Example #1
def chown():
    Fix project directory permissions after an initial deploy.
    with settings(remote_path='/tmp'):
        print(cyan('\nFixing permissions...'))
        do('chown -R tobias:tobias /srv/www/app')
Example #2
def test():
    """Run unit tests"""
    print(cyan("\nRunning tests..."))
        "export FLASK_CONFIG=config/test.py && %s/bin/nosetests --exclude-dir-file='.noseexclude' --with-yanc --with-spec --spec-color -q --nocapture"
        % venv_path
Example #3
def project():
    Set up project directory.
    with settings(remote_path='/tmp'):
        # Set up project directory
        print(cyan('\nSetting up project directory...'))
        do('mkdir -p /srv/www/app')
Example #4
def software():
    Install required software.
    with settings(remote_path='/tmp'):

        # Install prerequisites
        print(cyan('\nInstalling software...'))
        do('apt-get -qq update')
        do('apt-get -qq install -y puppet git')
Example #5
def build():
    """Build or update the virtualenv."""
    with settings(hide('stdout')):
        print(cyan('\nUpdating venv, installing packages...'))
        do('[ -e %s ] || virtualenv %s --distribute --no-site-packages' % (venv_path, venv_path))
        # annoyingly, pip prints errors to stdout (instead of stderr), so we
        # have to check the return code and output only if there's an error.
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            pip = do('%s/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt' % venv_path, capture=True)
        if pip.failed:
            abort("pip exited with return code %i" % pip.return_code)
Example #6
def run(debug=False):
    Apply Puppet manifest.

    print cyan("\nApplying puppet manifest...")
    if debug:
        debug = "--debug"
        debug = ""
    do("sudo /usr/bin/puppet apply puppet/manifests/default.pp " "--modulepath=puppet/modules {0}".format(debug))
Example #7
def drop(db_name=None, warn=True):

    if not db_name:
        abort('You must provide a database name')

    if warn is True:
        print('\nYou are about to drop the database ' + yellow('%s' % db_name, bold=True))
        if not confirm('Continue?', default=False):
            abort('User aborted')

    if _pg_db_exists(db_name):
        do('dropdb %s' % db_name)
Example #8
def user():
    Add and configure deploy user.
    with settings(remote_path='/tmp'):

        # Set up deploy user
        print(cyan('\nSetting up deploy user...'))
        with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True):
            do('useradd tobias')
        do('[ -e /home/tobias ] || cp -r /etc/skel /home/tobias')
        # Copy authorized_keys from the current user into deploy user's home
        do('mkdir -p /home/tobias/.ssh')
        do('[ -e ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ] && cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/tobias/.ssh/')
        do('chown -R tobias:tobias /home/tobias')
Example #9
def build():
    Run application build tasks.
    # Generate static assets. Note that we always build assets with the
    # production config because dev will never point to compiled files.
    print(cyan('\nBuilding static assets...'))
    do('mkdir -p app/static/assets/css')
    do('mkdir -p app/static/assets/js')
    do('export FLASK_CONFIG=config/production.py && %s/bin/python manage.py build' % venv_path)
Example #10
def build(db_name=None, config=None):
    """Initialise and migrate database to latest version."""
    if db_name:
        DB['name'] = db_name

    config_export = ''

    if config:
        config_export = 'FLASK_CONFIG=config/%s.py ' % config

    print(cyan('\nUpdating database...'))

