Example #1
def get_surf(X_range, Y_range):
    Create the arrays for the surface plot.
    X_range : Narray of float
        Range along x_axis for the surface.
    Y_range : Narray of float
        Range along z axis for the surface.

    X_surf : Narray of float
        Meshgrid for x-axis.
    Y_surf : Narray of float
        Meshgrid for y-axis.
    Surf : Narray of float
        Surface altitude grid.

    Surf = np.zeros((len(Y_range),len(X_range)))
    X_surf, Y_surf = np.meshgrid(X_range,Y_range)
    for i in range(len(X_range)):
        for j in range(len(Y_range)):
            zpos = np.min(interp.get_Zlist_pos(X_range[i], Y_range[j], np.concatenate((data[:,0:2],np.reshape(Zsurf,(len(Zsurf),1))),axis=1))[1])
            Surf[j,i] = zpos;
    return X_surf, Y_surf, Surf
Example #2
    def get_surface_altitude(self, latitude, longitude):
        """Get the altitude of the ground of the given coordinates

          latitude : double
              The latitude of the coordinates
          longitude : double
              The longitude of the coordinates

              The altitude of the surface
        map_surface = [[
            self._wind_cube["Position"][i, 0], self._wind_cube["Position"][i,
        ] for i in range(self._nb_points)]
        map_surface = np.array(map_surface)
        x, y = flat_distance_point((latitude, longitude), self._location)

        #Get the smallest cube (x,y) possible
        x_min, x_max = smallest_interval(x, self._list_point["x"])
        y_min, y_max = smallest_interval(y, self._list_point["y"])

        if abs(x_min - x) < abs(x_max - x):
            x = x_min
            x = x_max

        if abs(y_min - y) < abs(y_max - y):
            y = y_min
            y = y_max

        surface_alt = extrapolation.get_Zlist_pos(x, y, map_surface)[1]
        surface_alt = np.unique(surface_alt)[0]

        return surface_alt
Example #3
def plot_wind_cube_turbulent(wind_cube, xlim, ylim, zlim, T, dt, nb_points,  plot):
    Calculate a wind_cube with turbulence inside the wind_cube and plots it if 
    needed (if the number of iteration is reasonnable).

    wind_cube : wind_cube
        The wind cube on which the interpolation will be done.
    xlim : Narray of floats
        Numpy array of size 2 containing the limits of the x-axis range.
        It must be in meters from the bottom left corner.
    ylim : Narray of floats
        Numpy array of size 2 containing the limits of the y-axis range.
        It must be in meters from the bottom left corner.
    zlim : Narray of floats
        Numpy array of size 2 containing the limits of the z-axis range. In elevation convention.
    nb_points : int
        Number of output points along x and y axes. Default = 10.
    T : float
        duration of observation of the wind speed.
    dt : float
        timestep of the computation
    plot : Bool
        Activates the plot option. Default = False.
    cube_list : list of 6 Narray containing the evolution of the wind speed in time :
        X_mesh : Narray of floats
            3D-mesh for the interpolated x coordinates.
        Y_mesh : Narray of floats
            3D-mesh for the interpolated x coordinates.
        Z_mesh : Narray of floats
            3D-mesh for the interpolated x coordinates. In elevation convention.
        Uinterp : Narray of floats
            3D-mesh for the interpolated wind speed component along x-axis.
        Vinterp : Narray of floats
            3D-mesh for the interpolated wind speed component along y-axis.
        Winterp : Narray of floats
            3D-mesh for the interpolated wind speed component along z-axis.

    global data_points
    data_points = wind_cube["Position"]
    global data_wind
    data_wind = wind_cube["Wind_speed"]
    global Zsurf
    Zsurf = wind_cube["Surface_altitude"].reshape(-1,1)
    global data
    data = np.concatenate((data_points, data_wind, Zsurf),axis=1)

