Example #1
def test_translation():
    ucs = UCS(origin=(3, 4, 5))
    assert ucs.origin == (3, 4, 5)
    assert ucs.ux == (1, 0, 0)
    assert ucs.uy == (0, 1, 0)
    assert ucs.uz == (0, 0, 1)
    assert ucs.from_wcs((3, 4, 5)) == (0, 0, 0)
    assert ucs.to_wcs((1, 1, 1)) == (4, 5, 6)
Example #2
def test_ucs_init():
    ucs = UCS()
    assert ucs.origin == (0, 0, 0)
    assert ucs.ux == (1, 0, 0)
    assert ucs.uy == (0, 1, 0)
    assert ucs.uz == (0, 0, 1)

    assert ucs.from_wcs((3, 4, 5)) == (3, 4, 5)
    assert ucs.to_wcs((5, 4, 3)) == (5, 4, 3)
Example #3
def test_arbitrary_ucs():
    origin = Vector(3, 3, 3)
    ux = Vector(1, 2, 0)
    def_point_in_xy_plane = Vector(3, 10, 4)
    uz = ux.cross(def_point_in_xy_plane - origin)
    ucs = UCS(origin=origin, ux=ux, uz=uz)
    def_point_in_ucs = ucs.from_wcs(def_point_in_xy_plane)
    assert def_point_in_ucs.z == 0
    assert ucs.to_wcs(def_point_in_ucs) == def_point_in_xy_plane
    assert ucs.is_cartesian is True
Example #4
def test_rotation():
    # normalization is not necessary
    ux = Vector(1, 2, 0)
    # only cartesian coord systems work
    uy = ux.rot_z_deg(90)
    ucs = UCS(ux=ux, uy=uy)
    assert ucs.ux == ux.normalize()
    assert ucs.uy == uy.normalize()
    assert ucs.uz == (0, 0, 1)
    assert ucs.is_cartesian is True
Example #5
def test_constructor_functions():
    # does not check the math, because tis would just duplicate the implementation code
    origin = (3, 3, 3)
    axis = (1, 0, -1)
    def_point = (3, 10, 4)
    ucs = UCS.from_x_axis_and_point_in_xy(origin, axis=axis, point=def_point)
    assert ucs.is_cartesian
    assert is_close(ucs.from_wcs(def_point).z, 0)

    ucs = UCS.from_x_axis_and_point_in_xz(origin, axis=axis, point=def_point)
    assert ucs.is_cartesian
    assert is_close(ucs.from_wcs(def_point).y, 0)

    ucs = UCS.from_y_axis_and_point_in_xy(origin, axis=axis, point=def_point)
    assert ucs.is_cartesian
    assert is_close(ucs.from_wcs(def_point).z, 0)

    ucs = UCS.from_y_axis_and_point_in_yz(origin, axis=axis, point=def_point)
    assert ucs.is_cartesian
    assert is_close(ucs.from_wcs(def_point).x, 0)

    ucs = UCS.from_z_axis_and_point_in_xz(origin, axis=axis, point=def_point)
    assert ucs.is_cartesian
    assert is_close(ucs.from_wcs(def_point).y, 0)

    ucs = UCS.from_z_axis_and_point_in_yz(origin, axis=axis, point=def_point)
    assert ucs.is_cartesian
    assert is_close(ucs.from_wcs(def_point).x, 0)
Example #6
def main(filename):
    dwg = ezdxf.new('R2010')
    msp = dwg.modelspace()

    origin = (3, 3, 3)
    axis = (1, 0, -1)
    def_point = (3, 10, 4)

    ucs = UCS.from_z_axis_and_point_in_yz(origin, axis=axis, point=def_point)
    ucs.render_axis(msp, length=5)
    msp.add_point(location=def_point, dxfattribs={'color': 2})

    ocs = OCS(ucs.uz)
                       'color': 2,
                       'extrusion': ucs.uz,
Example #7
def test_spatial_arc_from_3p():
    start_point_wcs = Vector(0, 1, 0)
    end_point_wcs = Vector(1, 0, 0)
    def_point_wcs = Vector(0, 0, 1)