    # Ensure database exists
    if not _pg_db_exists(DB['name']):
        do('createdb -O \'%(user)s\' \'%(name)s\'' % DB)

    # Ensure versions folder exists
    do('mkdir -p db/versions')

    # Run migrations
    do('%s%s/bin/alembic -c db/alembic.ini upgrade head' % (config_export, venv_path))
Example #11
def build():
    Run application build tasks.
    # Ensure all base files exist
    do("mkdir -p app/static/assets/tmp")
    do("touch app/static/assets/tmp/mustache-compiled-templates.min.js")

    # Bower install
    print(cyan("\nRunning bower install..."))
    do("npm_config_loglevel=error bower install")
    do("npm_config_loglevel=error bower list --paths > app/static/assets/tmp/bower-paths.json")
    for path in json.loads(open("app/static/assets/tmp/bower-paths.json").read()).values():
        do("mkdir -p app/static/assets/%s" % os.path.dirname(path))
        do("cp %s app/static/assets/%s" % (path, path))

    # Generate static assets. Note that we always build assets with the
    # production config because dev will never point to compiled files.
    print(cyan("\nGenerating static assets..."))
    do("export FLASK_CONFIG=config/production.py && %s/bin/python manage.py mustache_compile" % venv_path)
    do("export FLASK_CONFIG=config/production.py && %s/bin/python manage.py assets clean" % venv_path)
    do("export FLASK_CONFIG=config/production.py && %s/bin/python manage.py assets -v build" % venv_path)
Example #12
def run():
    """Apply Puppet manifest."""
    print(cyan('\nApplying puppet manifest...'))
    do('sudo /usr/bin/puppet apply --modulepath="/srv/www/app/puppet/modules" "/srv/www/app/puppet/manifests/site.pp"')
Example #13
def check():
    """Syntax check on Puppet config."""
    print(cyan('\nChecking puppet syntax...'))
    do('find puppet -type f -name \'*.pp\' |xargs puppet parser validate')
Example #14
def check_syntax():
    Syntax check on Puppet config.
    print cyan("\nChecking puppet syntax...")
    do("find puppet -type f -name '*.pp' | xargs puppet parser validate")
Example #15
def run():
    """Start app in debug mode (for development)."""
    do('export FLASK_CONFIG=config/dev.py && %s/bin/python manage.py runserver'
       % venv_path)
Example #16
def stop():
    """Stop app using init."""
    do("sudo stop gunicorn")
Example #17
def test():
    """Run unit tests"""
    print(cyan('\nRunning tests...'))
    do('FLASK_CONFIG=config/test.py %s/bin/nosetests --exclude-dir-file=\'.noseexclude\' --with-yanc --with-spec --spec-color -q'
       % venv_path)
Example #18
def run():
    """Start app in debug mode (for development)."""
    do("export FLASK_CONFIG=config/dev.py && %s/bin/python manage.py runserver" % venv_path)
Example #19
def coverage():
    """Generate test coverage report"""
        "export FLASK_CONFIG=config/test.py && %s/bin/nosetests --exclude-dir-file='.noseexclude' --with-cov --cov=app --cov-report=html"
        % venv_path
Example #20
def build():
    """Initialise and migrate database to latest version."""
    print(cyan('\nUpdating database...'))

    # Ensure database exists
    if not _pg_db_exists(DB['name']):
        do('createdb -O \'%(user)s\' \'%(name)s\'' % DB)

    # Ensure versions folder exists
    do('mkdir -p db/versions')

    do('rm -f db/versions/*.pyc')