    #Récupération du maillage horizontal
    global X
    X = data[:,0]
    global Y
    Y = data[:,1]
    global X_tick
    X_tick = np.unique(X)
    global Y_tick
    Y_tick = np.unique(Y)
    global Z_tick
    Z_tick = interp.get_Zlist_pos(X_tick[0], Y_tick[0], data[:,0:3])[1]
    # Interpolation
    X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh, Uinterp, Vinterp, Winterp, Sinterp = get_interp_data(xlim,ylim,zlim,nb_points,False)
    # Preparation of the values for turbulence
    fs = 10
    N = 120
    Ntheta = 25
    df, dtheta = fs/2 / N, np.pi / Ntheta
    nb_iter = int(T/dt) + 1
    if nb_iter > 15 :
        print("Too much iteration ! No images will be generated")
        plot = False
    # Getting the mean and direction on each elevation
    cube_list = [0 for k in range(nb_iter)]
    list_Uz = []
    list_dz = []
    tableau_Sprin = []
    tableau_Slate = []
    tableau_Svert = []
    for z in range(np.shape(Z_mesh)[0]) :
        hauteur = Z_mesh[0,0,z]
        Umoy = 0
        dmoy = 0
        count = 0
        for x in range(np.shape(X_mesh)[0]) :
            for y in range(np.shape(Y_mesh)[0]) :
                u, v = Uinterp[x,y,z], Vinterp[x,y,z]
                norme = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
                direction = np.arccos(abs(u)/norme)
                if v < 0 :
                    direction = - direction
                count = count + 1
                Umoy = Umoy + norme
                dmoy = dmoy + direction
        Umoy = Umoy / count
        dmoy = dmoy / count
        altitude_correction = max((CORREC_ALTI - 1)/(1000 - 0)*hauteur + 1, CORREC_ALTI)
        s_base = Umoy * altitude_correction * CORREC_GLOBAL
        s_prin = RATIO_PRIN * s_base
        s_late = RATIO_LAT * s_base
        s_w = RATIO_VERT * s_base
        X_prin, X_late, X_vert = [], [], []
        for k in range(N):
            frequency = k/(2*N) * fs
            s_prink = np.sqrt(TIME_MAX/(2*np.pi) * s_prin**2 * spectre_prin_p(frequency,\
                                                        Umoy, hauteur))
            s_latek = np.sqrt(TIME_MAX/(2*np.pi) * s_late**2 * spectre_late_p(frequency,\
                                                        Umoy, hauteur))
            s_wk = np.sqrt(TIME_MAX/(2*np.pi) * s_w**2 * spectre_w_p(frequency, \
                                                        Umoy, hauteur))
    Psi = rd.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, N * Ntheta + 1)
    # Computing for each timestep the wind cube
    for t in range(1, nb_iter + 1):
        Ut = Uinterp.copy()
        Vt = Vinterp.copy()
        Wt = Winterp.copy()
        for x in range(np.shape(X_mesh)[0]) :
            for y in range(np.shape(Y_mesh)[0]) :
                for z in range(np.shape(Z_mesh)[0]) :
                    coordx = X_mesh[x,y,z]
                    coordy = Y_mesh[x,y,z]