    ucs = UCS.from_x_axis_and_point_in_xy(origin=def_point_wcs,
                                          axis=end_point_wcs - def_point_wcs,
    start_point_ucs = ucs.from_wcs(start_point_wcs)
    end_point_ucs = ucs.from_wcs(end_point_wcs)
    def_point_ucs = Vector(0, 0)

    arc = Arc.from_3p(start_point_ucs, end_point_ucs, def_point_ucs)
    dwg = ezdxf.new('R12')
    msp = dwg.modelspace()

    dxf_arc = arc.add_to_layout(msp, ucs)
    assert dxf_arc.dxftype() == 'ARC'
    assert equals_almost(dxf_arc.dxf.radius, 0.81649658)
    assert equals_almost(dxf_arc.dxf.start_angle, -30.)
    assert equals_almost(dxf_arc.dxf.end_angle, -150.)
    assert almost_equal_points(dxf_arc.dxf.extrusion,
                               (0.57735027, 0.57735027, 0.57735027))
Example #8
dwg = ezdxf.new('R2000')
modelspace = dwg.modelspace()

# create a 2D arcs in xy-plane
delta = 30
for count in range(12):
    modelspace.add_arc(center=(0, 0), radius=10+count, start_angle=count*delta, end_angle=(count+1)*delta)

# create a 3D arc from 3 points in WCS
start_point_wcs = Vector(3, 0, 0)
end_point_wcs = Vector(0, 3, 0)
def_point_wcs = Vector(0, 0, 3)

# create UCS
ucs = UCS.from_x_axis_and_point_in_xy(origin=def_point_wcs, axis=start_point_wcs-def_point_wcs, point=end_point_wcs)
start_point_ucs = ucs.from_wcs(start_point_wcs)
end_point_ucs = ucs.from_wcs(end_point_wcs)
def_point_ucs = Vector(0, 0)  # origin of UCS

# create arc in the xy-plane of the UCS
arc = Arc.from_3p(start_point_ucs, end_point_ucs, def_point_ucs)
arc.add_to_layout(modelspace, ucs, dxfattribs={'color': 1})  # red arc

arc = Arc.from_3p(end_point_ucs, start_point_ucs, def_point_ucs)
arc.add_to_layout(modelspace, ucs, dxfattribs={'color': 2})  # yellow arc

p1 = Vector(0, -18)
p2 = Vector(0, +18)
arc = Arc.from_2p_angle(p1, p2, 90)
arc.add_to_layout(modelspace, dxfattribs={'color': 1})
Example #9
# Copyright (c) 2018 Manfred Moitzi
# License: MIT License

import ezdxf
from ezdxf.algebra import UCS, Vector

dwg = ezdxf.new('R2010')
msp = dwg.modelspace()

# include-start
ucs = UCS(origin=(0, 2, 2), ux=(1, 0, 0), uz=(0, 1, 1))
    center=ucs.to_ocs((0, 0)),
    start_angle=ucs.to_ocs_angle_deg(45),  # shortcut
    end_angle=ucs.to_ocs_angle_deg(270),  # shortcut
        'extrusion': ucs.uz,
        'color': 2,
center = ucs.to_wcs((0, 0))
    dxfattribs={'color': 2},
    dxfattribs={'color': 2},
Example #10
# closed cubic b-spline
spline_points = next_frame.transform_vectors(spline_points)
msp.add_text("Closed Cubic R12Spline", dxfattribs={
    'height': .1
R12Spline(spline_points, degree=3, closed=True).render(msp,
                                                       dxfattribs={'color': 3})
if dwg.dxfversion > 'AC1009':
                          dxfattribs={'color': 4})

# place open cubic b-spline in 3D space
ucs = UCS(origin=(10, 3, 3), ux=(1, 0, 0),
          uz=(0, 1, 1))  # 45 deg rotated around x-axis
assert ucs.is_cartesian
draw(ucs.points_to_wcs(base_spline_points), extrusion=ucs.uz)
msp.add_text("Open Cubic R12Spline in 3D space",
                 'height': .1,
                 'extrusion': ucs.uz,
R12Spline(base_spline_points, degree=3,
                               dxfattribs={'color': 3})

