Example #1
def test_stack_detector_data_missing(mock_fxe_raw_run):
    test_run = RunDirectory(mock_fxe_raw_run)
    tid, data = test_run.train_from_id(10000,
                                       devices=[('*/DET/*', 'image.data')])

    # Three variants of missing data:
    # 1. Source missing
    del data['FXE_DET_LPD1M-1/DET/3CH0:xtdf']
    # 2. Key missing
    del data['FXE_DET_LPD1M-1/DET/7CH0:xtdf']['image.data']
    # 3. Empty array
    missing = [
        'FXE_DET_LPD1M-1/DET/{}CH0:xtdf'.format(m) for m in (1, 5, 9, 15)
    for module in missing:
        data[module]['image.data'] = np.zeros((0, 1, 256, 256),

    comb = stack_detector_data(data, 'image.data', fillvalue=22)
    assert comb.shape == (128, 1, 16, 256, 256)

    assert not (comb[:, :, 0] == 22).any()  # Control
    assert (comb[:, :, 3] == 22).all()  # Source missing
    assert (comb[:, :, 7] == 22).all()  # Key missing
    assert (comb[:, :, 5] == 22).all()  # Empty array

    # default fillvalue for int is 0
    comb = stack_detector_data(data, 'image.data')
    assert (comb[:, :, 3] == 0).all()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        comb = stack_detector_data(data, 'image.data', fillvalue=np.nan)
Example #2
        def _get_modules_file(self, data, src):

            In the file, the data is separated into arrays of different
            modules. The layout of data for each module is:
            - calibrated, (memory cells, x, y)
            - raw, (memory cells, 2, x, y)

            - calibrated, "image.data", (memory cells, modules, y, x)
            - raw, "image.data", (memory cell, 2, modules, y, x)
                [:, 0, ...] -> data
                [:, 1, ...] -> gain
            -> (memory cells, modules, y, x)
            modules_data = stack_detector_data(data[src],
                                               src.split(' ')[1],

            dtype = modules_data.dtype
            if dtype == _IMAGE_DTYPE:
                return modules_data

            if dtype == _RAW_IMAGE_DTYPE:
                return modules_data[:, 0, ...]

            raise AssemblingError(f"Unknown detector data type: {dtype}!")
Example #3
def test_stack_detector_data(mock_fxe_raw_run):
    test_run = RunDirectory(mock_fxe_raw_run)
    tid, data = test_run.train_from_id(10000,
                                       devices=[('*/DET/*', 'image.data')])

    comb = stack_detector_data(data, 'image.data')
    assert comb.shape == (128, 1, 16, 256, 256)
Example #4
def test_stack_detector_data_stackview(mock_fxe_raw_run):
    test_run = RunDirectory(mock_fxe_raw_run)
    tid, data = test_run.train_from_id(10000, devices=[('*/DET/*', 'image.data')])

    # Three variants of missing data:
    # 1. Source missing
    del data['FXE_DET_LPD1M-1/DET/3CH0:xtdf']
    # 2. Key missing
    del data['FXE_DET_LPD1M-1/DET/7CH0:xtdf']['image.data']
    # 3. Empty array
    missing = ['FXE_DET_LPD1M-1/DET/{}CH0:xtdf'.format(m) for m in (1, 5, 9, 15)]
    for module in missing:
        data[module]['image.data'] = np.zeros((0, 1, 256, 256), dtype=np.uint16)

    comb = stack_detector_data(data, 'image.data', fillvalue=22, real_array=False)
    assert comb.shape == (128, 1, 16, 256, 256)

    assert not (comb[:, :, 0] == 22).any()  # Control
    assert (comb[:, :, 3] == 22).all()  # Source missing
    assert (comb[:, :, 7] == 22).all()  # Key missing
    assert (comb[:, :, 5] == 22).all()  # Empty array

