Example #1
def generateCmake(buildType="Release",
		  cmakeToolchainFile="FrameworkInternals" + os.path.sep + "default_configuration.cmake"):
	"""Generates CMake header lists in various directories, and then calls cmake.
	Keyword arguments:
	buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
	transformDesignVerbose("AddressSpace" + os.path.sep + "designToGeneratedCmakeAddressSpace.xslt",
			       "AddressSpace" + os.path.sep + "cmake_generated.cmake",
			       0, 0)
	transformDesignVerbose("Device" + os.path.sep + "designToGeneratedCmakeDevice.xslt",
			       "Device" + os.path.sep + "generated" + os.path.sep + "cmake_header.cmake",
			       0, 0)
	print("Build type ["+buildType+"], Toolchain file [" + cmakeToolchainFile + "]")

	print("Calling CMake")
	if platform.system() == "Windows":
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType,
					      "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=" + cmakeToolchainFile,
					      "-G", "Visual Studio 12 Win64", "."],
	elif platform.system() == "Linux":
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType,
					      "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=" + cmakeToolchainFile, "."],
Example #2
def createDiagram(context, detailLevel=0, mode='dot'):
    """Creates an UML diagram based on the classes of the server.
	Keyword arguments:
	detailLevel -- Detail level of the diagram. If it is not present, 0 will be assumed
        mode -- one of graph layout modes to be passed to graphviz
    graphvizArgs = {
        'dot': [],
        'circo': [
            '-Kcirco', '-Gsplines=true', '-Granksep=0.1', '-Gmindist=0',
            '-Goverlap=false', '-Gepsilon=0.00001'
        'fdp': [
            '-Kfdp', '-Gsplines=true', '-Goverlap=false', '-Gepsilon=0.00001',
            '-GK=0.01', '-Gmaxiter=10000', '-Gstart=random'
    print 'Using {0} as level of detail'.format(str(detailLevel))
    print 'Using {0} as layout mode. Hint: from quasar 1.3.5, you can choose among: {1}, run with -h for help.'.format(
        mode, ','.join(graphvizArgs.keys()))
    transformByKey(TransformKeys.CREATE_DIAGRAM_DOT, {
        'context': context,
        'detailLevel': detailLevel
    args = [
        "-Tpdf", "-o", designPath + "diagram.pdf",
                           {'context': context})
    ] + graphvizArgs[mode]
    subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("graphviz")] + args,
                                 "GraphViz (dot)")
Example #3
def upgradeDesign(additionalParam):
    """Method for adjusting Design.xml for a new Design.xsd when updating to a new version of the Framework"""
    print("Formatting your design file ...")

    output = "Design.xml.upgraded"
    transformDesignVerbose(designPath + "designToUpgradedDesign.xslt",
                           designPath + output, 0, 0, additionalParam)

    print("Formatting the upgraded file ")
    formatedOutput = output + ".formatted"
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
            [getCommand("xmllint"), designPath + output],
            designPath + formatedOutput, getCommand("xmllint"))
    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
            [getCommand("xmllint"), "--format", designPath + output],
            designPath + formatedOutput, getCommand("xmllint"))

    print("Now running merge-tool. Please merge the upgraded changed")
        getCommand("diff"), "-o", designPath + designXML,
        designPath + designXML, designPath + formatedOutput
    ], getCommand("diff"))
Example #4
def generateCmake(buildType="Release",
                  cmakeToolchainFile="FrameworkInternals" + os.path.sep +
    """Generates CMake header lists in various directories, and then calls cmake.
	Keyword arguments:
	buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
        "AddressSpace" + os.path.sep +
        "AddressSpace" + os.path.sep + "cmake_generated.cmake", 0, 0)
        "Device" + os.path.sep + "designToGeneratedCmakeDevice.xslt",
        "Device" + os.path.sep + "generated" + os.path.sep +
        "cmake_header.cmake", 0, 0)
    print("Build type [" + buildType + "], Toolchain file [" +
          cmakeToolchainFile + "]")