                    coordz = Z_mesh[x,y,z]
                    u = Uinterp[x, y, z]
                    v = Vinterp[x, y, z]
                    w = Winterp[x, y, z]
                    coordx_prin = np.cos(list_dz[z]) * coordx - np.sin(list_dz[z]) * coordy
                    coordx_late = np.sin(list_dz[z]) * coordx + np.cos(list_dz[z]) * coordy
                    uprin, ulate, uvert = 0, 0, 0
                    windmoy = list_Uz[z]
                    for k in range(N) :
                        for kk in range(Ntheta):
                            uprin = uprin + np.sqrt(4/np.pi * tableau_Sprin[z][k] * 2*np.pi* df * dtheta * (np.cos(-np.pi/2 + kk * dtheta))**2) * np.cos(2*np.pi*k*df/windmoy * coordx_prin * np.cos(-np.pi/2 + kk * dtheta) + 2*np.pi*k*df/windmoy * coordx_late * np.sin(-np.pi/2 + kk * dtheta) - 2*np.pi*k*df * t*dt + Psi[k*Ntheta + kk]) 
                            ulate = ulate + np.sqrt(4/np.pi * tableau_Slate[z][k] * 2*np.pi* df * dtheta * (np.cos(-np.pi/2 + kk * dtheta))**2) * np.cos(2*np.pi*k*df/windmoy * coordx_prin * np.cos(-np.pi/2 + kk * dtheta) + 2*np.pi*k*df/windmoy * coordx_late * np.sin(-np.pi/2 + kk * dtheta) - 2*np.pi*k*df * t*dt + Psi[k*Ntheta + kk]) 
                            uvert = uvert + np.sqrt(4/np.pi * tableau_Svert[z][k] * 2*np.pi* df * dtheta * (np.cos(-np.pi/2 + kk * dtheta))**2) * np.cos(2*np.pi*k*df/windmoy * coordx_prin * np.cos(-np.pi/2 + kk * dtheta) + 2*np.pi*k*df/windmoy * coordx_late * np.sin(-np.pi/2 + kk * dtheta) - 2*np.pi*k*df * t*dt + Psi[k*Ntheta + kk]) 
                    unew = u + np.cos(list_dz[z]) * uprin - np.sin(list_dz[z]) * ulate
                    vnew = v + np.sin(list_dz[z]) * uprin + np.cos(list_dz[z]) * ulate
                    wnew = w + uvert
                    Ut[x, y, z] = unew
                    Vt[x, y, z] = vnew
                    Wt[x, y, z] = wnew
        cube_list.append([X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh, Ut, Vt, Wt])
        if plot == True:
            X_range, Y_range, Z_range = get_interv(xlim, ylim, zlim)
            X_surf, Y_surf, Surf = get_surf(X_range, Y_range)
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,10)) 
            ax = fig.gca(projection="3d")
            ax.plot_surface(X_surf,Y_surf, Surf, cmap=cm.terrain)
            ax.quiver(X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh+Sinterp, Uinterp, Vinterp, Winterp, color = "limegreen", length=max(X_mesh[0,:,0])/400, label = "Steady")
            ax.quiver(X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh+Sinterp, Ut, Vt, Wt, color = "red", length=max(X_mesh[0,:,0])/400, label = "Turbulent")
            plt.xlabel("x (m)")
            plt.ylabel("y (m)")
Example #4
def plot_wind_surface(wind_cube, axis, coord, alt, nb_points, plot):
    Calculate a wind profile or a wind surface from the wind_cube.

