Example #1
    def featurize(self, sentence):
		INPUT: SentimentScorer, string
		Given a sentence, return a featurized version
		that can be consumed by the self.model's predict method.
        pt = MyPottsTokenizer(preserve_case=False)
        return pt.tokenize(sentence)
	def featurize(self, sentence):
		INPUT: SentimentScorer, string

		Given a sentence, return a featurized version
		that can be consumed by the self.model's predict method. 
		pt = MyPottsTokenizer(preserve_case=False)
		return pt.tokenize(sentence)
Example #3
def tokenize(sentence):
	INPUT: string (full sentence)
	OUTPUT: list of strings
	Given a sentence in string form, return
	a tokenized list of lowercased words.

    pt = MyPottsTokenizer(preserve_case=False)
    return pt.tokenize(sentence)
def tokenize(sentence):
	INPUT: string (full sentence)
	OUTPUT: list of strings

	Given a sentence in string form, return 
	a tokenized list of lowercased words. 

	pt = MyPottsTokenizer(preserve_case=False)
	return pt.tokenize(sentence)