Example #1
def txn_replay(session_filename, txn, proxy, result_queue, request_session):
    """ Replays a single transaction
    :param request_session: has to be a valid requests session"""
    req = txn.getRequest()
    resp = txn.getResponse()
    responseDict = {}
    # Construct HTTP request & fire it off
    txn_req_headers = req.getHeaders()
    txn_req_headers_dict = extractHeader.header_to_dict(txn_req_headers)
    txn_req_headers_dict['Content-MD5'] = txn._uuid  # used as unique identifier
    if 'body' in txn_req_headers_dict:
        del txn_req_headers_dict['body']

    #print("Replaying session")
        # response = request_session.request(extractHeader.extract_txn_req_method(txn_req_headers),
        #                            'http://' + extractHeader.extract_host(txn_req_headers) + extractHeader.extract_GET_path(txn_req_headers),
        #                            headers=txn_req_headers_dict,stream=False) # making stream=False raises contentdecoding exception? kill me
        method = extractHeader.extract_txn_req_method(txn_req_headers)
        response = None
        body = None
        content = None
        if 'Transfer-Encoding' in txn_req_headers_dict:
            # deleting the host key, since the STUPID post/get functions are going to add host field anyway, so there will be multiple host fields in the header
            # This confuses the ATS and it returns 400 "Invalid HTTP request". I don't believe this
            # BUT, this is not a problem if the data is not chunked encoded.. Strange, huh?
            del txn_req_headers_dict['Host']
            if 'Content-Length' in txn_req_headers_dict:
                #print("ewww !")
                del txn_req_headers_dict['Content-Length']
                body = gen()
        if 'Content-Length' in txn_req_headers_dict:
            nBytes = int(txn_req_headers_dict['Content-Length'])
            body = createDummyBodywithLength(nBytes)
        #print("request session is",id(request_session))
        if method == 'GET':
            request_session.request('GET', 'https://' + extractHeader.extract_host(txn_req_headers) + extractHeader.extract_GET_path(txn_req_headers),
                                    headers=txn_req_headers_dict, body=body)
            r1 = request_session.getresponse()
            responseHeaders = r1.getheaders()
            responseContent = r1.read()

        elif method == 'POST':
            request_session.request('POST', 'https://' + extractHeader.extract_host(txn_req_headers) + extractHeader.extract_GET_path(txn_req_headers),
                                    headers=txn_req_headers_dict, body=body)
            r1 = request_session.getresponse()
            responseHeaders = r1.getheaders()
            responseContent = r1.read()

        elif method == 'HEAD':
            request_session.request('HEAD', 'https://' + extractHeader.extract_host(txn_req_headers) + extractHeader.extract_GET_path(txn_req_headers),
                                    headers=txn_req_headers_dict, body=body)
            r1 = request_session.getresponse()
            responseHeaders = r1.getheaders()
            responseContent = r1.read()
        for key, value in responseHeaders:
            responseDict[key.lower()] = value
        expected = extractHeader.responseHeader_to_dict(resp.getHeaders())
        # print(responseDict)
        if mainProcess.verbose:
            expected_output_split = resp.getHeaders().split('\r\n')[0].split(' ', 2)
            expected_output = (int(expected_output_split[1]), str(expected_output_split[2]))
            r = result.Result(session_filename, expected_output[0], r1.status)
            print(r.getResultString(responseDict, expected, colorize=True))
            r.Compare(responseDict, expected)
        # result_queue.put(r)
    except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
        # these unicode errors are due to the interaction between Requests and our wiretrace data.
        # TODO fix
        print("UnicodeEncodeError exception")

    except requests.exceptions.ContentDecodingError as e:
        print("ContentDecodingError", e)
        e = sys.exc_info()
        print("ERROR in requests: ", e, response, session_filename)
def txn_replay(session_filename, txn, proxy, result_queue, request_session):
    """ Replays a single transaction
    :param request_session: has to be a valid requests session"""
    req = txn.getRequest()
    resp = txn.getResponse()

    # Construct HTTP request & fire it off
    txn_req_headers = req.getHeaders()
    txn_req_headers_dict = extractHeader.header_to_dict(txn_req_headers)
    txn_req_headers_dict['Content-MD5'] = txn._uuid  # used as unique identifier
    if 'body' in txn_req_headers_dict:
        del txn_req_headers_dict['body']
    #print("Replaying session")
        #response = request_session.request(extractHeader.extract_txn_req_method(txn_req_headers),
        #                            'http://' + extractHeader.extract_host(txn_req_headers) + extractHeader.extract_GET_path(txn_req_headers),
        #                            headers=txn_req_headers_dict,stream=False) # making stream=False raises contentdecoding exception? kill me
        method = extractHeader.extract_txn_req_method(txn_req_headers)
        response = None
        if 'Transfer-Encoding' in txn_req_headers_dict:
            # deleting the host key, since the STUPID post/get functions are going to add host field anyway, so there will be multiple host fields in the header
            # This confuses the ATS and it returns 400 "Invalid HTTP request". I don't believe this
            # BUT, this is not a problem if the data is not chunked encoded.. Strange, huh?
            del txn_req_headers_dict['Host']
            if 'Content-Length' in txn_req_headers_dict:
                #print("ewww !")
                del txn_req_headers_dict['Content-Length']
                body = gen()
        if 'Content-Length' in txn_req_headers_dict:
            body = createDummyBodywithLength(nBytes)
        #print("request session is",id(request_session))
        if method == 'GET':     
            response = request_session.get('http://' + extractHeader.extract_host(txn_req_headers) + extractHeader.extract_GET_path(txn_req_headers),
                                    headers=txn_req_headers_dict, stream=False, allow_redirects=False,data=body)
            if 'Content-Length' in response.headers:
                    content = response.raw
                    #print("len: {0} received {1}".format(response.headers['Content-Length'],content))

        elif method == 'POST':
            response = request_session.post('http://' + extractHeader.extract_host(txn_req_headers) + extractHeader.extract_GET_path(txn_req_headers), 
                                             headers=txn_req_headers_dict, stream=False, data=body, allow_redirects=False)
            if 'Content-Length' in response.headers:
                content = response.raw
                #print("len: {0} received {1}".format(response.headers['Content-Length'],content))
        elif method == 'HEAD':
            response = request_session.head('http://' + extractHeader.extract_host(txn_req_headers) + extractHeader.extract_GET_path(txn_req_headers),
                                    headers=txn_req_headers_dict, stream=False)

            #gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=content)
            #shutil.copyfileobj(gzip_file, f)
        if mainProcess.verbose:
            expected_output_split = resp.getHeaders().split('\r\n')[ 0].split(' ', 2)
            expected_output = (int(expected_output_split[1]), str( expected_output_split[2]))
            r = result.Result(session_filename, expected_output[0], response.status_code)
    except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
        # these unicode errors are due to the interaction between Requests and our wiretrace data. 
        # TODO fix
        print("UnicodeEncodeError exception")

    except requests.exceptions.ContentDecodingError as e:
        print("ERROR in requests: ",e,response, session_filename)