    wind_cube : wind_cube
        The wind cube on which the interpolation will be done.
    axis : string
        Type of interpoltion to do. "z" for a wind surface, "x" or "y" for a
        wind profile.
    coord : Narray of float
        Coordinates of the point for the wind profile. In GPS coordinates.
    alt : float
        Altitude for the wind surface. Must be the altitude above sea level.
        If wind profile required, elevation above ground max for the plot. 
    nb_points : int
        Number of output points along x and y axes. Default = 10.
    plot : Bool
        Activates the plot option. Default = False.

    X_mesh : Narray of floats
        Interpolated x coordinates. 1D list.
    Y_mesh : Narray of floats
        Interpolated y coordinates. 1D list
    Z_mesh : Narray of floats
        Interpolated z coordinates. 1D list in elevation convention for 
        the wind_profile and altitude convention for the wind_surface.
    Uinterp : Narray of floats
        1D array for the interpolated wind speed component along x-axis.
    Vinterp : Narray of floats
        1D array for the interpolated wind speed component along y-axis.
    Winterp : Narray of floats
        1D array for the interpolated wind speed component along z-axis.
    Sinterp : Narray of floats
        1D array for the interpolated surface altitude.

    global data_points
    data_points = wind_cube["Position"]
    global data_wind 
    data_wind = wind_cube["Wind_speed"]
    global Zsurf
    Zsurf = wind_cube["Surface_altitude"].reshape(-1,1)
    global data 
    data = np.concatenate((data_points, data_wind, Zsurf),axis=1)

    # Retrieving the horizontal mesh
    global X
    X = data[:,0]
    global Y
    Y = data[:,1]
    global X_tick
    X_tick = np.unique(X)
    global Y_tick
    Y_tick = np.unique(Y)
    global Z_tick
    Z_tick = interp.get_Zlist_pos(X_tick[0], Y_tick[0], data[:,0:3])[1]
    # Wind profile --> interpolation in elevation convention
    if axis == "x" or axis == "y":
        #Decomposing the coordinates
        x = coord[0]
        y = coord[1]
        # Creating the limit arrays
        xlim = np.array([x,x])
        ylim = np.array([y,y])
        zlim = np.array([Z_tick[0], alt])
        # Interpolation
        X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh, Uinterp, Vinterp, Winterp, Sinterp = get_interp_data(xlim, ylim, zlim, nb_points, False)
        # Resizing the result meshes
        Z_mesh =Z_mesh[0,0,:]
        Uinterp = Uinterp[0,0,:]
        Vinterp = Vinterp[0,0,:]
        Winterp = Winterp[0,0,:]
        # Calculating the norm
        Norm = np.sqrt(Uinterp*Uinterp + Vinterp*Vinterp + Winterp*Winterp)
        # Plot if required
        if plot == True:
            # U-component
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
            plt.xlabel('Vitesse algébrique (m/s)')
            plt.ylabel('elevation a.g.l (m)')
            plt.title('Wind profile at x=%6.2fm y=%6.2fm' %(x,y))
            # V component
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
            plt.xlabel('Vitesse algébrique (m/s)')
            plt.ylabel('elevation a.g.l (m)')
            plt.title('Wind profile at x=%6.2fm y=%6.2fm' %(x,y))
            # W component
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
            plt.xlabel('Vitesse algébrique (m/s)')
            plt.ylabel('elevation a.g.l (m)')
            plt.title('Wind profile at x=%6.2fm y=%6.2fm' %(x,y))
            # Norm
            plt.xlabel('Norme (m/s)')
            plt.ylabel('elevation a.g.l (m)')
            plt.title('Wind profile at x=%6.2fm y=%6.2fm' %(x,y))

        # Wind surface
        if axis == "z":
            # Checking altitude inside bounds
            if alt < min(Zsurf):
                raise ValueError("Altitude below ground surface")
            if alt > (max(Zsurf) + max(Z_tick)):
                raise ValueError("Altitude exceed the maximum altitude of the domain")
            if alt > (min(Zsurf) + max(Z_tick)):
                raise Warning("Altitude exceed the maximum calculated elevation over the lowest point of the domain. Some points might not be interpolated")
            # Creating the limit arrays
            xlim = np.array([X_tick[0], X_tick[-1]])
            ylim = np.array([Y_tick[0], Y_tick[-1]])
            zlim = np.array([alt,alt])
            # Interpolation
            X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh, Uinterp, Vinterp, Winterp, Sinterp = get_interp_data(xlim,ylim,zlim, nb_points, True)
            # Retrieving the position of the points at the required altitude
            select = np.argwhere(np.round(Sinterp+Z_mesh)==alt)
            X = np.zeros(len(select))
            Y = np.zeros(len(select))
            U = np.zeros(len(select))
            V = np.zeros(len(select))
            S = np.zeros(len(select))
            # Building the surface
            for i in range(len(select)-1):
                xarg = select[i,0]
                yarg = select[i,1]
                zarg = select[i,2]
                X[i] = X_mesh[xarg,yarg,zarg]
                Y[i] = Y_mesh[xarg,yarg,zarg]
                U[i] = Uinterp[xarg,yarg,zarg]
                V[i] = Vinterp[xarg,yarg,zarg]
                S[i] = Sinterp[xarg,yarg,zarg]
            # Calculating the norm
            M = np.hypot(U,V)
            # Plot if required
            if plot == True:
                X_surf, Y_surf, Surf = get_surf(X_tick, Y_tick)