print("drawing '%s' created.\n" % NAME)
Example #11
def test_none_cartesian():
    ucs = UCS(ux=(1, 2), uy=(0, 2))
    assert ucs.is_cartesian is False
Example #12
def test_ucs_init_uy_uz():
    ucs = UCS(uy=Y_AXIS, uz=Z_AXIS)
    assert ucs.ux == X_AXIS
    ucs = UCS(uz=X_AXIS, uy=Z_AXIS)
    assert ucs.ux == Y_AXIS
Example #13
def test_ucs_init_ux_uz():
    ucs = UCS(ux=X_AXIS, uz=Z_AXIS)
    assert ucs.uy == Y_AXIS
Example #14
def test_ucs_init_ux_uy():
    ucs = UCS(ux=X_AXIS, uy=Y_AXIS)
    assert ucs.uz == Z_AXIS
    ucs = UCS(ux=Y_AXIS, uy=X_AXIS)
    assert ucs.uz == -Z_AXIS
Example #15
# Copyright (c) 2018 Manfred Moitzi
# License: MIT License

# include-start
import ezdxf
from ezdxf.algebra import UCS, Vector

dwg = ezdxf.new('R2010')
msp = dwg.modelspace()

# thickness for text works only with shx fonts not with true type fonts
dwg.styles.new('TXT', dxfattribs={'font': 'romans.shx'})

ucs = UCS(origin=(0, 2, 2), ux=(1, 0, 0), uz=(0, 1, 1))
# calculation of text direction as angle in OCS:
# convert text rotation in degree into a vector in UCS
text_direction = Vector.from_deg_angle(-45)
# transform vector into OCS and get angle of vector in xy-plane
rotation = ucs.to_ocs(text_direction).angle_deg

text = msp.add_text(
        # text rotation angle in degrees in OCS
        'rotation': rotation,
        'extrusion': ucs.uz,
        'thickness': .333,
        'color': 2,
        'style': 'TXT',
# set text position in OCS
Example #16
# using an UCS simplifies 3D operations, but UCS definition can happen later
# calculating corner points in local (UCS) coordinates without Vector class
angle = math.radians(360 / 5)
corners_ucs = [(math.cos(angle * n), math.sin(angle * n), 0) for n in range(5)]

# let's do some transformations
tmatrix = Matrix44.chain(  # creating a transformation matrix
    Matrix44.z_rotate(math.radians(15)),  # 1. rotation around z-axis
    Matrix44.translate(0, .333, .333),  # 2. translation
transformed_corners_ucs = tmatrix.transform_vectors(corners_ucs)

# transform UCS into WCS
ucs = UCS(
    origin=(0, 2, 2),  # center of pentagon
    ux=(1, 0, 0),  # x-axis parallel to WCS x-axis
    uz=(0, 1, 1),  # z-axis
corners_wcs = list(ucs.points_to_wcs(transformed_corners_ucs))

                       'closed': True,
                       'color': 2,

# add lines from center to corners
center_wcs = ucs.to_wcs((0, .333, .333))
for corner in corners_wcs:
    msp.add_line(center_wcs, corner, dxfattribs={'color': 2})
# include-end
Example #17
# Copyright (c) 2018 Manfred Moitzi
# License: MIT License
# include-start
import ezdxf
from ezdxf.algebra import Vector, UCS

dwg = ezdxf.new('R2010')
msp = dwg.modelspace()

# center point of the pentagon should be (0, 2, 2), and the shape is
# rotated around x-axis about 45 degree, to accomplish this I use an
# UCS with z-axis (0, 1, 1) and an x-axis parallel to WCS x-axis.
ucs = UCS(
    origin=(0, 2, 2),  # center of pentagon
    ux=(1, 0, 0),  # x-axis parallel to WCS x-axis
    uz=(0, 1, 1),  # z-axis
# calculating corner points in local (UCS) coordinates
points = [Vector.from_deg_angle((360 / 5) * n) for n in range(5)]
# converting UCS into OCS coordinates
ocs_points = list(ucs.points_to_ocs(points))

# LWPOLYLINE accepts only 2D points and has an separated DXF attribute elevation.
# All points have the same z-axis (elevation) in OCS!
elevation = ocs_points[0].z

    # LWPOLYLINE point format: (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]])
    # the z-axis would be start_width, so remove it
    points=[p[:2] for p in ocs_points],