    print("Calling CMake")
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
            getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType,
            "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=" + cmakeToolchainFile, "-G",
            "Visual Studio 12 Win64", "."
        ], getCommand("cmake"))
    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
            getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType,
            "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=" + cmakeToolchainFile, "."
        ], getCommand("cmake"))
def automatedBuild(projectSourceDir=None,
    """Method that generates the cmake headers, and after that calls make/msbuild to compile your server.
	Keyword arguments:
	buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
    if not buildType in ["Release", "Debug"]:
        raise Exception(
            "Only Release or Debug is accepted as the parameter. "
            "If you are used to passing build config through here, note this version of quasar has separate command to do that: build_config"
    generateCmake(projectSourceDir, projectBinaryDir, buildType)

    print('Calling make/msbuild')
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        print('Calling visual studio vcvarsall to set the environment')
        print(getCommand("vcvarsall") + ' amd64')
            "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64',
            "visual studio vcvarsall.bat")
            'msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /clp:ErrorsOnly /property:Platform=x64;Configuration='
            + buildType)
                "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64 && ' +
                getCommand("msbuild") +
                ' ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /clp:ErrorsOnly /property:Platform=x64;Configuration='
                + buildType, "visual studio msbuild")
        except Exception, e:
            print("Build process error. Exception: [" + str(e) + "]")
Example #6
def runDoxygen():
    """Runs doxygen in the documentation folder, making the tool generate documentation for the server automatically."""
    baseDirectory = os.getcwd()
    os.chdir(baseDirectory + os.path.sep + "Documentation")
    print("Changing directory to: " + baseDirectory + os.path.sep +
    print("Calling Doxygen")
    subprocessWithImprovedErrors(getCommand("doxygen"), getCommand("doxygen"))
    print("Changing directory to: " + baseDirectory)
Example #7
def validateDesign(context):
    """Checks design.xml against Design.xsd, and after that performs some additional checks (defined in designValidation.xslt)"""
    # 1st line of validation -- does it matches its schema?
    # This allows some basic checks
    print("1st line of check -- XSD conformance")
    print("Validating the file " + designXML + " with the schema " + designXSD)
    subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("xmllint"), "--noout", "--schema", designPath + designXSD, designPath + designXML], getCommand("xmllint"))
    # 2nd line of validation -- including XSLT
    print("2nd line of check -- more advanced checks using XSLT processor")
    transformByKey(TransformKeys.DESIGN_VALIDATION, {'context':context} )
Example #8
def createDiagram(detailLevel=0):
	"""Creates an UML diagram based on the classes of the server.
	Keyword arguments:
	detailLevel -- Detail level of the diagram. If it is not present, 0 will be assumed

	output = "Design.dot"
	transformDesignVerbose(designPath + "designToDot.xslt", designPath + output, 0, astyleRun=False, additionalParam="detailLevel=" + str(detailLevel))
	print("Generating pdf diagram with dot.")
	subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("graphviz"), "-Tpdf", "-o", designPath + "diagram.pdf", designPath + "Design.dot"], "GraphViz (dot)")
Example #9
def transformDesignByXslt(designXmlPath, transformPath, outputFile,
    xsltProcPath = os.path.sep.join(['Design', getCommand('saxon')])
    additionalParamStringified = [
        "{0}={1}".format(key, additionalParam[key])
        for key in additionalParam.keys()
        getCommand('java'), '-jar', xsltProcPath, designXmlPath, transformPath,
        '-o:' + outputFile
    ] + additionalParamStringified, getCommand("java"))
Example #10
def createDiagram(detailLevel=0):
	"""Creates an UML diagram based on the classes of the server.
	Keyword arguments:
	detailLevel -- Detail level of the diagram. If it is not present, 0 will be assumed
	if detailLevel == "":
		detailLevel = 0
	output = "Design.dot"
	transformDesignVerbose(designPath + "designToDot.xslt", designPath + output, 0, 1, "detailLevel=" + str(detailLevel))
	print("Generating pdf diagram with dot.")
	subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("graphviz"), "-Tpdf", "-o", designPath + "diagram.pdf", designPath + "Design.dot"], "GraphViz (dot)")
Example #11
def transformDesign(xsltTransformation, outputFile, requiresMerge, astyleRun, additionalParam=None):
    """Generates a file, applying an xslt transform to Design.xml This is done calling saxon9he.jar
    Keyword arguments:
    xsltTransformation   -- xslt file where the transformation is defined
    outputFile           -- name of the file to be generated
    requiresMerge        -- if True, will prevent from overwriting output filename, running merge-tool
    astyleRun            -- if True, will run astyle on generated file
    additionalParam      -- Optional extra param to be passed e.g. to XSLT transform.
    if isinstance(additionalParam, str):
    	additionalParam = [additionalParam] # compat mode for passing multiple additional params
    elif additionalParam == None:
    	additionalParam = []	
    # files
    XSLT_JAR = '.' + os.path.sep + 'Design' + os.path.sep + getCommand('saxon')
    DESIGN_XML = '.' + os.path.sep + 'Design' + os.path.sep + 'Design.xml'
    if requiresMerge:
        originalOutputFile = outputFile
        outputFile = outputFile + '.generated'
        # Do transformation
        subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand('java'), '-jar', XSLT_JAR, DESIGN_XML, xsltTransformation, '-o:' + outputFile] + additionalParam, getCommand("java"))    