    # Run migrations
    do('%s/bin/alembic -c db/alembic.ini upgrade head' % venv_path)

    # Ensure www-data has permission on all objects
    do('psql -tAc \'GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "%(user)s";\' %(name)s'
       % DB)
    do('psql -tAc \'GRANT ALL ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO "%(user)s";\' %(name)s'
       % DB)
    do('psql -tAc \'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO GROUP "%(user)s";\' %(name)s'
       % DB)
    do('psql -tAc \'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCES TO GROUP "%(user)s";\' %(name)s'
       % DB)
Example #21
def restart():
    """Restart app using init."""
    do('sudo restart gunicorn')
Example #22
def stop():
    """Stop app using init."""
    do('sudo stop gunicorn')
Example #23
def start():
    """Start app using init."""
    do('sudo start gunicorn')
Example #24
def coverage():
    """Generate test coverage report"""
    do('FLASK_CONFIG=config/test.py %s/bin/nosetests --exclude-dir-file=\'.noseexclude\' --with-cov --cov=app --cov-report=html'
       % venv_path)
Example #25
def stop():
    """Stop app using init."""
    do('sudo stop uwsgi')
Example #26
def test():
    """Run unit tests"""
    print(cyan('\nRunning tests...'))
    do('FLASK_CONFIG=config/test.py %s/bin/nosetests --exclude-dir-file=\'.noseexclude\' --with-yanc --with-spec --spec-color -q' % venv_path)
Example #27
def start():
    """Start app using init."""
    do("sudo start gunicorn")
Example #28
def freeze():
    """Build app as static site"""
    do('export FLASK_CONFIG=config/dev.py && %s/bin/python manage.py freeze' % venv_path)
Example #29
def restart():
    """Restart app using init."""
    do("sudo restart gunicorn")
Example #30
def gh_pages():
	# switch branch
	do('git checkout gh-pages')
	# get rid of everything currently commited to that branch
	# except .gitignore. this won't get rid of frozen/
	# as long as it's not been commited by mistake
	do('git ls-tree gh-pages --name-only |grep -v .gitignore |xargs rm -rf')
	# copy eveything in frozen/flask-static-blog/ to the top level
	do('cp -r frozen/flask-static-blog/* .')
	# get rid of the old copies
	do('rm -rf frozen/flask-static-blog/')
	# add, add -u, commit and push
	do('git add .')
	do('git add -u')
	with settings(warn_only=True):
		do('git commit -am "fab test"')
	do('git push -f origin gh-pages')
	do('git checkout master')
Example #31
def start():
    """Start app using init."""
    do('sudo start uwsgi')
Example #32
def build():
    Run application build tasks.
    # Ensure all base files exist
    do('mkdir -p app/static/assets/tmp')
    do('touch app/static/assets/tmp/mustache-compiled-templates.min.js')

    # Bower install
    print(cyan('\nRunning bower install...'))
    do('npm_config_loglevel=error bower install')
    do('npm_config_loglevel=error bower list --paths > app/static/assets/tmp/bower-paths.json'
    for path in json.loads(
        do('mkdir -p app/static/assets/%s' % os.path.dirname(path))
        do('cp %s app/static/assets/%s' % (path, path))

    # Generate static assets. Note that we always build assets with the
    # production config because dev will never point to compiled files.
    print(cyan('\nGenerating static assets...'))
    do('export FLASK_CONFIG=config/production.py && %s/bin/python manage.py mustache_compile'
       % venv_path)
    do('export FLASK_CONFIG=config/production.py && %s/bin/python manage.py assets clean'
       % venv_path)
    do('export FLASK_CONFIG=config/production.py && %s/bin/python manage.py assets -v build'
       % venv_path)
Example #33
def _pg_db_exists(database):
    Helper function to check if the postgresql database exists.
    with settings(hide('running', 'warnings'), warn_only=True):
        return do('psql -tAc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = \'%s\'" postgres |grep -q 1' % database, capture=True).succeeded
Example #34
def reload():
    """Restart app using init."""
    do('sudo reload uwsgi')
Example #35
def serve_frozen():
    """Serve static site up on development server"""
    do('export FLASK_CONFIG=config/dev.py && %s/bin/python manage.py serve_frozen' % venv_path)
Example #36
def generate(message=None):
    """Generates a new Alembic revision based on DB changes."""
    args = ''
    if message:
        args = '-m "%s"' % message
    do('%s/bin/alembic -c db/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate %s' % (venv_path, args))
Example #37
def run():
    """Start app in debug mode (for development)."""
    do('%s/bin/python manage.py runserver' % venv_path)
Example #38
def check_syntax():
    Syntax check on Puppet config.
    print cyan('\nChecking puppet syntax...')
    do("find puppet -type f -name '*.pp' | xargs puppet parser validate")