bias / cvResistor, analogFilt=False) source.voltmeter_channel_setup(nplc, nvmRange, digital_filter=False) source.single_point_setup(avg, measDelay) # check that everything is setup print "current source state: ", source.source_chk_op_evnt_reg() print "voltmeter state: ", source.voltmeter_chk_meas_evnt_reg() # ramp up bias voltage if bias < 0: c = -1.0 else: c = 1.0 for i in range(-9, 0): outp = c * 2 * math.pow(10, i) if abs(outp) > abs(bias): source.write(":sour:curr {0:.15f}".format(bias / cvResistor)) time.sleep(1.0) break else: source.write(":sour:curr {0:.15f}".format(outp / cvResistor)) if i == -9: source.write("outp 1") time.sleep(1.0) print "wait for stable current..." time.sleep(5.0) # run experiment exitGate = 0.0 print "GO!" for i, gate in enumerate(gates): daqGate.write(gate / gateAmp) time.sleep(gateDelay)[i, 0] = gate[i, 1] = source.get_meas() * cvAmp[i, 2] = bias /[i, 1] np.savetxt(file, [[i]], fmt="%+.6e", delimiter="\t") if (msvcrt.kbhit() and ord(msvcrt.getch()) == 113) or self.end_run: exitGate = gate print "Program ended by user." break if i == 2: self.start_run = True # ramp down bias voltage print "Turning off bias..." for i in range(0, 10): outp = c * 2 * math.pow(10, -i) if abs(outp) > abs(bias): continue else: source.write(":sour:curr {0:.15f}".format(outp / cvResistor)) time.sleep(1.0) # ramp down back gate print "Turning off gate..." while True: if abs(exitGate) < 1.0: break if exitGate < 0: exitGate += 1.0 else: exitGate -= 1.0 if abs(exitGate) < 1.0: break else: daqGate.write(exitGate / gateAmp) time.sleep(0.5) source.write(":outp 0") # turn off current source source.close() # close gpib instrument daqGate.write(0.0) # turn off gate, should already be at 0 daqGate.clear() del daqGate, source # delete DAQ object so it can be reused file.close() print "Done."
def run_simple(self, bias, samples = 1.0, gateDelay = 0.75, field = 0.0, biasDivider = 1e-3, cvAmp = -1e-6, gateAmp = 9.1788, filename = 'DAQIO_gateTest_{0:.0f}'.format(time.time())): """ This runs the actual experiment. It can be called independently of the run() function. """ tools.write_log('DAQIO_gateTest', locals(), filename+'.log.txt') file = open(filename+'.dat.txt','a') self.end_run = False #setup output channels bias_channel = 'Dev1/ao0' bias_out = nidaqmx.AnalogOutputTask() bias_out.create_voltage_channel(bias_channel, min_val = -10.0, max_val = 10.0) gate_channel = 'Dev1/ao1' gate_out = nidaqmx.AnalogOutputTask() gate_out.create_voltage_channel(gate_channel, min_val = -10.0, max_val = 10.0) gat = np.arange(0,10.1,0.1) gates = np.append(gat, [gat[::-1], -gat, -gat[::-1]]) = np.zeros((len(gates), samples+3)) sample_data = np.zeros((samples,1)) #setup input channel input_channel = 'Dev1/ai0' #if using differential mode this should be the high side sample_rate = 5000 itask = nidaqmx.AnalogInputTask() itask.create_voltage_channel(input_channel, terminal = 'diff', min_val = -10.0, max_val = 10.0) itask.configure_timing_sample_clock(rate = sample_rate, samples_per_channel = samples, sample_mode = 'finite') itask.alter_state('commit') print 'bias turning on...' bias_out.write(bias/biasDivider) time.sleep(10.0) #run experiment exitGate = 0.0 print 'GO!' for i, gate in enumerate(gates): itask.start() gate_out.write(gate/gateAmp) time.sleep(gateDelay) sample_data = itask.wait_until_done() itask.stop()[i,0] = gate[i,1] = sample_data.mean()*cvAmp[i,2] = bias/[i,1][i,3:] = sample_data.transpose() np.savetxt(file, [[i]], fmt = '%+.6e', delimiter = '\t') if (msvcrt.kbhit() and ord(msvcrt.getch()) == 113) or self.end_run: exitGate = gate print "Program ended by user." break bias_out.write(0.0) bias_out.clear() gate_out.write(0.0) #turn off gate, should already be at 0 gate_out.clear() del gate_out, bias_out #delete DAQ object so it can be reused file.close() print 'Done.'