        if astyleRun:
                subprocess.call([getCommand('astyle'), outputFile])
            except Exception as e:
                    subprocess.call([getCommand('indent'), outputFile, '-o', outputFile])
                    print "We indented your code using 'indent' tool which is a fall-back tool. For best user satisfaction, please install astyle as described in the quasar documentation.  "
                except Exception as e:
                    print "We didnt manage to run neither 'astyle' nor 'indent' tool. We're running a fall-back tool now. For best user satisfaction, please install astyle as described in the quasar documentation.  "


        if requiresMerge:
            # If the file existed previously and it is different from the old one we run kdiff3
            if (os.path.isfile(originalOutputFile)) and (filecmp.cmp(originalOutputFile, outputFile) == False):
                subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand('diff'), "-o", originalOutputFile, originalOutputFile, outputFile], getCommand("diff"), [0, 1])  # 1 is a valid return, since it means that the user quitted without saving the merge, and this is still ok.
            else:  # If the file didn't exist before, or it is equal to the old one, we rename the generated file to have the proper name
                if os.path.isfile(originalOutputFile):
                os.rename(outputFile, originalOutputFile)
    except Exception:
        if os.path.isfile(outputFile):
            print "Removing partially generated file: {0}".format(outputFile)
            os.remove(outputFile)  # sometimes the output of XSLT processor is partial...
Example #12
def validateDesign(projectBinaryDir):
	"""Checks design.xml against Design.xsd, and after that performs some additional checks (defined in designValidation.xslt)"""
	# 1st line of validation -- does it matches its schema?
	# This allows some basic checks
	print("1st line of check -- XSD conformance")
	print("Validating the file " + designXML + " with the schema " + designXSD)
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("xmllint"), "--noout", "--schema", designPath + designXSD, designPath + designXML], getCommand("xmllint"))
		# 2nd line of validation -- including XSLT
		print("2nd line of check -- more advanced checks using XSLT processor")
		output = "validationOutput.removeme"
		transformDesignVerbose(designPath + "designValidation.xslt", os.path.join(projectBinaryDir, "Design", output), 0, astyleRun=False)
	except Exception, e:
		raise Exception ("There was a problem validating the file [" + designXML + "]; Exception: [" + str(e) + "]")
Example #13
def validateDesign():
	"""Checks design.xml against Design.xsd, and after that performs some additional checks (defined in designValidation.xslt)"""
	# 1st line of validation -- does it matches its schema?
	# This allows some basic checks
	print("1st line of check -- XSD conformance")
	print("Validating the file " + designXML + " with the schema " + designXSD)
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("xmllint"), "--noout", "--schema", designPath + designXSD, designPath + designXML], getCommand("xmllint"))
		# 2nd line of validation -- including XSLT
		print("2nd line of check -- more advanced checks using XSLT processor")
		output = "validationOutput.removeme"
		transformDesignVerbose(designPath + "designValidation.xslt", designPath + output, 0, 0)
	except Exception, e:
		raise Exception ("There was a problem validating the file [" + designXML + "]; Exception: [" + str(e) + "]")
Example #14
def upgradeDesign(context, additionalParam):
    """Method for adjusting Design.xml for a new Design.xsd when updating to a new version of the Framework"""
    print("Formatting your design file ...")