                # wind surface
                plt.quiver(X, Y, U, V, M, pivot='mid', units='xy')
                #iso-altitude contours
                plt.scatter(X, Y, color='r', s=5)
                CS = plt.contour(X_surf, Y_surf, Surf, colors='black')
                plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt='%1.f')
                plt.title('Wind plot at altitude %im a.s.l (m/s)' %alt)
                plt.xlabel('x (m)')
                plt.ylabel('y (m)')
    return X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh, Uinterp, Vinterp, Winterp, Sinterp
Example #5
def plot_wind_cube(wind_cube, xlim, ylim, zlim, nb_points, plot):
    Calculate a wind_cube inside the wind_cube and plots it if needed.

    wind_cube : wind_cube
        The wind cube on which the interpolation will be done.
    xlim : Narray of floats
        Numpy array of size 2 containing the limits of the x-axis range.
    ylim : Narray of floats
        Numpy array of size 2 containing the limits of the y-axis range.
    zlim : Narray of floats
        Numpy array of size 2 containing the limits of the z-axis range. In elevation convention.
    nb_points : int
        Number of output points along x and y axes. Default = 10.
    plot : Bool
        Activates the plot option. Default = False.
    X_mesh : Narray of floats
        3D-mesh for the interpolated x coordinates.
    Y_mesh : Narray of floats
        3D-mesh for the interpolated x coordinates.
    Z_mesh : Narray of floats
        3D-mesh for the interpolated x coordinates. In elevation convention.
    Uinterp : Narray of floats
        3D-mesh for the interpolated wind speed component along x-axis.
    Vinterp : Narray of floats
        3D-mesh for the interpolated wind speed component along y-axis.
    Winterp : Narray of floats
        3D-mesh for the interpolated wind speed component along z-axis.
    Sinterp : Narray of floats
        3D-mesh for the interpolated surface altitude.

    global data_points
    data_points = wind_cube["Position"]
    global data_wind
    data_wind = wind_cube["Wind_speed"]
    global Zsurf
    Zsurf = wind_cube["Surface_altitude"].reshape(-1,1)
    global data
    data = np.concatenate((data_points, data_wind, Zsurf),axis=1)

    # Retrieving the horizontal mesh
    global X
    X = data[:,0]
    global Y
    Y = data[:,1]
    global X_tick
    X_tick = np.unique(X)
    global Y_tick
    Y_tick = np.unique(Y)
    global Z_tick
    Z_tick = interp.get_Zlist_pos(X_tick[0], Y_tick[0], data[:,0:3])[1]
    # Interpolation
    X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh, Uinterp, Vinterp, Winterp, Sinterp = get_interp_data(xlim,ylim,zlim,nb_points,False)
    # Plotting the wind-cube if required
    if plot == True:

        X_range, Y_range, Z_range = get_interv(xlim, ylim, zlim)
        X_surf, Y_surf, Surf = get_surf(X_range, Y_range)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,10)) 
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        ax.plot_surface(X_surf,Y_surf, Surf, cmap=cm.terrain)
        ax.quiver(X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh+Sinterp, Uinterp, Vinterp, Winterp, colors='#7F8C8D', length=max(X_mesh[0,:,0])/400)
        plt.xlabel('x (m)')
        plt.ylabel('y (m)')
    return X_mesh, Y_mesh, Z_mesh, Uinterp, Vinterp, Winterp, Sinterp