Example #1
def get_financial_data(symbol, timeframe, report_type):
    """ Returns financial data in an iterator of csv rows (tuples). First row will be the headers.
        symbol: e.g. "C6L.SI"
        timeframe: "annual" or "quarter"
        report_type: any string in FINANCIAL_REPORT_TYPES
    logger.info("getting {0} {1} data of {2}".format(timeframe, report_type, symbol))

    url = _get_report_url(symbol, timeframe, report_type)
    html = strict_get(url, _test_for_not_found)

        raw_data = _scrape_html(html)
    except (IndexError, AttributeError, KeyError) as e:
        msg = "failed to scrape raw data out from the html content of {0} {1} {2}".format(symbol, timeframe, report_type)
        raise ScrapingError(msg) from e

    try:    # exception can only be triggered in transpose_items because preprocess returns a generator
        items = preprocess(raw_data, symbol, timeframe, report_type)
        return transpose_items(items)
    except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e:
        msg = "failed to preprocess the raw data of {0} {1} {2}".format(symbol, timeframe, report_type)
        raise PreprocessingError(msg) from e
Example #2
    def test_preprocess(self):
        obj = {
            "data": [
                ["periods", ["2009", "2010", "2011"]],
                ["Cash & Short Term Investments", ["4,504", "5,400", "5,488"]],
                ["Cash & Short Term Investments", ["3,504", "4,400", "4,488"]],
                ["Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity", ["25,169", "22,589", "22,501"]],
            "symbol_prefix": "C6L",
            "timeframe": "annual",
            "top_remark": "Fiscal year is April-March. All values SGD Thousands.",
            "report_type": "balance-sheet",

        with patch("fa.miner.preprocess.UNO_VALUE_UNIT_COLUMNS", {"Cash & Short Term Investments"}):
            preprocessed = list(preprocess.preprocess(obj, "C6L.SI", "annual", "balance-sheet"))

        # first "Cash & Short Term Investments" is in UNO_VALUE_UNIT_COLUMNS
        self.assertEqual(preprocessed, [
            ("Date", [datetime(2009, 4, 1), datetime(2010, 4, 1), datetime(2011, 4, 1)]),
            ("Cash & Short Term Investments", [4504, 5400, 5488]),
            ("Cash & Short Term Investments_2", [3504000, 4400000, 4488000]),
            ("Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity", [25169000, 22589000, 22501000])