    transformByKey(TransformKeys.UPGRADE_DESIGN, {'context':context, 'whatToDo':additionalParam})

    print("Formatting the upgraded file ")
    upgradedNonFormatted = getTransformOutput(TransformKeys.UPGRADE_DESIGN, {'context':context} )
    upgradedFormatted = upgradedNonFormatted + ".formatted"

    formatXml(upgradedNonFormatted, upgradedFormatted)

    print("Now running merge-tool. Please merge the upgraded changed")
    subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("diff"), "-o", designPath + designXML, designPath + designXML, upgradedFormatted], getCommand("diff"))
Example #15
def upgradeDesign(additionalParam):
	"""Method for adjusting Design.xml for a new Design.xsd when updating to a new version of the Framework"""
	print("Formatting your design file ...")
	output = "Design.xml.upgraded"
	transformDesignVerbose(designPath + "designToUpgradedDesign.xslt", designPath + output, 0, 0, additionalParam)
	print("Formatting the upgraded file ")
	formatedOutput = output + ".formatted"
	if platform.system() == "Windows":
		subprocessWithImprovedErrorsPipeOutputToFile([getCommand("xmllint"), designPath + output], designPath + formatedOutput, getCommand("xmllint"))
	elif platform.system() == "Linux":
		subprocessWithImprovedErrorsPipeOutputToFile([getCommand("xmllint"), "--format", designPath + output], designPath + formatedOutput, getCommand("xmllint"))
	print("Now running merge-tool. Please merge the upgraded changed")
	subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("diff"), "-o", designPath + designXML, designPath + designXML, designPath + formatedOutput], getCommand("diff"))
Example #16
def createDiagram(context, detailLevel=0):
    """Creates an UML diagram based on the classes of the server.
	Keyword arguments:
	detailLevel -- Detail level of the diagram. If it is not present, 0 will be assumed
    if detailLevel == "":
        detailLevel = 0
    transformByKey(TransformKeys.CREATE_DIAGRAM_DOT, {
        'context': context,
        'detailLevel': detailLevel
    print("Generating pdf diagram with dot.")
        getCommand("graphviz"), "-Tpdf", "-o", designPath + "diagram.pdf",
                           {'context': context})
    ], "GraphViz (dot)")
Example #17
def generateCmake(context, buildType="Release"):
    """Generates CMake header lists in various directories, and then calls cmake.
	Keyword arguments:
	buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
    if not context['projectSourceDir'] == context[
            'projectBinaryDir']:  # out-of-source build
        if os.path.isfile(
                os.path.join(context['projectSourceDir'], 'CMakeCache.txt')):
            raise Mistake(
                'User mistake? CMakeCache.txt exists in source directory; ' +
                'that will prevent CMake to make a successful out-of-source build. '
                'Remove CMakeCache.txt (or attempt "quasar.py clean" and retry'

    projectSourceDir = context['projectSourceDir']
    projectBinaryDir = context['projectBinaryDir']
    if not os.path.isdir(projectBinaryDir):
        print("PROJECT_BINARY_DIR {0} doesn't exist -- creating it.".format(
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(projectBinaryDir, "bin"))
        print("Creating symlinks for xml files in the build directory")
        symlinkRuntimeDeps(context, '*.xml')

    transformByKey(TransformKeys.AS_CMAKE, {'context': context})
    transformByKey(TransformKeys.D_CMAKE, {'context': context})
    print("Build type [" + buildType + "]")

    print("Calling CMake")
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
            getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType, "-G",
            "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64", projectSourceDir
        ], getCommand("cmake"))
    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
            getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType,
        ], getCommand("cmake"))
Example #18
def generateCmake(context, *args):
    """Generates CMake header lists in various directories, and then calls cmake.