    # Slice across all modules
    pulse = comb[0, 0]
    assert pulse.shape == (16, 256, 256)
    assert not (pulse[0] == 22).any()
    assert (pulse[3] == 22).all()
    assert (pulse[7] == 22).all()
    assert (pulse[5] == 22).all()

    pulse_arr = pulse.asarray()
    assert pulse_arr.shape == (16, 256, 256)
    assert pulse_arr.max() == 22
    assert pulse_arr.min() == 0
Example #5
def agipd_frame(mock_run):
    run = RunDirectory(mock_run)
    tid, train_data = run.select('*/DET/*', 'image.data').train_from_index(0)
    ary = stack_detector_data(train_data, 'image.data')
    return ary[0]
Example #6
def test_stack_detector_data_jungfrau(mock_jungfrau_run):
    run = RunDirectory(mock_jungfrau_run)
    _, data = run.select('*JF4M/DET/*', 'data.adc').train_from_index(0)

    comb = stack_detector_data(data,
    assert comb.shape == (16, 8, 512, 1024)
Example #7
def test_stack_detector_data_type_error(mock_fxe_raw_run):
    test_run = RunDirectory(mock_fxe_raw_run)
    tid, data = test_run.train_from_id(10000, devices=[('*/DET/*', 'image.data')])

    module = 'FXE_DET_LPD1M-1/DET/3CH0:xtdf'
    data[module]['image.data'] = data[module]['image.data'].astype(np.float32)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        comb = stack_detector_data(data, 'image.data')
    assert "dtype('float32')" in str(excinfo.value)
Example #8
def test_stack_detector_data_wrong_shape(mock_fxe_raw_run):
    test_run = RunDirectory(mock_fxe_raw_run)
    tid, data = test_run.train_from_id(10000, devices=[('*/DET/*', 'image.data')])

    misshaped = ['FXE_DET_LPD1M-1/DET/{}CH0:xtdf'.format(m) for m in (0, 15)]
    for module in misshaped:
        data[module]['image.data'] = np.zeros((128, 1, 512, 128), dtype=np.uint16)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        comb = stack_detector_data(data, 'image.data')
    assert '(128, 1, 512, 128)' in str(excinfo.value)
Example #9
def test_stack_detector_data_extra_mods(mock_fxe_raw_run):
    test_run = RunDirectory(mock_fxe_raw_run)
    tid, data = test_run.train_from_id(10000, devices=[('*/DET/*', 'image.data')])

        {'image.data': np.zeros((128, 1, 256, 256), dtype=np.uint16)},

    with pytest.raises(IndexError) as excinfo:
        comb = stack_detector_data(data, 'image.data')
    assert "16" in str(excinfo.value)
Example #10
        def _get_modules_file(self, data, src):

            - calibrated, "image.data", (memory cells, modules, y, x)
            - raw, "image.data", (memory cell, 1, modules, y, x)
            -> (memory cells, modules, y, x)
            modules_data = stack_detector_data(
                data[src], src.split(' ')[1], real_array=False)

            dtype = modules_data.dtype
            if dtype == _IMAGE_DTYPE:
                return modules_data
            if dtype == _RAW_IMAGE_DTYPE:
                return modules_data.squeeze(axis=1)

            raise AssemblingError(f"Unknown detector data type: {dtype}!")
Example #11
    def get_train_stack(self):
        """Get a 4D array representing detector data in a train

        (pulses, modules, slow_scan, fast_scan)
        tid = self.sb_train_id.value()
        if tid == self._cached_train_stack[0]:
            return self._cached_train_stack[1]

        self.main_widget.log.info('Reading train #: %s', tid)
        _, data = self.rundir.select('*/DET/*',
        img = stack_detector_data(data, 'image.data')

        # Probaply raw data with gain dimension - take the data dim
        if len(img.shape) == 5:
            img = img[:, 0]  # TODO: confirm if first gain dim is data
        arr = np.clip(img, 0, None)

        self._cached_train_stack = (tid, arr)
        return arr