Example #1
    def __init__(self):
            # This will throw an error if imported on a non-Linux platform.
            from external.distro import linux_distribution
            distname, version, _ = linux_distribution(
            distname, version = str(distname), str(version)
        except ImportError:
            distname, version = 'unknown', ''

        # Grabs major version from tuple on redhat; on other platforms
        # grab the first legal identifier in the version field.  On
        # debian you get things like 'wheezy/sid'; sid means unstable.
        # We just record 'wheezy' and don't get quite so detailed.
        version = re.split(r'[^\w-]', version)

        if 'ubuntu' in distname:
            version = '.'.join(version[0:2])
            version = version[0]

        if 'centos' in distname or 'scientific' in distname:
            distname = 'rhel'

        super(LinuxDistro, self).__init__(distname, version)
Example #2
    def __init__(self):
            # This will throw an error if imported on a non-Linux platform.
            from external.distro import linux_distribution
            distname, version, _ = linux_distribution(
            distname, version = str(distname), str(version)
        except ImportError:
            distname, version = 'unknown', ''

        # Grabs major version from tuple on redhat; on other platforms
        # grab the first legal identifier in the version field.  On
        # debian you get things like 'wheezy/sid'; sid means unstable.
        # We just record 'wheezy' and don't get quite so detailed.
        version = re.split(r'[^\w-]', version)

        if 'ubuntu' in distname:
            version = '.'.join(version[0:2])
            version = version[0]

        super(LinuxDistro, self).__init__(distname, version)