    Keyword arguments:
    buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
    args = list(args) # we do it to be able to remove things via extract_argument, otherwise it is immutable tuple
    (args2, builder) = extract_argument(args, "--builder")
    if len(args2) > 1:
        raise WrongArguments("Max one positional argument for generateCmake")
    buildType = "Release" if len(args2) == 0 else args2[0]
    if builder is None: builder = BuilderDefault

    if not context['projectSourceDir'] == context['projectBinaryDir']: # out-of-source build
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(context['projectSourceDir'], 'CMakeCache.txt')):
            raise Mistake('User mistake? CMakeCache.txt exists in source directory; '+
                                      'that will prevent CMake to make a successful out-of-source build. '+
                                      'Remove CMakeCache.txt and all cmake_install.cmake files, and build/ directory')

    projectSourceDir = context['projectSourceDir']
    projectBinaryDir = context['projectBinaryDir']
    if not os.path.isdir(projectBinaryDir):
        print("PROJECT_BINARY_DIR {0} doesn't exist -- creating it.".format(projectBinaryDir))
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(projectBinaryDir, "bin"))
        print("Creating symlinks for xml files in the build directory")
        symlinkRuntimeDeps(context, '*.xml')

    transformByKey(TransformKeys.AS_CMAKE, {'context':context})
    transformByKey(TransformKeys.D_CMAKE, {'context':context})
    print("Build type [{0}], Builder [{1}]".format(buildType, builder))

    print("Calling CMake")
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType,
                                      "-G", "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64", projectSourceDir],
    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
        builderArgs = [] if builder == BuilderDefault else ["-G", builder]
        subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType] + builderArgs +
Example #19
def automatedBuild(context, buildType="Release"):
    """Method that generates the cmake headers, and after that calls make/vis-studio to compile your server.

	Keyword arguments:
	buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
    if not buildType in ["Release", "Debug"]:
        raise Exception(
            "Only Release or Debug is accepted as the parameter. "
            "If you are used to passing build config through here, note this version of quasar has separate command to do that: build_config"
    generateCmake(context, buildType)

    print("Calling build, type [" + buildType + "]...")
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
                "cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config " + buildType,
                'visual studio build')
        except Exception, e:
            print("Build process error. Exception: [" + str(e) + "]")
def automatedBuild(context, *args):
    """Method that generates the cmake headers, and after that calls make/vis-studio to compile your server.

    Keyword arguments:
    buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
    args2 = list(args) # we do it to be able to remove things via extract_argument, otherwise it is immutable tuple
    (args2, builder) = extract_argument(args2, "--builder")
    if builder is None: builder = BuilderDefault
    if len(args2) > 1:
        raise WrongArguments("Max one positional argument for build")
    buildType = "Release" if len(args2) == 0 else args2[0]
    if not buildType in ["Release","Debug"]:
        raise Exception ("Only Release or Debug is accepted as the parameter. "
                                         "If you are used to passing build config through here, note this version of quasar has separate command to do that: build_config")

    generateCmake(context, *args)

    print("Calling build, type [{0}], builder [{1}]".format(buildType, builder))
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
            subprocessWithImprovedErrors( "cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config "+buildType, 'visual studio build')
        except Exception as e:
            print("Build process error. Exception: [" + str(e) + "]")
    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
        if builder == BuilderDefault:
            print('make -j$(nproc)')
            process = subprocess.Popen(["nproc"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            out, err = process.communicate()
            subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("make"), "-j" + str(int(out))], getCommand("make"))#the conversion from string to int and back to string is to remove all whitespaces and ensure that we have an integer
            subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("cmake"), "--build", ".", "--config", builder], "cmake --build")
Example #21
def automatedBuild(buildType="Release",
		   cmakeToolchainFile="FrameworkInternals" + os.path.sep + "default_configuration.cmake"):
	"""Method that generates the cmake headers, and after that calls make/msbuild to compile your server.
	Keyword arguments:
	buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
	if buildType != "Release" and buildType != "Debug" and cmakeToolchainFile == "FrameworkInternals" + os.path.sep + "default_configuration.cmake":
		cmakeToolchainFile = buildType
		buildType = "Release"
	generateCmake(buildType, cmakeToolchainFile)			
	print('Calling make/msbuild')
	if platform.system() == "Windows":
		print('Calling visual studio vcvarsall to set the environment')
		print(getCommand("vcvarsall") + ' amd64')
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors( "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64', "visual studio vcvarsall.bat")
		print('msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /clp:ErrorsOnly /property:Platform=x64;Configuration=' + buildType)
			subprocessWithImprovedErrors( "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64 && ' + getCommand("msbuild") + ' ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /clp:ErrorsOnly /property:Platform=x64;Configuration=' + buildType, "visual studio msbuild")
		except Exception, e:
			print("Build process error. Exception: [" + str(e) + "]")
def generateCmake(projectSourceDir, projectBinaryDir,buildType="Release"):
	"""Generates CMake header lists in various directories, and then calls cmake.
	Keyword arguments:
	buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
		os.path.join("AddressSpace", "designToGeneratedCmakeAddressSpace.xslt"),
		os.path.join("AddressSpace", "cmake_generated.cmake"),
		additionalParam="projectBinaryDir={0}".format(projectBinaryDir ))
		os.path.join("Device", "designToGeneratedCmakeDevice.xslt"),
		os.path.join("Device", "generated", "cmake_header.cmake"),
		additionalParam="projectBinaryDir={0}".format(projectBinaryDir ))

	print("Build type ["+buildType+"]")
	if not os.path.isdir(projectBinaryDir):
		print("PROJECT_BINARY_DIR {0} doesn't exist -- creating it.".format(projectBinaryDir))

	print("Calling CMake")
	if platform.system() == "Windows":
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType,
					      "-G", "Visual Studio 12 Win64", projectSourceDir],
	elif platform.system() == "Linux":
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("cmake"), "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + buildType,
Example #23
def transformDesign(xsltTransformation, outputFile, overwriteProtection, astyleRun, additionalParam=None):
	"""Generates a file, applying an xslt transform to Design.xml This is done calling saxon9he.jar
	Keyword arguments:
	xsltTransformation -- xslt file where the transformation is defined
	outputFile -- name of the file to be generated
	overwriteProtection -- if 1, will prevent from overwriting output filename, running merge-tool
	astyleRun -- if 1, will run astyle on generated file
	additionalParam -- Optional extra param. If specified, it will be given directly to saxon9he.jar
	XSLT_JAR = '.' + os.path.sep + 'Design' + os.path.sep + getCommand('saxon')
	DESIGN_XML = '.' + os.path.sep + 'Design' + os.path.sep + 'Design.xml'
	if overwriteProtection == 1:
		originalOutputFile = outputFile
		outputFile = outputFile + '.generated'
		#Do transformation
		if additionalParam == None:		
			subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand('java'), '-jar', XSLT_JAR, DESIGN_XML, xsltTransformation, '-o:' + outputFile], getCommand("java"))		
			subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand('java'), '-jar', XSLT_JAR, DESIGN_XML, xsltTransformation, '-o:' + outputFile, additionalParam], getCommand("java"))	

		if astyleRun == 1:		
			subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand('astyle'), outputFile], getCommand("astyle"))

		if overwriteProtection == 1:
			#If the file existed previously and it is different from the old one we run kdiff3
			if (os.path.isfile(originalOutputFile)) and (filecmp.cmp(originalOutputFile, outputFile) == False):
				subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand('diff'), "-o", originalOutputFile, originalOutputFile, outputFile], getCommand("diff"), [0, 1])#1 is a valid return, since it means that the user quitted without saving the merge, and this is still ok.
			else:#If the file didn't exist before, or it is equal to the old one, we rename the generated file to have the proper name
				if os.path.isfile(originalOutputFile):
				os.rename(outputFile, originalOutputFile)
	except Exception, e:
		raise Exception ("There was a problem generating file [" + outputFile + "]; Exception: [" + str(e) + "]")
Example #24
def distClean(*args, **kwargs):
    if len(args) > 0:
        param = args[0]
	Cleaning method. It first calls msbuild/make clean and after that it will delete the leftover generated files in the Server.
	If parameter --orig is specified, the generated files ending with the extension .orig will also be cleared.	
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        print('Calling visual studio vcvarsall to set the environment')
        print(getCommand("vcvarsall") + ' amd64')
            "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64',
            "visual studio vcvarsall.bat")

        print('Calling msbuild clean')
        print('msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /t:Clean')
            "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64 && ' +
            getCommand("msbuild") + ' ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /t:Clean',
            "visual studio msbuild", [0, 1])
    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
        subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand('make'), 'clean'],
    print('Deleting generated files and directories')
    deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'CMakeFiles')
    deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'Win32')
    deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'Debug')
    deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'Release')
    deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'x64')
    deleteFolderRecursively('.', '*.dir')
    deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'vcxproj')
    deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'sln')
    deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'vcxproj.filters')
    deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'vcxproj.user')
    deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'sdf')
    deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'opensdf')
    deleteFileRecursively('.', 'CMakeCache.txt')
    deleteFileRecursively('.', 'Makefile')
    deleteFileRecursively('.', 'cmake_install.cmake')
    deleteFileRecursively('.', 'cmake_generated.cmake')
    deleteFileRecursively('.', 'generated_files_list.cmake')
    deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'pyc')
    if param == '--orig':
        print('Removing .orig files')
        deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'orig')
Example #25
def distClean(param=None):
	Cleaning method. It first calls msbuild/make clean and after that it will delete the leftover generated files in the Server.
	If parameter --orig is specified, the generated files ending with the extension .orig will also be cleared.	
	if platform.system() == "Windows":
		print('Calling visual studio vcvarsall to set the environment')
		print(getCommand("vcvarsall") + ' amd64')
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors("\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64', "visual studio vcvarsall.bat")

		print('Calling msbuild clean')
		print('msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /t:Clean')
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors("\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64 && ' + getCommand("msbuild") + ' ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /t:Clean', "visual studio msbuild", [0, 1])
	elif platform.system() == "Linux":
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand('make'), 'clean'], getCommand("make"))	
	print('Deleting generated files and directories')
	deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'CMakeFiles')
	deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'Win32')
	deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'Debug')
	deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'Release')
	deleteFolderRecursively('.', 'x64')
	deleteFolderRecursively('.', '*.dir')
	deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'vcxproj')
	deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'sln')
	deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'vcxproj.filters')
	deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'vcxproj.user')
	deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'sdf')
	deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'opensdf')
	deleteFileRecursively('.', 'CMakeCache.txt')
	deleteFileRecursively('.', 'Makefile')
	deleteFileRecursively('.', 'cmake_install.cmake')
	deleteFileRecursively('.', 'cmake_generated.cmake')
	deleteFileRecursively('.', 'generated_files_list.cmake')
	deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'pyc')
	if param == '--orig':
		print('Removing .orig files')
		deleteExtensionRecursively('.', 'orig')
Example #26
def automatedBuild(buildType="Release",
		   cmakeToolchainFile="FrameworkInternals" + os.path.sep + "default_configuration.cmake"):
	"""Method that generates the cmake headers, and after that calls make/msbuild to compile your server.
	Keyword arguments:
	buildType -- Optional parameter to specify Debug or Release build. If it is not specified it will default to Release.
	if buildType != "Release" and buildType != "Debug" and cmakeToolchainFile == "FrameworkInternals" + os.path.sep + "default_configuration.cmake":
		cmakeToolchainFile = buildType
		buildType = "Release"
	generateCmake(buildType, cmakeToolchainFile)			
	print('Calling make/msbuild')
	if platform.system() == "Windows":
		print('Calling visual studio vcvarsall to set the environment')
		print(getCommand("vcvarsall") + ' amd64')
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors( "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64', "visual studio vcvarsall.bat")
		print('msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /clp:ErrorsOnly /property:Platform=x64;Configuration=' + buildType)
			subprocessWithImprovedErrors( "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64 && ' + getCommand("msbuild") + ' ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /clp:ErrorsOnly /property:Platform=x64;Configuration=' + buildType, "visual studio msbuild")
		except Exception, e:
			print("Build process error. Exception: [" + str(e) + "]")
	elif platform.system() == "Linux":
		print('make -j$(nproc)')
		#we call process nproc and store its output
		process = subprocess.Popen(["nproc"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
		out, err = process.communicate()
		#this output is used for calling make
		subprocessWithImprovedErrors([getCommand("make"), "-j" + str(int(out))], getCommand("make"))#the conversion from string to int and back to string is to remove all whitespaces and ensure that we have an integer
Example #27
def transformDesign(xsltTransformation,
    """Generates a file, applying a transform (XSLT or Jinja2) to Design.xml

    Keyword arguments:
    transformPath        -- transform file where the transformation is defined, either XSLT or Jinja2
    outputFile           -- name of the file to be generated
    requiresMerge        -- if True, will prevent from overwriting output filename, running merge-tool
    astyleRun            -- if True, will run astyle on generated file
    additionalParam      -- Optional extra param to be passed e.g. to XSLT transform.
    transformPath = xsltTransformation
    newAdditionalParam = {}
    if isinstance(additionalParam,
                  list):  # this is the legacy mode for certain quasar modules
        processedAdditionalParam = {}
        for chunk in additionalParam:
            [key, value] = chunk.split('=')
            processedAdditionalParam[key] = value
    elif additionalParam == None:
        processedAdditionalParam = {}
        processedAdditionalParam = additionalParam

    # files
    designXmlPath = '.' + os.path.sep + 'Design' + os.path.sep + 'Design.xml'  # TODO os.path.join
    if requiresMerge:
        originalOutputFile = outputFile
        outputFile = outputFile + '.generated'
        if transformPath.endswith('.jinja'):
            transformDesignByJinja(designXmlPath, transformPath, outputFile,
        elif transformPath.endswith('.xslt'):
            transformDesignByXslt(designXmlPath, transformPath, outputFile,
            raise Exception("Couldnt determine transformation type")

        if astyleRun:
                subprocess.call([getCommand('astyle'), outputFile])
            except Exception as e:
                        [getCommand('indent'), outputFile, '-o', outputFile])
                        "We indented your code using 'indent' tool which is a fall-back tool. For best user satisfaction, please install astyle as described in the quasar documentation.  "
                except Exception as e:
                        "We didnt manage to run neither 'astyle' nor 'indent' tool. We're running a fall-back tool now. For best user satisfaction, please install astyle as described in the quasar documentation.  "

        if requiresMerge:
            # If the file existed previously and it is different from the old one we run kdiff3
            if (os.path.isfile(originalOutputFile)) and (filecmp.cmp(
                    originalOutputFile, outputFile) == False):
                        getCommand('diff'), "-o", originalOutputFile,
                        originalOutputFile, outputFile
                    ], getCommand("diff"), [0, 1]
                )  # 1 is a valid return, since it means that the user quitted without saving the merge, and this is still ok.
            else:  # If the file didn't exist before, or it is equal to the old one, we rename the generated file to have the proper name
                if os.path.isfile(originalOutputFile):
                os.rename(outputFile, originalOutputFile)
    except Exception:
        if os.path.isfile(outputFile):
            print("Removing partially generated file: {0}".format(outputFile))
                      )  # sometimes the output of XSLT processor is partial...
    generateCmake(projectSourceDir, projectBinaryDir, buildType)

    print('Calling make/msbuild')
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        print('Calling visual studio vcvarsall to set the environment')
        print(getCommand("vcvarsall") + ' amd64')
            "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64',
            "visual studio vcvarsall.bat")
            'msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /clp:ErrorsOnly /property:Platform=x64;Configuration='
            + buildType)
                "\"" + getCommand("vcvarsall") + '\" amd64 && ' +
                getCommand("msbuild") +
                ' ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /clp:ErrorsOnly /property:Platform=x64;Configuration='
                + buildType, "visual studio msbuild")
        except Exception, e:
            print("Build process error. Exception: [" + str(e) + "]")
    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
        print('make -j$(nproc)')
        #we call process nproc and store its output
        process = subprocess.Popen(["nproc"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        out, err = process.communicate()
        #this output is used for calling make
            [getCommand("make"), "-j" + str(int(out))], getCommand("make")
        )  #the conversion from string to int and back to string is to remove all whitespaces and ensure that we have an integer